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labor is recognized by law. Article 5. C...

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labor is recognized by law. Article 5. Cocgress shall liave no powjr to regúlate, abolish, or control, within the State, the relations establi-Led or reuognizud by tho laws of any Sata reupectiug persons held to service or labor. And whereas, aljo, bosidu those causes uf di.ssonsion ombraced 'va tho foregoing amendinents proposcd to the constitución of tho UniieJ States, thore are olhera which come within the juriüdictian of Congress, and n;ay bo remodied by its legislativa powers ; and Whereas, It is tho desiro of Congreas, as far as ita power will cxtend, to remove all jast cause for the popular discontent and agitalioa whioh DOW üstui'b the peace o'f the country, atid threaten thé stability of ita institutious; therefore, llesulced, By the Sonate aud House of Representativo of the United States of American in Congrcss aasembled, That the law now iu forcc for ahc recovery of fugitiva slaves are iu strict pursuance of the plain and mandatory rirovisions of the constitution, and havo been sauctioued as valid and constitutioaal by the judgmeut of the Suprpme Conrt of the Uuitec States; and tliat he íiove holding States are eutitled to tho faithful observanco aud execution of thosa laws ; and they ought not to be repealed or so modifiod or ohanged as to impair their efficiency; aud that laws ought to be made for the punishment of those who attempt, by reecue of the slave or other Ilegal meaos, to hiudcr or defeat tho duo cxecutiou of 9aid laws. Th it all Staie laws that conflict with. the fugitiva slave acts, or any other constitutiuual act of Congress, or which in their operatieu impude, hinder or delay tho free course and due execution of auy of said acts, are nuil and void by tho plaiu proviaions of the eonstitution of the Uuited States ; and Ye respectfully aud earnestly recomuiend to theseveralátitates which have eaacted them their immediate repeal. That tho act of 18th September, 1850, commonly kuov.'ii as the fugitive slave law, onght tü be amended ao as to provide for its more complete and efficiënt operatiou ; and that such ameudments should provide, ainong other things, for the provention of kidnapping uuder it, aud to cquaüzo the feea of the comuiissioners meutiouod iu the 8th section thereof.


Old News
Michigan Argus