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i great. greater greatesj, bakg'ajns ever offered 1859. S1859. ín tliÍ3 City, arenow being offered at the CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCII, & Jewelry StoxoM '■; Subscribir wpuldtJiy to thr citizensol Ann Arbor. i i particular i and tho rost of Wníhicunw ("rmn tv In goneral, thi hchasjust 1MPOHFED DIRECTLY from K DROPE, a Trcmendous Stock of Watchcs! Al, o wbich h; Iiindghiinsell to n] CHKAPER tban can be bousht wrst of New York Oiry. Opeo Face Cylloder Wntches irnm $6 to $](■ do do Lever do do H to 21 Bunting Chb do do do 14 to 3." do do Oylinder do do 9 to 2 Qold Watebea from 20 to isu 1 1 are alao tns CKLKRKATKI) AMER'CAN WAT CHES, tvhlchj wlíl feu tir $3. Krory Wato.h warrauted to perform well, or tbe monoy i-efunded. Cloras, Jewelry, 1'inteU Ware. Pancy Goode Gold Pon, tfasloa] Instruments nnd Siringe, Cutlery, Stc, and in fact n vark-t.y ofevery bios UiiiIIy kept by Jew eífire can bo boughtfor :he ntxl ninrtty da y i dt v'ur O W N T 11 I C E S ! ivrsoiis bnjlng atiything t thi w. ll known etablir.tnft ut -iu rely ap n gi ttir g go kJs exad y as represent d, ortíbemony refuoded. OaUearly mi ie curo tiu1 bwi htii'suitis evérolftted tn tbfi "ity One word in regard to Repairing : We nro. prpnrnd to roake any repairs onfine or comraqn Waichus, rvc.n to tn klngCLer tbe ent f re acatch -iiry. ttcpnirinp of liocka n?ri Jowelry ha usual Also tbe man ufac turing oi RINGS, BROOCHS or naytbtng dettred, fromCalif rntaQold on short notlcè. EiiarH7ine iu Hita branches oxiu-nted with ncnt 004$ and dii--atch, J C WTTS. Anu Albor, Jrn. 28th'P5í. 7L-Jw IIORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Rroadway, N e w Y o r k Publlshcr of Mu-Ic and Muslr Booki ANi DKALKIt IN Piiinos, Melodeons, Alexandre Ornns Oigan Accordeons, Martin 's celébrate undothor Guitars. Violins, Tenof Vióis, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Files, Triiingles, Clari inetts, Tuning Foiks, Pipes :indH;immei, Violin Bows, best Italian Strings, Bass Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments, S II e e t 1VX ix S i o, i-'rom all tlif publuhers u the V. S. , Ilortini's Huntin's, a nd Modera SoBoOl, :unl ;tll kinds of ïnstrnction Boofcs Tor tb? abnvti instruinentK-, Cluircli Muic Books; Music ficiï.-intly bound; Müiic paper, and all kiuds of llusic MiTcbandiHUf At t lic Lowest Price s. New Píanos, At $175, $200, $2-25, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Pianos f rom $25 up to $160; New Helodeona, $45,' $60, jTö.SïOO, and up i" $200; Secoud Hand Melodeons friin S00 to $S0; Alosandre OfgíuiS, with live etops, $100, Btopft, $1S5 and $2'5; tliirtoon stops, $J50, $275 and $300: tifteon stops, S320 and $375; A liberal discount to dergyuken, ChurcheBi Sabbftto Schools, Seminaries an.l Teachers. The Trade supplied at the usual trade rliscounts TeatliMonlals of the Hornee Waters Planos atitf lUelofleonis. John ITewett, of Carthagp, New York, who haa had one of the Homct Waters I'ianos, wrlteflM follóos: - "A friend of mine wishes me to purchasr a piano Tor her. he llkOfl the one you gold me in December, 1856. My piano is becoming popular n this place, tod ï thlnk I can introducá one or two more; they will be more popular than any other make." ''We have two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourPeminary, one of whïoh has twen severcly tBtrfed for three raars. and we can testify to their gooi qnalitv and durability."- Wood Í: Gragory, Mount ■ Carroll, IU. "II, Waters, Bsq- Pkar Sik: Having naad one of yor Piano Fortes for two yoars past. I have fonml it a very superior Instrument. Aï.onzo Geay, Principal IJrnokhjn HeightsSeminary. LiThe Piano I received from yon continúes to givfl ntt isfactiou. 1 regard it as one oftiie bestinstruments in the plkce.'1 JamBSL CLARES, Charleston, Va. "The hfelodeoD Am safely arrived. J fcel obliped to yon fory tmr Qberal discount." Rev. J. M. McConanck, Yarq?icstiUcS, C'Tho pt-mo was duiy recoived. Itcamo ín excellent condition, aml is Wty much adinired by my nunterous family. Accept my thabka for your promptneaa." - R4BBKZ COOPBB, Wárrtnhavi, ftradjord Co. Pa. "Vuur piano pleascs ua wwl, It 'ia tho beal one in our county."