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Aktici-e 1. rerso:i3 liL'ld to service or labor for lïfu in any Stato, uuder tlielaws tliereoi', may be takeu nto;niy Territory of the United States south of latitu.le 3ü degrees, 30 mi.iuto-', nriil the pight tosu.-h service or lubyr .shall not bü impairüd thcreby. Arid any Territorial LegUhitureshall huve the exclusive rightto mako hII needt'ul rules and rogulatious the pruteetioii of saoh rigbt, and of auch porsoas, aud for the uiaintenance and treatïneut of suoli persons and httir doscand" ants, ia their domestio relations. Hut Oongreas ur aiy Territorial Leislture shall not havo power to impair or abolish such right of lerfion in the said Territory ; nor iu auy othsr p! iqq within thu jur.sdiction of the Uiiitud States, yitli ut tlie consent uf all the Staioá which w tintain snob éerriisa. Am II. 'lien any Turritory of tbo U.iited States aliall hive a pupalat on oíual to the ratio of repreaentatioi) for oiiu inambur of Coasíresa, and t lie people ah.ill h iva fonucd a ü)iiititutio.i f ir i republican fonu of guvúrinuuiit, it slj ill lu; admitt'.'J ai a soverw"'! Stute uto ttu Uni')U, oa an eual fuotiiig with tlits uther I Status, by tbu proclainatiou of tbe Pivsi dunt of ha Uní ei States; and tbe peoplu inay iu thu Coaatitution for duuli ritatö, uitlicr prohibit or regúlate ÜX9 to labor or sorvice, and ilier or ameiid tlia UoiiHtitution at tlieir will. And it' tbá Prea.dent refiliad toadmit such Territory as a State, this artiolu sbaü uot doprive Coiigreas of the power to admit suoli State, Aar. III. The present right of representatiou Lu the sectiou II of article I of he Gjnstituiion of the U.iitud State.i hall uéver be altared, without tke OJUent ol' all tlio Status maintainiiig thu right to sarvico or Libor for ljt$, Aiul tlie rogulatiqil of tbc riht to labor or servies', iu any of the States, i hereby recogiiiz'-d to ba exolusively tlie right" of eauli Stafo witlii i it3 o.Vii limits; aad this Constitution shaü novor be altered or amoiided to impiiir tliis right of caoli tuto, witliout its consent : ProvideJ, Thut this artiole s'iall not ba co istr ed to absolvu the Unitud States GrüVuriimeat from readeiiug assisUnce to stjpprssa iu surrootions or domestic violenou, as provided in the aaatioa tV, artiele IV, of thia Goiistitution A:T. IV. The exclusivo power to rcrul:Ue or !ib)liali the riglit to labor or Borvice for lifo iu the District of Columbi is herebv oedod to tha State of Marylaud, to be exerci-ed in c mimoii with auoh right iu thittStata; and sabjout, nevertheluas, to tbs jadiuial jariadictkm of the Distriet of Columbia A kt. V. No Stateshall pass any hw in any w iy ioterftring with or obstruoting tha röcovery of' fugitivus froin jiiütioo, or fi'Drn lahor or söiviue or viiy htw oí' Coi, gros m:idu under Aiticle VI., seuUmi II., of tbis Constitn ion, and all Imv.s in vioi.ition ot th'g irticle may bu ijecliiped void by thü Süpruniü C )iirt of the Umiüd States at tna snit. of uiy St;ite. Akt. VI As a riqrht of coinily bötwiM-ri the citizons of the suvural 8tates the right ot transit with persons hrtld to lab'r or survica for lite, or for a term of youB, froin one Stati lo another, ■ih-till not ba intertored with withc.ut t hu consunt of all the Stuies ninintaitiing !uch serviou. Art. VII. Whoneverany State shall wrant by law to citizens of oiher 8late liu rigtit of idjiturij f,ir i Innited period with persons huid t; service or la bor, il suoh pursoDS escapu, thy