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Stoves & Hardware ! RISDON & HENDEIISON Hare now in Storp a large assortment of cr rjsr 4 "7" JES ísí 9 Hardware and Houso Furnishing s sb su AU t. ork will be sold as (JHEAP au at any other Es'ublishmeiit Iu Michigan, They hAvo got the Best Assortment of Cooking PAIíLORAND l'LATE &$ TOV E Sí I1NT TUIS STATE, And will sell them Chóaper than THE G II E ATES T, Picase cali and see. AU kinds of tin ware kept on hand. Particular attention paid to all kind of Which will be done wlth NEATNESS AND BlSPkTCH. 5-Please cali and sce their SÏOVJi KOUil in 2d story of New Block. RISDON k ÍIENDERSON'. Ann Arbor. Jan. 6, 1861. Hifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASremovcdhis Gun Shop tnthe New Block -n Huton atreet, aouth if the Court House, 01; Ue seccn Boor, wherr he is preparod to ftrniih Guns, Pistóle, Ammunition FJasks, Game Bags, and Ever} other article in his Line. On the most reasonablr terms, and to do 11 kinds f n the aborteat notice and in thebeat mannei . nul ntsort;nm)taU7oysíeptonhand,oid madetoorMAÑ"HO()D How Lost and How Restored. Just Puhluhed in a Sealed EnVvlope, A LKCTÜBK ON' THE NATDRE, TRFATMEN'T A'P RADICAL CURE OF M:R...ATORKHOEA, or Seminal WeakneM, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Invoiunta;-t Emisaiona producing Impotency, Consumption, and Menia' "tl I'hysical Debility. BY ÍOB. J. CULYERWELL, M. D. The important t ptthat the awful consequenoes of ,elf abuse may be cffectually remored without mternal remedies or the dangeroui application of oW' '"" itruments, medica!l bonKies, and other empj nwl de ben elearlr demr.nstrated, and the en irely new and highly successful treatment, as a..' opten by ie ce ie brated author fully explained, by meana o.f everj one is enabled to cure himíelf perfe:tly. 1 at 'oe least possit Ie cost, ttisreby avoiding all the ai-ve"s nostrums of the day. This Icture will prove a bb'on te th'usands and tliousandn. Sent under eul to any Address, post paid. on the receipt uf two postare stámps, by addressing Dr. CHAS J.C. KLINL, 480 First iveeae. New York, Posi Bix, ♦,086 ' Tl 8 City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors BUnds, Plaste París Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, &c, &c. , D. DeForest, HAV1NG increaaed hit far.llities for doiig haainesB and enlirged hia Yard and tftock,ia prepaied the present aeaso, with tt c bes .. largeet ind est acneoned atocli cverin thia msritc. to atisi'y the reasonablr exnei-tationa tí alt. Oui motto la notto bc. undereold lor caeh on delivery I wil 1 not undertaketofriffhtenthe public byaaytng that theywill getshaved il they buy eleewhere. for we preeume that other-. willsellaslow asthey cïn offord to. All kinds of Timtoer, Joists, and Soantling, Pioe, Whltewood, Eaaswood, Hem lock, Planed and Matclied Pine, Whitewood ieh i'loorlng.Planedind rouc;h Pineand Whitewood aiding.Fencc Posta, Ok and Ceclar Poste andPickcts ol all kinds. {3ine fatl), anïi tUIjltetuoob C. A Ptne, Ashani WKltewood shlnglei, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekWa-jUt.andCherry and thin etuff, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxnnd Body Lumber, Maple I.og Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of ulkhiekneases, widthá andlengtbs,&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnds. Wails f all slzee, Jkc, c. SASn, DOORS, & BL1NDS, rnade b y hand to order as lowaa factory priecs. on the bythe bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bille of 1! desription in the abore building line furnlBhedon theshortestof notice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A full anda perfect agsortment of the above in other Kinds of Building Materials Constantlv onhandatthi lowestpossible ratcs Cali and be Convineed. A few rods southfrom R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Miei. ROOFING, N.B. - I aninow operating Extenslrelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. HEAD QUARTERS. n For all kinJs of FBTROLIU M , J COAL OIL, & FLÜID LAMPS. Kj'l i - ALSO- jl PETROLIÜM FLÜID, W Coal Oils. F Superior qu-lity, at pricqs gu".rTi antying atitfaction, Lamps fcp lltered to the above on short feA notice. ?BiA. DeFOREST. 