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Sï ECIAL NOTICES. Diktltiu, - Many people have a prejudicio ngainat Saleratus, thinking, and with reason too.that this prepartionisuni:ealthful, and ought to be avoidí-.l; but the best chemiHts nc! most leained physicians say, that Saleratus when fret from imfuritita. is not cnly not tinhcakkful and provocativ of dyspepsia, but tbat It. in reality, prnmotes digestión and strengthens 1he digestiré urgans. A new procesa of rcfining ihiB artiolo, lüttly mtroduced, and in use only by B. D-Land & Co , o! the Fairport Chemical Wcrks, Fairuort, Monroe Co., N. Y., cnable them to make a perfectly pnre Saleratus which should at once be in use in every houahold. The purity and reliable qualityof DeLand 4. Co' Saleratas should m.ike it immeóiately popular. It is for sale by most srocers and storekeepers, and the grocers in the large townsand villages wholesnle it. o. b.b_ Pienger traína now leavc the several Station in this CüUnty , as fullows . GOING WEST. Kal. Ac. Dir Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ex. rpsilanti, 8.C5 A. B. 11 ï A. . e.46 P. M 11.10 P. M. AnnArbor, S.óO M 11.41) " " 7.16" ' 11.35 ' ' üexter, 0.00" " li.05 PM 7.55' ' Chelsear 9.20 " " 12.20 " " 8.20 ' ' GOING EAST. Night Ex Jack. Ac. Mailhx Kal. Ac 31,,.1-oa, 6.30a. M. 8.:;8 P. SI 8.2C FM DexUr, li.55 " " 3.55 " ' 8.45 "' nn Arbor 4.40 A M ".'5 " " 4.20 " ' 8.90 ip.-.ünnti, 8.00 " " 8.05 " 4.40 ' ' 9.50 . BELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PULMÓN IC WAFERS The Original Medicine Established in 1837, and the firs article ot' the kind evt-r iutroducd under the name o il Pulmonic Wafek ," in this or in any other country all other Pulmonic Wafers are eounterfeits The gen uine can be known by the nameBRYAN bemgstumpe on each WAFEK BjïyawV Pctmojtcc Wafers Relieve Cougli,Cülda, Bars Thruat, Hoarsenesfl. lÏKVAN'S Pl'IMdvjC WaFKRS Relieve Asthma-, Bronchitis, ÍHmcult Breatking. Bkya.v's Pllmonic Wafers ltelieve Ppittingof BIoo i, Pains in the Chest. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafbrs Relieve Incip ent Consumptinn. Lung Diseases. BRYAN'ti Pül.MOMO WaKKBS Relieve Irritation of the üvula and Tonsils. Bryan's PuivOKIC Wafers Relieve the .bove Complaiuts in Ten Minutes. BRTAN'h Pulmonic Wafers Are a l lessing to all Classes aad Cnnstitutiona. TÏRYAN'S Pn.MOMC WaFERS Are adapted to Vocalista and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pülmosic Wafkrs Are in a simple fnrin, and pleasant to the taste. fíiíYAN's Puimojíic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. BRTAH'a PüI.MOXïC WaFERS Are ".varranted to give tatisfaction to erery onO No family should be without a box of . 'Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" in the house. Ne tra veler should be without a supply of " Bryan's pulmonic Waferá in his pocket. Ko person will ever object to give for '■ Brvan's Pulmonic Wafers " Tw-euty-five Ceuta. JOB M03ES, SoleProprietor.Rochehter.N Y. Sold by Grenville & Fuller, and all good druggiats in the Uuited States and Cana-las. MOTHERS READ THIS. The following is an extract f rom a letter written by the partor of a Baptist Cnurch to the "Journal aud Messeneer," Cincimiati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor oí that worid-reoowutëd medicine- Mrs. Winstow'a Sftrmfipq Stbüp por CmLDKBK Teethisg: t:We ee an ad vertí semt-nt in your columns of Mrs. WíqsIow's Soothto Syrup. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel eompelledto say to your readers, that this is no nnmbug - wi havb tiued it, and khow it to bb au. rr claims. It is. proably. one of the most succensful medicines of the day, because :t is one of the oest. And tbose of your readers who have Uabies can't do it better than to 1 y in a " bee adveitisument in anothor column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, liaving been restoied te hoalth in few wepks by a very simple remedy. after having fnffered sevoral years wftbfc severe lung affection, and that dread, Co;:sumption - is anxious to make known to his feUow-pufferera themeans of cure. To all who desire it, he will send acopy of the presoripttoB used (free of cnarge) , wilh the directions for preparing and usiug the same, which they will find a L'RK CL'RE for CONÍ-rMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, C. The only object of the advertlsw in spnd:ng ihePrescription is to benefit the iftlicied and spread information wliich be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes e very HulTerer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth ing, and may provo a blessing. I'artics wishing the prescripfion wil! pleaseaddress ItKV. EnWARD A WlLSON, 7C8yl Wiüiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. 1SQ. Coughs. The sudden changes of our climate are eources of Pulmonaey, BnoscinAi., and Asthmatic Affec IMMfB, Experience having proved that fiimple remedies nfien act speedily and ccrtaiuly when taken in the early stages of the diioase, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troche," or LoseDges,let the Cold, Cougb, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so bliglit, as by ihis precaution a more serious attack may b? effectually war.led off. ruBUC'SPEAKEBsand Hingebs will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. See dvertisemei.t. 776mö Ü- The Great Bemfactor of IHs Rnce.