- TiioMas A. Latiiam, CampheUtort, Ga. ■'V.c are verv much obligod to you forhATing sent shcU a fine instrument for $250."- Ukank,Hkld & Co., Bttjfafo Democrat. 'The HoraCe Waters Pianos are known as among the vovy host We are enaljlod to speak of those instruments with conitdenco, from perooual knoivledoe of their excellent tbrte mul ilarnble qnaMty." - Tï. Y. Bpangt&iÁ. "Wecin speak of the merits of the lïnrace Waters piañoa (ron peraonal knpwledge. as bsing the rtxynneat qunW:y. "-Christian Inlclligcncer. "The Horftce Watera plaaosare ouiltof tlio best and most thoroughlv seasoned material. We haf e DO doubt that boyera can do aa wclKperhapa better, at tbUthan at any otherhOUM m ttWUDlon,'' - Advocate, and Journal. Waters1 pianos nul melodeons challenge compArtoon with the finest made anywhere in the country."'- Home Journal "llorace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone, and powerful -N. Y. Mn$ical Rev e. 'Our friendfl will find al Mr. Watera1 store the very BOiimenfof ftbialc and "f I':ino tobe foond Én the Unfted SxateHjand we arge ova Bontbern and western prienda to glve hhn a cali whezWVdr mèj goto New yrk, - Gr a ti ata.' s Mamine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N". Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. 1OO ,OOO issrert ii ten Bfontba. The unprocedented sale of thtsbook has indncod the publishertn mld some 30 m;v tunesand livinm to ita preat-nt BÍZ6, without nttra-harge, except on the cbenp editimi- Among the maoy beautlful tunea and hymos odded mav he fomul:- "1 ought tolove my inothw:" "0111 bé a good child, Indeed I wttl.1 These and aigbt othen from the Bell, were itung at the Sunday Schooi AxuuverLn of the M. E. Charco at the Academy of MqbIc, with neat applanae The Bell cortainn nearly 200 tonen and bymnH.and is one of the best collections ever issued Prico 13c; $10 ]er hnndred. postale -1c Fli.jtn11y bound, eipbOflfled gilt, 26e, $'20 per 100 It has been introduced Uïto manyof tho Public Schools. The é is pnbllahed in small nnmben antittea Anniversar v and Sanday School Huslc Books, Noa, 1,2, 3, i: 4, in order to aoconsmodate the million; price $2 & $3 per hóndred No. 5 will monbe lasued - óommanmaent ol another book. Also, Revival Uusto Books, N'o, 1 fc 2, price $1 & %2 per 100, pogtage lc. More thfUl 300,000 copies of the above books have been issued the ji;ii elghteen montha, and the demand is rapidly Increannp. Published bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kind Wonls can neverdle;" "The vVnjrel toM me boj" "WHda of tiw Wt' "Thoughta of God;' 'Givo me back my Mounialn Bomej" "Iiny Preams;" "l;uily Ciifk Hohin;)! 'Tin witn thee at UI; 'lN-t n;im.--;' "Thefé 8 no 'larilnp like mfeey ".nah Jane I.ei-;" ■ !v. er of theet1' 4M'm teaving thee i Sorrow;" "Bird of Bauiy;""HÖme of our hi.-th;" "Grye f Roáftbel'and 'Wake, lady, wako,,' price 25c each. ÍNSTBCMRSTAU - ' 'PalnOf Garden, or Sínpiíií Bïrd Polka,' 40c, "Swinging Schotttsche;" "Mirabel Sohottiach;'1 'Thomas Ue,ker'n Sohottisch;" "Kocolomlnl Polka, 35 cents eacb. The above pieoea hare beanttfol [gnettee "Webner Polka;" "Anblan Wai cry March' the rery last; 'VasfioviaRna Doniella Mazurka; "Rea-1; inir Polka ;" "Crinoline Waltz." and "lancen' Qua ddlUe," 2öc each. "The Empire of Relch's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibornian Quadiüle," 36cech. Mkny of these pieces ai-e played by Baker'8 oelabrated orchefit ra with great applrusp.jSÊ ïlailed free. A larelot of FordgQ Mu&io at half price. pianos, Mclodcons anl Orgaus. Tlte Horace Waters Piiinos and Melodeons, for depth, purily of tone and durability, are unsurpasüed. Pnces verv low áocond Band Pianos and Melodeons from $a to $150. Muiic and Musical Intnietions of all kinds,atthe lowest prloes. HORACE WATERS, Agent, N't. 888 Broadway , N. V. TBSIOfONIAtA; - "Tho llorare Waters 1'ianoK known a aniOttg the very best.1 - FvangcliM. "We can speak of their merits from personal knowlBdtte." - Christian i'Nothing at the Fair dlsplayed greater excellence -"- Churchman. Waters' Pianos and BÍeloáeons challenge comparison with the flnsst made anywherein the country." - Home Journal. 