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Pulpit Wit

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In Pennsylvania tberc is a clergyraan almost as remarkable for eloquence and eccentricity as Lorenzo Dow himself. On cbarity occasions his pathos, wit, and EometimcB bitter satire, are Bure to wio moro bank notes and gold coin to the plate tban the decorous eloquence of half a dozen men. On a late occasion he was preaching a temporalice sermón, wbicb produced the usua! effect upon thè audienee. Arnong otber tlijngs he asserted as a result of liis own observation, thai a confossedly "moderate drinker" wbs sure to becomo a confirmad inebríate within five yearsafter he reached tbat state of indulgence. He was interruptod here by a man in the audienee, who started up in great excitement, proclaiming himself a ''moderate driuker' of ten years' standing, aud on whom the habit mads no progross. ' The clergyman Btopped short, and leaned over the pulpit, and when tho man had ceased speaking, called out: "I say. friend, stand up herc and lot me have a look at you." The man made an effort to bravo the host of eyes turned upon him, and stqcd his ground. "Nearcr, man!" cried the ministor, beckoning with his long finger. "Hold a liglit up to the brother's face, some of jou. - Step up on tho bench aud give us a good look." The moderate drinker was not to be looked or talked down; he not qnly mcuutcd the beucli, bul allowcd a lamp to be held elose to his faee. The minister bout over his cushiou and auu gave the face a long survey. " ïhat will do," eaid ho drawing back. " tliat will do niy frieud ; and now I say if I owcd the devil a debt of a hundred drunkards, and had paid him ninety-iihie, and ho wouldn'f, tke you in full payment at the end of live yearE, I would ncver pay hirn." XET Love onu human being purelv and warmly, and you will bvo all. The heartin this heavon, liko the wandeling sun. Bees Dotlnng, from the dew-drop to the ocean, but u mirror which it warras and filis. IjF Bigots make evprvthing of their creed ; 'lis pity tlieir creeds can mako nothing of them. DJ Dubts are tnisorable things. They are fit tor nothing under heaven but to bo annihilated.


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