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C3r O O 33 . KICH GOODS! CUeap Goods! 5 BACÏÏ & PIEB30N TI ATE JT3T OPFKLD TH2 OIIOICEST EÏOOK TALL AND WINTEíl G00D3 tobe found !n thisCity, coaaislmg o' GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN snbiUnilr.1 and dnrable, GOODS FOR LADIES! GOODS FOR TUE MECHAN IC! OOODS FOU TUF. FARMEB.Í DOMESÏICS, BTAPLfcS, Carefully wleoted, Warantod to pletie, tad lor gala cheap. COME AKTX) EiiaiïJ. ÏÏACH L PlZESClr Ootober, ISCO, 753tf Z 2 T1 FOR THE ITOLIDAYS! SCIIOFF & MILLER A HE STILL ONHAKD a.t tiiuiroM Stnd, No. 2, Frar.klm Block, wUh thcmcat c'.Mp'ete aascrlnsMt of Books and Stalioncry, PERFÜMERIES, FAXGY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, EOLLEES, CORD3. TASSELS, GILT CORNICE3, OÜBTAIN75, IIOOKS AND PI NS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS & c Ever offercd in this Marlcet ! and th?y ttouU suggcst t3 thoce in puraaU tf aaytliin j !n SA IT TA OLA US' LINE that thsy can Bcure a Doublé Christmas Present 1 b.v prfrcha-irg ft-nm tliis s'ock, fis oacb purahaeor gcts an add.tiwnal prtscnt oí Jcwt-liy, &c., Kanging n value from 50 ets. to $50. goods forthis raarket, HVid strict atteau.n to tbi wiutoi of 'u.tome. i, maj tutitlo thim tu a LUial iiure of Pttroaag. Anu Arbcr, Dec. 6. 1820. WTtf 8,776,994,650 VOLÚNTELAS WANTED] TO ASSIST IN' THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! ffhite folko, or of -svh.-.tever eoW, csste Or nativity, whetber rr.anic.1, single cr of dnubf fu] coiinexion, "1 1 be enliítíd í.t ihe noiils canee of EMAXCiPATING THE COMMUIfITV - FEOM T3.Z- THRALDöTil OP HIGH PHICES ! and Tvill reoeiro their outfit at tha ExtensiveFarnishingEstablisIimeat - OF THE- G U 12' ER MAN1 d IIEAD QUARTËRS! having been cstablisbcd fur the LAS T TEN YEAE our knowp rille of wurfare is an üiidisguiscd DcslructioD OF HIGH P RICES! PR CLOTHIKÍG For all ges Sex and Oonditions! In consequcnoc of the vcry fcttwring oncoarngement whicli w.e hnrt rfeïired tinee.crar location in this city, ic hnve increase.l cur Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! To moet. the clcrnaruls of om eustomers. n2 liaving beoome more fully convinced tlian ever, tlmt pnr mojo ofrlu.iliag, nanely: at ilic lowc-st possible rates for in 3a . i "sr - x? jk. TSf ; 8 tlie oniy trno plan; we wil! continua i: , strve the public as horetofore during the cumlng fall and winter. Our Mock consiste in every variety of ÍÍEADY MADE CLOTHING ! PI: in nnd Fiincy CI.OTHS, CASSIMKR SI1.K. AND SILK VKLVET8 A Urge lot of aBNfXBMEN'SnrR. MSHJNG GOODS, whicU nre all van-antod DONT FA IL TO O-kXíHiA T1 C3r. 'XI. L, For pa6t farora we aro grateful tu all, Theeamo for kirgo ones in proportion, And those vr'. o seo iit to c.ill Sball recoivo our best smiles and ucfotion. 3S. Guierman & Co, X.B. Stiiüeiifs finí nll otbers -who tvsrt o 6c-o SONDtíEIMV nw jiinil of nttiüg ■will do wcll to c;;laiid leavetluir müur For a Nicc Fitting Siljt ! efe c? Aea ;txr, iqt. íf, 15LO. 7cr'.