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"the Attitude Of Michigan"

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We deeply regret t!ie appearancc, in tho Diitroit Frce Press, of Saturday last, of an artiele under the abovo heading, and cannot consent to pass it by without ' protosting against its being receivod as the sentiment of the Democratio Party of the State. Wrt sympathize as fully witli the South, - that is with the Union and conservative element of the South - as can the Frec Press. We condemn na Strongly the nullifying legislatiori of the North, and demand as firmly tho repeal of all unconstitutional personal liberty ; laws, and other vinneeessary and , ting statutes. Aud we enjoiu personally, privately and publicly, upon our Kepublican friends to clcar their own ekirts bcfore they volunteer or advise ft resort to force to corapel South Carolina to lay aside the black robes of disloyalty and return to her allegiance. But, holding these opinions, and advancing thom at all times and in all placea, we cannot forget that South Carolina has no real excuse for the prosent position she occupies, and that sbe is forcing the balance of the South into a wrong position, and individually owing allcgianco to tho United States as wull as to tho State of Michigan we canuot volunteer aid and comfort to traitors in South Carolina or elsewherc. We havo no disposition to engage in a fight, we protest against an unholy civil war, we may even prefer, in an extremity, peaceable disunion to a resort to arras ; but, yet, it is the duty of tho General Government to enforeo the laws of the Union in all the States of the Union aliko, and so long as the General Goveruincnt does th8 aud refrains from iufrin.ging 'apon the rights of individual States, the actiou of our State, however. much we may disapproro or' oonuoinn it, does not absolve ua ffoni allogiance to the Federal Government, And, cortainly,.if we have r.o disposition to war South Carolina, wc have as little disposition to war witli our follow citizens and neighborsin uchio'an and eau endorse do threat that " afire in the rear will bo ope-jed Vpon troops" oalled out by tho legiV.mate authorities to aid in énfoioipj the laws of the United "'af-es, appressing insurrection, or pro tj'siüg the Capitalnor that " the war will be fought in the North." The artiele of the Free Prees is, to say the least, intempcrate in tone and uutimely iu its appearacce, and will promote no good rcsult elther in tbo North or South. We tvill go aa far as any one to conciliate aau sustaln the Uuion loving men of all the bordar States ; bat we subiuit that to encourage the Cotton States, as articles Like that of the Free Pres must, is not giving aid to Marylaud, Kentuoky, Tennes8ee, and North Carolina in their attempts to roll back tho tido of disunion, but is inoiting to bolder steps the disunion eloment of thosa Statos. And for this we protest against its being ooDsidered tho utterance of the democratio sentiment of the State. I i i K III


Old News
Michigan Argus