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SPECIAL NOTICES. A Woud to Geocers. - Always keep the Iiiirost Palcrntua lo be founü iu the m-iiki t. Yuur cus toman nbould be ablc to opply themfelres with a per. fectly pure and heathful :uticle. D B. Delend 4 Co. 's Cbcniical Saleratus will give perfict satisfaction tu the most fastidious housekeeper. Manufactured and for sale at wholesale by D. B. De Land & Co. , Ksirport, Monrce Co., K. Y. To Consumptivc. The dvertisor, having been restoted te liealth in few weeks by a very simple reniüdy, aft-.-r hariag sulfer i"l Mmal yuars with a sevt-re Iudk aifectiou. and t!mt dread disease, Consuinption - is anxious tu make known tohia Ml. ■-.' ullV-rcrs the mean.-, of euro. ïü all wiio delire it, hcwill pend aoopv of ibpprescriptlon used (free of charge) , with the dimetions for preparing and tuing the Bamc, whicb they will (inda BKI CCU tot COMOJUTION, Á8TH1L&, BROKCHHlS.ftc. Tho nnly object of the advertiser in landing the P Bcriptiou is to benefit the afflictod and spread informal Ëoo which he conccives to be invalnahlf1, r tul he hopes every lufierer will try his remedy, as it wlll oost theni imili ing, andmay prove a blessinf;. i'arties wlahing.tbe prfscripiion will pieaae address Hi:v. KnwAKli A Wil.sov, 768yl Williamsljurgh, Kin;;s County, Niw York. THE GREAT ENGLISH BEHEDY. a Ui JA MUS OLAKKE'S Cclcbrated Frniale Pilis. FKOTECrED 1 lïlfEEf BY EOYAL J PATENX Preparcd from a prescripüon of 8ir J. Cldrice, M O., Phyèician Exlraordinary to the Queen. Thi invaluable medicine is unfailing in the care of U those paiDful and dangerous diseases to which the female 3inFtituty;ti la lubject It moderatss all eictiis and re 11 obstructioiu, aj;d a peedy cure may be .lied on. TO S1AHKIHI) 1.AU1K8 It ia peculiarly euited. It wlU, in á hort time, bring on the inonthly perioii with rularity. Kürli bottle, prioe One Dollar, baars tha OoTOmmcnt Stamp of Great BritAin, to prevent counterfeit. TUsc Pilla skituld nat be laien by ftmaUe dxring t FIRST TH REK MÜNTHS of PrtgMncy,at tkey art ntre to brtng un Miicarriagc, b: tu axy otfur limt Uuy r# tae. In nU MflH of Nervous and Sproal AffeetioD, Pile ii, ttn Uaclt and Uiab, Fatigue on slight exertioD, I'aiplto tion of the Hfurt, Hjleri,:, and Whitfs, thse Pillg Ui effect a cure when an otliw mcaa bave Sailei, ad Uthough a pewerful remedy, ds not contain iron, ciiosi! tu:tiuKuy, or any üúa' hurtTul to the ccaatitutifn. V uli directjoi-! acoaipar.y eacü. package. Sole Agent for the United Statoa atid Canada, JOB II OSES, (Late I. C. Baid i in & Co„i RoohMter, s. Y - $1,00 wa& 6 pcètsge etamps nclosed to tny aa Ai,-eu s fSl iMBIt a t'otUe of ti flUli bj -c tum I IHeld b OflENTILl .c roiiER Aua, indbj Xruggif,t iucvfry tuivn. Important lo Females. - Dr. C H JE E! 9 SS M A K é PILI.S. rjlKI'ABCD I1Y C'OBKEI.II'S L. CüWÍH AN, JI. I)., New York City. ThcOnWiisetonofingrdlentBn theae l'iiw ara the reauil of a longand axtennive-pnictice. OJipy ire iBild i theiroperatkm.andoertalnin ootwcting all irrogulari tien, PainfulMenBUratioil, removlng 11 ubstruotlon, whether froxn coli or otherwiae, taoadacho, pain n the ide, pa lpattion of the heart, qrhites, all nervons. affecsterics, fatigue, pain in the back and linibs, &c. , id sleep, whicli irises trom interruptioO of nut ure. TO MAñKTEDLADIES, Pr Oheescman's Pilis re ii'vnlnable, as 1hey will brlngoath monthli pariod with regularity. Ldiw who have Iwendisappointed nthsue dí íthea Pilla o the atmoal oonadeooe in L'r. CheWBeman'i Tills ilning all they represent to do. iorc. Time it ove condltum nfthcfcmalc sfflcm "'rhirh llie , tol !„■ taken rrilhout wodndng iiVKCULlAR BESULT. The condttion refernd to PREGNAtid - ii,, rauU MISCARUIAQE. Har.htttkeirrtrituM uudmei of the medicine tu restore the. sexual funawvs to „ normal amdition, tAat even the reproiucllce power oj nature, eennot ruist li. lV;irvaatrf]nin'lï n"lWp, and froe frnm anything ininrious, ExplicitdiMotiona, whlch ihsuld be roadlo companj 8ct] boi, Brt hy mail on tnolonng (1 tn DkCobheuds L. Chkeseman, Eox 431, Post Offlop, Sev York City, ,, IT . , 3" Solii by one llrui-ïst ir; evcry town m tlio United States. -1 R. B. HÜTCHISOS, GBXXRAX ACKNT FOR THK U.VITRTl STATI'S', No,ll, Broadicay, Ne?" ïorlc, I-S" To wlioi-n fill Wholosali' orders should be addi"1BoH In Ann ArbeV, by Maï.vakd, Stwiw.vs & Wnso.v', and O, :!:. vri 1 1:, 78Gyl jKS The Grcat Bcnefiustor of hls Rnce.