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Michigan On The Union

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The following ireamblo and resolutions were introduced into the House on ïhurisday of laat week, and put through under a suspension of tho rules. They were immediately sent up to tho Senate, the party reins tightened, and crowded through under the crack ot tho whip. Motions to refer carao near getting a roajority, but when put on their passage thoy received every Kepnblioao vote save two, Messrs. Inqersoll and Owen being reported purposely absent : Wkereas, Certain eitizens of the United States, are, at thia time, in open rebelión against the government, and by overt acts (hreateo its peaos and barmony, and compass its final otherthrow; therefore Resolved, That the government of the United States ie supremo, with ltill inherent powers of seü-protection and defence. Besoved, That Michigan adheres to the government. as ordamed by the Constitution, and for sustainiog it intact herèby pledges and tenders to tho general government ai) its military power and military resources. Reiolved, That concession and compromiso aro not to be sntertained or oiFored to traitors, while the rights and j intereata of union-loving citizens shull be regarded and respectad in every place afjd under all cirenmstancfis. licsolced, That his Excellency tho Governor be requestod to forwsrd a eopy of these resolutions to our Sonators and Representativos in Gongress, and to the Governors oí our sister States. If the Legislature had shown tho least disposition to place Michigan on the record as a sonstitution and law abidiog State the resolutions would come with much better grace and their moral forcé be much inercased. But the Scripture injunction, " Pluck first tho beam out of thino own oyo" ig littlp heeded by the powers that bo, at Lansing. ËfST 'ha Washington Conüitation has suspended, collapsed, l'gone up." It has been tho orgaa of the ehief Conspirators in breaking up tho democratie party, and since of tho secessionists and disunionists. It dicd for waiit of support. (.ÍOOD I


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