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-C. V land is Senator from Jaekson County, in the Legislatura of Michigan. C. V. Deland is also proprietor aud cliief editor of the Jacksou Citizen. Sonador D&LANS has introdueed iuto the Legislature a bilí dividing this State iuto six Congressiional districts - the features of'vrhich bill we gave in our last issue ; hinting at the same time that it made a desperate effort to secure the dominancy of the Republicans, iu every district, in any and all possible contingenties. Editor Dkland copies the bill in detail, speaks of it in highly complhuentary tenus, gives rival bilis a '"patronizing pat," and says, " Weshall be satisfied with whatevcr action the Legislature may take, if n fair división of population is made ; a reasonable community of principal interests prescrvcd, aud a fair and substautial Republican niajority is guarautied to each." Of thisgracious permission the Legislature will doubtless avail itsolf, at least, so far as to guaranty the " substantial Republicau majority" iu each district, whether the " eommuuity of principal interests" is " preserved" or sacrificed. But we warn the Legislature that it had better district the State fairly, without regard to guaranteeing Rcpublican majorities. These are trying times to people and parties, and no Legislature can guarauty the future, aud it will, therefore, be better to act honestly and justly, thau with a solé view topartisan suecess in the . future. In the breaking up and reconstruction of parties now imminent and sure to take place, thero is no such tliing as guarantying " a substantial Republican majority" in a single Congressional I triet, and the districts should be constructed with no other aim than compaetness and a community of business iuterosts SffT We romember tfaat o May last the prominent Kepublieaua oí our City were very indignaiu attheslaughter of Senator Skwabd by the Chicago Convontion. The same Republicana are now remonstrating against the repeal of the unconstitntionul personal liberty-law of our Stato, and Senator Seward is advising the repeal of all such Inws. We supposo onr Repubücan iriends have, . thorefore, become reconoiled to the duieat of Sisward. [t is certain that in a most important CtRkkly - not Seward - is their guide. SE 0 Tuesday, tho Senateofi Rhode Island, by a vote of 21 to 9, passed tv bill repealing the personal lib j ertv law. It wue warmly discuased in ! the House, and postponecl until j day. It will probably pívss tbut braneh and become a law.


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