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GMÁTBAEGAiWS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WE' iiavk m:.ix REn kmsiiku oi'K STORE wrn: li.i' most HplenO : :■■■.,. i jsr t O JLL 32SÈ ? tUii WAS put 0IT1 1 in ány óno antabUÍunnil n: the Slat', .til uf nliigli ïvc ulier lor ulov aa (-ui be found la thu !_"!i;";i We want KToney ! Grcat Sacrifices on AnyihiiH' we_have to obtain if , ü"t pxcepting OLD NOTES AjN'D ACCOUNTS ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to ciill n-i.l examine cur Uno'ls and Prlci-s. W ;üm our Prompt Paying Customers to come ru:i buy (In-ie tmppliefl fT il;c Winter. To Uu -i Bopliful out-,. tim,t are uimiu t caü, we say to Lhsm, taki SELL Tour XTVEiaüluT without loogor w;iifii ffir higher price, come iu, old 8CorM and thca at sucli primes as wíl] ni lite np all lofisM It is hardb oeccesSAry to euLiniuralcoui QuoOsj fir We have ïïverything! A largo assortmOD of (JARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOOLïS, MEI)IIKES, GEOEKIES, TAINTS, OILS. IIAT CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE KOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. (t.lfitf) M.VVNAI'.n, STEBBINS & 'ILSO O . BIjISS 3iauMiiMWWHiMWiaBmirjiaffu'3imimiímmfl:nmiiriianrn:ii Still in the Field! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS! in my liue direct from New York, Boston, and the Manaíacturers! I liave just received :i lATg6 aml well selectcdassoitmuiit of CLOCKS, WAÏCHES, 353 -W 33 Xj R Y. SILVEK & PLATED WAKE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And ii groat variety of Yankee Notions, Ac. I wouldciUl particular attent ion to my lnrge stock of ot Gold, Sííver, Steel, and Plated, ivith PER SCO ] MGLASS A superior artlole, and % great rariety of a vueles n tLe '"ciIEAl? CASBCl'eraone havniff diftoult walchestoflo w' my Ftock is larga and compl I ■, i1' S, Particulrr attect" n paid t tlio EEPAIEING of all Uimla of Fme Watchea, such as Making & Setting New Jewcls, PIETIONS, STAFFS and CTLINDERS, also ' OLÖOKö, AND JEWELEY, v;itlv Repaired and warrant cd. C. BLISS. August 28, 18CC. 76811 M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human riesh aud Animáis. ÍN calling tho attcntioi. of tlie Publlo to tlifc Medicine, wo would say that it lias beon fully tried, and hundreds wil lmvu usod it speak in the most compliitiontary tTiiis of iis wojidcrfiü eflects pon lluinnn Fteeb and the bruto creation. It 1b fa?t gnlnlug poimlnrity. W herover used it la rocoivod witb acclainationa of ioy, and jtro Qounccd to bo the greatest lioincdy for Acues and l'aLut övcroffered to tho I'ublic. Itó mp'iterly offects ovor dlseast, wlicn appiicd, ffivcs It a clebriiy unsurpas-sod by any exterual prepuration now In aso. 'lbereforo we eau &ayt with the utinotst coulldouo& that i ïio Kmbrocfiti)? wil! Care Klieuniatlsm, u Burnftftnd Sciilds. "Weakness of Joints, ' ' Bwellinps and Tumors, " Hemorrnoids or riles, " Chilblalns, Tootliacho and Chapped HandA flmbroeatlOC wlll Curo Oíd Sores and Craiupa u w JBoils and Corna, u Contracted Musoloe, " Galla of all kind, M " lïlng Bono and Poll KtM, tt Callona and Spavin, Lmbxocatloo wlll Cutd Bweeny and Stttkst, M Springhault and Fistol Scratcboö or Orcaa Kxu-mal PolsonS 8&nd Cracks, Lamoness and Straine, Embrocñtlon wül Cure Foundcrcd Voet, ' Ufaneo " CracKed Tcats, " Gargot In (,'owj, " Foot Kot in Sheep, AuiintN, ÍN. V., Miirch 9, 1860. We, the onöVrslfrncd, do ctTtifv, that vo Lavo un] M. .'k Cni,r.iiKATi;i) ElABOOATlOK, for Intlmmnatorj and Chronlo lïhcuumtiBui, and clicarfully rccouioiund It as the t"-t. remedy wc havo ever uscd. J. M. .Morris. M. D., James h. ITewion. ],. VV. Clement, Orrin Hurd, Poter Ftero, 8. F. Gould. J 15. Jïoblnson, of Prophetstorn, 111., eayts: I ofitoem It tli best Llnlraont I have ever known. Itpive-s nnlrörul patlafaotton, and 1 can U'Stiíy to ita cflicacy froui my owa fezpertonce, Slaiiuíactnred bv M. W. ÏIAWT.KY, Auburn, . Y. (J. N. T0ÏTLE, Anburn, N. Y., General AmgSlÍ, to whom all orders shouid bc addrenod Bold by all Druggit-ts and Merchuntö Uirouijhout tb untry. nhd by MAfNARP, STEBDlSTS k WÍLS0X, Aan Arbor, M:cli . Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, dedgned to bo the most effectual Alterative that can be made. Jt ú i concentrated extract of Para Sarmparilla, .