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GREAÏBARGAiKS AT i Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. YfTK HitÉ AOAlN' REPI.KN1ÍIIED OUK STORE W1T11 1 1 the most Bpleodh] Stock of E E O XL, thit WAS otít ofÏMvfl in si ono establishment ir the blali, all of wliicli we oflt-r jot M low ai sn b fouad In the Union We want Mxmey l ind will orake (ireat Sacrifices on Aimlihü.' we hare to obtain it( not etccpttng OLD NOTES AND ACCOÜKTE We BordfoUy [irrita ALL CAS 11 CÜSTOMERS to cali and examine our Good and Price. We al? our Prompt Paying Customers tocoro D'l buy theiruppüe for Hjs Winter. Tothusi Rashful ones that art' üfraid to cnll, we naj to th.r.i, tak courage SELIj Your "ütrXIEI-i&.'I? without longor waitii.g for higher pnce, come in, old tcores, anti thco ftt such pricfR as will ni ke up all lossei It is hardt; iH'ccesM.17 t0 enumérale our Goods(for We have Everything! A large astorturnt of CARPETING, CIlOtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIIKËS, GEOEEIES, PAINTS, OILS, UAT ATB, BOOTS, SBOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. OAILIL AM O IE [1 Bfl O 2 ' (718tr) MAVNARP, STF.BBIN'S & WILSO O.BLI SS Still in the Field! ■wrra a LAEGE STOCK of GOODS in my line direct from New York. Boston, and the Manuiactnrers! I have just recoived a largii anï wol; selectdHSBOrtment of CLOOKS, WATOHB8, J DS -V E r. R Y. SILVEK & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And 11 grent varicty of Yankee Notions. tc I vonld culi particular ittcntion to my large stook of mlT23rrSL.OTLMT2Gt, of Gold, " il ver, Steel, and Flated, with PER SCO I "(QLASS A Superior artlcle, and great variety of articles in the Pers'n havang dWault wttcliOitofio wWi gtoênrn, enn bc accojnmodatB fis niv trt(k i Inre ani oemptetAi P' S, rnrticu'.rr attertin pavfd to the of all kinds of Fine Watehes, sueb as Making & Setting New Jewels, NSIÜNS, 8TAFF3 and CY1JNDERS, nlso ' OLOOKÖ, AJSD JEWELKY, ffeattl Koi'airt'd aad warranted. C. BLISS. Aogut 58, 18C0. T681Í M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human í'lesh and Animáis. rï oallinff tho attontloh of the Publlo to thfa Mo.-ïicin, we wonld say that it hos been fully tricd, and lumdreds w!io havo usei It 6peftk I the most compH mentary teños of its wonderful efTccti upon Human Flcsh and the brute creation. It b fast gafnliiff populartty. Wherover used it l received with acclamations of joy, and pro Bounced u be the grenteet Konicdy for Aches and Paiui evor offTfl to the Public. ItB mjtrly oirccis ovor dlse&st-, -wlien appliod, givee It a oelebnty unfturpassed by any extoriml preparation now In ase. Tberefure wo can say, with tbe ntrnoüt confldae% tbat the fiuibrocaüj will Care Rhenmatlsm, w Burm and Scaids. - Weakness of JolnU, ■ " SweltinRS and Tmnore, Jlcmorrhoids or I'iU-a, . - Chilblains, M Todüiachc and Chnpped H- Bmfcrocatlon witl Cure Old Í5oros aod Crampe, u Boils and Coma, Contractcd Mu.sclea. - Gallsofallkind, Ring Bono and Poll ItU, Calloue and 8pavin, JBnbrooaUoa will Cure Sweeny and Kitfast, " Sprlnghault and Klitttl% Scratcheö or Grc3fi M Ëxtcrnal Poieona, 8and Cracks, Ijiinencsa and Strato, Bx&brocatioa will Care Kouiulered Keet, Mongo " Oracked Teats, Garget in Cowe, ■ Foot Kot la öbp. AcBültN, iN. t., ftlarch 9, Í&M. We, tbo nnderslgned, do certify, that we have ufd M. W. Uawlbt's Cklebratkd EíábKOCATioN, for IuflaniviA tor; and Chronic KheumaMsm, and chcerfully recouimootf H as tho best remodr wo bare ever uscd. J. M. MoiTia, M. V., James I,. TlewMO. L. W. Clomenta, Orrin Ilurti, I'f-tcr Fiero, 8. F. Gooit!. J. B. Kobinson, of Proplietstown, 111., eays: I tstctm ft the best Llniinont I havo over known. It givoA unlveniU BatiBfaction, and I cao U'sttify to It efltcacy from my owa experlcnce. Manufactnred by M. W. TIAWLEY, Anburn, N. Y. C N. TUTTLE, Aubnrn, N. Y., Ucnrral Agent, to wtaom all orders Bbonld bo addressed. Hol.l by all Druggtots and MercbanM througboat Um country. 