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-Writing to bis japer - tho Allegan Journal lrotn i Lansing, Don Etendersota bas elevated Senator Bruaas, "of Allegan and Van Buren" to a high pinnacól, and there lef, him, Biugos made a speech assigning h3 reasons íbr voting in favor of delegating the rapresentatioo in Congress froin this State to the Peace ConventioD, quoting which, Don says : "I think the conciliatory sentiments put lortb by Senator Briggs wil! be endoreed by his constituent 6tanding side by eidt as he does with the noble Lincoln, the illustrious Scward, and the foarleaa Oaesiua M. Cluy." JJ'-j;-" A lïepublican State Convention lias beet) called to meet at Lansitig on the 20lh inst., to nomínate a successor to Justice Mansing, of the Suprome Cotirt. It 19 undorwtood, hereabouts, that MoSE Wisxeu has judicial nspirations and i "stocking the cards" to get Mankinq's place. Itissupposed that tho Es-Governor will produce in convention a cortificate from McKinxey that he ''boüeves Wisner is nn able lawyer, and 'as honeet a man as ever lived.' " He owos Moses such a oertiücate, at least. JCS" The Legislatura is agitating a constitutional arnendment to próvido an addit onal Judge of the Suprcme Court, We snppose tho principal reason is that some ardont Republiöan wants a placo; though it is alleged that as constituted the Court s too frequently equally divided in opinión. jT" Wm. L. BjutoK, of Jackson, has beon re-appointod Agent of tho State Prison. He makos a very competent officer. ffO? Potitions having been preeented to tho Legislatura charging Judge WooDwoRTir, of tho lOth Circuit, with iucompctcni'.y and gross negleet of duty, and asking his impeachment and removal from offico, that functionary has taken the hint and resigned. gsp" Vic DkLand, of the Jaekson Citizen, Gov. Blair's '; man Friday" in tho Sonate, has administered a scvere oastigatioo to D B. Duffiei.d, Eq., of Detroit, and read him out of the party, lor having dared to favor tho appointmonl ot Comraissioners to Washington, and tho repeal or modification of the personal liberty law of tho Stato. Let all Union loving Republicana tak e warning. trT President Lincoln leitSpringficld for Washington on Monday. He is aceómpanied by Maj. IIuntkr and Col. Slmnür, oí tho U. S. Army, and bv a nuiïiber of prominent citizons of Illinois. Mrs. Lincoln will romain in Spiingfield until next weck, and join her husband in New Tork. ii i mm ut ■ j- A ltepublican County Convenfcion h:is boen called to meet at the Court House to-inorrow toelcct delegates to the ! I State Convention to be held at Lonsing on "Wednesday nest, for the purpose of nominating a candidato for Judge of tho SnpiT'.ue Court, to succeed Judge ManI N1N0.


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