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The Disunion Crisis

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Washington, Jan. 11. Secretary Thomas resignad to-day, as rv prcdicted iu lust oveimig's dispateh, and Güii. UiX was nomiuated and uunfírmud his sueces;-or. Gen. Dix dediued the War Department .Mr. Holt is uu willing to be transterred to the War L'epartuient tor tho briot reinaiader oí' bis tocui. A gentlomau in the War Department states to night that Mr. llolt's name v.iil be sent to tliu Senaté tor Secrotury of War, aftur all. Igivo the st.i L fut what it muy be worlb, btit think the chances favor Butler. A ncw compromiso, ug from southern geutleiiKtn, is dieussing, with u view to oaucua apon it. it' it. meets any eufOurageinoLit If acccptablo to tiie South it wiil bc likely to command tin, support ot' Uougroiw. It is as followu : 1 iist. - It provides for the recovery of fugitiva slaves ia the Temtorics or the District, as woll as tliu stiltes ; permits trial by jury to the porson claimed, where arrested, if demauded, - if ieseued, pay ment lo be made to theowner by the city. town or villuge iu wiiich the rescue is utfected. iiscend- ïhat ueithcr Congress nor the Territorial Legislature sluill legislalo ou the subject oí slavory; tiiat when a Torritory lias a sufficiout population of citizuus of the United States, it inpjr, undcr aii Hnabüog ai-t by Congri'sa, org;inze and adopt u State oonntituticu, and be adiuitted as a Mate - the e.mstitutioa to be ailent touching slavcry, that (juestioa to be decided by tliu peoplc ;ft!rwards in a State eonvention, thus niaking slavery a purcly locnl qucsti'in. '1 kir.d- Slavery shall not be abolished in the District irf (Joluiubia until .Maryland bücomes a free S ate, and theu only with ihe couseat of the people of the District; the relatiou of servants toiiiembeie iitteiidiug (Jonnicss reiiiainnig unehangcd. tourth - No Ttsrr.torj shail horeufter be icquircd in volved n thu question of citizeiiship, without the eo.isent of both houses ot Cougreas. Other prop.fsed ainondiuents provide for the C eution of President aud Vice President bv eleetion district, instead of by States, and by a direct vote of the peopic. without the intervont ion of electors lapat b to N V. World. Washington, Jan. 1 1. For fear soine treusonablo character may obtaio adnii-si m to the departinoiitK, orders have been su:d t'i i íicíi of thein not to allow the clerk.s to enter beford 9 A iM , and watchincn are rigidly Onjoiimd to sea that all present are exclud d ut 3 I. M. Heretoforó fhvora have beMi extended to sume officials who desire to enter their dcpartiucLits buforc thu regular hours. The Président baa issued orders to beoda (ífdépártnienta to remove anj one kiKiwn to advocate eoeasion. Tne President has determiried to tnake rigorous war on the aiders and abettors of treasui. Owing to nightly ncendiary lires, s óf tin' peaCi, and fcar of out break, our citizeua havo resolved them selvea into a patrol, and to night all the wards are patrolled by a body of armed citizeua constituting au independent police. Special Diflpatchoi to theN. Y. IlorU. Washin-uton, Jan. 12. I learn that dispatches have been sent frota hcre by autho.'ity ti) Major Anderson, at Fort Suuipter, and also to Governor Pickens of South Uaroliua, iiiforiiiing them that the steain frigate lirooklyn was ordeied to Charleston for any hos', ile purpose. Her mission was oue of poiico Hou. Jofferson Davis has also coimnunicatfid similar intelligence, the object of wliich is to disabuse the miuds of the poople of that State, aud to prevent a cois101), The difïieulty bet-.venn Oen. Seott and Senatur Toombs is not yet settlt'd, although it is iti the hauds of discreet fricuds. Washington', Jan. 13. The administrado havo not yet decided npon the iiistroctions askeil for by Major AndersOD The great point wliich the President isainiingat. and is desirous of effeeting is to avoid bloodshcd aud the horrors of civil war. M;my persons Manie Major Andcrson for not opening his batteries upon Fort Moultrie and the city of Charleston as soon as he lieard the firing from Fort Moultrie upon the Star of the West. The administration, howcver, endorse his action, and will so inforin him. The President has been unofficially advised tha an officer is on his way hcre to coufcr with the government respecting the condition of Charleston hnrbor. The President will Iiear what he has to say, and Tn.iy'possibly dolay the issuing of struclions t Major Andorson until the officcr arrivés. Im liin dispatchea just reccircd, Major Amierson reiteratöB .simt he has beretoforo said to the War Depa traent und to thu President - that he was in want of nothhitr ; and h;id the Charleston autliorities iiot ititorrupted the intercojpbu with lüirt Su mp ter, tlio goveriiujeut wuuld havo boen inforaiud correutly, nd tho s!eaincr wuuld i;ot havo been sent. and thuá il most serióos additiou to tho difiSClllttOS wuuld hnve been prevented.


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