1 anti w UAOIAjU), KTEBIïïN'S k WILSON. ' nn Arbr, Mirh . Scrofiüa, or King's Evil, ís a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which tliis fluid bccomes vitiated, neak, and poor. Bting in the circuhtion, it pervadea tlio wliole body, and may buist otit tn diaeaae on nny part of it. Ko orgari is free from its nttacks, nor i.s therc ono whieh it may not destroy.' The Bcrofuloua taint is variously causod by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, iilth and filthy l.abits, the deprossing vices, tin:, above all, by the venerea! infection. AVhatcyer be its origin, it is hcrcditary in the constitution, desoending " lïom párente to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it aeems to bc the rod of Him who &ays, " I will visit the iniquities of the fitthen upon their children." Iu effects commence by depotion from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, livcr, and interna] organa, is tenned tuberclcs; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, truptions or sores. This foul corruption, which genden in the blood, depresse the energies of lite, so that scrofulous constitutions not oiüy suffe) from scrofulous compbrints, but they have far less power to withstaud the attacks of othor diseases; consequently vast numbers pcrisl by disorders which, olthough not scrofulous in their nature, ure stiU rondemi f.Ual by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption whicli decimate.ithe human family has its origin directly in thU scrofulous contaminatiou ; and many destruetive diseases of the livor, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tlie orgnns, arise ñora or are aggravated by tlie same cause. One quarter of all our peoplo are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To dcanse it from tlie system we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigoiate ie by healthy food and c&uruidu. íDuch a medicine wc supply in AYER'S Compomul Extract of Snrsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical gkill of our times can devise for this everywhcre prevailing and malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from tlie blood, and the rescue of the system from its destruetive consequences. Ilence it should be cmploycd for the euro of not only Scrofula, but nlso those othcr affections which arise from it, svich as EnurrivE and Skin Diseasi-s, Sr. Antiiony's Fiue, Rose, or Erysii'elar, Pimples, PustviiBS, Blotches, Iir.Mxs and Roils, Tumoks, Tetter and Sai.t Rheum, Scaxd Hu.yp, Kinowoiim, Rhel'ma0km', Syi'hii.itic andMr.ucfiu.u. Lhseases, Diïorsv, DvsrrrsiA, Di:mi.iTY, and, indeed, all Compi.aints aiusixo fiiom VitiaTBD on Ihpubs lii.ooi). The popular belief in " inipuriiij of the blood " is foundcd in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of tlie blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparüla is to purily and regenérate this vital Huid, without which sound health is ünpossible in contaminated constitutions. .A. ""STER 'S Agüe Cure, FOB THE 8PEEDY CUPE OF Intermlttcnt Pever, or Fever and Ague, Jïcmittt nt Fevcr, Chili Fever, Duml) Aguc, Periódica] Hendadle, or Bilioug Headache, and Bllious Fevers, indeed '. tor the wholo clnsa of discasts orilnuf Iuí; iik li ! iiiry dcrniigement, caused by