1 . ...-. ildj Nov. in, 1860, 774tf Oval Picture Trames ALL SEEIB, STYLKS and PEICE3 just receivod r.ud for aale cheap at CHOFF & MILLEK'S. Dec 25, 1860. 780tf City Meat Markei. m--m The undersignetl K _Ohtj Have RemovedVÊKÊBM THEIR MAEEBT TO THE CORNER OF ANN ANTD FOÜRTII STT'EETS. And wil] keep constautly on hand a full asaortmènt of F-r-e-s-la 2VC-o-.-t-s-, which thcy will alwaj-s bo found ia readiuePfat'i ent npn .SL'll CLiSÏUMEitó. Nu pai.xü will be sj-lred to their niarket Clean, and Meaffl Sweet and patrons mny rely upon getting the best roasts STE.iK., rnovs, etc.thatcan be found in'theCitv CAJ.L ANDTKY US. B, hRO'TOU I "7AI.KKR. Ann Art"r i, I80ÍI ■CTVi Cure Couvhy Cdd, Htraeni-ss, i fí$tfí]& tntm a mi In tation ut Sori-mx új tkê AJÉMEáilA T'tma:; Reliare ihti HnchitK Guk rtyHMfrn i ,. lironeMtw, AsttVlilM íÜmW3 fïia rtW C'a'a-rh. Cl tr and VHCHflflflBjr íií' .tin#i4 'ri. of %TiV!T55r PUÜL.IC 'SPKAKKHs, HjjJÍí mirt 8IMUKRS, Few ,. v ire of the Importunado? ohecklng a Congh or "Comaion Col 1" in ín Bsat stage; th&t whiofa in tbe beffnning vouid 3 eld toa mild r medy, If ne üoon attacka the i,un;s, -'Brown'ij Bronohiai Troches," oon)iidingdcmulcnt bngreüieat ü:iy Pulmonar and Bronchial Irrit&tlon. BiiOWïCS "That troublu ia my Thront, (for vhich the ''Troches" are a Rpelflc) ha ving made rr.Ttn.ry-rfn'i uti OÍtun i Miert vli!-;,t.'r( i,J' TROCHES n. P. WILLIS. "I reoommend thelruae to PcbucSpkakBROWN'S att." lil:v CHAFI2Ï. "Hara proffl extremely serviceable for TROCHES bÊV.'hKKRT wap.d BEECHER. jUni' ■ ■ 1 ■ of in tbe '.!■ 1 ■ lïTÏOWN'S lor ui breathfog peculiar to a.itiim.." ü u .:,. C EUOLEslOK. mn.rr-pn "Containno Opium or anything tojuri TRUCHES 1Ui.i DE. A. A. il Yi:.s, ihetaiat, Boston. HRHWVN "A firapli' and pleftsant conobination for Uitu a ;ocuHS.c,. DR.Q.F.BltiEtOW. Boston TROCHES "Ucueficial in BaoNCiurts." dr j. r.w. i.axe, RRniVWi Boston, imunua (1I have pr0Ted lh8m MoÜMit fur TROCHES KEV. II. W. WARREN', Iioata. BROWN'S "ttenefloial vfaen to ipeaJc, : gufferinff from Cold .' ' RSV.P. J. I AKDERSOK, TROCHES 't. Louis. "Effectaal in ivmoving Ho&rseness and nn nWT'i IrrttttlOB of the Tliroat, so i-minon witli Pro! M.3TACYJÖHN80N', TROCHES UGnojo,. ïeaolior oFMuiiic fouthoru RPOWK'í; Feinali'Cu-h, üilu'!il CT "Gredt benefit wb en taken lïefurt and fier preaching, thej i.rcvrint HonraeTROCHES aast. From their pa (t tftct, 1 tlmik r!icy srtll bij of permanent ad van t ge to me." npAmv'S liiiV.E. ROWLEY, a M. ÜUU VY jS I Prenaor.t of Athens Collega. Teon. ftL. FoMby all Oru?isUat TWEXTYTROCHES FIVÏCENTg A BÜX.- 77Cm6 A SEBEfia OF School and Family Readers; Consisting of aPiimer & Se ven Readers! B7 MAKC1U3 W1LLBON, The Primer, and the First, Socond, Third, and Fourth Readers are now readjr. THS PRIMER (Introductoiy.) BEGINNING withthe Alphabet, is divirled into Four Parts, and extends to words of four letters. Partí., tba Mphabüt, is illastritod rauub more beautifully th;in anyotber Primer, both by lettorí, aud cuta explanatorrof tbe vordi In tlif Alphabetical arratigemeat. Part II. eontains 18 Reading Lcssons of wordl of two letters, arraoged in simple aeTitences. No uiimeaning syllable are giveD. Part III. h a 26 Leasou, of wordrf of not more tlian tbree letters. Part IV. bc 21 Loss ns, of words of uot mora than four letters. Separate "ronouncingLessons" ave iivcQj cnnt&lnlng the words used in tbe Keading Lessons. To guard ii-rainst the formation of a monotonons habit, and as a i?uide to the proper modulations of the voice, tïie conversational style is adopted to a considerable extont, and marks are given to denote the rising and falling iuflefitions. Tlie object of this i torequíre children to read queut ens and their anvera in the sameraanner as they nptak them, and titas to tay the foundation of good readIng at the very boginning. The Primer cuntaiaa more Iban a huadred beautiful Illustrations. Willson's First Reader. Beguming witheasy word.s.of four latiera in Partí., ex tends to eiifly wordn of six letters In Parts IV. and V., aud I a few easy words of tv.