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to ECIALlMOTIOnS Komanue - But peur Mi-s Squecrl Her anger, rage. aini vexa:in; tlie ihjiM succu-rími uf b.ttir and passiinte fetlingu th;;t whirfed. ihiough her mind. afl he surieyed, first, the biscuit,then the pantrjr, í;c , which wrts s) r a.d before tho gaze of her f;istidoua gtipsta! flow iht Fowed tbat Salcrntii'. had been h r ra n ; tliat bat fi r 'he eccentric :nl unaccoun'able peculiiititic-, of this prcparatïon, she sliouUl at ihat moment liave at nihed 1he an'-cnibled cnixary utli creamy cnke end dttlicioas pgvtry. If she liad only uspíí I. li De Land 5i Co 'a Saler.t ii which is p r'cctly in.r.i and reliab'e. BÏie flToul ! uive been sparcd 1 this niortt&yittoQ. Shs proeüred 1 e I.mid's tiili r&tus ihp very nxt dajr, of her frooar, hik! has had no kucIi tro u Me niñee! It oao be purchavd froni any good grocer, anl íá süld at wh-ile-ile by the nutnafHOturen, et Fair)ort, Minrue O.., N. Y., ; ni by thy principal gro crá in aUpatt-ï of the countrjf. THE Ö&EAT EKGLISH BEKEBÏ SIK JAM Ka %AKKE'd Crlebrntrd SVmale Pill. PHOTECTED eJs-JOl LÏIiEÏF BY BOY.L JS? PATENT nrfpartxi from o prettcriftion of &ir J. Clirkc, íá ).. Pkysiviari ExtraorUnar 9 thé Quetn. ■'k!f iDTUükblc ir.ejlcinc in unfAiltag in the cor of ui' - paidftil and Jan carmín (tliiMMi to wbich th fama!.titiit. i (.cbjprt lt MMtetmtM Xi exciM nd r . II "'.tructioait, a:id Kyeed ur raar b lied on Tiï MAKSIKO LVÜitS peculiarty nulsat It wil:, in short tixa, bring es ::'ofith',y prinf1 with reularity. i ;. b v,l-, prire Oq Dollar, Wars th Govcramant tB 'ff Oojit BriUin, to prwect couiïterfeit. '4M ftff tkvn.'d nut bc taiin by femaUi durinf tkt U8T THKEtL M O rTH Sof Prcg-nancy, tUt, rc . ' 'j brg un Mitearnajfe. hv' ai ay othtr tims Me Ml uie f KtlToan aud S pical Affactioni, Paíe h ,- k üliJ UcibB. Faiigu on eiiahi ex-tion, PalpiU ..' the iitífkrt, ajKtrtot, hud Whi. ihR Pülë wiU ■t h. cure wben aO othw cna&us Lart Éaild, Ktal iiili a pwwerful r'tuedy, do uot coctaic troa, coiocKi , .ir iuiy iijnj bui'tfut te the ccaaÜtuUwn. rirtiíTiM WHnwnpTJ1 eanh package. gtal for tho L'nitixl Statwi asd Canada J;B V'CSSS, fLt I. C Üaldwio eOo,i Rocbeitr. N. Y utd 6 pcjtL Elsmpfi eKclosed to any &a w 1U iD4are s hoi tl f Stille by -ctaim aid be QRENVILL k FUIXER Ann Arbor, and by D ruggieta inevvrj town. MOTHBRS READ THIS. The füllowiog is an oxtr:ict fmm a Iftttr writtn Vy the pastor of a Baptist ('nurch to the ".lournal and Messeneer," CSneiunuti, Ofain, and spoal-s volumP3 in favor of th;it wnrW rn wnM me;licm' Mrs. WinsLOir'fl -OiHHI.NG SYlilP F.ilt HU.DKKN ThETHINU: ';Waee an Hlvt-rtit-nn nt ïn your columns 'f Mrs. Wiaslow's oi-lhillgMjrop. Nnv wo nevt-r sañl a word in favor of a patent medfciiie befare n our Hfe, but ir feel eompelted to sav t yur remi) r-, thftt thia is no hiimbug- WK HAVE TKIKD 'ir, AVD KMOW IT TO BK ATX JT cr.AiM-i. t Í. probably. one of tbc mort succsnful medicines of tte 'tav, because it is nne of the Det lad of yoar read' ri W.v have b;ibici can't do it b t'er ttian t 1 v "n ;i su ly M Öe adveitisempnt in anothcr column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, hftving been re-iioied tt healtli in few weeks by a rery ftfmpto rumely af ter hving muffer 6'! sevtíntl yjarft with ft BOTêi B lung aiTection. and