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FOR S ALE i o Valuable He al Estáte Ixx tlio CITYOFANN ARBOR. AS 1 IXTEN'DTO MOVE KAST WITliMYFAMII.Y. I ill sillthe folhwngluil Estáte, my TWO 1UÏICK STORES, on Main and Iluron Streets, A TWO STORY BMCK HOUSE. Modern Btyle, boflttvo yeaní lino) wfth out buiMing, situated n a ürove ui fon'st Trees, Near the University Grounds, tho most ilcsirable p.Trt bftha City for a pMidwice, vtlth ton or mofe acres of land u tlie purcliascr tesifW 100 City Lots VVithagTOve of trees on II inrt of eacli lot aUo 35 Acres of vory rich natural grass land. 20 acres enclnícd an.l l,;Mdnvn tO ffntss, ihc balance wnod lan.l, sitúate' half ■ müe f""1 ■ The de.icríption nf píopety, prlo and terms, caá be had by Uug at my tere. g SAÜKDEr;s. Ann Arbor, .Tanuary 10, 1860. '83to2 1881. iaei, OFF REDUCED PRICES. uSLll Iüincis oí FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, OIE .A.T REDUCE O FAICES ! AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, EXOHANGE BLOCK. 782tf MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envclopey A LKCTÜRE ON THE NATIMÍE, TKEATMENT AND RADICAL CUKE OF SPERjLATORRHOEA, or V.ninal Weakiiess, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuutnry EraissiuQs producing hnputeucy, Cousumption, aud Mental and Physical Debility. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, 11. D. Author oj 'the "Green Book," c. The world-ronowued author, in this admirabln Lectura clearly pvoves f iom hfs wn exjti rience the awiul conpequencefi of self abuse m;iy be ofTectually lemoved witbout medicino and without dangeroun surgical opeïa tlons, buuifics, instruments , rings or cordiiil, pointfng outaraode or cure at once certain and oíToctual, by which every sulïerer, no matter what Wfl coüdHioD may be.may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicaUy. - Tliis Ictuie will prove a boou tj tliousaudü and thousands. Sent nder seal to any address, post paid, on the recoipt of two pustage stampa, by addresing Dr. CH. J.r.KUN% 480 Fiwit veeue, New 1'obI lïo, 4,r„S(i. 78 BUY YÜUR CLOTHIKG Cleveland Clothing House Wlicic ilipy now peil Winter Clothing at greatly EEDTJCBD PEICES, A few doors West of Cook's Hotel. Ilurou Street, Aan Arbor. Ï82U A. & C. LOEB. JXOTICE. APPIJCATION will be madfl tü the UgUlatn of tt il Ht.Tlo at its present nession for a aathorizing the First Vresbyterian Society, of Ann Arhor, Mii in in to borrow nioney to pay its ii'bts and oompleto itfl Dei church eiliftee, and to mortgií;e it real est;ite to secure the paympnt of any loan which t.shall mafce, II McIXTYRE, KKLSON' t-TRONO ARRAM fu.l R A. H. M MIMI vm ' Kil. C. VÜ(JKliKlS, '. W. nilü, TrottsSI of the Ftot rresbyterian Society of AaD Arbor, Wuhtensv Ca. , Midi. Datoil, Aun Albor, January 8, 1801, 5v783 IIEL1KF! KICLIJKK RiSI.IEFI TRY lloyce's Univiisul Belief f ar ititernal complaint.s, iuoi ;is Colie. Chotea Mcrbui, Pain in tüe si.,,iLr.rh o, Boweli, Dterrbaa, Pynpeptia, Favtr nd Ajfuc, i C'oM, &c. Also for Cut, Fn-shWounds,I!iiru,-i)i;iins, Rheumatism, Kcoralgi, Inflsanza, ChllUalns, I,amr Hack or Blda. Tootbaohe, Eanche Boulaehe, its. BoeureandeetJ. (í. liOYCE'S UNIVERSAL REI EP iiD'pnrcl Ja W.vlef, Mass., acd for Sala I'rnA'I I w lili cily.awi J'i-ugüinf.'i [fiuiully,. TTTino ,- Cure Cough, Cold Mwscneett, Iirilu jtfTTrW r,i7ll ,uni Irrilutian (tr Surt.tlcss uf Iht. KLbMH!A '" W. AtUBHWfrlQ in Om-'innptit'H, r.roinhiLt -; A ■:! liTTllkLÜÏUvd "f Cu'a.rh. Cl tir tl'id XcXmËMÊtt&fif .rrilgth tothe rnirr of wraS'ví'! 'si'K AI4KK, Jjjr nnrt SI.VUKKS, Few i,r.,:iiT of the Important of cheeklng Omirh or"Connu6n CoM ' n ta i wbicli iu t!.e boginnlng wmiia y;.! ! to rniM remody, !f n „,,n ;tl,,-ks Ibe l.t.n,--. 'lirown'i Ktonchlsl liconilningdcmulol( ■■■ II Pulmonaij i! Ir incbial lirtiüun. IW'S hïSTpe'&e i TROCHEH-""tn:lI""C1VhiP1'"x:'i. W1H.IS. ' "1 reoommena liiirua' to ITmí'M'i-ik. nnnwK'S ':s ' bkv.rh.cham. ' ulw "HMPprovca extremelyiervicsmblii for f TBOCH, ■ HER. ((Almo8t liMlani relief In the diatressing nt!ilW"S 0' ": breathiog peculiar t ■ Al mima." X5kU n O kkv.a. U kik;], ■.-in '.. nr.m!iin no Opium or anythinginjuri TROCHES ous." UK. A.A.HWKS. dhemlat, Boston. tiüawh'Q "- limpie itnd pleasant eombination ftr , BKOWJS h 7oir;1ISit. ... DB. G. F. BJ8EL0W. jkxítuii. TROCHES "Bonelicial in BbOSCBITO." llü. J F. W. LANE, BROWN S ,,, ,,„„, pr(JTW] t]1(.m eicellênt for i TROCHES EEV.aW. WAKREN, Boaton. 