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Passports In France

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Louis Napoleon has rocontly detertnined to admit Englishmen freely into his dominions, without reqniring thom to obtain and exhibit' passports. It is supposod that this is the initial step of a new policy, under whicfa the whole passport system, with all its vosatioBS and delays, will bu entirely abolishud io France, and at no distan t dny :n many other portions of Europe. Whilo this great movement is progressing in the_ Old World, what a terrible and humiliating contrast will we present if vo are coinpelled, by our dornestio dissensions to establish in America, for the first time in our history, the restrictions whicfa an enlightened Emperor voluntatily seeks to remove; if, in the frequent interchanges of visits of business, pleasure, r social reuniĆ³n, which annually takes place between hundreds of thousands, who respectively i-side Nortfa and South of Mason and Dixon's Hoe, obstacljs must pei'petualh' be intorposed against free travel, and spying inquisitors atnployed at evory important railroad station to rouse up the passongers, to devnand their name, calling, business, etc, and if they are not officially endorsed, to arrest and irnprison thetn! Among the minor evils and annoy anees of Dkuoion, even if by a miracie it could be peaceably accotnplished, surely this would never be cheerfully subimtted to. -


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