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The State Of Europe

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From Fianee there comes the asanranee of peace and the preparation for war. 'J'he New Year's oracle at the TuiIerie8 was expressive of confideuce, for the year 1861; but the dockyards, tbe arsenals, the now ordnanoe, tlie iron-plated ships, and tlio enrollinents, are belligerent beyond their utterHnco ia 1858. We must do the Emperor the justioe, howerer, to say that while these warlike preparations cannot be eonnected with any spooific purpose, but appear to be only safeguards agahist the ooutingencies of the future, yet in his commercial policy and in the general liberalizaron of his governmeut, the Emperor ia giving the most unequivocal evidences that his wishes are on the side of peace. Italy s oseillating along toward a good. united government ; halting here, retrograding for the moment there, but, on the whole, advanoing perhaps as fast as is consistent with the geueral and permanent welfare1Llímut (Javour has the field to himself f5r the present, and appears to be using his power wisely, and uot to the dissatisl'aetiou of Garibaldi. Whether this " armed neutrality" of the Italian leader oau be maintained much longer, depeads upon the fats of Veuetia. If Austria can be induced to relax her gripe, even prospeotively, Italy will work out the remaiudor of hor devolopmeut peacefully if not, thore must bo war in the spring. So says Garibaldi, so s y the Huugarians; and these are not parties to talk long bafore thoy strike. The question of peaco or par, thorefore, is to be solved by Austria ; bat the positiou of the empire is such that no deoisive inference is now possible. The Emperor has lately shown most gratifying proofs of a liberaüzed disposition, as though he had realjy proñted by the experieuce of the last throo yeurs. But he still retains among bis advisers Cuunt Rechberg, while bringing in M. von Suhmerling. This is is if Mr. Buchanan had endeavored to retain Gov. Floyd, while taking particular pains to get Gen. Dix into his cabiuat. So long as Count Rechberg remains Minister for Foreign Aflairs. no great confidenco can be reposed in the liberal prograuime of Sdinierling. But the unce'rtainty may be cleared up in a short time, and theu we eau teil better about tho llungarian troubles, tho position of tne new King of Prussia, the recent warlike movoments of Rusaian troops to the Easteru IVontier of that empire, the further cour-e of the ex-King of Naples, and about all the oleuients whioh go to determine tbs state of Europe for the ycar 18ÜI.


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