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#Cnrs Coush, Ccld. Worrs. tvftucn-.a amj Inilatiuit OT San ucis of titt Ttroa'; RMae thr Ilitik ng Vmfh i Cotvumpiwn Bronehiiin, Asthina, and Cata.-rh. Citar aU ;■ nx'h U tktt ru,.'-' '.f PUUI.1C IPBaKEB. mid MOER, Few ara airare of the Isiportanofrof clit'ckii.g a Uough or "GomuioiWold" in its fiVst ttfcge; tba-t whili in the beftnning rould yiuld ton mild Tvtnady, If aegtected, soon attackfi M e l.rnjn. ■Rir.-n's rronehitu Trechea," coD)úningdemuiceut lagNdiL&ta allny TulaioLary anü Bronchial Inr'Utloa. - BiTOWN'S '"That trnuWu In my TllrMt, (for whlch Che 'Tiocliea" me a epecifU) huvirig inatie „„„„-r, me uiten u inoro trliUperer," TROCHES ' if. i. "I recoüimen'i thiiruc lo Povlii BROWN'S "-"s" REV E ■ chai f nt. "Havo provej expetQ&ly servic&ablv : ; TROCHES ' KEV. HÉKRY WAEÜ SKÊCHER. "Almoit iusünit i'clief in tl.'i distresKÍuf BROWN'S labor of brtüithin;; pecuiwr taiitran." ' HKV, A. C KUGÍJE 'iO.W mnnmct. "Contaia no Oyium or anythlDg lajurl rR(JCHES0Us. dr. a. A. HlYKS, Chtmlat, Boatos. ilROWX'S "A simple naj plonsant combination tai u u Coduhs.ícc.1JJR. G. K. BitíELOW. TROCHES "Beuefioial n Ceon'Ouitis." DK. J. F. W. LAXE, BROWN'S ' Boston. "I havo provetl tbem exceliènt fur CofjH.11 TR00HE3 rev. n. w. WAERKN, Boa ton. EKOWN'S "BeneBdal hen compolled to sjjettk, TROCHKS mtJ'1'r-TVL. "EITuctual fnre:nonng Hor' and RUOWMí [irititloo df tho Tliroat, ao ciilnmoii with UllU " SPjuJUtM aml SttOíia.' PrW.M.STACTJOHNBON, TROCHES Laür.in3e,Ga. Teacber ofMusic fouthcrn pTfTirivT.a Femalt' College . uiívnn o 1((jraat ben8at wheu tdk.;n befora and after irt?;ctiing, as they prevent ïioarseTROCHES ilesa. Krum tl.eir past effect, 1 thrnk tliey wi.i bc of permaoent afívantage to me.' BROWN'S HLV.E. l'.Oft'LEY, ., M. u President of Atlii'n Colltg. Ton. S3i, old b all DrufgUti at ÏWICNTVTROCHESfiví cents a box.-s ncmi. Stoves &. Hardware ! RISDON & HENDERSOl Havo now in Storea large asaorlmentof e TMT1 EL K JE3 S 49 Hardware and House Furnishing All t. ork WÜJ be sold s CIIEAP as at any other Establishment iu Michigan, They have got the Best Assortmeat of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE Sí TOV E3ÍS And will sell them Choaper than THE CHEAPKST, Pleass cali ami Ree. All kind of tin ware kept on hand. Particular altention paid to all kinds of J C3D IS SK CD O2, O2,Whleh will be done wlth NEATNESS AND DISPkTCIL KSriease callaad sec their ETÜVK ROOM n 2d storv of Xew Moet. RISDO.N' & HEXDERSON. Ann Arbor. Jan. S, 1861. ilifle Factory! A. J. SUÏHERL.4ND HASremovedhif Gun Siiop u.tlie New Blurk'r Bmton street, south t the Cou p t Uruie.OB tne eccni floor, whcre ht is prepaed to ftj rnifib Guns, Pistola, Aramumtion FaskSy Pfüihet Game Bags, and Everj other artille in Lis Line. On the most reGSonnble ternis, and to do all kinds of repaihin can the shortett notiee. and in [Vie best mannel , full nssortmont alwnys xept on hand. ond made to orAtt. City Cheap Lumber Sasli, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Naih of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, cfec, &c. . D. DeForest, HAV1NG increaeed hls facllitlea tor dolTg buslnefcs and onlnrgcd hia Yard and Stck,i3 prepared the present seson, with ttf bes. lnrgesl ana chea' estseaBOned jtocli overin this msrÍLl to sntisfy the reaennablf exoectatiuns tí' all. Oui motto b not to be urKÍ'Tsolri fr.r cilsb rn daliver" I wüi not undertaketofrlghteiithc puhlic 'uV ,aylns thot tbi-ywi'.l II they „y (lewh'(,rc, for we prnmime that otber v ',, j;e]laslQw as thcy can afford to. All kinds of Timmer, Joists, iyid Scantling, Pine, Whtieood, Easswoud , Hem lor.k, Planed and Matched Pine, 'Whitewood ,4eh Klooring. Plnned ind roua:b Pine and Whitewood siiiing.Fenc PostB.OökautJCedajPoetEandPickots ol all kinds. íptnt i'atl), anii tUIjttetooob C. X Ptne, Aahnn-1 Whitewood ShinglPn, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, Blaok