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Arrival Of The Steam Ship Kedar

Arrival Of The Steam Ship Kedar image
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New ïork, Fcb. 5. The Canard ncrcw steamor Keilar, Capt. Gook, whioh luft Liverpoal on tbe 22d of Jauuury, at about ■' P, M., arrived hero at ïnidtHL'lit. Lord Julin Kussüll, in a letter, tender: cd to cottoii nianuiaoturers, throuirh tho MaDobestet üliamber of Commeroo, the services of Bfitkh Consuls iu cotton-prodüciug distric-s to assist in datermiuing the possibility of obtaining froto other sources suoh suppliea asinay cörapoosate fot a poïsibld falJing offunder tbu Amerioan crisis. Franco bas intimatod to otlior governmcuts interestcd the uecessjity of a conference of representativos on or before the 15th of Pobruary, to consider the qucstion of Syria, as the French oocupation ceascs iu Mareh. Thcro aiu vague rcports that orders for 20Ü gunboats havo buen given to private builders. Tlio Sardioian Adiuiral bas proclaimed the blitókade of Gaeta, and iven tlio inhabitants a short timo to quit tho city. All foreign vessels bad left. Tbo Italiau fleét replaced tbc Frencb squadron before Gaeta. It was presumed rtiat the borabardment recominenced on tlie 20tb or 21st, Francia II. having rufusod torms of eurrandor. The Papal Nünoio_tbe Austrian, Spabish-, Bavarián, and SÏRou Ministers reruained at Gaeta. It is riftnored that England, Franoe and Kussia are on the point of ei to an understauding on a peaceable solution of' tbc Danish question. Austria is raising a loan of 30,000,000 florioa, iu anttoipatioa of taxos becpming due. it isagain asSerted that a treaty exista between Prussia, Austria, and lliussia guaranteeinc Venetia to Austria. Tho Bonibay mail of Dec. 27th liad arrived at Englatid. News uniuiportant. Great indignation was feit at tbe late grant to.tha descendants of ïippoo Sahib. Tho import trade was resuüicd aftcr six weeks' suspension. The ship Rosburgh Castlo, with L1GG,000 in gold from Melbourne, bad arrived in theehannel; also, the Welleeley, with 30,000 ounces.


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