71-DiT-Tv.T'a "IVnpflchil irhen compelleii to sjioak, IJKÜWJN ö ,aLferingfromCk)U." BEV f. J. I'. AXDERSON', TROCHKS , St.f-jui. "KIToctuiil InromoTiDg Hoamene and nonTOwc! frrltatfon of thoThrmt, .-" Diimmon rlth U14UW JN b spEAKüMand Husaws." Proi.M:TACrJOB3tSOK, TROCHES LaGrau 6,6. Teacher of Muaic Southern Femnle College. bllOWJN S "(ri'.it benent when taken bfuw anfl after preachfng, ;t. they preven! HoaraeTROCHES1'"''-- Fromtli t, I tJiind thj win bc of pewnaneni ftávantage to ■' .m„ REV.E. KOWLET, A M. BROWN 'P Prmident of Athcna ColW, Tenn. ' H%, Bèldby ,ill Drugghtaat TWKNTVTROCHES Fl ËCENIS Á BOX,-y "fim0 Stoves &. Hardware ! RISDON & HENDEKSON Have naw ín Store a large assortmontof mm rJÊT jO "71 j: &sm Hardware and Houso Furnishing Cd 1B jassai o All BOrk will be sol'i as ('HKAt' ixs at ;iny nther Esiablisliinciit in Michigan, Thoy liavo got the Best Assortment of Cooking PA R LOR AND 'LATE STOVBS I3XT TUIS SST-A.T3E;, And will sell them Choaper than THE C II E AP AST, Please cali and see. All kinds of tin ware kept on lianü. Particular attention paicï to all kiuJof Which 11 be done wlth NE A TNESS AND T) 7 SP A TCH. AS-Tlense cali and see their STOVE ROOM in 2d itorj of Möw Block. RI8DON i: HENDKRSON. Ann Arbor, Jau. 6, 1861. Rifle Factory! A. J. SÜTHERLAKD HASremovedhis Gun Shoptothe New Bloeku Huton Btrset, eouth ui the Oourt Hfnse.on tlie bccoik loor, where he i prepared to forni6h Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poushes Game Bags, and Everj other article in bis Line. On tbe most reasonable trms, and to do all kinds of H33EA.IRIWG n the ahorttïst notice, and in tbe beat man n ei , JHL.JE2TSB (uil asBortment always kept on hand, ond made to orAer. City Gheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand Iiiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, c6c, cjèc. , D. DePorest, R AVINO ncreasrd hifi facilities for doing busi Beat and enlarged his Yard and Stock, ia preimrcd the pre3ent season, witb tfcc befll:largesl and chear est seasoned stock overin this msrltt to satisfy the reasonablp expoLtations of all. Öui motto ifi not to be undersold for cash on deüvery I will not unilortiikfto frisl .li'nthe public bysaying that thcywill Ketühaved il thejr buy olsewhere, for we presume that otbero willsellas! ow asthey can atford to. All kinds of Tiiutoer, Joists, nu Scantling, Pine, Whltewood, Baswood, Hem lock, Planed and Matched Pine, Wliitewood Aeh l'looriuir.riancdindrouali PlneanJ Wlutewood ■idlag.Fraec I'oftP, (k and Cedar Poste aniJPickcts (.1 nll kinds. Iptnt f aíl), aníi ilUjUcuicúb t. A Ptne, Ashan'l Whitcwood Shingles, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlackVa.,ut,aii(i Chcrry and thin a tuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and T0NGUE8, Box and Body Lumber, Maplc I.üg Timber, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, Blm, Beech, OÍalhhickne3aes,wí(Jtha andlengtlis, &c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinde. j7LfcX3.L3 i all sizre, &c.t te. SASIL DOORS, ds BL1NDS, made by lnmri to order ns low rs factory pricps. on the shortfBtnotice bytho bestof workinnn, and Eest Seasoned Lumber. Bille ofalï description in the abovo building lyic t'urnishcdontheBliortrst of notie e, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A fiílíandn perfect aatortment oftheabove anc pther kind of Huilding Mateilals ConstanUy onliandatthi lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rodé soutli, from IÍ. Ji. Depot or. Detroit. Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. R O O F I N G. N.B - I am now operating Extensivelj in tliePateat Cement iloofing. HEAD QUARTERS. For all kimla of I COAL O1L, & FLUID LAWÍPS. ' I - AI,O - tí PETÍíOLIUM FLÜiD, ," and W" Coal Oils. V4 Btrperior quhty, nt prioes gunrf?y ántying iatiefaction. Lnspi G all . ri-J to tlio ulxive on übort Jfek "utico. gC!lirX A. DöFOUEST. T" i N"ov. 10, 1860, 774i,f GO 'I'Ü (,'U'l T K I W A N &T ( Ü ' : ! TT-OR (üiiaj.ys r.vr,NT pants- awanicl ■„,: K .!"■! tha il'-.i :. Thi y han i i ■ extl i tin City. I r [mtem rtra'ce ?ospcnSi i .


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Michigan Argus