Wii.jUt.anc! ChPrry ond thin aluft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Boxand Body ..umber.Maple l.og Tiraber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beecb, Ofaihhlcknassej.widthé andlongths, Sic. &o., Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallWcds. ISTixilst of all sijes, c, &q. ISÁSIT, DOORS, & BL1NB.S, nade by hand to orde i as low as fartovy pylcet. on the ehortestnotlce by the bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billf ofall degjrlption In the aboye building lint furnislierion thrshirtrütof notlpo. for We have M'dh Cyttting Reularly. A ful! onda perfect asEOrtment of the abovc aac other klnde of IJuildin; Materials OonBtantly osliandaltLu lowestpossible rato; Cali and be Convineed. A few rods south from R. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. Il O O F T N GK N.B.- I amnow operating Bxtensivelj in the Patent Cement Hoofing. HEÁD QUARTERS ET) For all kimis of PETROXiITJ IVT , r 1 CO AL OIL, & FLUID I LAIVIPS. já PETROLIUM FLUID, W Coal Oils. g Superior qu.lity, nt pnces gUB,rPo antying satisfiiction. Lumps y altfred to the nbove on eliort uotioe. fNEJÏiX A. DaFOKEST. ■ ...-layl Nov. in, 1S60. 774tf ÏÏÖTO GU1TERMN & CO7S FOR GREiXY'S PATSNT PAWT8- in tutti uj 1ut ttio thin?. Iiiey bvé Ciu ■ Lf fjr rho City AIso fcr t Mrs, WXNSLOW, An esperten ed Nurse and Feraale Phfsictan, presente 'tu the attent ion of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, whicli (iroatly facititates the procesa of tetliing, by doften Bj the ffuma, redueing uil intlammation- wiïl i alUv ALL PAIN' liU Bpfcunodic actïon, and is SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Depend upon it, in t'era, It will Live rast t your.-.elves, iinü Relief and health to your Infunts Wc have put up fcnl and soM this article for ovc-r tm ara, i,ul CA'i SAY, IV CONFIDENQE ANli I ïl'.UTH nf it, whnt t,u havo rover bim able to sa) oyothermedidne- NbVEB 1US1TFA1LED IN A SIMil.E INs'lAN'Jiv TO fcl-FKI T A CURE, when tmyiy us;ï. NeTer dld we know tn inFt-nce of diaActioti by finv np whfi ï!r.?i1 t. Oa the ccntrafy, j bh Lire delightod witb iti operattuqi, (nl speui: in tirma I of coinnieii']aLH-n of itá raaglcal cfftct.i RTid lïisdical viriuiv. Wo ipatk la tbt matter "WHAT WE HO KNQiT," after ten yti.' experiean, AND PLEDGE UfPOTATIOM VOR THt rULI7I,LMriIT OK il WE HEUE Di '■I.Ai'.I . In alinort evttj in tr.nao where tbe inTant is Ruffcring irnm pain an-1 fïxbau t relief will be lounl in fiflttn tr twtnty meutes afLc-r lh syrup is iifJmlnisltrod. This valaabie praparation h tlio prottcipttoit of no of the most EXrEIUEVCED and 8KILLFÜL NURSES n New Eniiand. ond Uu ueed with NEVEP. FAILINK SÜCCFSa in THOUSAÑF) OF CASKS. It not ody relieves tbechil' fr om pam, but invignrfltcs the st 'mach an-1 bowela, correct) ncidty. iind (?ivea ti ne n'l enery to the whole syaic-ia it wiii almiöt inatantly reliere ORIPIOT IN THE BOWEL?, AN3 WIKO COLIC anl ovorsomo convalsion=, which f nr.t speedly remt i died, end ín dpnth. Wa t ''lve it the EBóï and SURE-T REMEFlY IM ÏHE WORLD, la nll ol IlY-'ENTKRY an.l I'IAKHIICEA IN CIÜLilRrN, whetb-r it firi-es fr m tèPt'iin? nr fr m any úthíT cause. We wnuM say to eTery ni"tVr v.-ho li s a cljild ufferní frnm tiny of tbe foregoin oomplalxtu - T NOT LET YnUR PUEjrji ICES, NO?. ÏHli l'RFJL'l ICES OF OTHERS, stand between yon and yoor sufffrnï cbild, and t!.e relief thatwill b SURE- YES. AB: OLÜTELY - to foliow tho use of t'iii medien1!, if tinw'.y uscd. Full diect'ons for usin vill acoropan? pnch bottlo. N'in'gcnuin'! unleaa t o ficsimile "f CURl'Ia & PEIiKÍN3, Nsv-York, is on the outaide wrapp' r, BiiJd by Druggi'its tlirougout the world. Prlnclpn! fllce 13 Cedor Stintt, íf, T PR1CE ONI.Y 25 CEXTi TEP. BÜTII.E. Foraale by Lbirbach &Co. Iy773, MOOHZ3 & LOOMIS llave Removed !o tha STORE RECKNTLY OCCUPIED BT C. MACK, Phcenix Block.Eust sideof Main St., AND . n, HAVE In S'.ora ï?d& A Lar8e and -S plete STOCK