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Poverty A Blessing

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The great struggle for riches among ■. mankind s a vci'y mistaken elFirt to ac quiro eitlier happiuessor fame. Few children boni to riohes ever maku a prominent mark in the world. Almost all great and learned men aequire their greutness or learning througli extreme difficulties resulting from poverty. We fiid the following over tlie sigmiture of Timothy Tiicomb, so full oí truth and se appropriatp, that we transfer it to the Home Virde. - Vallèy Farmer. " If thore is auy thing in the world that ayoung man should be more grate ful for than another, it is the poverty that uecessitates his starting lite undcr great disadvautages. Poverty is oue of the best tests if human quality in existenee. ! A triuiupb over it is like gradauting with i hunor trom West Poiut. It deinonstrates stufl aud stamina. It is a certifícate of worthy labor faithfully perf rnied. A youug man who caunot stand this test is ïiot guod for anything. He can uever rite above a drudge or a pauper. A young man who caunot foei his will harden as the yoke of poverty presses upoo him, and his pluck rise with every diffieulty that J poverty throws in his way, may as well retire to soiae corner and liidu himselí'. j Poverty saves a thousand times more than It ruins; for it ouly ruins those who are not particularly wortli savhig, while it saves multitudes of those whom weaith would have ruiued. If any youug man who reaus this letter is so unfortunate as to be rich, I give hiin my pity. I pity i you tuy rich young friend, beeause you are in dauger. You laek one great stimulus to effort and excellence, wliich your poorer eouipauions possesa. You will be j vcry apt, if you have a soft spot in your head, to think yourself above them, and that sort of thing niakes you mean, and iujures you With tull pockets and full stomach, and good linen and broadcloth on your back, your heart and soul plntlioric, - in the race of lite you will tind yourilf surpassod by all the poor boys around you. befiire you know it. " No, my boy, if you are poor, thank God ana take courage ; for He iutends to give you a chaucü tu make something of yourself. If you had plenty of money, ten eliauces to one it would spoil you for all useful purposes Do you lauk education 'r Have you been eut short of text books V Kemember tliat eduealion, hke soine other tbings,.dues not consist in the multitude of thiugs a man possesses. - Wlutt can you do '! That is the questiou that does the business for you. Do you kuow your business 'i Do you know men and how to deal with them ! Has your iiiind, by my uieaus whatever, received that discipline wliich gives to it action, power, aud t'acility ? if so, theu you are more a man, aud a thousand times butter educated, than the fellow that graduates from a college with hisbrains full of stuiï that he cannot apply to the yractieul bu siness of life - stuü', the acquisition of which has been in no eeuse a diseiplinary process, so fur as he is coacerned. Tliere are very few men in this world, less than thirtyyears old, and uumariied, who eau atiord to be rich. One of the prestest benefits to be reaped from great linaucial disasters, is the savmg of a iarge erop of youug uien."


Old News
Michigan Argus