719tf Irving's "Works - Xational Edition rMTS Fine Edltïon of the Wofka of Waphixoton Ib visa (Induding the Üfc oí Washington), will be pubisltcd for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Mootbiy Vttlumcs, Prico $1.50 Fayable on Dclivery. lii'imtifaUv Prtnted on heavy superfino paper, of tlic verv beat qoajity, and suhsUmtiidly bound in boATj beveBed boarchi. (tTEach Volume illustratcd with Vignettei on Steel and Woed. XD Kuickerbocker's New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. Columbus, 3 vola, Bracebrfdge Hall, a t..i la, i'.. Ie öf ; Traveler, Crayon KOscelhiny, (■;ipt. Bonneville, Oliver Ooldsmith, Mahomet. ii vols. Grenada, AlhombcA, Wolfort'a Koost, i ffo of Waahingtonj 5 vols. Salmagundl . This edmon wil] be told EicrrerniLT to Subscriben and will he gréatljf superior to any ever before issned,- A vi i v bond gome sel of these iinivowally popular work. h placed within tbe m ais of all. O. P. PüTNAM. AgU Publisher, llö Navfsió .irci, New Ycrk. MP ECOK STORE lH BÜ Otl .. . t.. I.o.t i il.OM I'UBIJSHEHS ANl Manufacturerflr& Xow and Ojmjlete stock of I,AVV & MEDICAL OOKJS, School Bcokt, MiscellaiKOus Books, Blank Books. dan WaUand Win.low Papn, Drawing and Mathematicsl butranwata. Music, Juvenilo Ubnrft, Ënvelopes, Inks and Ciudt. ■ ■ - GOLD ylá a7 Wi of Pens and Pencis Wiu'low Coniice, sfaadea and Kixture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! AwJ ererjlhing pertaUufDg to the trade, oud moro to ffhlchthey would Envité theattentión of the. country. Ia cnmlucting our ti afness, tre flhalldu all Ihat cnn ■ he dö thai no rcáftonable man, voin&ii or cfaild shan finíl any fault. We posees facütlies whfoh will enftblc us to supply our stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. WeprfrpOMioatflibr RKADY PAT,atasmalladTan. We oxpecta proflt on oai goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wc havpengngert th MrricM ol .IAMFS F. srAI.mN'ii, herefore aro prepjire'l to furnisfa, Wedding and all other Cnrd.i wntten to order, wilh neatness and dispatch, by mai' or othertcise. The ''Kmi'jrk BoOK Stokb." is mannHl hy a cïnol 'CT0W,1 ná they witl alwaya befounOon'thc ''quarter leck,5 roady anl willing to attend to all wíth pleíisure, wko wil] favor thcm with a cali. liemernber the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 74 ANTOHER A m ARRIVAT, AT THE RÉ yOLD AND RELIA BLE ÉnÉ CLOTHIWt EMPORIÜMÜ a" isr 0 . 3 PHCENIX BLOCIC, MAIN STREET, o hisjast rotunied frnn the Eastern Cities, vrith a largí and deairable stock uf F ALL AND WINTER which ho is now offering at unusually LOVI7 PKICES! Among liifi Assortincnt raay be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of alldescriptions, psptcially for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! which b is cnttiog md makïnj: to order, in tlielatest ano best Btyles, together with a. sujjerior .as.sortmont of READY MADE CLOTHJNG! TRCN'KS GARPET BAGS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numcrous other articles usually found n aimib: etablishments. Aa ANEMWIUM 0FF4SHI0N, the iibscriber flatters himself, that hislong experiencc and genera, succes, will onablc liim to givc; the greatesi satisfiiction toall #ho may tuist hiroin the way of manufaeturloB rmonta to order. TÜ'Jtf WM WAQNHft. iJCHE CAMPA1GN OPEN. Campion's Platform ! T]V. íí.iliecriber bas just returned from the met with Ma Fall and Winter Gr O O 33 5 Which he is Determiïied to Se 11 AT THB LOtVEST PRICE FOR CASH! at which, First Quality Goeds can oe afforded in this city. My eloths are alluf the FÍNEST QUALITY and as I manufacturo thcm into clothing ! ee)f, I am cnabled to WARRANT EYERY GAKMENT 1 sell. to be WELL MADE, wliich is a strong imiuccnient to customers to patronizo my atore in prefiérenos to places wtiere iarge quantities of lialf goods are kepi for sale. - I hare iIu'j.atkst rA-aiom, and can give you as Fine and ice'i Fitting G irmcnts au can bi bought anywhere, I am bouud to sell CHEAPER AND BETTFS, QOODS i than any othor similar establishment in thii city. Your custoin is mest respcctfully invited. M. CAMPION. AniTArbor, Nov. 1-60. 