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It wil'i bc seeu by refoi-ence to tho appropriate column, that the Democratie State Committeo lias asued a cali for a otate Convention to be held ut Detroit on tho 7th day of February, for the purpose of nominating a candidato for J ndgo of the Supremo Couit. The cali provides lor a much largo repreBQiitauon thao in fonner conventions ; and it is desirable, in view of tho pres. ent crisi.s in national affaire, that the Cunvontion ehould bo fuli; and that eery County should send up its best men, not thoao who are the most ultra and noisy, but tlio BubstaDtial, conservativo men of the party ; Union loving ' men, who if called upon to speak by resolutions or otberwise will letpatriotism riso above partisanship, plant thein selves upon principio, and speak for the preservation of the Union. The County Committeo has called a Oonvention for the 2d of February to send dblegatea to the State Convention, and we hope to hoc overy Town ship fully represented. fSg" Tho New York Leader says that the Gideon Welles who is an douiicoJ as tho prosp'jutive Postmaster General oí Lincoln's Oabinet lias boon Ueud a dozen years, and that part ies, for sinister purpo8tíH,have been playing a grave joke upon the President eleet. The Le'ider rnakes a pretty góod Btory oat of it whother true pr Hot. fe Sinco our last issue, the Legislature has been occupied, for the most of the time, in considtring our Federal líela, tions. . The Senate and House have each passed a series of rcsolutions, but have not como to an agreoment. We give on our fitst page oie day's debate in the Sonate as indicating the tone of that brauch. Meaars. Joy aud Lockwood, Republicana, voted for the House resolutious, saying tat tlio}' did-so because thoy considered they contained a pledge torepeal tho personal liberty law. Thia should certainly be done before Michigan proffors hor military aid to compel other States to obey the eonstitution. Lot us go iato the fray with clean hands. Z-ST There is uothing materially new in afl'tirs at Washingtou and the South Georgia, Mississippi. Alabama and Florida have passed secession ordiuancts, and several other States are moviug. The act ion of Congrcss affords no real hope of coinproniising, and we cannot prodict auy othor end thau dissolution aud civil war. This is certainly to be the end, unless the jieople take the matter out of the hands of the politieians. t5P Mr. Tatlob, for forty one yeara a clerk in the New York Postolfice. has been appointed tho suootwaor of G-en. Dix, tho present Secretar; of tho Treasury. EP" The aotoriouB Lola Montez, Countes8 of Lansfeldt, et al, died in New York on the lth inst. J&2L" The ciuens of Hudson, La nawee county, havo almnst UDanimtiusly resolved not to ak for a city charter Sensible at the hst, and we should trust thut their exumple would be imitated by suudry other small villages in the State.


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