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Fanaticism Rules Michigan

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Thus far the Michigan Lag:slaturc has refusod to take iny step that shows a dosire lor a presíjrvátioo of tho Union. Thcre are conservativo raen - conservativo líopubliuuns - in bolli tho Hciiato and tïou89,but unfortunatoly fur Michtgan tíiey aro bui a smuU inhiority. In both Houso resolutions have boen off, ereJ lookiug to a review of tho personal liberty Iáw and a repeal if foand uncoastituüooal ; and both Ilouses have I rafneed to nqniro into the unoonstitu tionality of ttio law ; and, by vote, i both .houses have said 'm ufleect that it hall stand iu full foroo upon tho stat; ute book even if uneonsütutional. - This is rampant fanaticism, inulish obstinncy.fanaticism and obstinacy scarcely excellod by the Legislatura oí' South Carolina in refusingto hold intercouree with the Commissioners from Virginia. Añil, vet, it bas been escelled by tlie Michigan Legislatura itseli'. We have already given place in our columns to the resolutions adopted by tho Legislaturü of Virginia appointing GoinmUsioaer.'S to meet Conimissioners from other átates in Washington on tho -lih inst.,. and inviting all the States of the TJuion to join in the Convention. These resolutions vvere commnnicated to the Legislature by Gov. Blair; by Señalo referrod to a special eommittee, and by the house laicl on the tablo. Tbe Senate oomraittea reported at length on Thursday lust, and recomrnesided that no Comtnissiooers be nppointed. Mr. SroiiT, of Oakland, preseuted a substituto for tho comtnittee reaolutioas, and iocluded in hissubstiture a resolutipo appoïntiog the delegalion from tho State in Congrass aá Commissioners. Tho substituto was adopted, but when put upon its passage failed for want oi the constitutioual vote. The voto was yeas, 16 ; nays, 14 - two absent. Senator Wedb, of our County oted for the substitute, for giving the State a repreeentation in the Commission, for making an effort at least to preserve tho Union. Senator Lane voted against tho substitute, against sending Commissioners to Washington, and in effect ia favor of letting the Union tilde. In tho House, on Saturday, Mr Piieu'S, of Detroit, offered rcsolutions providing for tho appointment by the Governor, with tho consent of Ihe Senato, of five Co'inrnissioners to meet those from Virginia and other States. Th eso resolutions, under the previous question, wero indefiniiely postponed_by a voto of 41 to 22. And the House thus spurned any attetnpt at a peaceble settlement of the present difficulties. Messrs. Cutoheon and Stevens of this Countv voted for this indetiuite postponement, Mr. Gregory against, and Mr. Ciiilds was absent. This action of the Legtslaiuro isa disgrace to Michigan, and places her on the record sido by sido with South Carolina, and tho other seceding States against a restoration of good feeliug and a preservution of the Un ion. New Hampshiro, Vermont, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, ühio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, al Republican States have appointed Commissioner8. South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,. Mississippi, Louisiana and ÍÜichigan havo refused to cooperate. We havo fallen npon evil times, radicáis and abolitionists rulo in our Legislativo halls, and our good namo suffers in consequence.


Old News
Michigan Argus