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. [C OIGAN BOÜTHERÏ! & ItX NoRTÍIttRN INI MN'A KAILROál). 1860. ♦ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. L663L. 'Ir mu-: n (W run on this road, Putáar'a riwfoted, an fbU Leare Tnletlo ■ tceptUondaraat 12.18 A M..iml 12.40 P. M ,attl vm A Un at 9 A. M. i "■ im.i1 '.r 1;m:i-.. :it 1U.-U A M.:m.l 9,80 P. M. Arrtrin in Qliicagn iVoni Toledo nnJ Detroit at 10.30 A kt aud 11,00 !'. II Ar.-iv,. al !■:;■ .,t trom f .] ' ., a 1:15 A. M., í. 8:00 I'. M. Arrfvo ín Detroit fromChicmroal fi.00 P. M., and 3. 15 i'. M. Jmvo hi TIüId from Chicago 3,40 P. M. aal4.30 A. Ij ■ ■■ ■ ' ■'- m Jackaon at í),tfi A. SI. and 6,16 I. M. ' Jackaou ■. ■ ■ i . m., and u,6a 1'. M. cóÑííEorroNS. At Toi fjo- Wítb Clvelaud ". Tolo Rail Etoft4, wlth Wabas!) Valtey fUil Road. At Dbtrojt - With (rand Trunk Ü.iihvay. wllh Üreat' v.'-t■l RaUwaj . vAno. wiüi the Detroit anü UUwa uk o, i At Ni;w Albany .í; Sauw II. R, With Traíni for 1 ilayt'U", New A Iban .ilr, :■ acó - i. Rock K!.-in.! I Miltraul ■ -. ' -■■ ■ o, Bi 'I i n tu ! l; i ncy - Vortb ■ -Chicago, Alti.ü and Öt. LooJa, Illinois -: and s.uiil). Traína aro run by Cb1(ago time, whlcli Es 20 miuiwor tban ■ ...'■■- Pateut üloeping Can mecompany tfaa Xibt Traína on tfcia RouHo. ftH Time and Fan the sanifl m by anj otlior R.iíj ■ i no. D. CAMPEBaOL. Cene-ai Bupcriotendent. LIFE ÍNSIJRAÍÑCeT" The Cozmecticut Mixtual Life ín suranco Company. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,0001. tTTTUXlNSURE MVfiS Tor any amount not execedíng VV (10,030 for Uie wnóla term ofLafo órför & TCAt, on ihfr.',-l l'.iv..i aï.i' terras. X. 11 The Gompanj la pñftvljr Biutqfcnd thi boldersget all I plus o ver 1 f insuraoce II . ;. meut uf thoir prcniiumf OKttFE POLIG1ES, if lii■l) lv laalng a note for one half the amount, beavlng interest at six por centj per :i::iu:m. Dividends are Dcclared Annuallyt .inl sínce they ntíw amount to kütv per ocni on fiiO proniiniii( c ;- : and note, and an mor oaatng they muy bti p.ppÜOCl tO ":i JU't'l tltO tmtC!. ites ni' premiums are a low ns any other reRponstbl ■ Lorge accomuïatcd fuud of ■ ■ ..: . ■ inay bc Been by reíerthestateindni língto law, on Ble iu ihc'olHcoofC&e Cuuuly Arin Ar'bor.'EÍ JAMES GÜODWIN, Prest. OrvR. pEBUSjSecy. For-particnlamaDply to JAMES C. WATSON, Agcni at Ann Arbor Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSUKANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1SC0, 1,707,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, Treúemt, J. C. KEÑDÁLL, Vire President, l'LIXY FEEEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED ; with theConaptroHerof the State. of Nmr York, Dividoudd arexage 40 per ecut annuaUy. ASSETS. Cauta in Bank, S 31,365,49 Luvested ín Becorltteiij crpatfl umlcr tho lawsof the St:ito of Xow Vork aurt of thc U. S., '58,870,79 Iipl Etate ind Tixturos, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadwvr 132,450 04 Bondfl and afortgagea drasvin7 perct. ioterest 583,9980 i Notos reccived ior 40 per cent, of premiums on liic pollones, baring joterest, 675,315.85 j. an 1 Ssml-annual preniiums, fluo subsequent"to J:uiu:irv 1, 1860 20,550.38 acerhol up to Jan. 1 . 1860, S6.488.77 Rente aecrued upto Jan.l, 1-iM, 1,708.84 Pri-miuins on policfofl iu huildi of Agonts, 26,445.19 1,767,133.24 Tírs Wklls aml Lewítt .redc:d Examinen. ?48tf i, G1X.BEKT SM1TH, Apront Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEJí 15 THE AGENT f"r the followlng ñrst clnss compames: HOHB I.Vül'ltAME COMPANT of New York Cíty,--Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000. CITY FIKE I.VSURA5ÍCE COHFANV, of Hartford.- Capital MdBurpllU, $400.000. COTIETAI.i I.VSlïiASCB COMPANV, of New York City. -"Capital and Surplus, $100,000. Tlireequarters of the nptt proflts in this Company is divuleJ anuuallj among jts policy hohlera. C H MIL,L,ENArm Arljor, Di-ccmlcr 13, 1860. 