the Malaria of Miasmntic Couutries. We are euabled hero (o offer tlie community a remedy which, whilo it cmes tho above complaints with cortainty, is stilt perfect ly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy Is itiva'uablo in districts whero t lioso niïlictiug disorders prevail. This "Cube" exjiels the múismatic poíson of Fkver and Agui: from the syatem, and prevent tho developmont of the diacase, if taken on the first approach of ita prememitory symptoms. It is not ; only tho beat remedy ever yet discovered for this class of compliiints, but uIko tho cheapeet. The large quantity we siipply for a dollar brings iUwitliin tho reach of every body; anil ia bilious districts, whero Fkter and Aguk prevaiU. cvery body should have it and use it frec-ly both for cure aiul irotection. It is hoped this price will place tt within the reach of all -the poor as well as the rirh. ■ A great enperionty of this remedy over any other ever discovered for tho speedy and certain cure of : tonta is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other iujurious cffecta vrhfttoTftr upon tlio coustitution. Thoso cured by it are left as he;ilthy as if they liad never liad tho disease. Fever and Ague is noï alone tho consequenco of the mlapmatic poison. A great varlety of dieorclers ariBe from itó irritation, among wliich aro Neuralgia. Wteumatismt OotUt Ileadache, Blindness, übotltaclie, Earache, CUtarrh, AsiJtma, Palpiiation, Puinful Affection of Vit Spieent Hysttrics, Pain in the Boicdsf Oolic, Paralysis, and Derangement of Vit StomacJi, all of which, wheu originatiug in this cauHo, put on tho iniermitttnl type, or become pcriodical. This "Cure" expcls the poison from tbs blood, and consequently cures tliem all alike. It is an invaluablo protection to immigrnnts and pei"ons travelling or temporarily reitling in tho malarions diatricta. If laken occasionally or rlatly whilo exposed to the infection, tlmt will be exerctod from tho system, and cannot accumulato in suilicient quantity to ïipr-n into dlwaOQHenco it Ís even moro valuablo for protection than cure, and few will over suffer from InteimittentR if they avuü themselves of tho protection this vemedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MA.YNAHD ftTEUlsliNSA W1LS0N. and by all Druggists nnd Dealers everywhere, J. BÜIiRILL Treveling Agent. fiMMPuj3LwBiSpèH Avaperfent Storoacblc preparatton ofïttÖN puriefcfl In Oxyeren and Carbon by combustión in Bydrogen. ■ ctiii;-'i y the hfghflnt Mt-oical AuthoritieB, both i Ra rope and the United States, and prescribe in thoir ;iractice The experience of tliniipiinds daiïv prove that mt preparationnf fron can be eodlparéd with i. (mpuritiea of thf blood, deprossiona of vital onrrgy. palo utn! olherwise glckly eomplexlona tndioatoa its oeuoasltj En almost t'vi-ry concdivaMe cuse Iniwxinus in all nial.vlios in which it has been triefl, h$fi proved absolutely curativo in eaeh of the following comptaiitii , viz: In lïiljillly.Vcrvons fTt -tt ,ns. Ki in(I:n LysplHin, onttlpation, Htnri-hoen, Dyventer-, IiKipleiit ( m-ii nipt (in . Si-rni'nl-.ns Tiibércnloau, Salt ftkeum Mtstttcnatruation, Whittt, Chlorostf, Omtplaints, C'hronh: ïl-ndnrhes, Iiheümaiismt ïntermittrnt Ftnrt, Pimpltton tkê Ficr, Xzc.. Incane of Gdtbral i bbiutt, whethcr the resul t v acute diseaso, or of tho oontinucd dhnlnutlon of nervnus and muscular energy from chronic ooinplaints, on trial of t!i is vi'stoialive luis provéd succi'ssul to an ex tent which no rlescription nor writteu atteatation irould render crodible. Invnlids so long bel ridden ;is to have become t'orgotton in tbetrown DeigbbQrhoodB, havesuddeuly re-appeared in the busv irorld as it' jtit roturned from protracted travel In a dlstani lirad. Somé very siguai [nstances of thta kind are attestedof female nufferere, omaoiatcd victima of apparent marasmiiS] RanguiDSOua exhaustion, critica] changes, and tbal compllcatioc of !.'