that drea'i i-o:ise, Co sumplion - ia anxirtus t rnuko kno n to-hifi féUow-inBtrera (henean of curp. To all who desire il, hewili senil copy of the preRcriptioD ased (free of enante) with tfee dlrectionii for preparing and actng the :ime, which thpy will find b mitre Cüri for CoMKmrnosr, astbha, BRnscarm, se, The ooly ob.iect of the ndverliser in nond nj; iheTrescription is tu benefit tlic aiïïictoil and aprwid infonoatiotl H'h'ch he criceívt's i.o be iiivHluabip, nnrl lu hopen every su'Teror wili Iry his remely, s it will cst them noth and ma.v proi-i a blefne Partitjs wishinjj t!ie precrip'íon will plrasp address Rifp EnwAim A Wnnm. 768yl Williamsburph, Kinprs County, New York. S Coughs. The sudden changos of our climate are iourcea of Ptikokabt, PpoNcniAi,and .vstiimatic Affec tionb, Experience having proved Ihat simple remedies ■ ften act apeedüy anl cr!ain!y whn taken n ihe early sta;es of t'w dUwua, recours hould ut once be had to "Hr wn 's Brmchial Troche ," or l.osenges, let the C'.ld, Cough, nr Irritation oftheThmat be ever so uligl asby "hi. precaution a mi re seriouB att;tckmay bï eiTcctJtlly wardbd off. PccucfPEAiintaand Singtb? will ftndtheai eifectual for clearing and slrergtUn'ng the voice. .cee dvert st-met t. 77Em6 The. Hreat Bnrfketftr ofhn Rac'.- The Great Healer of Mankind.' Herrick's SugaT Coated l'ills tobóle World Üaited! Stek Peoplet'iink! After which act. YmiM sciuiT expci ,a1 thia late day, With stnr:l.ngc(irev;i boefc to iill; Th i % w chimí, the imHion s:i v. With thecureof Herrlck'sTin T'at'y come from Kuxi , and Morth, nnd West, And with glad tidinstho papers fill, 13ecaust" tln-y i re the cheapent , sul'esi , bes And -ii; eriorto ntliere ïn rferrlck t Pili Frotn lïoots.and Planto, and Klowe tlit-j're; Tncy alwaya they ni' bf kill Tbougandri now n their graveo wei e ïaïd, Wcreit not forHerrick'a PHIp. Each l'ill wiih tQgar is coated o'rr - A rara diaoovery ofmatc&eM ikill, Tlieir like was never heen bi f ie, Um il it appeared in ïlv riek 's Pili For year-i hea workttd to heat tlic hielt, With joy elate hi ho-om Min: For tewufthoaaand now rejolce At tht.maítioPowemofrl'rnck'p ?í11b. - rfERRÏCK'SMATCHLESSVKGFTABI.K FAMILY PILL' lia-e inunLitud the world witb their pnpularfty Over five million of boxea are ased annunly. tri vine emplnymfnt to elghty-flv ran and wnmen tfl put them op, Tlieir enrear numbert i hy thouaiv!- Mu-ir pniise on the tonguos rf all, Citizcns of Waubtenaw Co-, and elaeb, bate you ever aned t&emfPai ap In PnurÜKh, Spanih (ierman, ani Krench direetion. Lari ffttnilv boxes. 25 cents! Five boxiw for $1. Sold everywhere. SeeadveriiscuieTit nnSd pnere I in p o x1 1 a ii t t o Keimi Leu. ■ t ! V tl r !; s n n Piiii. PaElAjiKD BV C6RVÜUCS L. CBOnSVAVi M. ]., New Vork Oiiy Thocomhination of inreiit-nly in theffH P;ilw are the reduit of a long and extensivc [iiaclice. 