shall be suhjuut to recovery as fugitivos, undur tlie of thia CMistitnlion, and sball be retui'ned to the Statu froin which they wure hvoitjfht. Art. VIII The traffiu in slavos with África is heruby lorovr prohibitod. And tha descendant of Afrioans shall not bo muite ciü.c'is. Akt. IX. All mts of any inhabitant of the United Staten, tuixlmg (o incita persons held 10 surviuu or labor to insuiTuction, or acts of doinestiu violenee, or to abituoud, shall h-i considere , ar:d prohibked, as eoiiirary to lavv, and a penal offeiioe. Aitr. X. The county of any gtuto wnaroin a person owing ervjue or labjr i roscutí'l li'om tho custoclv (.1 tlio owiht, afstuit, or (ifficer, sh.ill bu boimd to pay the ti. 11 vahiu of' suoli peivon t.)r tilo u:íe of theowlltnr, at Llio rsuit of tliu Uuiteil átiitos Akt XI. PersoiiH hold' to ■ie: vica or labor lor lile, uncler the luww of any St:ltí or lVii'ntory, shail not bu taken uilo anv tatu or Torritor) ot ihu üni li-il State-, whili! in f ti:rriton;tl uoinüiinn tjortfa of httiiudo 36 dogrcy.s 3i.) Art, XII Allujor) fnijiüves froin labur or ui vico, rn reqnmrt, shall hav a trial Bv jury ai thy placo to which thoy in uy iftiiiiim.!. A: XLII All nllugcid fugitivef, (.-luirifuil wiili eriinu cuíiiiiiíUbu iu vio Union 61' Uio liiws of tftu State fvom which they flöd shnll tm árannó bu ro turnecl to suuti Statt-; and hall Iuivb th ■ riajlit of ï-ial hy jury. And ii suoli perso.i cl . : ï : ns to bo a citi.en of nnothur Sïate sha!l havi; u Hght , aj)pt)iK or oí' wi-it uf error to tbo Siipreiny Cuirt of' i ho United Statee.' Aiir. XtV. Citiziiis f my State í- jounii;i!í ia unniheï State shall nut bè sut'ji'ct tn vinlbnod or pilnlslyment, nor injured ir. their persons or proportv, wulmiit Irin! l;y jury, itnd duo prwce.s of htw. A ut. XV. No State or thö peoplo therönf, mIkiÜ retire from th s Union, without the cctjíant et' three-fourtliH .if all tho Stattts. Art XVI. The reservad power oí tho peopiö ín ttiree fourthA f the Sti tes to cali and fonn a IHitjnnal conventioti, to alter, iinoüi', or obulmh this Consiit tion, ui1 er. t! i lig tu iis provi-imis, shali never he qui:;tified, notwittistanding i the diroctions in Art. V. oF thé Ovinsti' tution. Art XVII. Thé Artiules VIII, IX, ' and X of tbcse amendmuats shall pot IM. il Ulied without the consent of all j the Statsw lókintuiiiia servic or lubor , for liíe. To tui: .People: - The Power to i in:ind aud save thü Union rests with tao po ;ple. Tiio Uiiiou eanuot b3 cemeuted with bluod and the hayonot. It muit stand on Fraternity, Enuality, and Jus tico, or not at uil. Tht Federal Government has no right to mako war upn the whole people of a ótate contending t-hat thcir peaou and socurily are eudangnred, and tluit thjy are aaekiug lo place thumaelvcs n such a püsitiuu as to preservo thuir riglits ] Jati', in th? inQc of the faot tliat their opponents in power miiiitain that thuir rights, wliich haya baen in legal ex'uteuce and nuUMsIuu for near'y n eentury. are uut placed upuil au C4'ial footin with ' othor riglits, by the Uoustitution, for proteetion aud eujoymuiit uadjr the ; tiou of the United átates. Aud whilo ' cessiou is not pruvidud for iu the Uustitutiou, and ia unlawful under the ' pies oflaw, still ïtis not prohibited; and i as fully au open (ueitiou as the right to prohibit ülavery iu the TerjStOfiós ia au open quüHtion The Sauth, I have been a33ured, will give up the giuim to a riht of aeoeasion for the aafety aud euility which the pr jnosed amuiiduiuata will, taken as :i body, j gi- them in the Union. They are prcsaiitcd to the people for tlK'ir cúnsiduratiou umi support 'lhtsy taks tliii subjeut of slavüry uut of Congres.!. Thuy ad uní frue UW without uuuipetiou ui' slave labjr north of liö Jog. 30 mui. They atlo slava labor a fair : co.uputitiim in that sucuo.i of climatcaud i country best suited to raise cottou, rico ; and sugar, in whidi it can bu most profitably u.