-e and (hice yllablep. In this woí k also the conversationul style is frequently intiuduced, as it is íbnt which is capa ble ofgiviBg the greatest variety to tb Ha.ding Leasous, and ons that easüy familiatizes the pupila with tho inflections, and shows tlioir uecessitv. lt is scarcelV posnibie that the pupil who follows thesiropleand eiisysysteui here . ed out, can afterward al) inCo a draaiing aud 5 ousbabitof reuding The Illustratioiis aro nmerou9 and superior. Wülson's Seccnd Reader. Ia divided mto Seven Parts, rach preceded by one or more Elocutiunary Kules, desigred for the use oí tbe tcachiT only, andio enforce upuo him the importance of requiring the pupils t .ead as dtrected by the inflectlbb9 given. T'ie m ïks denoting ihe infiectons are net yo numCJftus as t0 aunie an unnecessiiry importance, nor aro they ased exd'ïpt where it wuild ba a manifester to di-regard tbejn. T'.e Ucutionary aim of tliese Roa 'er is to teaeh ch.l'lren t read porrectly.not by ral, bat by habit, and to this end thu ooastant practice of rentbng cnnectly is inaisted upou, aa bflinf fcr mare effi. caciuus tliaa Kuleá to correct b-1 babits alreudy formed. Superior iüustratíre engravings ave made the subjects of a large nuraber of the Roading Lesconn:- the persons represente!, their actions, auppoaed Bayings, &c., are made avaiiabie to give animation acd varieiy to the readinii, and to impart instruction; and the pnü:ip'e is Jtept in viewtbat in childbood it is tbpnugh the meJium of he perceptive faculties tbat the attentïon u readu'" .wakeaed. ana memory anJ judgment the most s.iccessfu.'l7Culti ateJi'?.rt VII., C'Wtíi la deaigfned to Uluatrato the prirciple here K'eri'ed to containsaLoss-tn 00 Colurs, whicU is il luirated by a beauful colored plte, ia wuich Uenty diiïei-eut colora are acc.:rtaíydeaiatd Wülaon'a rx?0 fteader. C ntains, first, a briet iTBmü." of the "Uements of Klo cutioa, in tb "Bale? atr.-ady iven m the :q uud Reader are repeftte-i. wltb soinea'iuilicns and fur hr cxplawition, and mort numerous O-xmp.oa Taen fullows Part I., entitled "Jionus from tUf Bibte,"in which sonta of thn most tmerfcËgg ineidantfl ia bacrert Histcry are narrated in simple kflngö, v th Tarioaa IIUutrativepoetical gÍ7f v.-iety to the rttnr. Tho pictorial illustrations in this ;;'rt are unsuipiisaed in any work. Part II., eiititled "fctJ Letona, is defigned to incúlcate moral trutbs, and is r"iae UP mosLly of selectedarticies. Part III., entering upo. -"e more prominent and characieristic feature ot the Serio.' lakes up the ftrstgreat división o'Zoology or Animal Life, and is conffned to the subject of tho iiauimaliia, uiustly Quadraped?. Althouh Quadrapede are hete arranged in their ficieutiíic divigions, and treated upon a scientific baRis.yet tbe whole is made as interest ing as a romance. Species and individual are described' jjther than gttnerftj incidente illustrative of tba habits a;iC ih ara cteris tica of animáis arenumerüus;pQetical and prose celections give variety to the Lcssons; and the illustrations Are nnsurpas.sed in any wurk on Nata;-:'l ilistory. A newandiauportant feature is introduced - tbat ofcroupi)l2 theAnimals of a cl&ss in oneengxaving, vith their comparative sizes and a scale of measurement. Part IV. is made up of Miscullaneous Artlcic-. Willson's Fourth Reader. Contains, first, ti:e:'E!e tienta of Elocution" the same as 'he Third Reader, and frequeul referente is made to tbe Rule' throtighout the work. Paft I. tirata oí' "Human Physiologv and Health" in a series ofinterestlag P.eadin Lessons, Öngi.'n' "d selcjted, wbich exclude scientific technicalities. LxUnatory notes, with accompanyiug illustrative cuts, convej mach additional useful iuformation thatcouldnot well be mlrociuced into the Readmg Lessons Part II. resumes the subct of Zuology n the división which treuts of Ui nithology oí" Cirds. A delight ful field Ís here oprned, and nothing can bc .ore interedttng than tbe manner in which the subjeet ís tmateu. Tl;e leadinii species of the sevcral Classes or Oiderslsto wblcli Birds ure divided, are grouped in cuts wheb show their r.