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"öREATBARGAIJÜS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TtTE IIAVF. IHTLKVIS HED OUR STORE W1TB r th mojt pli mlid itock o( E O X Si # th'it WAS evoc oflTered In any oue establishment ie tk StUr, aM o!' v. Metí wo oDer for OidO!M] OK ÍPIS@[Oiy)OíI. islow &s cftn bo fouod in the Uuioa We want Money ! md wiU m-ike Great Sacrificcs on Anytliiii" we have to obtain it, not exceptlng OLD KTES AïsTD ACCOUKTS We conüaüy limt ALL CASIi GDSTOMERS to ruil and examino our Goodü and Pilco. Wc aU' mvile our Prompt Paying Customers to cmii atiii buy their mippliM for tbo Winter. To Uwm li;n.-ii;';i: uncfl tint aro to caU, wc iy to llivm, takecu ratte Aithoutlongor waítiígfor highcr prices, come in, oíd scor, and then at such priow a Ml ni V.o uji all lotíses H ís hanll; acccessury lo cimmcriiteoui Uuixis, lor "Te have EverythingJ A large atortmontof pARPETING, CKOtKKRY DRY GOODS, MEDIIES, GBOERIES, PAINTS, 01 LS, CAPS, SU OES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &e„ fee. O&IL1L 50 gil POg (7150 MAVNARD, PTf.BRINS WIIO O . BIiISS 1 Still in the Field! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in iny line direct from New York. Bosion, and the Manuiactur ers! I have just rofielved a l;irt ani woL cloctcd assortmout of CLOCKS, VVATCHKS, T DE7 -W EL RY. SILVEtt & PLATEO WAIIE, Musical Instruments, Table ard Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, Aml n great vnrii'ty of Yankee Notions tc I woulil cali particular nttentiun to my lnrge stock of BFECTACIjES, ot Gold, ï-ilvcr, Stoel, and Plated, with PET? SCO Ü'GLASS A superior artille, and a grcat variety of articlcs in the '"'OHEA.OF for O-A.SH. l'ersiue lia%nj[ diiïeu't ntlobeí tfio w'tlglasWff, c?,R be Rccomini ñteñ .i my tfk is lrje ani complete, 1" s, FnrticuVrr óttei 1 1 n pat'i t ■ tiio EEPAIRING OÍ uil müa of Khik Vwitclii1.-, Kuch as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS.STAFFS and CY1.INDEB8, also ' CÍ.OCKS, AND JEWELliy, Ncatly Ilepuired aad ■arant C. BLISS. August 28, 18CC. '6811 M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human l'Icsh and Animáis. ÍN calllnK the attontloi. of the EteUU tn tlii., Mrdlclnt, we woulil sav tlist it lias bi'on fully tried, an;! hundredrt who liavo useJ 1t RjK-nk iti the most compHmentarf terms of lts wonilorful Tfft-cls uMin Huuinn Klesh and thi brute croütlon. It te fjust piituint: pojmlarity. Whprover OBed tt ii reccived vttti acclainittioiis of joy, fuid pro Qonncod :o bo the (rroatuüt Besiéay for Aclies and Talui OV'T ltrT''l t" tllC l'.lli !'■ Ita mMteriy effi-ctó over dlsoast-, when apHod, give tt a oelebrltv unsurpassed y any cxtprDtil preparatton now In use. íhereforo w can mj-, itli tlio utuioot coniUeooe, that the XmkrocaUw will Cor Bheumatlsm, a Itirn and Bcalds, Woakncssof Joinbs " " Swcllliiffs and Tnmora, Henmrrhoidsor Piles, " Chilhlalns, TooLhacho and C'happed II M. SatbrootlOS 111 Care "1.1 Sores and CrunM Boils and Corna, Contracto! Muscle, Gal! of all kin.l. " " i:i? Bono unil Poll Et% " Callou aml Spavin, Cfflbroestlon wlll Cuie 6itü.ï and ijitfaat, " " Sprln jn.nll and Flltal M Bcratciies or Oreafl " " Kxtrnal Foteona, " Band C, " Lamcneaa and StTln% Etfibroofttlon will Con Kmindered Keet, Manco " Oracked Tt ate, " " Garpet in Cuwa, ■ Foot Kat in Sbeep. AuiitlK, jü. l ., March 9, 189. S tho nnderntjrned. do cortify, that we have uued M. W. Uawi.f.y'b Cnvi;ip..nn' KMbBOOATXON, for Inflftuima tor; and Chmnlfl Kbeunifttlsin, ttnd cliosrfully recommeod tl os tlu bost rinedy we havo over usod. J. M. Morrit, M. 1) , .lamen I,. Hewtoi), L. W. Clemwtt, rrin Ilurd, Toter 1' ero, S. K. Gonld. J B. Kobinson, of Prophotstown, 111., hayc: I eetoen It the best Llnlmcnt 1 haveevor known. It g[ve unirerl anttafactiun, and 1 eau Wtily to itb cfficacy froin my ovi exiH-rlcnce, tfinufactiirfi bv M. W. HAWLEY, Anbnn), N. T. C.' N. TUTTLE, Aubnrn, N. Y., Ucncra! Aent, te wtom all order stioold addn-seil. Hold ly al! Druggiit aad McrcUuits Uuuogboat the wantry. nnJby KiniAnn, TVHlrV8 WiLS'iX. Jims Arkt'r, IRh ! Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a ronslitutional diseasc, n comiption of thc1 blood, by which tliis Huid beeomea vitiatcd, i weak, aiul poor. Boina in tho circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may bunt out . lu discase on niiy part of it. No organ U freo from it.s attacku, nor is there one which it may not dcstroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial diseñe, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, ñlth and tiltliy habite, the depreuing vicos, and, above all, by the venérea! infectíon. Whatever be its Origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " Trom párente to ohüdreii unto the thud and í'jurth generation ; " indeed, it sceiin to be the rodo? Him who says, "I will visit the ifiiquiües of the luthers upon their cllildmi." Itfi cffecta commence by Uopo-ition from the blood of corrupt or ulceroua malter, vvliiuli, in tha lungs livor, and intcmal organ, is ttnned ; tubercles; in tlitr glano, swelRngs; and 011 : the Kurface, cruptions or sores. Thi.s foul xuption, which sendera in the blood, deprossea the energies of lile, so that BCTOfulous cunstitutions not oiüy suffer from scrofuluus complaint.-, but tlicy have fur less power to withstand the attueks of other distases; ' qucntly va.-t numbers perisl by di -order which, nlthough not BCrofulous in their nature, are síül rendered fatal by this taint in the fystcm. Slost of the conxumption which deCimatea the human family has its origin dircctly in thii scrofulous enntamiuntion ; and many destructive diseases of tho liver, kidncys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are oggravated by the saine cause. One qitartcr of nll our people are .crofulous ; tliinr persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health ix undermined by it. To o'.ennse it from ttie system we nmst renovato the blood by nn alterativo medicine, and invigorate ic by hcalthy food uud tierciac. Bucli a medicine vo supply iti AYEITS Comprimí Extract of Sarsnparilfe, the most cffcctunl rcmedy which thc medical skill of our times can deviso for thÍ3 everywherc prevailingnnd fatal malady. It ia combined from the most nctivo remedíais that l;ave becn discovered for the expurgation of thi i foul disorder from thc blood, and thc reseño of the systcm fro:n its destructive conequencbíj. nenes it ihonld le employed for the cure of r.ot only Scrofuln, but nlso thoso oíhcr affections which mise from it, cuchos EnupnvB and Skin Duíasf.s, St. Antiiony'.s Fiiíh, ItosK, or EuTsii'ui.Ait, PntPLRS, Postules, Bi.oTcnr.s, lii.MNsand Unn.s, Ti'Mons, Tktteb and Sai.t Rhkvm, Scai.i), Hingwoum, IlllKl'MATISM, SyPKII.ITIC [!ld Mllltfl 'MAL I EASus Duorsy, ])Ysri:rsiA, Diuiii.ity, and, i indCCd, AI. I. CoMI'I.AINTS AKIS1NC 1UOM TKi) oit Imi'L i:i: lij.oon. The popular belief ■ in " impurity oftht Uoud" i i founded in truth, ! for fcrofula isa d, gencration of tlie blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this SoXBOparilla is to purity and regenérate this vital Huid, vithout Which íomid licalth ú inipossiblc in contaiiiüiattd coustitutions. AYEK'S Agne Cnre? rolt THE SPEEDT CUPE OF Intcrmitteiit Fevi'i, or Fevcrnml Agne Rtmittriit Fcver, CI.