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Democratic County Convention

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A Deruocratio County Coiivention w-as held at the Court House, in this City, on Saturday, Fubruary 2d, pursuant to oall, to elect eighteen delegates to reprosent the Cuunty in tlic Suite Coiivention lield on the T t li iikshmt. A leiuporary oi'gauiztuion inving been had, a CoinniUtee on crodeutials was ap point-jJ, i:i.l tbc Üonveiitioii tujk a releess HU 2 u'oloek, I' M. On calling the Coueention to order at the hour to wliich it w;:.s udjourned, the ! Convmittoe reported a list of dol jwhicli has int boon funtished ns Report aoceptcd and adopted. The follpwiiig permanent offisors wore elected : 1' residen -1'). Y , MoiSOAS. Secretorios- J o ax N Oottj Si T. MoOracegk, 'l'liis following delégalas to the Stilte Convt'iition were elected by the Convention, on rocouiraendatioa of a Oommittco appointod for that purpos: : L. D. Norris A CV :'■ '. ('. Marrayí N. 15. Nyc, ÖJOrge Sutton, J. .J. Parahall, Newton Sheldon, S. ]}. Newton, Tlios. L. Huh: liTCvüle, D. M. Pïuloy, Henry Warner, John J. Robison, A'.pheus Fèïoli, E. Congdon, II, J. Deakcs, D. Uixon, J. D. Gorey, Airón Ohilda. áitornatea- for Mr JJ,ake-, W, S. M.iynuril ; for Mr. Humplircville, Janica Socley ; fnr Mr, Robison, Gcorgo Warner, The delegation, as a bjdy, was empowMsd tolill vacanelos. T!ie commlttoo ör resolutions roported the followiug : Resolved, - Tbal ibis convontioo ratify and endorse, as the sentiment or' the democracy of t)ie county of Wushtenaw, the following proahible and resoluttoos pased by the demoenicy of the cicy of ïpsilanti in thcir recent city convcnt.ion : Whertus, At the present perilous juncture in our Pederal affaira, it is espeoiélly proper that all patrints shonld speak plainly tlieir views regard i ug pulitical duty ; therefore, be it by this meeting Resolcfiï, That we would oheerfully accept tho Oritteddcn, the Djuglas, the border States, er any other practical compromiso that shall restore peace and union to our Kepublio, and eamcstly invite .11 patriota to joiii us in urgiug concession to prevent war. Resolved, That we b'eartily endorse the aetiou of the late Union meeting at Detroit, and espeeially honor those republicans who there nianfally stemmcd the of fanatieisin aud joined voioes with democrats in denunoiation of the personal liberty lawsthat aow disgrace the statute book of our State. Resolved, That we, as demócrata, are for peaco and not war to save this Union ; that we do not believe it necessary that democratie bayoneta should open the way for abolition sarpents to tho homes and hearths of our southern brethren. Resolved, That our Legislattfre, in tendering to the President (though not yet perlcctod as a law), unasked and uncalled tbr, tho military strength of the State, showed a partisan hasle more passionato thati patriotic. Resolved, That tho course of tho aboHtionized republicana in Congress, in resisting all overtures for compromise and peace, deserves the strongest eondemnation of all who prefer couutry to party and Union to civil war. Resolved, That, while ivo condemn secession, we do not forget the aggression that led to it ; that wc believe 'the verdict of history will be - the secder was wrong; the abolitionist was criminal, Rfflüfe TK we lnnV %-'a fitjj anc[ hope to tho convent ion to meet in Washington on the 4th inst., to find a way out of the darkness and peril that now surround our countr}', and in advance promiso careful heed to tho counsel they may offer us. The resolutions wero.adoted, and tho delegates to the State conventiou instructed to present them to that body as reflocting the sentiment of the democracy of Washte The following resolution relative to future eonventions was adopted : Resolved, That the Couuty Committee be instructed, in calling future oonvootioiis, to apportion anew the delegates among tho several townships andcitieson the basis of ono hundred votes to eaeh delégate, - a fraction of fifty and over to be regarded as an even hnndred in such apportioument. „C" The Governor of Illinois, by authority of the Lcgislature, hss appointcl live Commissioners to Washington, as invited by Virginia. The Michigan Legislatura has reí'used to send Commissiouurs. Whiyli botly representa the views of the Presidfnt elect ? Mos?rs, SiWARD, Cameros and Bates, tlircc men who have boen appointed to place in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinct, advise the repeal of personal liberty-laws and a Compromise that will prcs?ive the Union. The Michigan Legislature spurnsany offer of Compromist', reaolvca to koop in forco the uoconstitutioDa! personal liberty-laws, determine tj " let the Uniou slidc,'; Do Messra Sbwabd, Bates, and Oaiibp in represent Mr. Likcoln, or tha abolitionized, fauatieul Legislatura of Michigan.


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