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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHK tN INI'UNA RAII.RÖMX "-■- ■ :i - ' ''"' WINTK11 A.UKAKUGMENT. 61. 1: ■:::; now run oq tlita roail. futrt.iT!i exceji'r'l. m ■ LeKTe Toledo r. r Chicngo inilr ex?i'tt Mondayfl at 12 19 ".i. ..ín.! 12.40 '. l ,and vi A:r Un :t .) A. M. ! ■ ■ .: ftir Chicago t 10,20 B,3Í i' H hom Toledo tnO üuolt al 10,Su 1 0 ■ P. M :m Tolfdo, at 6:15 A. M., fc C:' 0 P. U. 1 n Dptroií from CbicaffOiitC.OO P. M.. an'lit.15 ' i'. U. Jrrivo ín Toledo from flilcw S,0 P. M. aml 4.3"! A. M I.otv" Adrlfts !■! Jacknon nt n.;s A. II. in 6,15 V. M. '■ Jackuu tai adrián al '&J ,. M., and 11,05 V. í. OONXBCTIONS. Ar Tiii.kdo- With Clt'velaiul í: Toledo Hail Ro&d, wlfl] WaImíIi Vallrv Re Ro 1. Al Ustroit - ■'.'.i Grand Trunk Bailwftj, vltb Greal Wt-.tfMi Hailnrar, also, with Uío Detroltftóa MiJwauki1. At Kbw Ald.iny Jt Salem R. R. CuOSai.Vd - With Tramj fot tafayette, Netr Albanyand UniisvíUe. At Chicago- With Chicago in.1 Roch [aland, fo!-n.-v. Mn.vaukco, Chioago, Bantagton and Qulnej - N'ortli ! W-ii líaii.v;. y - Chicago, Alton an st. Luui.s, liliuoia CrTitral, nti.l to all i'olntá Wii aud South. AJ" XrailM arv ruu bv Chioago time, which ifl 20 min■tOfl KHwor üi;in Tole.lo time. fi Vo;-h1i-u:T' Patont Sloc{infl[ Crs accompu:iy tilo :- Vimo and Karo tho sr.nie as by anv oilior R;li: Iii üoute JNO. D. CArpBF.U,. 'Jenp-al Siiiieiiatondi-nt. I.IPE INSÜKAWCB. Tli9 Connecticut Mutual Life Insu ranea Company. Accuinulated Capital, - 3,500,000. WI!,1. ÍX3ÜRE ETTE3 foi any ftmoafrt not meeding $IO.0-0 for the wholfl toroi of Lile or for a term of voars, o tLoiuortt favorable tennis. N. B The Corapany i purely mutual an the policy holders get all the surplus ovei tb; exact coat of inranee It accomodates the tnsi :cd In the Hettleiaent of thcir pienvum ON L2FE POLICliuS, f detrirad, l'.v ft&lng anote fur ott half the amouut, be&riug iuterót at ebt per oetit, ]pv annuni, Dividend are Declarcd Annually! and iinoa thoy now amount Ui nrrv per cent on tb premium, oaah and aota, and are mcrasing thoy inay be . to cancel the notes. The r&tes of premiums aroaslow au any olher re tpoutuble Cempany andthelarge ftccumulnted fund of Ü.;..V 0,OÖd la securtly invi-.v.o.l, a: roay w êeeo by refertl fltaUmigot made ccordingto law, on file in Hieofüoe of tbe County Cleik.aí A nu Arboi-gfc JAMfcS QOOÜWIK, Prest. Gut R. PsKUffSepr. Forpartltalarsapyly to JAMES C. WATSOK, 703 vl gent at Ann Arbor, Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aecumuluted Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRTS FRANKLÏN, Pretident, J. O. KBXDALL, Vtee Pretident, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuar y $100,000 DEPOSÍTED I ritb tlitC-tinptrollerof the Stat of Xew York. Di7itaads average 40 per cont. ammally . ASSBTS. Oah In Dnnk, 31,355,4'.I lnvtfsteiï n securitieh, creatoil un1er tb latraof the State of New York ;w orth V. 8. , SS.STO.T'.' ; I!l f.Htate an1 Flxiures, Nos. 112 aud 114 ft.1wa.T 132,450 04 Bonla sni ICoiigeidmrlllg7 per et. interest 583,998.31 Kotfts reivel ior 40 per cent.