-ffift The Great Healer of Mankind! Herrick's Suga Coated Pilis Th" whole World United! Sicie People think! After which act. You?d scarce expect,atthis late day, With slartling cures a book to flll j This is the Cftse, the miltion say, Witb fchecures of Herrick's Pili T'ni'v oonn Croni Kast, and Xorth, and West, And witb glad tidinga the papers fill, Becau.sf they are tbc oheapest,8afest,1ea And superior to others isHerrick's Pili Trom Koots.anil Plants, and Flowers they 're; Tliey altraya cure- they never kill Thouh-ands nmv in febeir gravr-s wereiaid, Were it not for ïïerrick's l'ilis. Each Pili with sugar is coated o'er - A rare dUcovery of matchh'ss skill, Thcirlike was never scenbefnre, Uutil itappeared in Herrick's IMU For years he's workaóHo haal thé hielt, Wlth joy Blata hin bosom filis: For tensot thousinds now rejolM At the maicfc Powersof Homck's ?tlb. HERRICK'SMATCHLEfiBVEGKTABIJE FAMILY PIL& have taun&tted the world witbtheir pnpularity Over iive millioo of boxea are used annualy, giring empLoy ment to eighty-flve men and women to put thi-m ap Thcir enrosare numbere 1 by thousamis - their praises on the tongues of all, Citizens of Washtenaw Co-, anr elsewhere, have you Bvev used thcm?Put up in English Spanish (ierman, ana Krcnch diiections. Large familv boxes, 25 cents! Five boxes for $1. Sold everywhere. SueadvertiseniPiit on 'M pago Important to Females. ■ O r, C H E E S E M A N PIL.LS. Phí:paeed by Coknflius L. Chelseman, . d., New York Cily. Thecombinati-on of ingrediente in theaa Pilis are the reoult f a long and extenvc practico. Theyaremikl in their operatinn. and cerhün in correcting all irreerularities, Paiufui JInsuration, rem o ving all ubytructions, whether frum ct or otbenriM, hoadiiche, pain in the Bid, palpatiition of the hoart, whites, all eervous affections, hyterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c.( dUiurbed sleep, whtebarueefron interruptionof nature. TO MAHPvIEDLADIES, Dr. ('hensoman's Pilis are invaluable, as they wil] brlngon the innuthlv perlod with rmjularity. LadiM vrho have been disa-ppoíuted la the use of otheu Pilis can place the utmost couíidence in Dr. Chocscmau'y Pilla doiog all they represent to do. Y O T I C E Tke.rc is nnt conditon nfthefemaU system in which the. PM cannot h takêv witJunti produMnfi a VECULIAR ItESULT. The eonditUm rtferred to ië PREG&AIYCY- ■ the ratdt, MWCARHlAQ E fhvk u the imeUtaiU tendencyof the medicine to rastert ke 'sexual fametíonj to a normal candi limi, that evn the reproductief paicer of nature catrnoi resist it. Waxranteápofttlj regetable, and free from anythlng iojuHotu, Explieitdirections, wbich shouM be vcnd,ac company each bex, Rn1 bj saftil on encloaing $1 to lm (JiRNKf.ifci L. C'iieeseman, Box 4,531, Post Ofíice, New York City, 4JES" Sol'1 by one Druggist in evcry town in tbeUmted States. -&a R. B. HUTCHING8, Ge.veral Agent fok the Umted States, No, 14, Broodway, New Yorkt To wbom all Wn.olou.ta ordtn should be addresfiM in Ann Arbnr, d f Miy.vAr.i1, STHBBI5S & Wiiao, e, o o o DOLLARS WORTH - O Ï - BOOTS SHOES ín coneequencs f Making a change in my business I will salí My Entirt Stock of BOOTS $■ SHOES! AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT COST ! i Now is the time for families and individual to supply themselvea for the coming Wiuter and abo for next Spring and Summer. My stock consista of every Turioty of Shoes fcr Winter and Summer wear, and purohased at low priees. WM. S. SAUNDERS. Ann Arbor, Deo 1, 1860. ' 777m3 18611861. OFF REDUOEDPRICES. u9l.11 Sliicls Of R&.LL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Glores, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, OIETE A.T REDUCE O TRICES ! AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, EXCHAKGE BLOGK. 782tf FOR S-A.3-.E 1 Valuable Beal Estáte Xzx tlie CITY OF ANN ARBOR. AS I tNTENDTO MOVE EA8T WJTIIMY FAMILY, I will selltUe f ullowiug Real Estáte, ray TWO BRICK STORES, on llaia and Hurón StreeU, A TWO STORT BRICK HOUSE. Modern Ptyle, built two years since, witíi out buildings, fiituuted n a Grove ol Forest Trees, Near the Unwersity Grounds, the most desirabïe part of the City for a residence, with ten or uoore acres of land as the purebaser dtttiires. 100 City Lots With a grove of trees on a purt of each l&t also 35 Acrosof very rich Datura] grass land. 20 acres eoclosed and laid dowu to graR, the balance wood land, nituatoc half a uiile fr in the cityThe Uuscription of property, price aud tonus, cixn be had by calliug al my store. WM. S. SAÜN'PElïS. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1860. 7ti3m2 NOTK E. APPLICATION Kill be mad to tie Lepslaturo of is SiiUe at itt preBent sessiou for a Uv authorizir.g th(i Fir; t ireNbytorian society, of Ann Arhor, MicbiKau; to borrow mouey to pay its debts aiul complete its new church oditice, and to mortgage ita real esta: e to securo tbe payment of ny lean wliicb tshuli make. D.McIXTYKE, NELSO.V STIHJNO AHRAM PaGER, A.H. Mr.KIlAM, WM. C. VOÜKHEIS, W. W. WiHIa, Trustees of the First Presbyterian Society of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Mich. DtM&, AnB Arbcr, fatntj S, IBÖ1, 5w7Si


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