■(HIs and dyspoptic aversión to air and exerciae for whica the physicfan naa do aema, In N'kuvov.s AFFKCTIONS of all kinds, and for reaflOUi I;l miliar to módica 1 men, the operation of thiB i tion if iron must noces -ïitrily bi' salulary , for, uolïke the oíd oxides, it i.s vigorous;y ton ie without being excttlng and overheating; and gently , regularly aporten t, even the ; most obstínate easM of eostïrenosH without even belog a past ríe purgativa, or ínUictíng a disagreeable Honsation Itla tnla lutter proper ty, among othere, which mades it ko emarfcably euectoal and permanent a remedy Por ViUê upou which it also appea ra t exert a difltinct and spe cific action by dlsporfllpg the local toudency which forms them. In DvsrEPSM, innumerable asareits cauros, a .single box of these Chalybcate Pilis hava oftcn aufficed for the most habitual 6U6S, including the attendont CostivtMfff. In ncheckod Diarrhoïa, even wlir-n advanced to Dyscn trry oonflrmed, emaolatiog and kpparetttly tnalignant, tlie efftott bjkTins been cjually lecisive and astonlshlng In the local paras, loss of fleshandstreogthdebilitatiDg edoch, and remltteat beotio, which generally tndtcaüá Incipient Consumption , in scveral very gratifying and iuteres t ing Inatances. In Scrofulous Tubercuolsi, (huí medlcated tron has had far more than the good effecta of 1 he mosi cautiousy balanceil preparaiions of iotline, without uiy of aoeft well known üabilitk'S. Theattmtlon of femóte eannotbetooconficlently Invitel to this remedy Mifl restoralive in the Ciist-s pi'culinriy affectins tbem. In Rheumaiism , both chronïc and iuilammatory - in the latter, however,raoredeaidefUy - it has bron tnvariabty well roported, both ns aQevIating pain ivmï roüiicing the BweUingsaod Btiflfbosaof the jomtfl nnd musecla. In Inter?nittent Fentr it must neceMarüy boa greal remedy ni' i i'in'i ;ctio rostorative, and iis progresa la the aew settlements of the West, wlUprobably beoneof hfgh renown and UBOfülneifl. No remedy has ever beendtscovered in the vrholehlstory of iiH'Jicine, which cxerts such prompt, happy, and lully restoratlve ofiVctw. Good appetite, complete u!gestioi., TBptd aflqnldtfon of strength, with an unuanal disiosition for active anJ cheerful exercise, [minedtateiy follow it.-i oio. Put up in neat flut metal boxea containing '60 pilla, price "0 cents per box ; fr .sile by druggists and dealers. Will be ent freo to Boy addreaa on recejpt of the price. 411 letters, orders, etc, Bhould beuddressid to li. B. LOG&E,&Co , General Agent, 477yl S39Broadway,N. Y. Howard Assocition, Püiladelphla. A Benevolent Institntion estahlished by special tvdovmen for tkr, relief af the Stek and Dislrrt.tccd, nJJiictcd with Viru'enX and Epidemie Dtseates, and espcuitttj for the Cure of Distases of the Stzual On?nn?, IHspcnsary free to paiten x ín all paris of the United States t VALUABLEREPOTïTS on spennatorrhoefl, and other DfeeaaM t the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES emyed, ent to the affllcted In geafod enrelopM, froa of charge, l'wo or Utree Stampa tot postagfl be will bo AddrettDR. .T, SKII.I.TX HOÜGHTON, Actlng Sur pon Roward Aasoolatton No2,south Nbath Street . Philadelphia., T86yl 1000 Fine Overcoats! For Sale Chonp at (UJTEHMAX& CO'S.


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