-o eombined with ether gutistances óf stil] greater alterativo power as to aflora m cff.ctiv" antídoto for the diseai arilla is reputed to eurc. It is believed that such a Temedy ia wanted by those -who suffer from Strumous complaint, and that one which w ill accomplUh th ir cure must prove of iminengf service to thU large da of ourafflicted fillowcitizens. IIow corri'plèfely tliis compound wilj do it has been proven by experiment on manj of tlio worst caaes to hu lbuud of the foUowing complainta : - Scuofula AN-n Sorofulous CoMi'i.ATTfT?, EuUPTIOSS AND EllUPTIVE DSEASE3,, Pimi'les, Blotoiies, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scat."d IIbad, Svi' and Syphihtic Arfkctioni, Mercurial Disease, Duopsy, NeuHAU3U OU Tlu DOULOUBEUS, DbBIIITY, VS PBPSIA AND Indiuf.sTION, ElliSIFELAS, 1ÍOSE on Sr. Axthoxy's FniE, and indeed thü whole class of complainta arising from. Impuuity of the Blood. Tln's compound will be found a great promoter of healtli, wHeh taken in the spring, to ezpel tlie foul humora which fester in the blood at that season of the y; ar. Jiy the time ly expulsión of them many rankling disorders nre nipfped in tho bod. Jlultitudes can, by the aid of tliis remedy, spare themgelves from the endurance of ftml eruptions and ulceroiu sores, through which the system will strivo to rid itself of COTTuptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural chamuU of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitialed blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it wlien you' lind it is ob structed and Bluggish in the veins ; cloanso it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tull you whon. Even wherono particular disord r is feit, people enjoy tetter health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordcred, thero can be no lasting hoalth. Sooner or later Bomethini must go -wrong, and t!io great macbinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves mueh, the icputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceivéd by preparatioïis of it, partly bceause the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be conceiitrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauda upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curativo proporties whatever. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, imtil the name itself is justly despiscd, anH ia3 becomc synonymous with imposition and chcat. Still we cnl! this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supp'.y 6ViCii a remedy as shall rescuo the name from the load of obloquy which resta upon it. And we think we have ground for bclieving it has virtues which aro irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intendcd to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to direetioiis on. tlio bottle. PRErAEED BY K. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlcc, SI pcrUottlc j Slx Bottlcs for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has Tvon for itself such a renown for the cure of evcry variely of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecess;uy for us to recount the cvidence of its virtues, wherever it h;is been cmployed. As it has long been in constant uso throughout this section, we nccd not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, POR THE CURE OP Costivencss, Jaundice, Dispepsia, Indigestión, Dise)itery, Foul Stomacht Erysipclas, Ilcadachc, Piles, RAeumütistttf Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy Tettcrt Tumors and SctU Rheum, JVonns, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pili, and for Pxtrifying the Blood. They aro sugar-coatetl, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantlv, and they are tho best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prico 25 cents per Box ; Fivo boxea for $1.00. GrcatnumbersofClergyincn, Phvsicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have leut thcir names to certify the unparallclcd usefulness of these remedies, but our space hcre will not permit the jnsertion of tlicm. Tho AgClïts below namcd furiiiáh gratis our Ameiíicax Axmanac in whichthey are givcn ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatincnt that shouldibe followcd for their euro. Do not be put off by unprineipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayku'h. and take no others. The sïek want the best aid there is for them, and they should lavé ït. AU cur remedies are for sale by MA.YNARÍ) üTEBttlJNSA WILSON. and by all Druggïsts and Dealers cvorywli