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Matters At Washington

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Washington, Fob. 3. The President ha again countormanded the ordera of Gen. Scott. for additional troops here. yithia thela't two weeks about 500 speeches have been duiivuivflj) n the House of Representativos on the erisi?, oearly all of them in conneetion with the report of the oomtnitteo of Thirtythvee. A numbor ff gentlemen bendes havo boen makiug praparations for dn expression oí their viowu on tho same subject Arnong sd many contestants for tha llia stniifylo to obtain it has beon quito live'y, though as mach eaunot na said öf uil tho speeches. Tho Secretary of State, thus far, sunco bis entry upon tho dutieta of that office, has performed them without tho assistanco of an Assistant Sooretary. He desired iïuota to .secure n that capacity F. Bayard, of Dolawarp', ow ing to this gentleman'; peculiar qu .lific.rtions for the putee, but ovéiruling oonsiderations led him to declina the proffered appoiniment. Jacob Tbompspn testified before the special comrnittethat varioua plans of the aecessionists had been disscussed in his preence, and sometimes at his house, by leading men and othors of lesa prominence, whioh oonteinplated, firat, tho seiz-.n-e of tbe capital, second, rtioans to prevent the countiog of the Presidential votes; and tliird, resista nee to Mr. Lincoln'd nauguration. He stated that lic rogar Jed theso propositions as fooi ah and criminal, and bolieved they had latüly beon abandoned. and all uftorts coneenlrated on separate State aotioD, whioh he justified and approved. Hia polioy w.ould tead lo the saine results by different means. Washington, Feb. 4. Special Washington dispatehes raport tnueh diversity of fueling' at a meeting of South ('arolinians on Saturd.ay evening One large roperty lioider tbrea tened to return home ; se'll his real estaie; remove hia slaves, and abandon the palmetto State fórever; It is understood that all the (lelegation from Ohio, except Gov. Chase, favor conciliation. The Pennsylvania delegation is considored to be radically opposed to compromisos. Tho succesa of Mr. Oorwin's pronosition is regarded as certain, with variOUfc modifications. A from the interior of New York, owner of much property ia Washing'.on, has tendored it to Gen. for military pnrposes if required. Special Washington dispatohee say that the Virginia comraissionére have resolved to declaro the datermination of the Sonth to accept no settleraent of the tciitr;;;;, q;;estion wfcich is not appücablo to all future aoquisitione. Tho secessior.ists aro earnestly arging tiie commissions irora tho Southern States to demand tho withdrawal of tho Federal troops from Washington before taking actiori. Letters 10 Gen. Scott state that attempts will bo made to poison tho horses of the artillery oompan ies in tho District. Secretary Dix is preparing a statement of tho facts in relution to the theft of the government iund.s at New Orleans. It will be luid before Congress. It appears from the returns reeoiyed at the War department, that tho milita ry forcé for Georgia, South Carolina, Alabaran, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiaoa combined is 34 1,000. These were severally made from the year 1838 to 1859. "The returns for 1860 were only from tho following : Massachusctts 161,200, Rtiodo Island 18,541, Connecticut 51,576, Virginia 143,155, Minnesota 24,480, New York 419,000. The aggregate of the whole country from these imperfect returns is 3,168,000, of which about 2,500,000 infantry, 20,000 artillerv, 300,000, calvary, and bctwojn 18 and 20,000 rifleman. Washington, Feb. 5. Col. Hayno jntended to leave for Charleston to-dav, but, Ka ving been informed that the President is preparing to reply to his commumoation flemanding the surrender of Fort Sumpter; he will deliiy his departure till Wednesday. The Ejío -utive Department has dcfined the position of South Carolina on tho subject of commercial arrangements, regarding it probable. that the payrnent of duties and the clearanceof vessels will be interlered with by the governinent at Washington in such a manoer as to runder the transaotioo of' business at Charleston difficult andembarrassjog, The exposition of tho law of Datioos, as made by tho for. nor and present Secretarios oí Stato in the Perue case, affecting the vessels Georginia and Lizzie Thompson, is regarded as a eound doctrine appücable to Houth Carolina, which will permit no interferenco by the govarnment of the United States with such regulations as it may adopt, nor will the authority of the latter be permitted to be exercised w'.thin the liiniU of the States. It will be for the United States to impose on vessels of States stil! membeis of the Confederacy such penalti es as it may ohoose to providé for wbat it may consider violaiions of its municipal law. Senator Wigfall and others liave telegraphed to Montgomery, urging the appo'ntiaent of Ales. II. Stephens aa Provincial President of the Southern Confederacy, in order to conciliate the southern conservatives. The steam frigate Colorado, Mihsissippi, and Minnesota, now at Bo.ston, and the Roanoke, at Brooklyn, are at onco to be put in requiaition for services connected with the collection of revenue at certain ports whoro the same cannot be collected by the usual means. ït'-j' ''Mamma," said a young lady to her mother, "what is emigrating?" "EroigratiDg, doar, is a young lady going to live in Australia." "What is cotonizing, mamma?" "Colon wing, my dear, ü marrying there and having a jamily." "Mamma, I should like to go to Australia. "'


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