-lat:ve sizes;aud mnny of the most beautiful poeticgems in our languageacc'-mpany and [Ilústrate the desiriptive portions, and Uie incidente narra te J. Pftrt III. takes up the First División of Vegetable Physioïogy or Botany, and gives to the aub,i'"f :.n interest and varity that can not be appi eciated trom any üescrii tion that can be given. Part IV. is made up of Misoellaneous tieloctiona. Part V. takes up the First División of Natura] Philosophy, in wbich we look in upon the school at "iïlonwild." and listen to the instructions given to a ' Volunteer Philusopby Class," and the oonT6zaationi which are lieid there. - Part VI , oemnriüing brief but connected " -ketches from Sacred History," contains some of the anest suleottoni of Sacred Puetry, with beautiful iliusiratioas of Öcrlpture incidents. In all the Readers after the Seoond the more difficult words in each Lcsson have srnall figures, as references, attached to them, and are deflned , as refeired to, at tho close of the Lesson. The accurate sounds of the Letters are al-o deetgaated These are new features The renianiing numbers of the Series, wbich will embrace in the form of practical, rarted, and in tereslijig Reading Letisouy, the several departments of Natural Ilistory- Zoology, Physlology, Physical Geography, Chemistry, Gt-ology, Astronomy, bc, &c. - and ulso, in the Seventh Reader, sucli subjects as RJietoric, Criticism, Tute, Üratory, Hcolptucfl and Pain t ing, ilusic, &c - all popularixod to the capacities of the various grados of pupils for whom they are deigned - will be completad at an early day. üiö The leading poiuts of merit claimed for these Readers are; Ist, They present an unusual Variety in matter and manner, and will prove cxocedingly iuleresting toOb.ildren. 2d, They will secure the higbest drgreeof practical instruction in the Art uf Read ing . 8d, They will imparta great amount of Ufiefn1. Inform.iíion, rthicb, in no other way,can be brougbt befo B the greal masa of Cbildfen in our Schools. 4 th. In lllustiations, and in Paptr, 'rintinc, and dur& bility of Binding, they giently excel other Readera, while the pricefl are extrccely low, Publisbed by üAHFEIt 3c BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. Ufé" To Principáis of Schools, wh o wiah single copies for Examiüation, with a view to Introduction, the abovt! books will be sent, post age paid, on reccipt of half the priees above named. Toother perffoni they will bu Bent, postüge paid, on rocoipt nf the fuil price. tfe, For IVrms of Introductiun, and for Agencies, a'ipiess Harper & Brolhtr. 77öw6 GO TO GUIÏËRMAN & GO'S I7-0K GRllIXY'S I'ATKNT PANT8- n.v article ai.,! fust the th;r-g. They have tho exclusive right for the City. Alho for tlio patent Brace Suspender. For Sale or to Rent. MY DWXLLIVG BOÜ?E, possrssiongivcnnt any t;m(AUo sevi ral dwellingi loe&ted n dtlrereBi tif the city. at prloe from $800 t o Ï2DU0. SmalHnmounta re quiretl iown, and tbo balftn8 onaoy lenth of titnè to ■uit thpupobaMr. V. HENNI'. Asa Arbnr Jstn. let 1P61. lu'.Tïl TüY YOUR CL0TH1NG' Cleveland Clolhing House Where they n'JW se!! at great'y REDITCED PRICES, A fc.v duiT-i ost üf Cuok'á Hotel, Huron Street, Ann Albor. ÍSStf A & C. liOEB. Anu Arbor Siiiool Loon. OEALFT n;o! O '■'. . ecaived by lip to 10 Ou'cloqi,A M.i-f Jnarj -Sth for t: ,'. 00 to be sccured by :hr; Bon i t N'o. lï of the City and Towash p of Aftn Arbor, runuin fiveyeas from tlie fii'st day oi F'.1 ri:i ïjelt; with interes! payahli ly. Bidsinay bc rfi.KÍe :it arate ai tbn tn }ier ceot 3 cv ollar a premium for Bouds baaring ten jei' cent. By 0r3(r of tte School Board. in-V' fteretur, iiü itbor, io KMI


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