rr. J. BURK1LL, Traveling Agent. aperient Stolnachic prepttratfpn ofIRON puric&d in nd Carbon t.y cüiubuation 0 i ic■■ the higbeítt Medical Autborities, both ín Ed '■'■ peana the United Sjátcsj and prescribe in their prac 1 ice ousandfi áailj provo thai no prepara tion of Iicti cati bc Coïnpared witb it. ïropurities of the blood, deprenHluns of vital cm rgy, pale aüd other. ■■■ complexión Ladícatea i: t-u nhnost conoeivabk oti&, lniii-.i,nis in all lúal&dies n whifih it h:is lx'fii tí iv il. proved absolutely curativo io oftch of the folio wing complft'nti, viz: ín Deblllty,NerToiu Afltectlons, Smadatlon uyipepfliaf Contljpatlou, Dlarrlioea, Iysctcry, ïiuijiiiiit Consaiupilou, Scrofaloas TaIm nulosH, Saft lïheum, ÏMmmstruation. White, Gkloroti, Gompiaittf, Chrón ie Headache$i Ith Smatt'sm, Intuniahn.! roturo, Pimples on the Face, kc. in-;i e of Gknkka] DEBiuTY,whetherthe resuJtofaoute djB4ftfte} dar of tbtt oontinuted dimínutfon ofnerrous aal muscular ecorgy fri m clironlc oomplalnte, oiüc trial ot this rntoratire r.-, prored succes&fu] to an wbich nofkscrlptionnorwiitten attestation wonld v:n'-. cudlble. Invalido s loog bod riddpn as to bavo booomo forgotten (n their own naigbborhoods, ha ■ deuly re-appeared in ■■ I is f juat returned fiüin protractisl travel int distan! land, Some pi nal Instances of thm kind are attestedof female Buffer ;■■-, eniacfatcd victimfl of apparent isarasmus, sangiineoua . i' in, critical clin nges, and tl uit complicatioc of nerrous and dyspeptic aversión to air and exerclse for vhlcb the physicfan has fio In Nervoi b Affbciions of S ■ : for reasoDS fanafllar medical men, the opération of thw preparatioD ui' ron must DttceflRarilj for, unlike the oíd óxidos, it Isvigorouaiy toolc wltboui ' mul ovei -liciitii . regttlarlv aperieaï, even the mojsi obstinate cu sea of cosí venes without even beipga gastric purga tive, ur Inflictíng a di tnsation. Itis tnisiotter property, itmong others, whlcb roakes it o markably effeotual and permaneni a Pemedy for Pita, upon whii-ii [1 to exort a distlpct .and sjeciflc actlon by dlxpersing the local tendency which forms tluin. In DybprpsïAj tonnmdrable % single box of these Chaty beate Pilla have oflen RufDeH for I habitual oasos, i.iU, I:;;o the attendent Costiceness. In onohecked DiARRDtïl, even ïrhen advsnoed if Thjscn trrtf cönfirniéd, einaciating and appl rootly malignant , . ba ving ii en equallj de rflve and afttoninhiag In the local jmins. loss of Beau and strengtfa ,del coQgh, and i . tic, whicb gonerally Indícate Inctpient CoTisumption, in severa) rery graüfying and in!■ i ■ i ing Inntaacet. Ia Scrofulous Tubercuolnh, lUN atodicated ! had far more than thi ly balanced preparariona ol iodine, vrithoat jf ,[ i r n 'il known HabUil les. TheatM&kióo ■ nfldently Invitod to thU rerticdy.iiK.] rcsiuratitvin Llic cásea pecttUarly afiectiug il.rin. lu ftheumanêtn, both chrontc and [nflammatory - tn the latter, howover, ui red cidedly - it bas been Invariably veil repQrted, batb ap aileviatlng pain and roducing the of the jöintd ... 1m Intermttt nt li:cr it mu I ■ .■. --;i great rom-, and nergetic re ■ ressinthe a&w setllt meutfl ni i i.r '. i , , v, ,;j jii'obably bt om of bigh reqowd :i nd el Xu remedv haa ever been 'T: (covered in the irhole histo ry ol !!]■■ ürinr, whicb oxerta sucli pronipt, happy, aad tully rectoral Ive ffucts. Good appehte, complete dig■li.ol. , rupid ucijui-iilnii of streugtb, witli ajiunusual oud choerful exorcise, inuty ful Ion ii- utdi Put np in neai (lal i letal bojcea containing '50 pillsj priceL0 conl per box; for sale by druggiitts aod i 'ill bc -'iii (ree to any addroi s i p recèlpt of the prioe. ll letten, oi ■ i ■ dilroased to It. H. LXCKE.&Co , General Agent. 177vl 389 Broa --■■v, N, Y. Fr Snle by GEENVIV1LLE FULLER, Aun ArbüP. Hovard Aasooition; Püiladelphia. A Hcnirohiit ftutituiion entablitked by pedal mido&tteH for th: '■"'■:■ ■■ led wüh ■ ftr th Oure ff' Diteaëiê ofth S ■ aal Qrganê DtspmMry fret ■ , m i, ail paris of tki Unittd State, l.l Al SE _■-: UI. i 'dií l-MiiSi, -niiJitun-lK i-i.:i iii"1 b'-rHis üaaea ol tUe Sexual Organs, and on the'ÑKW i:;. omyed, eut to ■ ■ m elopes, froe ol i-i :i r . r . i _-o bü wiU bo contable. AddresfDR.J PKll Í.TN KOFGHT0N, Acti i uon üowai-d Asaociation No ,öOutUNiutl ïiloljl.. , 736yl fOÖO Vests, Shirts and Drawers Por Sul e pheap ut GUITEKMAN A Co


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