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Lincoln At Cincinnati

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The President clect was enthusiastically reecived at Ciucinnati on Tuesday. 11e w:is escorted to the Burnett House, from the balcouy of which, bcing introduoed by Mayor Bishop, ho made a brief speech, which isreported as follows : " I have spoken but once before this, in Cinpinnati. That was a yoar previous to the late Presidential clectiou. On that occasion, in a playful marnier but with sincere words, 1 addressed mucli of what I said to the lvontuokians. I gave my opinión that we, as Ilepnblicans, would uTtimatoly beat them, as Democrats, but that they could postpono that rc3ult longer by uouiinating Senator Douglas for the Presidcncy thau they could in any other way They did uot, in tho true senso of the word, nomínate Senator Douglas, aud the result bas eoine, certainly as soou as even I expected. I also told them how I expected thoy would be treated alter they should be beatón, and I now wish to cali their attention to what I theu said on the subject. I then said, ' when we do, as we say, beat you,' he said, ' you want to know what we will do with you. I will teil you asfar as I am authorized to speak for the Opposition, what we mean to do with you. We mean to treat you asnuur as we possibly eau as Washington, Jeüersonaud Madisou treated you ; we mean to leave you alone, and in no way interfere with your institutions ; to abide by all aud every compromiso of the Ooustitution; andina word, comii.g back to the original proposition, to treat you so far as degencrate men - if we have degenerated - may, according to I the example of tho noble fathers, Wash ington, Jefl'erson and Madison : we mean to remember that you are as good as wc, I and that thoro is uo difl'erence betweeu us, Other than tho diñurenco of circumstaaces. We mean to reeoguize and bear in miad, always, that jou have as good i huarts in your bosoms as other people, or as vo okihn to have, and treat you accordingly, Fellow-citizens of Kcntucky- friends, brothers - may, I cali you in my new pesition - I see uo occasion, and feel no incliuutiou to retraet a. word of this. If it shall not be uiade good, be assured the fauH shall not be mine " Tlis remarks wore reeetved with great enthusiasra. In passing to bis room those that could rushed at him, throwing their arms rouud him, patting hirn ou tho back, and almost wringing his arms ofif. ïhe politioians are thiuk, among thein George N. Suunders. Tliis evening in the Grand Hall of the Burnctt House, wlnoh has been decorated for the occasion, Mr. Lincoln will receive the pcople generally. Ho looks well though and is in good spirits. Tho whole arrangcments thus far, under the charge of Mr. VV. S. Wood, have been admirable and uothing bas oceurred to mar the pleasure of the journcy.


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