773yl íloomisTtrippT Succeisors to Chapín A LoomiR,andChapin, Tripp fc Lootnis THEabove firm of Loomla k Tripp having purchased the entire Interest of the formei compnlea 11 continue the business at the oíd stands, where they will be riady, 011 tlie shortcst nuticc, to GH all orders in the line of Castings and Machinery, in the most workmanlike mnnnrr, un on as liberal terina as any other shop intlir Stale. Anionpr the various articlesmanufacturcil by us, ive wouM enumérate STEAMEÑGINKS of fcllftínds; Mili Gearlng and Fixtures, wrouftht and cast; alltha variouB casting for mnking and rt'pairing Horsc Powers & Thrcshing Machines such as areat inr-icnt, or hare formerly beeivin use m ttiis part Of the Stat, M WU ' the varifnis kin. Is of eafttinga ani machine trork oalltdforby farmere and meohaniofl inthi section of the oountry. of aU the rarioua patterns, up n sizesand pricea. will be keptconstantty on hand, got the most modern and iniproved styles. 'HUBBARD'S WROUGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWEKS. Tiaring oommwncwl manufacturing this stiperiorMaehlné, single and corablned, the farmers are ïavfted to rail and sr a sHcmen machine now in our ware room. before pnrchasingelsewhere, belieTinS tha1 ihis machine need only to beseen to convmee the farmer of ITS SUPERIORITY over the Reapers and Howera In this market. Tliankful for former patronage to the ohl fïrms, we jrottld soüctt ii cinitiiiimiici' lïom oh frienils,:irul atrial hy all wibliiug for iiny tlung in our line of busineji :. I LOOMIS & TKiri'. Ann Ail-r. Muy I8th', 185S. 7 Mort gage Sale. "PKïn.T linving been made in tlie poyment of tb IJ Mimof ihonejr iécurwl by u iriortgfcge. ex-cuui ( luir'.u I!owr tod Joseph lang, to ClirÍBU.;ut Maren the ttreatj-tixtb, A. I). 1869, i wa recorded in Uie office ol th Kouter of WiwbtenawCoODtj, in LUn-r Nn. twrnty fW, (25,) ol V.'T'. ', nt twlve 'clNck, A.M., on the 18th Ay of Anl, A. I;., 1890 and assijjnM lo Christfan Saley on the 13th dar or Octobcr, A. ï., 1HS9 bydetdof aiwigDfnwit rocordedon tb 25th iy of At. pust, A.D., liSCu, ;il 11 'clt;k( A. M., in Lib?r 2fc of i Murtgajiiy. f.n i :,'', and which murtgnge wai &■■ , Rignod tó James I". Seelojr on the4tb l.iv f Octoiert a. 1. deedofaaslgnmehi recordedon the &1 dayot Octoljcr, A. D. 18t:0, at IZo'clock, noon, n Lil r 27 of Mortgagea,opa313, ly wbicb dcfautt the power ot sale eontained En safAinortgagQ bi'came operatíve, atd no suftorprocctfdlnga bftTtng bico fostHwtod atfawfrrcovr- tnedebt secored Ibercby r any port thereof, ani tbe Mim of mu' limidrcd .ind sixtccn doüaiBAinllsiity two cents, being now clainu-il to b due thoreon - Piotice 1 ■ tln-reforf ho:by pi ven, thnt snifl mortgage wil] be foreclosed by sale 01 the iaortSe-pMnfei t wit: All tht certaintraci or parctl of lind known and ltacribMÍ as ; followa, to-Wit: living lot Noeleren, (11) léctlon nwmbfi rourtet-n, (14) ncrdingto tbftrteojrded pint f tbe village of Mili ik-, or Rome part tUtrtofj :t public vyndu, at ntdoor óf 4he Courtifoüécïa tho city of AnnAr!)■■!, mtlie County of Wjishitnaw, op the lSth dny of Marcli, A.D., at one o'olock P. M. of úd 3ay. JAMES F. SEELKT, AMnin. Dated, December 13tht186ü. T79ld City Cheap Lumber Sash. Doom Blituls, Piaster Paris Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Qlass, Paint and Pt(tty, c&c, efce. . D. DeForest, IIAVING increated hit fariTitlc for Aoitfbmu11 ni'i-s mui mil-irged hia Yard and Htock,t prepaind the present atiHson, with tfe bos Inrji-M inri chon est suHsoned dtock overtn thig mtrkfct lo aatiuty Iho rciuontiblr expectations of alt. Öni ■ motto is notto btf undergoldfor caih on deliTerj I wlll not iinilertakc to TribtCDthe public bytaylng thnt thi-ywill gct. shwved I they buy eUewhcre, for we preaume tbat othero willsellftslow at they can Rffnrd to. All kinds of TImber, Joists, and Scantliiig, Pine, VVbitewood Banwood, Hem lock. Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood .Vsh i''looring.Ilflnediind roueh Pin e and Whitewood s:dlng,Fenci I'usts. UskandCedar Postt nnd l'ir.kcn ol 11 kind. $inr f atl), anïi lUIjittrooob Í. n Ptne, Aihwrl VVhitewood Shinglc, Bain Boards and Barn Floor Flank, HlaekVn...ut,and Cherry and thin tuft, Wajon and BUGGY AXLES and T0NGUE8, Box iind Body Lumber. Maple Log Timber, llickory, Oak7 Ash, Sim, Beech, Of all;hicknosei,widtha aDdlnngthi.&c. cc. Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. of all iie, cc, c. SASII, DOORS, db BL1NDS, made by band to order ns low as factory pricei, on the shortestnotice by the best of workmen, nd Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofaH desoription in the nbove building line furnishedon thrshortetof notie e, for We have Mills Outting Regularly. A ful anda perfect asKortment of tbc abore mn other kiu!h of Building Materials Constantlv onhand althc lowestpossible ratel Cali and be Convinced. A few rodt soutli from R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arlor, Mich. EOOFING. N.B.- I amnow operating Extensivolj in the Patent Cement Roofing. THE CHEAP CORNER. SESK NO F ARTHERl New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Ne- Block. JL Btanees, so much so tliat wc feel contident in aayia t' all uur old costomen, and as ia:my nw üses at ca crowd into our New aud Spacious Store Koon Corner of Main and Libeity Streeta. Tlifit wc are now prepared to sell 70 better God t lowcir prtces than iar Qiual low prices and are wow c daily recclptofemHèéftimrittiM of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOIS. LADIES' & CHILDRENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, B0NNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LüOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GEOCERIES, &c. of every varloty Lots more of the same good 50 cot Tea, that others se. at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods arê all of 'thebest quality. X3F0w Staple and Fancy Dry Goods sui')isg all previous stocks for beaut% varirty ur,d excellence. t'Our Ladies Dressgoods, Shawls-, &.C., were never betore half so attractive and cannot help but ivin Rmiles of approval from our fair friends. g,Our Ilats and Caps surpass alt for stvle and cheapness ever heard of n Ann Arbor, cali and see them. Bgk.Our Ladies' and Childrcns'Shoet combi neoiligance and oase with strongth and durability. t Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings are all of the best qualities and Btylès of the French, English & American productions which we will sell at the same price that others ask for slop shop stuff. SF Our Groceries & Crockery are fresh, new and cheaper than ever. Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to inention here, embracing every thing that a Merchant ahould keep and ü Cuslorner should buy. And now having purebased a much larger and better stock of gooda tlian ever before; we confidently rely upon the appreciation of the public aready Sale of the same, feeling confi. dent that we cannot help but suit all ia prices quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken iu Ex change lor goods as usual. C. MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. Ann Arbor Marble Works. Bisele Sc Vandercook. T T AVE on hand a fine assortment of American and 1TA LIAN MA. Il B L E which they are prepared to manufacturo tito IIONUMENTS, USAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS se, Ac, Ac, c- in all their varif tic, and in a WOBKMAKUKE manncr: Having hart consMeniblo exicriencc in the Onsinos flitter tbcmselvcs that tlu-y vrUl bc able to plo all w);u favor thoin with their orderf. Thcir-pncci LOW AS TTIE LOW EST,


Old News
Michigan Argus