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Lord Broughinaii, foru the liriüsh Associution ior the advancerner.t oí Science, delivereü au addiess, i'iom which we takc these . marks: TUK MAQNETIC TELKGUAHII, The power of the magnetic telegraph extend.s to thu co-i.toi t, il families, thu euro of diseui-es, The transactioris ol buinei-s, the ulmimstrutioii "1 ju.-tice, i ttie operntioiis of Gdvernment in :ill its ! brwpci es, civil and ípMitary, doiiK-stic I arid loreign ; éntubltshing aii ahnóist institntanBous cótninuniontion btrtween i llie reiiiotust regions. (C eers ) But physicül ("cielice tuiu _iven us tin; n e;m.s of personal tnterctrtiPHe as we tm ■ respondeiHe with remoto places. How ütlle could Wast, whiin employed :i8 a ' com ilion mt-chüiiic to repnir au engine, loreseo that IVom the hajipy iiiv. ntions wliich 11 ose out cl' lus dcep retk-etion upoM the agenèfes submiited to his studies thure would lollow such a chance in our rekitioris with the iKituril wor'd iis dow 6ets wind ;md tides and currents at defiance, and excludes in u great degree the consideration of space und tiüio from our oaloulations, and vet greater ïevokitions in sncial sjste. Littla did ho think that the work ho was just beginning would before another gerieffttion passed away, not morely changc the whnlo course of commercial dealingH, the coWmanications of all countries one with ar.other, and of all i men aniong themsclvou in eabh, Ut ef ! l'ect the whole policy of uations, their f relations in peace and their operations ie -nar.


Old News
Michigan Argus