üf premiumij on lii'e pohcit", bcaiinj; r.terest, 676,315.85 QLiartprlv aod 6emi-AODuaJ prominms, dae Rubseqiient'tn .lanuary 1, 16fiO 20S50.88 Interest aecrueil up to Jan. 1 , 1800, 36.48S.77 Ronts acoruoduptoJao. 1, 1S80, 1,708.84 Prwniuras oq poifcies iu hauds of Agentif 26,44?.ly $1,767,133.24 Tr WbllS and Lkwitt, MeilioAl Fxaminprs. 7tf J. (ÏILBKKI1 SMl'IM. ' it Insurance ÜLgcncy 1 C. H. MILLEN 13 TilK AGKN'T for the Following first flaw companies: ■ Kl.iIK IJTSUUANCE COJIFAXY, of New Vork Cttjr.- Capital and Surplus, $l,6J0,00O. CITY P1UH INSURANCE COMPASY, of Bartford. --Capital and Snrplu, $40UO0O. COVTINENTAL ISSUKASCF. COMPASY. oí New York and Surplus, $100,000. ihreo-qur.rtf ra of the nott profits in thid Comjjany 15 3 amoCL it policy holders. C MILLEN. Aaa Arbor, Decemler 13, 18G0. 6in778 CoiiAvay Pire Insnrance Co., Of CoDway. Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 2G9.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rokers. Jaa. S Whitney, Secretar. President. DIRFOTORS. J 9.WH7TNEY. L ñOll.MAN W RM.1OTT. SAHOWUND.D r. McGT.VIlA V,E D. MORGAN WAIT BBMENT, JOIAH Af.US. A.H I!U' 1..KN W. U. nlCKlNSON, W T. CLAPI'. Ü.C.ROOIiR-i. Ann Arboi Rrfprences: Dr, E. WELI.R, L. JAMF.3 L. TinrOP, ENOCH JAMKP. OAPT. O.S. OOODRICil J W. KNIGHT. Afrent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE &FfRË INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital; - - - 8500,000 one of the HKAVIEST, 8AM5ST nrl BEST [oranncM Cü's. in the U. S. Influrftfl "n rMflonsMv terms. km a! x&y pny prontjitly. fhero ne bvltor Fiw hiavnMl Cumxumf. Mo n'e y Wantei W ii o w i 1 1 L e ïi d M o u e y 1 ÍAII REQDE6TBD BY SEVERAL HERSONS tu obtain uoaey for the ra at Ten Per Cent I itorest, (OrMore.) Kor any one .willing to lenrt, I can at nneo invest on gooi un?:iv-ynbtMc.l abuiidant KKAL ESTÁTE security injRumii mo:iey and léothat tlie litlö anti uecurity ire ALL RIGOT, ,6'j Tiie torrower paling all expenses, ineludiner ro cording, K. W. MORGAN, kun Arbor, Gct. T,lSfi9 7l51f Genera) Land Aency PEB9OÑ8 wanting farinB, or rrsideneeiin oruoa nn Arbor, csn by calliug on me elocitroma Hit IOO Farm Kor 9ïe! )fvarlons Izos trom :ï, te 130" acrefach (samo goodaiinv'111'1'8 fonnty.) Morftthan ííO Ou'i'Jinj.' Uiüiscs athieClty.fromtwo iiundred to fourthouaencdo ■C9 Mich ; and over 2OO F, J I r, n I N G LOT 8 I monetbcfirmf are the liishopf rarm , iHOOricree, he Potter funn, in Green Oak; i"n Place t ann . n. i ) teres, the Blandón aod Jenks farms, in Webster; h Stubis, Mlchael Clancy, Nowtnn BeRiian, nd Pa)Inhr} fftrwa, Ib Am irbï J Klngfly4 farm, n Plttfleicl' the Batob fn-l FHok l'nrmi lodi:tlio ■nrriclï Inytifflrm lo Prnndom; W. f. Daviknn, B. O, Bakers and Bu'k'8 tarms InSylvan MiBt-.f nñ niany otbera can bo f i vtde i to uit lur"h"'iri . w. -AGïcuH. innArboj, .In lt . íw 3 W .MORS A N , Agent ior Uutaal l.lfe !nuianccCiimpany, New York. auhtcAAwet, , ■ r,360,0OO ■ nee Company n tïie V s. Küiclt i;isiir:ilico ('iinhanv, .Vtff York, - :i iiri clasa aft Co. - terins reaonbfe. Qiunb 'l'h Kire Insurance Compauy, Kcw York. I, with alarga rorplot, - "- SU'id.iioO. l'f)ti:i Uarfna .-■ 1 ín tnsuraaco ('o., P ïia UI. i So. 1 Kir Insurauci' IV. 707tf aptttu, .... Í500,000; DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. )RV GOODS MERCHAÏfTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duaae Street, Waw York. WOÜLD M'TIi V TUK TRADE thnt toey ar opmla S'i-ikiv, in m w anti bcautüii] pattems, Utf ai-so taa A Now Print, Vhloïl ttXCela cvery I'rtnt m fch CoiiiiItt cttoD of exooation anddeaignin full Madder Coïora. - OorFrlatvare oboapcr ' n any ia market,and BOOOtiog wth cxtc.nsivi' Bale. OrJtT.s promiitLy attudd 1G&J& EYE and EF. -'l l A. (ÍADVELL, üjgSP' OPERATOR ON TUK KVK AND 'ÍAR, I ar Jücofncss, flllmlnea, and nli dcjïctt: of DR. 0. BEOtO ABEGULARFhjrffeiui.TitbTWENXY ÍTEAS exoloiv praotice in the trófttmentof AlcascH of tho KVK AND BAB, wil hv found quallfied to ■ef or effect a cure in any com nrithia the reach of liiimnn riclU. 113 jVo charge for an ezamlrtatlon or an opinión, or i'nr uiisuct-e-tfut serticr$. Da. Ca Trkatbb OM tjik Kvi: and Eak, of Í0O pp., contjiiuing reforences, Tostímoníala, Descríption of Duother iiiii rtani muiter, illusrnkted vitta Cat, tn had gratis. 'y Modiog 7V7j CtnU to pay Dr. OadwseXj 18 Randolph 8trei eori 'Tlvarn, (-nicg 111 Iy7f8 Livery Stable. B. GREEN, at his Livery Stable, rear of Fraaklin, bolda bimaeli raady to rurntsfa lh bett "torn out," single ordouli'p, at hort nulice. Cail&nd cc lus liornas ana Osrrlagea OffiM neond duur wbt of Wcbbter'g Boofe 8VM. P, B. A fnïoiitoclf nf PtfflTifpTtltM irtw (lWffcl rn l! % r'-' . . ■ -i THE BAN NEB, STOIiü. SECOMü AKRIYaL - OF- Or o o x Es OOODS KKO.M ACCTION. Fe ets for the Feople -OFWA SHTEN -"W -w'NÜ- ADJOTNING COUNTIES ! And í h -i r nnn:ero!9 qnostion anfTerc4Wfot ia Everyboihj trading at the "BAXNER STORET '-nrcuKtt A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of Uiat. Establishment has just reiuriK-J frooi the Edslèfo Civu-awiife tU Larg"tt, Uandiome-ot, Cheavei-t, and Most AtLraotive Stock of S CAPÍ-E AND FANOY DRY COODS! ovw broujjiit to this part of tk State] TTAy is Evm-ybífdy pleasmi with Ate StacA Üftcauüo hiittrlM are lúre btautHal, qualïty bctter(and priow lowr tüan at aiijr thw atore in thd eounty. Why ha h alwayn Snnething New and Cheap to Show? Becaimeho hasa frienl nnectorl wiíh ohe of thi !; rast Dry Uood Houw lii New Tork, who i toitlnuaul ■ BOBBING ROUND" for obeap borgninsaod ihe Ifti BtjlBB, as