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Ex-treasurer Mckinney "tight."

Ex-treasurer Mckinney "tight." image
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Reporta from Lausing say that üxTreasurer McKin.nkv, returned toLansing last vreékjin answer to a subpcena from the joint ioyeatlgaÜDg comonittee. On Friiay heappearéd beíorctho committee bat relused to anewer any interrntfatorios on the ground that luiving been thioatoned with a criminal prosccutinn ho would not make any state menls bh at migbt be usod against liim in a court of jueticft On Satnrday morning liis retusal was reportcd to the Señalo, hc was ordered under arrest, brought befire the Sonate, persieted in his obstinacy, and was committed lor contempt. Ón Monday morning, howover, the Seríate disuhargod hitn, wlien he waa arrestad on a criminal warrant, and held to bail in the snm of 25,000, to ans.vor to a charge of embezz'ement pruferred against him by the Attorney General. If convictod, andtbare seems no mode of escapo for hinn, unless the jury rely upon Gov. Wissbb'b certifica' e ofihonesty, hu wiil be liable to do the State service for tlic term of five years at Jackson. And the Detroit Tribune, in peculurly oñensivo and insolüng term, pi'iiys that such may bu bis SST Maino and Michigan, of all the Northern States, havo íilono refueed to send Commissioners to the Washington Oonvention, Maine and Michigan, alone, of 11 the States that claim t.llegianco to the Union have rcíused to bü repreaentod in a Convention wbich has bcen called wilh a view to arrauging all diflioulties and preserving the Union as a unit. In M:iine it is reported that petitioos have been numerously signed ir. lavor of the annexation of that State to Canada, and that rnay account for willingness to " let the Union slide." Michigan, by her authoritics joins South Carolina in protesting against any compromiso, against any settleraent, against a restoration of the Union, South Carolina, alone, oí the seueding Staten, has aaiA to Virginia slie wants no arrangement, no Union; Michigan dnd Maine have virtually givcii the samu answer. Areour Republican fiienda proud of the position of Michigan? fijC Geohgb W. Bbowtï, of Jnekson, lias heen appointéd Superintendent of the Saut Cana!, vice S. P. Mhai, whoae term has expirad. Biiown is e illod a lnwver, ia a man of an almndanCe 'wind, ir bitter and unscrupulous partiaan, and without any peculiar qualificatioo for the posiiioo. Hu was appoiuted because beJives at Jaekscn, . and that's whero ' Blair" livcs. J5?3T By a vote of 161 yens to no nays, the followiog resolution, ofíered [ by Mr. Sothiman, of Obio, paaaed the i House on Mondnv: Resolved That neither Oongreéa nor thepeople or governroenta ofnon-slaveholding Btntes have the constitutional right to legislato npon or interfero with utTy slavoholding State in thü Union. 1


Old News
Michigan Argus