Í1I Ptvcr, Dunib Aguo, Pcritxlical Iltadat he, or lSillous Ileailaclie, anl ISllioiis Fcvtrs, iitdced j for tlie vliole clnss of diucnses 1 nal lili? Ín 1I! inry (liiaiiniunt, cmim( by tile Malaria of Miasma tic Couiltrlcs. W'o aro tMiahled here to oíTer tlie commuiiíty a remedy ' wliK-h, wliile it euros the nliow coni'liu!a witli ctrtaiaty. is stül peíftntly UarmloM in any quaulity. Sucb a ronioviv iu inv;iltm)le in disiiicts wbMTtt lhM ■■ifliicUng dlsordfrs prevnil. Tliis "Ccbe" expfls inhisnintic poion of Fever and .Aguí: from Oie f-ystcin, nnd preTeuta the (lüví'lnpni'.'ut ol tlie disensc, it' lakcn 011 th : firt npproach of pretuonitoi-y pywptom, H is not onlv the best irmi-Uy cvtr yrt discuvcieil for this ctnsfi cf complaints, but alsü the cliepcst. The larpe qti;iutity i we auppiy tov a dollar brinü it witMn fho reach of werj body; and u bilious distriets, wherc Fi.ver and Aguí prevtuls, every body should Imve it and use it fíeirly both : for cure nnd proteetion. It U hoped tbta pricc wlll placo it withín thu reach of all - tlie poor as well as the rich. A great siipevionty of this reruedy over any other ever discovered for the puedy and certain cu of Intcrmittont is, that it cont.iíns no Quintne or minornl, conse quently it produces no qulrnilBi or otTier injtnioua cfTcU vlüitL-viT upon tlie constitution. TboM curad by it are left as liealthy as if tluy liad nevar h:ul tlit' tlisrase. Kever and Aguo is not alone (lio cou sequen ce of the miasuiatic poison. A grcit varifty of d3oiU-rsaristí lVom it.H irritación, amoiig wliicli are tfairdtjjfia, lítmnnatism, Gont, IfcadticJtCf JJÍindnfss, l'uolhache, Earache Cjtarrh Aslhma, lulpi(atm, Vainful AJfeU-n f Ote Stíten, Hysterie Iun in (he JUouet, CiI'c, Paralasis, aud Deráhgemtñi of the Slmtac?i, u of wlih-li, wlicn origiimtUv in this cause, put on the ïunnn t ad tapt. or br-come periódica]. Thiü " CuRü " fxpels the poion from the bh ol. and cunscqurutly cures tlioi all alike. It is an invalnnblu proteeïion to tnuiÍK'"antíi and persons travelling or teniporarily pflridlug in the mal&rloiifl ditricts. IÍ taken occisionally or daily while expoeod to Uio infection, that will be excretcd from the kymIciii, and cfliinot Accuniulntti in nifflclent qunntity to rlpeu iuto dieMe IIi-uo' it is even mort vahiable for prutection Ihan eaitt, and few will erer sutVtr from luteiDiittciils if they ovail tliemwlvea of tbo protectton tbin n-mcdy offortls. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNAHD STEHHlNSfc WILSON. and-ty all Druggists uiil Duülers cv; rywliere. J. BURKILL Trftvalinp Agent. An aperii-nt st mnchic inp;(iation oflIÍON poriebd in Oxygon and (.'artK'n by conibuhtirm in Hvflröpèn, ctione'l by tin bigbent Medicft) Aiithontiw, bitihin Ku ropi' and tlie United State., aml preclib? in Ihcir n.ctice The exppiirncc f'ls laiiy jrovo tl'.at nn proparatii.not Iron (an be cuBApand wiik i' ■ ftnöurHtóa of the blood, deprtittfiuni of vital twtgy, pftli ui'l otherwise sickly complcxions imlicrttes Uh DeceSjtity in almost every conctMvable case [nnoxlous Id nli ..ialaIips tn which it bas been trietl, provi-tl abstilutely cuialive in eacli of the foUoWing cduijila nis, vit'. ' In :( !)üity. UTervpoa r tlnn. Rmnctlo i-ysp-jsl, ' onstlpa'tfoii, lfnnliea, Dycente. iy. lm i]itnt ('oiisuni(1oit , Scrfí' us Tu b-r-ii5ol-. Snit Uheam Mismmstrwtion, Wkityi, ChUirnsis, Licrr-Ovi}iaint. Chnmic U adatAw, RAtHmatism, Intertnittcut Ffftr', Piwjtdx on thi Fttr.e, $c. In caeof Uknkkai. I f.iiu.h v, iruflthertlieresuli ui acute discase, or of the contínued dimlnation of.nervoua and muscular piiciyy l'nin chronii; üfii)ilui[;tf, oiW liiiil of this resiorative lias proved smcccss ui to uu extent which no doeertption nor ritten uttCHtMtton woöid render crcdible. Invalida bo long bwl riddufl as :■ havo become forgotten in tUtrówn nOigFibuiiofjclK, have üj ' deuly reapiifiiird in ifir-bifiy woiM as il' ju-t returnetl from protiacted travel ina distani lan.l Pome very ig nal in-stsnci-s of thia kim! .tic attedtcd of i'malt' -uiltrcr.