PjP OF BOOTS SHOES Of every desoripticn which will be I THAN ÓAN BE B0UQH7 IN Xhls City. aUo a largo aasortmen! of HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all klndi made lu tbs mest Pashionable Style BY BOOD AB EXPËRIECED WOKKMEN, -OXTXlFEENCH CÁLF BOOTS areXOTscRPASSED this ido of New York City, and are warrauted not to ïtn Our ?rOGASAND KIP Sa are made of the beat inaterials atock of Motocco llootees for Lading ïf) the thi ïest in town, vr'dh heolü or wïtbnut Wu Mnke lo Ortltr, an3 never miss af sciting the ñrsttime so íve usa cali aud wñitiü you our stock froe ofcbarifti Wehava tcured the services of two Experienced Journeymen. who do ourmending in theNeatcst -Uíimiv, aid un uhorteat notice. Our motto Is Quick Hales and Small Proflts Vrunkfi'.i 'op past favurs wo hope bypaying atrietattentioa to our buel&ett to merit a liberal fihure of your patrooaï1 for the tu ture. jftS" Reraemberwe are not to be nnuerBold. "O5i MtMíKE & LOOMIS IiUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Ftsher's Block Wcodward Ave Detroit, Dr. S.a,CARPESTEI! &IÍA1.VARD. DOCTOR3 en. rally pretend Ihat Cansumption Is incurable, because they cuntiut cure it theaiüulves; but thib does nt in.iko it true. Many rnéouantcs wiUworka oa a job all day and after UO1Ï12 nutuing but .spoil the matinal they will te'l you it m-VLT ca be done in the way jou want But by applyiñj? to a botter woi liman- uüa who thcroughly u ti icr-t inris his basiue.'is - you will gct your work aceomplihtíd in ahspp. lu thi.s respèet there is the ame difTerence to be founlin all tndes aud prof salon. 'Ilic bungit'" in mich:inism, ín the arts. in law, in thcology, and in phytsic, will say such things caunct bo done. An1 it is true that tbey could not be ii all men wt-re üke tbemselvcs. But V'üt.mately there is annthr-r class of men, and theae, when tliey take your case in hand, do the jobsa jou want it, or reatow you to healtb, accorc ing to desire. We have caly to rctneraber tl is net to undc-rstand whj one pbysician ehould prunouEce that incurable which anothcr can curo. In mechaiiics, weunietimoa íind that bv a poscsaion of superior mean?, by somc new inveution, of vrhich ht has the soie use, or by the trreater feieuitt ot his mind, one peraon will mukc r.r Üo what no ether - Exuctly. it ma.r b & in ihysic, A„a tbi3";s-the Tp risij why I have ;uca HaccöM over an ot.iers mil;; trcatment of Cousamptlon. By haring lïZ original genius, by posaessipg the Meter, Mhich enablea me to cleaïlt deit rmluo the nature of tho disensenncl by havin such' nuaedien for Couuraption as po oUiehyRiciaii ever had,roake bold U hn that I nave, and en eíff ct a cure of this dhease beyond the rtíach of any other raan. To prove tlus to have been the case, I might K've you numbora upon numben of certificittos truni msn and women given ovf r to the grave, who havo beoü rescued and reafored to h'ealth by tho peraerering use ot' ray ptmedita for ConBumption. But it is not n'Cf ssa" y for me to do po her, for the fact of one m;in doing what another cannot cmnot, is evident to uli nien of common en.;ío. lf the Cousumptivü wtHbQjj furíhcr proof than thift, I can ouly say. cmo and Rat ia f y youreelf by tri il of my skill 'in tfaé euro of your cmplit Doctor Carpi-nttr xvill visit Ypsilanti. and Ann Arbor. during 1860-61. Ann Arbor, at f'ook's Hoiel. Sd and 4tb of each month; Hawkina lïouse, Ypsilanti, 6tli and 6tli of each montb. The remainder of the trae, he will be fqund at his Lung Inüimajy iaDetrolt )j773 WLNES & KNIGHT have received their seoond purohase of FALL uA.lTID WINTER COODS, WLiioh will bê solJ ut the Lovvest Pcssible Priccs, POR CASH,BAaTER,OE PROMPT We inv:!e uil to cali and be satieficd thst our GOODS ARE AS GOOD . luso P R I C E S AS LÖ W as oan be found in the city. Nov 10, 1 860. 7v,Stf IOOO Fine Overcoats ! For S'ale Che.ip at GUITBTIMAN & CO'S.


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Michigan Argus