0ni"78 Couway Fire Insurance Co., Of CoDway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Casb), - - 209,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y. Praident. DIRECTORS. J S.WmTNEV, L. BODMAN, W. ELL1OTT, ASAHOM.ANT D C. McGILVRAr, E D MORGAN WAIT BEMENT, JOSIAH AI.I.IS A.H. RU'1-EN W. IJ. DICKJNáON, W.T. CLAPi, D.C. ROGER9. Aun Arbo j' Kofeiences: Dr, K. WELLS, L. JAMES. L. nOnGE, 1SNOCH JAM:J. OAPT. C.S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGIIT. Ajrpnt. A.nn Arbor, Michigan. T HE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 3500,000 oue of the IÏEAVItST, PAFEST and BEST Insurance Ci.v. in tin; l.". s. Insurs od reMonaMs terms, wn! al iy promptly. There in no botter K Ihmiiíiuc . Mo ney Wanted, VVrIio will LcudMoneyl IAM REQUESTEP BY SEVEUAL 1'ERÍiON'S tu obtain mouey for them at Ten Per Cent latere st, (OrMore.) For anv ono willíng tf lL-nd, I cnn at once invest on ■fn iiricii'iiulM-ri'ii ;ibumlant KKAL BSTATL ecurity a ny siiins of mouuy aud act; lliat the tille tan areA!.L rkiht. The borrowcr paying ali cxppnoop, Includlng recordmg. W. MORO N Ana Albor, Gct. 7, 1859. 7l51f General Land Agency. PERSONS w anti 11 g farms, or rceidenceít n ornedï Aun Arbor, can by calllngoameeltíctfromalit ofover 1OO Farms For Sale! Of varlous stüee trom 3, te 130 acrfeacb (eome at good aaanvinthis Connty.) Moretban 5O Dweliiií tlouses intb.ÍaCIty,fromtwo fourthousan ddo:aridacb:and over 2 O O RÜITíDING LOTSI Amongt he farms are the lílshops tarín, lOOftcrea, the Potter íarm, in Gi'eenOak; the riacefarm, a.j j 4o ) acres, theBlaodpn rmd Jcuks farm a, i n Webster i th'- BtubSs, Mlcbae] Clancy, Nowton Bcefrnn, ftnd farms, in Ann Arbor; J .Kingsluy'4 farm, in Pittsíii'jil tin: H'doh anl Hick l'Hrma in Lodi;the Patrick Clnyufurin in PreddoiD] W. 8. Davibnn, B. O. Baker a and Buck'a farms lnSylvan. Mostnf thnsí and many otbers cao be dlvidedto ault purebaaerfl E. W M O.IGAN. AnnArboj. Jan lít. ifW 53 W.MÜRGAN, Agent for Mutual Ufe InsnranceConipany, New York. AeoQmulatedAwete, .... $550,000. ng Ufa OómpMty En tho üfl. Knickfiroockcr Life UisuraacQ Company, New York, - a firM i -terina rcasonable. HtimbtiMi Ptw Insurance Company, New York. Capit&i, wltta n in plus, - $200,000. Peoría Marine feFfre] 0o., Peoría IU. -■hotv % No. i fíre Insurance Co'i 7O7tf Capital .... $500,000; DEFOREST, ARMSTRüNGá CO. I3RY GüODS MERCHANTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Naw York. WOÜhD NOTirv THE TRADE that tny r openln Weekiy, in ncw and beuttfuj patterns,tbe ALSO THU A New TVint, vhich excel evoiy I'rint in the Country fo perfectim ofexecutlOJl uul lcKgn in fu 11 Mudfler Qotors. - Our I'] ints ;irc choapor f1 nn any in niai-Uct, and ■ Orders prompüj ttlended io 732yl A ,EYE and EiF. !!■: V. A. ('ADWKLL, OPEltATOK ON THE ETE AND EAR. For Dcafiícss, Bllndneav, nrtcï all clefetts of SlUt añil Ili-iiiin. DIcUn.withTWENTT YKAll1 exclu ■ . tmi ni Of dsi N11 BAR, wUl be founi qualifled to give reí ■ oore In any case wltbln tho reacb ut' human akill jgfy Tfo charge for un examlnatlon or an opinión, or 'or II i)n. c.'a Tbeatbi oh thh En un Ear, of üoo pp eontatnlng raferenoofl, Teattmonlals, Deseriptlonof DiCtMes, aud ■■ :' matter, tUuaitated ui-, CuiB] to be hbágralte, by sendingen Cent to paj A-.ii ■ ■ - Dr. CauwklLj '■'■' Raadolpli Stiéet enrnoT Deaborn . Chicago 1 1 1 - , Iy7fi8 Livery Stable. B. GREEN, .it hin l.ii.iv Stablo, rcar of I'ia.iklin, bold himscli rondy to ruruifil] the best "lrn out' gíngle Mr m: i; . '■■.:: I gUoH tiuirc. ( ':tU ;uul s'e 'ü- II". ■- . oiiky second doonrast ul Webteci lio"k SI r 8. i .