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ATTEJVTIOtf JUST rcje.ved at tho General Depot, lor the slo of Clothiere Stock, Machuicry, Dye M..ft Ac. &c. A'o. 139. Jtffüison Avenue, bciroi', tho i M :■; largó, weil utted, aud reíiiliy selecied stocti. vz: !;: bb.'ü. rft. ÜJMiiiigsi Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons ' mSticx, 1511 fabU. Cub.i Fubtic, Cut, 0 Ton3 " " in Stick, 50 bl3. Nic. Wood, Cüippctl, 50 li I;imi jVüod, 4i 30 Red VVood, '' 12) Groand Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 530 Iba. Nutgaüs, - Cases Extract of Logwood, SÖO Ibs. Laa Dye, '2 Ceroon3 Spanish Indigo, ÍJ9J Suinac Sicily, 3 CasUs Madder, S Caslis Blue Vuriol, ó i sks 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqua Forti6, 5 " O1 V'iiriol, 3 M Muriatic Acid, 500 lis. Virdigris, 5J li Block Tin, Teascls, Twine, Copper Kettlea, all sizes, P&rson's Shearing Maeliines, Curtis' ;i " Screw3 and Presa Piales, Cranks. Press Paper, S'.eel Reeds, "Worsted Harness, Tenter Mooks, Kmery, all No's.. Ohve OH, Cloihicrs' Jacks, Sattinett VVnrp, Ciothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Viakors, Card Cleaners, &c. cc. Tiie above, with n variety of other articles belonging to the trade, hávo been purchased this Bummer by the subscrihers from ManuJactureraiul First Hands in the New York, ïrhiladelphia. on-l Boston Mirketti. aul every thing having res ceived his personal inspeciion. he can with the utmost cunfidence off ;r ihcm to purchasers a3 i}u best and mxsl co'iiplct.e stock n the country; qihI as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates at which he will sc!l) to prevent iho necessi'.y o! our Cbthiera and ManufV-urers eaving the State in itrnke their purchases, he wouid merely B.iy to ihe trade, CALL, examine the goods and pricos before you say you can buy any icherc eise. Ho ia nlso prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of (he Golden Mortar, 139, JefFerson Avenue, {17-tC;) Detroit."TO THE VÍCTOR BE LONG THE SPOILS" A LTHOUGH mariy prepnrationin iheTorm, JT3..OÍ "POPULAR iMtDIClNES," have beta before the public, clniimn to give reliei aad (iïBfi cure the most invetérate diseases, yei none hcva so weil answered tho purpose as Dv SRERMA.VS MEDiCATED LOZENGES Dr. Sheriüaii's COUGH LOZENGES" turo pie v.csi obstinate cases of Cough in a few hvsuis. y Ijjivecured alarge numberof peroiis w'.o nnve been given up by theirphysicians aarl friendu, and mnny wlio have been iedueed to the vergc of the grave by epüting blood comamption and Hectic; Fever. by tbeír use lvive had the rose of heallh restored to the hag gard cheek. and now live to speak forth the praises of this iuvaluable medicine. Dr. Sher"WORM L0ZE1SGES" have been provedin more than 40C.OOO cases to he infallible, n fact. the only certnin Worm desiroymg medicine ever discovered. Children will ejtthem when ihey caraiot be íorced to talte any other medicine, and the benefit derived iron; the adniinistrntion of medicine to them in thie form is great beyoud concepiion. ri"hey havs, cover been kaowu to foil. Dr. Sherman'a "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Headnche. Ncrvous Sick-headache, Pal pitation of the Heart, and sickness in a very few minuies. Di Sheriüan's "PCOR IMAM'S PLASTER" is acknowledued by u!l who linve ever usetl it to be ihe best strengtiiening Piaster in the world. and a sovereigniemcdy for painsand weakness in -the back, Iüüis. side, breast. neck, hmbs. joints, rheumatisn lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the above and all other medicines of Huynard's, and you willbe snrethere will beno mistake in quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5. 1844. 41To Clotkiers, Blaniiiïscturers and Merchaais. f BTílE subscribe"? is now receiving at his stores. JL 188 and 190 Jeffdrson Avenue, Detroit', ths following carefully and well selected stock of Dye Woods, Dye Stüffs end Woolex ManürACTuuER's Machixehy. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, C tona Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 133 " Fustic, ' " " lüO " RedWoode, " ' 120 " Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerccilron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 23 Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarier, 2 " Nurgalls. ' cases Indigo. Bengal, Mamila and Gua tímala, 2 " LaeDye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 ponnds Verdigris, l5 Carbuys üil Vifriol, Spirits Sea-Saltsanc Siiric Acid. Also, Copper Kettles and Clothiers' Screws, Tente Jiüoks, Jacks and Brushcs, Press Papers, Care Cleanera, Weavers' Shears, Nippers and Bur ling irons, Coinb-plates, Pick'éri and Bobbitia Wire. Worsied and Cotton Harness. Sieel am Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hund Looms an Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery &c. Paaons' She;iring Machines, 4, G, and 9 blades Allen' s doublé and single Carding Machines Machine Cards, Leicester, l'hü above goeds bave been recently purclias ed directly frosn the importers and manufaclur ers, EXCi.fsivELY for. cash. and will bc sold n the New York jobbers' prices, adding transport ation ör ' . ■ iJ in consequence of the decline oí many of tlia American manufaetured articlcs will', in marty cases, be sold at fifteen per in Qi FOJiMEK PRicr. Thirtcen year ez i the Dye Wood business enoble , subscriber to say to his customers ihac he i prof ' ' times to wíheint his goodao superior qualiiy. THEO. H. EATON. . Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warehouse iöd 1 90 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. TS'.o A-;n Arbor Journal, Ypsilnnti Semine Pon::.; Gezette. Fiint Democrat, Adrián Expoitor, Marshal] Slatesman. Niles Courier anc RepublicHo, Gaxette. Michigaa City (Ta.) anc Jie Enqaircr, London, (Canada,) will ench pub lish :he ubove notice insido, to the amount o bree dollurs. and send copy of notice with bill to subscriber for pay inent. 17-tf. J-EROM.E M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WÍLL attend to the sale and exch-mge o Lands, payment of Tnxes. and reilemp tion of Lamls sold for Tuxes in 5 ncK-son and ad jolning countiea. examinaüon of Tilles, Cojivey ancing. and all business pertaining lo Real Es tate. Office in the Court House. Jackson, Michigan. 17-tf.


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