ñpl yo.l. They prutuct tliü ?lavu U Wcll i.i tna inastt-r. Tuey forever saom-u tlio uxclu3iv,: s:jvci-üiuty of Statg juridJictiou over ttiü subjjut of sLvory, oithui' tu aaiiiiüivleJju it or uljjlisl it. - Tuoy prworru tiiu nlit of paprarautetioa iiiviulutü Tüjy prosurve tiia right of, protcüt;un frjin uis ir oction aud domostio , viulojoo even tWugh the shivo Sut.;a , inav ba i:i a mmurity of kas than onefourtli. Tlioy pnitüut tliein against un uouititutio.ial peMouM hberty luwa, by resiÜD to áu hjgbést jidíoul tribunal of tlia country, witinoat aubjuotii:g tliuir oit.z.'us, ui ïudividuals tu tliu daujj'jri of Uieir penalties, uud tUe uspense of their litigjtioa. Tiioy protuot the right uf transit witU tlïis Ut. )r, ai úa,3 and qir ca iiátanuüá ui;iy best prjinoto the uscfnl resulta ut its upphcation, widiuut trespasaiug upou the i'i-cu Sutes. They pruWtt the rijlit of reaivury of fagitjïof wlicu sojaurui&g in a frw Stutu by ita ovru gr';iit or wíl. asid not Qtbjrw!. ïliey tvreror p iliibit rhj Atriuan slavo trade, and prevunt a ooufliüt butwean the races tliat would uimua frora tlicsit nicelin to act as citizjus. TLoy i.doimiify the owiicr for &tiy ne!cct of the cuuut}' pulicu in pruventing a rdiêua by anv iukufcitant. Tiiüy givo tiu fugitivo uot o.ily tlia lia'iring and decisión under tho Ooristitution wtiere arrestod, but aiso give wiien rotjjrucd, if ho decires, a trial by a jury freo fi-oni prejudiuu, aad whera Uu eau most ■easily prove the trutli. 'J)hey givo a z.'u ut' a Northum State, wlio niay have Üed, nut ouly a trial by jury, but au appeal, or wnt uforror, as hu may choosa, to cho cominon judicial tribunal of tlio country, liaviug-jurisdiótion over both tUo la atid the &%ot: ïhoy protect ÜóMeru citizeus tVo.n imy uulawful viuleuce. Tisey tbrever clo.sü tha door of voluutarv .-eeession. Tlicy sftöüro to the peopla inalieuable right to alter or muke tho Cüiiïtitutiüu eiuble aud jast to uil at their wi!l, without haing dopoadent I upou the uaotdüu'tal pjlitieal aspaut or 1 temper ot the Congrc.-is; that is, they j place tho people abovu the Cuugross, aud i not thu Ooiigrjid above the people. The paopla ujust savo tbia Uuion by coiniuaudtug 0om;res3 by po-iiiona ijhowmg a majonty. If that fuiis, thon, by exercising their reáorv'od sjvüriiig.i ''pjivors,'1 as iudicitfcd j by tlje oSfptaifatory artiota Xr[ of thoia ! ■unonduiuuts, in formiiig a National veutiou, ineluding the Southern ."ítates, niüe teutii3 of tie people of which, I a:u reliablv infonut-d and fully Lelieve, from my own küüwliidge aud iutorest with tbeiu, will be s:itsüod with this proponed basis of, bc-eauas it is speeilic, ' eluur, and makes tlieui sat'e, though the frua States mj ncuiru a nwj;.-.ty gf tbwe fourtlis. I lniiiibly ealk tha poop'.o to assort their rigUU to üoiijjfúsa and their Legislatures on this basia of iVaternity, equslitjr, ai.d justice, aml Sa'vo the Uuion, cemented U'Onger than ever. Kerfpectfully submitted. WlLLIAJI WllEliLBU HUBBELL, Piltladtílpliisí B.


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