-i The Great Heuler of Mankind.' Herrick's SuqaT Coated Pilis. Th' whole World United! Sick Peo-plethink'. After which act. Yon'd se ar c cioct , al Ui is lato d:ty, Witli BtarUlng cure ■ book lo fillj Thisls the case, thdmiüion Bay, Witb tile cures af Herrick'iPiU They come fruin Ivist. and North, and West, And withglad tidtnfrs the papers fll], lïecanse they are the cheapest, safeal 'iesf Aml -m perior in others is Herrick's Pili From Roote, and Plnnts.and Klowers they're; Tliv always cine - they never kil] ThouBandfl now in Ilieir graves wereiaid, Wereit nötfor Herrick's Pilla. Each Pili with snrar is coated o'er - A r:i re diBcoTery ofmatohlefle skill, Tlieirlil.i' waa nrvir wenbefon, Until it agpeared in Herrick'a Pili. For years lie's woi kad tit heaj the sick, Wilh joy (late Ii is bosom filis: Tor teaaoithouaajidaxiov rejoico At the maííic Powerauf Herrick's I'ills. -" HERBICK'SMATCtfLESSVEOlETABLB FAMILY PIClS have inundated tlie worid with their popnlarïty. Orer rive million ofboxes are used annnaly, pivinp emplntnuMit to (-shty-iive men and VOB06XI tn put them ap, Their cures are nnmbered by thousandfl - their praiftea on the tonques of all, ('ihr-ns of Wftnhtenaw Co-, and elaowhere, hue you ever used tliemvl'ut apinEngliah, Spanish, (ierman, ami Frcnch direotions. Large lainilv boxea, M cents! Five bo:ces for $1. Pold everywlierê. Seeadvertisement onJïd page MOTHERS READ THIS. The follnwing is an extract from a letter written ly he pastor of a Baptist Ohurch to the ''Journal anti ioaseoger," (ncinnati, Ohio, aud wpeaks volumes in ol that world rennwned medicino - Mrs. Wjnhow'sSooTmsa Strop for Cstisanr Tki-hung: "We ise an advertiunxgBt in your columns of Mr. Vinslow's Soothinf? Syrup. Now -we never saúl a werd n favor of a patent medicine bcfore in our üfe, but w feel compelled to say toyour readers, that this is no mmbug - wh havk tkikd ïT, and kxow it to kb all rr LAHC8. It is. pmbably, one of the mout suefleseful aedicinee of the day, because t is one of the bestAnd those of your naden who have babiea can't do it L-ttcr than f Uy in a suji:ly." See advertiacment in another column TjTew dvertisements L. F. KANDALL, Dealer in PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET JMusic ($ Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. PIANO FORTES froro the manufactory of A. H. GAT.E k CO. of New York, fur wlinm I un agt. I will warrjuit inferior to nono, in slyle of finish quantitj 01 quality of toue and prumptness of action MELODEOiSTS, msDaTaetared by PHSLT ft CHASIS, Syracuse N. Y. & LSÏKY & GKEKX, of Brattleboro Ñ. Y. I wffl warrant superior to any in the market in eveiy respect tha1 prrtains to the good quiilüifs of aMelodeOiL I have oa - hand and am consiantly receiving from the publishers large quauties of the most popular SHEET MUSIÓ wfaieh I will sond by mail to any part of the country, oq receipt of markod [jricos. A good as sur t ment of GUITAKS, YIOLINS, TIANO iStools, Bows Strings, Instructioos Books for all instrument;, CHURCH MUSIG BOOKS, Glee Books Sfc., tyc., Sfc. The npual discount to thp FrofflVBiolL Musical Tnstruracnts tuned inJ repaired andjuatisfaction guarantce n every respect. Iy787 L. F. HAND ALL. 1861 . 1861. CLOSING OUT SALE ! J3EFORE REMOV1NG, C.H.miLLEN$cQO. Will sell all kinds of Groceries, Crockery, Boots & Snoes, ie, at Greatly Reduced Prices, From this date up to March let, at wliich time thoy wili remore t the Brtek Store now occuijiod hy A. DcFOBEST. Cflil and secure some goud Bargain. WINTER DRESS GOODS at COST I WESTEKN MONEY TAKI N AT l'AR. -ffi C. H. SULLEN & CO. Ann Arbor, July 2i W,l. 4w784 67oö ö DOLLABS WüRTH - o r - BOOTS SHOES In conaequencö of Making a chango in my business I will sell My Entire Stock of BOOTS Sf SHOESt AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT COST I Now is the time for families and individuáis to supplj themselres for tbe coming Winter and ano for next Spring and Sumraer. My stock consists of every variety of Shoes fcr Winter and Summcr wear, and purchascd at low prices. WM. S. SAUNDERS. Ann Arbor, Dcc 1, 1860. 777m3 Ayer's Agüe Cura.


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