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Tejw_A-dvertiernents Witnted. OIHTj to 'lo hoi-.s'w.trk in a prívate family. Ons who can re nimeiid herself by her wurk will önd ícjk'v mplo;me tt at goud wafcps. Inqujiu at this yflice. VOTTCE. 1 I. 'CATIÓN wül bomnd'lothe legislatura ofttls :. f ;.t íw n sent session for a authorizing . .e F r t 1 rebyteru.n Society, of Aun Arbor, Michigan, : . b r ' v m m--y i pay Ita debts and oomp'.ete ts new .■;i : c i i'l.lice, nd lo mirt-íaitc IU rval Mta' to ivoure UiC jiitvniciit of hny to.ift whicii t shnll make. H MiIN'lVKK, NKL90N T íoNG, ARIIAMS.iítB, A. II. M.M-..HAM, WM. C. VOOHUKI-', W. W. W1NIS, Troütett "f th, Kii t I're-ibvU'rian Society of Ano r;i r. " nablenaw fu , M clu i tted. Ann Arbc r, JüBJ ry 8. 1WI, 6vt783 o Valuable Be al Estáte CITY O K ANN ARBOR. AS Ï INTEN'DTO MOVKEAATWITHMY FAMILY. I w.ll sell ha tullowing i-U'l KslatCjiny TVVO BRICE STORES, on .M.tinau'lllur n Stroets, IWL3T I?.13SXX3E3KrO3EÍ A TWÜ STORY BRICK IIOÜSE, Modora Slyle, bailttwn yeara since, with out baOdtefè, ■Ituaced ia a Orare üí FtbI Treea, Ncar the Umversity Grounds, tbe mot deFirablo part of th City Ñt a re-idence, witl lii or uiort; acte-s ol' land aá the purcha.'cr .lsrca. 100 City Lote With a grove of trees on a jart of each lot also 35 Acres of very rich natural grass línd. 20 acre rncloeed nd luid down to mal, the balanco woml U.n l, ituot hnll a miie ir. ni Iho cty. doriptloil f jjroperty, price aud t-rms, cn be ■ had ('V ealHuff at m sluie. K ira. s. sauxders. Ann Aruor, January 10, 1SC0. 7eSm2 Estáte of John Jolmson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Cooktt or Waüitksaw, bi._ ' At i nessiou of the I r oate Cauri for th Oounty of Waíhten , holilan al tlie l'rob.te Oílice n th CitT of itna Aruor, cm TllumdaT, the tentu Muy o' Jinuary, .n vhe year thuusaml elght huodredami sixty one. 1 ív-ciit. Chomu N nl-, Judgeuf Probat [u che maturol Uu wtaM "f J"í" Joljuson, lato of uld County,dcvMl. Unreadintandnlnl tho petition. duly verlfind, of Geonre.loliDwn, prayliw thal Ih; intruio!n'. thi day fiti-din ih.aLour., purporting to b, the Last W.ll and. Testament l the aaul tlect-iseil, may bo adm'ttted lo and that AiniiniiiTat' n o! tiie saí'l antateiBaj bp naaied o iiiin the said put t onw, n une 1 eutor in uniíi mil. Tue.eupon it is ordered, that Monday, tho eleventh day ol Pebrrory, 18t,l,at 10 o'cttck in íhe foreuon( ';i., n d for tho hi-ar ng oí ad petiti'-n, and tbat tho heirs ai hiw ol said (keeaK'd, n lall nther pernio inteicB:rl in s.idr.-Uie are roquirvd lo]j)eRr at a sesiinuf snid (,'ourt, then to be holden al tile Probate Of ice, in the City uf Aun Arbor, in aid t'ounly, and show cu, if any úire bu, why thc prayer of the pttitioncr. tihouid tiot be grantvd. And it is furthei or.lered, that said Petiüonrr give no, lict)tb.eprunlntrrtainald estáte, of the pra. dincv oí haid petitiin, uní the hearing thi-rcnr. y nu-' a eopv if tln or.lcr to be puWisherl in the ■icl,i?on A'gut, a arwtftn printefl í circular; intuid County of WaiUtenaw, tlircn bucccesitc week previouBto.uid day of " t. true ropv.! ?%' Juíg óf Ttola