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The Louisiana Senators Vacate

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In the Senate on Monday, the Louisiana ordinance of secession was read, and i the Louisiaua Senators vacated their ücate. They addrcsscd the Senate as follows : Mr. Slidell sald tliat tlio document just read places on official record that Louisiana ceased to be a component part of the United States, and terminates the comiection ot himself and colleagae with (his body. ïhe occasion calis tor sorae worde in parting with thosc whom we : leave, sorae of whom we hope to meet again In the noble task of oonstltuting a new confederacy. Tlie uow confederaey would not attcinpt toiinprove the Constitution of the Qnitod States, it would recomizc the obligatious of all existing treaties, thoso respecting the Africao slave trade includüd. It will bo willing to assume a just proportion of the public debt i and account for all the proporty of the ! United States whioli they wero oompolled i to take in self-defense. They would roeognize the right of the ohabitants of thevallej of the Missisaippi to the freo navigatiou of tlio Mississippi, without tax or toll of any kind. Tuey hoped for .biU the decisión of tlrs questiou ricp'biui&AU the fi-ee States, lio liad no I doubt ifths. isue was fairly prcsentedto the pooplc.of.iUe. States, they might havo a peaeoful sepuraüon with a probabüityl of a complete or.partial rjconstrustion. J5ut with present repj-csentation in oitlier branch of Oongieaa, he could indulge in no guch hopo, and they must be prepared I to reaist coerción onder any pretext. ïhe i líorth might. if it chosc, considcr them bound to the Union and det'y the right- ! ho would not say of secession, but revolutiou, or robellion, if it choso to cali it so_; it miglit ignore the doclarutiou of indcpendence and attempt to reduce the Soutli to subjection ; it might declare a block,-ule, but the South would meet them and permit no introduction of commerce or m umfactures fiom the North, and would jueet them on the soa nader the old ilag, fot ihay did not intend to give up tho f[ni ■ it belongud to the South as maoh tislo the JJOTtl. They could get vessels froi thg iaujG placcg that now carry on I the slavc traíe- ílew York and New; JSrHanrt. Bfe referred to a blockade of the portó, n4' thoiight forign nations would not admit U. but the goiith would not co'nincncethefight, J ie denied the charge that th movemeut was but the cousummation of a long cotóemplated plot, and olaimed that it was the ,calm and delibérate aotion of the poople. He referred to the many kindnessca reewved 10 the Swv ate Ghfimber, and bade tho Sonate fan?; well. Mr. Benjamín tfgttól.1 adinst the aspftitton fhat Louimana cotild not ■■i out bl the Union beoause she waa hoiiht as liie property ot' the United Sta tos. Louisinna was aoquiredrundér a treufy which guaranteed to thc citizens oftíie territory protection to property, tío clnimed that sho bad special roasons fur goingout, hceause thc troaty btipulations unaor whioh sim was acquired werc broken eutiruly by tlic govcrniimnt. Hu olaimed that the cliofge of rebellion against tbo South was an ndmission of oppresaiou ; fornevcr, i ihe history of tho world, did inillio'.ia risa in rebellion againat honor and justico, and wben tho people witli common consent revolt, it must bu criminal I nguhist wboia tho revolt is nimed. The ■ peoplo in the South glorj io such treason as glowed in tito soul of Efampden, burst froiii tli o lip.- o I' Henry, and sheil a halo . around thc ñamo of Washington. He I concluded with a tributo to thu frionds of I tho South in tha Northern States, and i budü the Scmtc farcwull. (Applauso in ' tho gallery.)


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