í í I D L WCOD & (O .A. X.-A.2ai3 STCCE O: Seasoaablo Goöds FZ.L ÁIS'D WINTER TRAl) os xeeos WHICH TEEÍ MLL EHLL CHEAP FOB CASI] 012 HEADT TAY t Ca!! and te Btfvre Ptuhasitg E vfiac. D. L. WOGD. Y7. G. FüSTEí T H E HYDROPULÍ An tnreitUon for tbroying irnut u ua-ytr, pata teó by W. T VO-'E. Itlsoneof lúe raast valuaba 1, ver.tiuiis of tbc dnj-. THE HYDEOPULT wW,bT tbe p-wer of cas man, ihrnir trjir at UiC of S'.oii.i [.w mínate Bttjr frst Mgb, w:'.L (na: It ia the baat uvtick'ovcriflvented für ErnXGCISHlNO A F1KE. pkotuctixo a ni.of FiwiiTAKrsomx, WASH1NU WJNfcOWS, ■ 3PRINKLTSO I-J.AVR, W ATERIN'O C..:;: ÈJfa , CLEaSSKG 1EEEW FKOU IX;'F.CI9, WETTINO a KWAlKS. SPRINKUNG STWïtó, WASH!N(i CARn.A'iES, QfAMXG CISTEXKS, RfSTTiNö WATKR-rROi: sin. murs wejusc 8aSJ, "' ASrjUT BATH, W. TWa -.; ■'.::'.;■ ahouU b3 owntd by ererr Uoniu.Ur I1 -T. f - aw.'.y wilh the necesaitr of a b'draut. It Is ■ llght, p riabltf FORCK PUMP, alirajri ri-1-, ea-iiij ux and wiü oomv in iriquerit ust by fve:y faiicttr, mi ind mec!ijiiic tn the commvnfYj, ' Ple caïJ ani exüTnlne Ihc rífele at thi office. ami;rican hydhopclt company, 41 PAUK HOW, K T WAl-LACE wri-CU, gc fcrWU Comtr, 'T1mi3 ïMÜSli. -Mlih Herriek's Eugar Coated Pili O" CHILDREN GRYFOR THE1X ! j w Thia rüinarluLU je' % .tinwkM itmi ly U ti -"-?_" V ftorm. Over fivu km ina 'í boxea aro sc! ■auuall }-. Comroifd Kj'J n tireiy of F]mi i a!iims ti„l ► (,ci . i liuttn sviti u - ' CtiEA gBüaiBW. P7 írctüv ra i},0 4it.J -. - e'"' s, oM r,i:i fiuia of t Ïj e lj'jdv, Ifcoir m ia itt.Kdcd n-itli the Imppieat eCict. I,. ild 8iar.,lr Z o! mekn ■ ; 4 cloMM tho svstem,!!iat„; 1, ,..,;,),;. (; 8 „, ch.tngc ia employmcnt or iict t BtCfUttry. lhr rnrcx cause ore mouthp.wtlM.i(.ii:?F , uhnri,))-!)., ,.- ., -i-, dut othar kiads. Tlicy nre nrtul t' 'L wtufaction, orthe pric rofuricd. Tlioy nre cenad. J chep, s.,for, prftüef, r.. Baiior t. any PJ pil 1 te XUworU. wTIF p cot..).? n pill nrith OT eoiar.atid win Ir. U.rii.jt "ó.1,? í&r.t%: -. a Hkekiok's Kis Sit.k.ygtjie.vixg PlastERS. Tkcgrevt Strrnsller nnd Pa, a Drstroyrr. The Bnl and chravttt Houiehchl Remedtf {% tte uwrlj. ttfm 8 :rc; ?■' - '"'1Ü '!j;'' ;Ut th' PP""" "" l rr V1', í , ÍÍ. rCSiM' '''■"' ii uni ... bnotUU kW l;?.h.r.ndst]1,pf„i;„lr üpiVj tï SS::. 'SH ËKk"Is 525 feVSSSfSS O" Tl c i.v,.--,, irtidw nro tetJbj-H tl.c .!olPr la Ann Arbor nd by Droggi.1, ihr.-,Uii,ruW„. Üciti sui, , _. HLi-HICK Í: liROTIiTO!, 'y'a7 rACnCAlC"DaMM, Alor,r,.V.T. PTiOK L. M1LLEJVS ÍIAIH INVIGOUATOR. AN EFTECTO E, BATE A.V!) EGONOMKM! CC'Ml'OU r0" '" ■ GV H.UB tó lts outf,! color wíu. ■ 'S:! s'iïïKSsisnS "pass: a lis iS 11 B5HÍ g#S ONLY TWENTY-FIYE CENTS I MIJXER iroaM oall (ho ntfpn'fa of I"]ror,t. .,J SS-:SS md Uw fu;„re .rS f fS' SBrr I . Iso m. niH. to prenut i„ ti,, j i„ic„i pjg my New & Improvod Instantaneous T-iquïd Hair Bye pric-3 o:tlv tif cents i , . ; taiú NVERÍ BEJJFF