- ■■[ Cutid ■Vi ( nri deüght in ■ : ■ THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - Ob'- FA.1L,Tj Sz, "WIï-TTEIR, C3r E O X JS GOODS KROM AUOTIONT. sttetextst cheap Facts for the People -orWASHTENA-W - '-'ND- ADJOJÏNING COUNTIES ! And their numcrous qucstiong nngwered. Whi ís Evervhoihj trading at the "BANNER STORE? '- Because A. P. MILLS, the Prnpriutor of that Establishment has just retarned from the Kastorn Citieswilli thé Largest, Zlandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Aüractive Stock of S TAPLE AND FANGY DRY COODS! over brought to thin part of the State. Whj is Etoersjhodtj phaseü icith his Stock? hisstyles uro ïrsirc brautitul, quality bpttor,and prices lower thau at &uy otlier store in Ibe county. Why has Jte always Someihing New and Cheap to Show? Because h.t has a friond conneetod with one of the ly awi Dry Goode House in New York, who ia oontinoaln " BOB'iilNQ ROUWD' forchoap bargaJns ft&d the late styles, as Khéy appeftr from time to time, and in Ibis way keeps him su'ppïieU rtth atyles, and couseiiuííQÜv customers canivhvays fiod something t'resh, NEW CHEAPaad DESIRABLE Wlty does he sell so tnuch Cheaper ikan the restt Because he lias a buyer in the city all the timp to take adrantago t1!" the ponttaual chaniü of the Darket, and in tba; waj buys 'nis goods much cboaper than otbers canr and then he marks theta down to the 3LiCy7f 3BS11 PICÏTJIIES. Why does he sell Ladics' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than was ever heard of hy the oldesl Shoemakers? Cecaufo he buya hia stock in the lañó of shoemakors, of the manufacturers, fully 26 per cent cheaper llmn the Ñew Vork Jobbers m-U theis, and muoh netter work than uraUrkecp. This course unables hiiu tu sella bet'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherssoll at 50 ccnt.i,aocl a botter F0XED GAITER at öO ceuti , than others sell at 75 coutfl. 9 Has he any Hats and Capa? Yes, T shoulrt think ho has stacks of them, enough to Bupply tho Stato, at prices toffer thau vu ever heard oí round thcse parta. Wlty is Ais Tea so much bettar fot the príce you pay than you gel at other places? Becausc he lakns caro ín selocting it, and g vos bis CUAtomers the beoelit of a real guod 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CEWTS. U is a waj he bas got. Where shouli! you fo to gei ynur CLOTHS and have tiiem Cut or Made? To the BANNER STOBB:, wliero the Pcoplo's Bannor is oofurlBdfor tha People:8good. South side of Public Square, a few doors wot of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, ISO). Ï86tf Ho for the Mimmoth Cabinet Ware Hoorns. o MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JL'ST OrEN'ED IX TIlEIRnew ntij Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF 1IAIN STREET, . -n y k. r la or A COM PLETE STOCK OF KOSEWOOD, MAI1OGAJSY and SETS OF PARLOR rURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALiN'UT, Plain and Marble Topped EOSEWOOD,! MAHOGANT, BLACK WALNUT, EANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &c. jm -MLt ass c 9 Elegant MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretaries, B e d-E. oom Sets, INCLÜDING -LATEST STYLES, -of mm v & % i OF THE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fa et they Have Everything W-I-T H Wil -I-C-II TO F-U-R-X-I-SI? PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITT1NG ROOM, OR K1TCIIEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEEÜ NO longer goto Detroit or elsewhere To Fiad ALARGE ASSORTIMENT T.-la.-1-e FURNITURE MUST BE S O L D - A N .D- And Will be Sold ; A- T V E R Y LOW TRICES! jGfijr Ix-t everv mrni and liU wife or going to be wife OOÏÏfi AMi BER Thcyalfio hftTB n IIEARSE CARRIAGt:, And re always read; to atfond to tl"1 burinl ir tlio dcaO in tlie ('tv ahd adjoiaing co . : ; . Ware-R i side of Main Street . t . r .■■■■ -i u ';i. Liinjton mid l.Mriy O, M, JiiAtóiiN. C. B. THüMl'büN


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Michigan Argus