thcy appear trom tune to tiin, uti in thifl wy kcVps bim suppUed witb a yli BnJ coaoqumtï cus tomerH can always Ünd BOmothing I'nh, NEW CIIEAraal DESIRA BLE W7y ííoes ñ sei w mitck Chcnper than tlte rest f Éteoause fcè has a buyor in the ity aJl the time totaln advantam of the continua] ohauge of the inartót, anï in that way tiuvs bis úoiIh niuch cb-Hpw Uum utU'if1 can, and thet be inarkl tlu-m dowo lo tbe Why does he u!l Ladks' and Chilar r8y Shers so much cheaper han wa$ ever ïward ofby the oidcsi Shoemakersf Rocause b buyjt hie stook in the !aiK of hoenmkera, "f the ïnanufücturers, fully C& per ceut chraper tbüii tht Xew York Jobbers ell tlicni, and mach botter work thnii '.hoy gauorall kep. 'lliia course eii.ibles him to aell ;. botte Gaiter for 35 Cents. thaa otberssell iit &0 cestH, and a bétter F9XED GA1TEÏ' at 0 oeuts, tbau oihorii cd at 76 coniü. Mas he ny Hats and Cap? Yos,I should think be bjw atacks of tbetn, ottongh to sappig tlityStatijjit pric lowcr thau was vörhoHrdoi round theae part. Why is Ms Tea so much brtttr for the price ijqu pay tJian you gel at otfter places? Beciunc lic takes rfat care in selocting t, and giTe8bi custüiueis the beneíiiof a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It nimv be has got. Whtre should you go to gel ynur CLOTIIS and have them Cut or Made? To the BANNER STORB, wliere the People's Banner íe ïnfiu-IOilfor the roople'figood. ïouth eid of Public SijUiirc, a fevr doorn west of Cook'f Hotel. A. P, MILLS. Sept. 18, 1850. "■ Itf Ho for the Mmmoth Cabïnet Ware Rooujs. o MASTÍN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUST OI'ENED IN THKIR new and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDBOF MAIN STREET, rlfk. yt -XX. V 13 OX- A OOM PLETE STOCK OF HOSEWOOD, MAI1OGAJNY and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE I N C L U D I N G Sofas, Tete-a-Tetcs, Mahogany R0SE-W00D, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped R0REW00D,( MAIH'GANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CIIAIRS, cc, &c, &c, &o. jm. ïc. ssi t 9 Elegant Mi RRORS, Bureaus, Secretarles, B e d-R oom Sets, INCLÜDING LATEiST STYLKS. -ofldï8A O 1 1 ■CTTitllÜF TUE BEST QUA L1T1 ANI Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W-IT-H Wil I C-H T-0 FC-R-N I-S-B PARLOR, BOUDOIR, ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR C1TIZENS NEEU NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere To Pind ALAÍÍGE ASSORTMENT FURNITURB MUST BE 8 O L D A N D- And Will be Sold . A- T V E R Y L O W l'KTCES! 8W I' Tcry m:in anl lus wifo or goiug to bu vriiv CU1115 AM SKK. Theyalsi havií a EEAR8E CARR1AGE, And ro alnyn rcn'ly tontteml lo the burial of th dwd n UwCitytnd djolning country. w-KooiMet Bide oi SUin Street, butwecu Washington and I.ilorty O. Jtt ■ v .. . N. C. B. THOMPSON


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Michigan Argus