'Ihcy are mild in tlieir operati'vn. aiwl certiiin in corn-cting uil rreifutarities, Paiufui Men-iututiun, removing 11 vWtraotions, whether from ctfd or otherwin, headnehe, ]iain in the siite, palpattition of the ln;irt , rhitw, all QWTWJi affectlofta, bysterleft fatigue, pain in the back.mdliinbs. ke, , üiiarbed ilcep , ntitcnarfrie Trom iaWrruptton oí naiure. TO MARRIEPMniES, Dr. (he'eraan's Pilis are invalu.ible, ai they wfM hringon tiip mnnthly pertod with reularity. Ladlea who have bftendtftappointed In the une of othea Pilis can place the utmost eonldenM in Ur. ChesemanH Pilld doing all they represent to do. ,V O T I C K Th.e,rr.i$nnt covdüum of the femalr system in wMehtkë PHIh rátfMOt be inltev without prortiir.hijr a V ECUT.lAjt PESULT. Te nointitUm rrferred to i PTIRGNMVCY- tkt Têêull, M1vCARltIAGF. Su-h the irrrtistnK'r. trn dtnr.y nftkc mr.d'irinf. to re.atore 'he exual ftittattomi to a normal cnndJl fon, that twn tht reproductivr power of aottn camiol resiêt it. Warrantei purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, xpliojtdlreotions, which shnul'i be read corapany each box, Hent by mail on enclunnff $1 to Dr CnRNKi.iL'8 L. Cueeííemas, Box 4,531 ,Poat Office. New York City, 0 SoH by oae Drugist in overy town n the United States, -s R. Tt. atJTCHINGS, Gk.s'eral Agev't for tuf ümtrü Ptatep, ,14, Braadtoay, A'ko yrrkt L37 wbooj all Wholpsalo orderr. hoald ba addressfc'old in Ana Arbor, by May.yaiu), ËtcbbinS i Wjmur t-: 6 Csfirmin, T2Zy 3VD O. Pt. L1 Passenger trains uu.v lu.tve tbe several ütaíions d thid Uuuuty , as follows. GOISO WEST. K.-il. Ac. Hiy Ei, Juck.Ac. Jíight !. Vpsilanti, 8.0.r a. m. 11 M A. M. B.4Í r SI 11.1(1 p. .v. AunArbor, 8.S0 a M 11.40 " " 7.1G" ' 11. S5 ' ' Dvxtcr, 0. 00 " " 15.05 l' M 7.65 ' ' LhüUen, 9.20 " " " " 8,20 ' ' OOI NO EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. MiilKx Kal.Ac ::h:lsea, . u. 3.:;8_ e. !.2L p m Dexter, ti. 65 " " íí.5 " ' 8.45 '■' nn Arbor, 4.40 A M 1 ...6 " " 4.10 ' ; '.'.2 1 .'iMilanti, 6.00" ' 8.06 ' -1.40' ' S 50 . O , O O O DOLIARS WüRTH -niBOOTS SHOES A.T COBT In consequenee of Making a change in my business 1 wil! aell My Entire Stock of BOOTS SU OES AT WHOLESALE OR RETA1L, AT COST ! Now U the time fur families and individuóla to aupply themselv.'S for the coming Winter and aho for next Spring nnd Summer. My 3tock consiste of every variety of Shoes fcr Winter aud Suminer wear, and purchased at low prioe. WM. 3. SAUNDER9. Aun Arbo-, Deo 1, 1860. 777m3 1881. 1861. OFF AT REDUOEDPRICES. FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, RBDUOEO PfilOES ! AT STRONG'S chtap Cash Store, EXOHAinGE I3LOCK. 782tf J3UY YüUR CLOTÜLNG -ÍVt tllO Cleveland Clothiug llouse Where Vatj nw seü at grcutlj EEDT7CBD PBICES, A few doori WoitoíCook's Hotel, Hurón Ktrwt, Ann Albor. ' A & C. LOBB. Anu Arbor School Loan. t'EALED PR0roLS will be tvcrived hj me up tolo o'clock,A M...f Januarj :&lh for ', ,É.5Ü to be secured ty ibe Bonrlsot School l)is:r it No. 11 "I' tlie 'ty aDd TomHWp if Ann Arbor, r nnlní uve years frtjtn t ie Mrht (Invul FolT'isrv ii"it; wilb interest pajablc allí .ial ly. BiAsmay be made at arate of inleiest leii-t'an ten I er cent 9 or offer a jremium for Bonds bearing ten per cent. By Or i' r of the School Boerl . E. 11. POND, recrefarj. un .rbor, .'d. lCth, 16(1. iw'it DissoluMou Notlce. ATOTIfEisheretiy given, thit tho TopartncrRhip hcreÍN tofore existinï betweenSAMÜELi;. SUIHKRLANI.' & ANDRKW BE1.L, unler th' nnraeand ürm of Sutherland & Bell is this day dissolved by mutua! cusen, nd s. G. Sullierland is hereby autborized to cllect all debta dueto.ancuoltleall demanilsaumnstBaid Srm. SAMUEL O. SUTHEXLAXD, ANDREW BEU,. Aan Arbcr, Dec. 11, H6-". t1H


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