-, emaciatcd victims cf nppnrent ma rasmus, nanguineous exhatistion, critica 1 changee, uu) tiiai coitiplicatior of i.ervous anl d'iipoptie ;n t i-iinu (o air and exercisfl foi . which the physiciun !irs notiiltoe. In Nkiíois ArPfQCIfpKS of uil klltdB, and for roa familiar to medical men, the nperaüoo of Ui' preparation of iron must necc.anly bc .aliidiiy , Tot, ánlik ' the old "xides, it ís vij;orous y ttiRio witbouï beim; exalting and overheaiinir; and gêntiy, rejrularly aperïent, even tho ■ most obstina te caes of oostítonenfl without even tieing ■■ 1 g.iRtrtcpnrati fe, or infliutin ;i illMagiPembte avnutinn It is thfftlatter property. nmonir oihon, which nuiles it 1 go enwrkftJbly eflectualawj porniaoenl a remedj or t Uu upnn whicii it ftwb Appeur ro oxert n'disrfnd "nfl ifccitic nvlion ly dispsrsi&g Ipeaj U:i'k'iiL-y which foruis Üiefti. In DtBrttPHAj InnumereWfc asare lts caniiea, ;i Ettngle box (iftUul Qhiil'bcnt lilli hare often nnffleed lor ! the most habitual cases, iiicluling tlu attemlent Cosih-ej Vtê Tu unulwckiil DiARKtüKA, rvvn ubt-n adranoed to ?y ttry cimiinneil, eniiclating an '■ a'ppareutly nialiifn.'iu'. , tlit effecU haring been quálíji decmlve and Mtoñiihiní! In Ute loc;il pains.ins.-i ol iU-b and RtrengtnebUitatfng coujjh, and rcinit leut hectic, ffhich genei ulty indícate Jnnpiehi Cnnsumptioit, in Bevoral vorj gratlfying and n'en'.itiiiK ÏDStftiicoK. In Scrufuloux TubcrciMteit. liíá medicfttWÍ frpn has had far in re thart tha goö3 efre t ■ of iw lhötl bflutlouaty batanead pruparationii ol iodine, without any of iiui'ir wi'll knowu üubititieK. The attentiön of fomatetoannotetoooönfldèntly invite! to tlns remcdijn,w restoratice in the casOA pccullarly aflooting tlu-m In Rhtttmn'iam, both ohroiitc and inflammalory - ín tb latter, however. more ilci-i.lvlly- it ha been invini.iltly well report ed, both A aüèvlailnft palntuid roducln the Rwe]linLRanl stitTnessof Ute joints mul musco Is. In Intermittent Ftrfrt'xx must neoewaiily bc a great rem edy and enVrgeiic 'rWtórative, and ti pmtcrew in the uèw nitlfmonts of the Weat, nill yrohftbly bc onc of high renown and uftefulnasa. No ramedy has ever been dweovered m Üie l■'!l bistory of meifclne, which xerts bocJi prompt, happy, and tully effect i Good appetite, complete digestïor. ntpi'I acf[uiition of tftrength, with tn nnufrea) dispo(.itior. for active and chcorful exercl&e, immedialely folló tv its uij. I'ut up In nea! Bal ráetal boxea oontalntng so pills, price 50 cents per bnx; for Rale by drugJtittB and dealers. Will beMtjnt free to any addrou os nteelpi i tlie price. iU letterfli orders, '■'.-, Hhould tía addreswd to B. B. LUCKK,&Co , (i-niral Agent'. 477yl 339 Broa4vay, N. Y. Howard A33oci ition, Puiladelphia. A Bcnerolcnt Inatitntion extahlhhfd hi special fvd'-wmtn far tb reUtfttf the Stek and Ü?tt"tteeid, affiicted icifk V-rueni mui F.pidrmir. DfafatM, nnd rpfna!hj far tkr C-iii of DUeascs nfíie Sexual Orfant DityenMttryft tn palien s tn all parta of the United Slnlej, YA!.rA['í.Kí;i:iioTS..n sperma torrh9,uad other Dia tha Sexual Orara nu, andón íhoNÉtV REMKEJES iMivv.M ent lo the nfllioted In ealqd euvohipaaj fV-c of charge, l'wo 6ï Lbrco Stampa for poBtago bo h UI be y' JMUïÊrn, J, SKlï.MNIIorclITON. A.-;itij Sur goon Qoward Atsooiation N 2.sonth Ninth Street, i'jiii■L.!-lp1iia., Ï61 1QGO Fine Overcoats l j For &ale Cfccap nt GU1TEBMAN CCS.


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