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GREATBARGÁip AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. I Q WK IIAVK AGAIN BEPI KXISHKD O! 1! . ioKK VI II! tbc most iplendid tííock of tfTfc 4T% "ÍST" C5S& that VAS evor ofïorert in -inv one f stablihliiiK'nt ii: the State, all of vrhich we oller lor Vi7 Ai fe) LnJ vu Lri lP LrL ly ÜJ U vi La ia low aft can be found ín tlu (JnioD We want Money ! ind will mato Greal Sacrifices on Anyiliiü" wcjiaro to obtaiu it, aot excrjiting OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS We cordially inrite ALL CASH CU STOMERS to cali and examine our Góödfl and Pricen. Vt"c alsi invite our Prompt Paying Customors to come and buy their napplies for tlie Winter. Toihosi Bacbful ontiK tliat are afraid tu culi , we say to thííin, takt courageSEXjIj Yoxir "VCXIIS-A-TP without longer vaitiugfor higher prices, come in, old scorefl, and tlion at such prícos as will ni íleo it j ;ill lOB&Gê It is hardl; necci'Süiiry to euumeraUïuur (jood.s, föï We have E ver y thing ! A largo aseortment of CARPETING, CROLKERY DEY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOEEIES, PAFÏTS, OILS, HAT?, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, fee,, &c. OzaLL[L KO OtHHDO2 (715tO 1IAVNARD, STF.BBIMS & WILSO O. BLI & S OBBSBmiinviiaiinflintfUiijniiiuunninn Still in the Field! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in my liue direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturera! I havo just received a largo ;inl welï selectecïassortmeut of CLOCKS, WATCIIES, J DEÏ S7V Eli RY, SILVEK&rLATEÜ WA11E, Musical Instrumonts, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a grent vnriety of Yankee Notions. tc. I wouldcall particular attention to my liirge stock of of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, with PEK SCO ] ]QLA8S A superior artille, aud a gront variefy of articles ín the bneC!BBAP for CASHPersone bavsnjt diffeu! watdies fc%fio fritbglnra, rn he accommo'liitA'd as my Ffwk is li:r,'O nn ï cuuii!' t ■■, 1" ñ, I'articulrr attiMtn paid f' the REPAIEING of uil kind of Fine WatoLoS] Bnch as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFF3 and CTLINDERS, also ' CLOCKS, AND JEWELliY, N'catly Repaired and ff&rr&nted. C. BLISS. August 28, 18CP. 768K M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Einbrocation. For Human Fiesh and Animáis. rf calllncr tho attention of the PnMic to thlh Medicine, we would &ay that it haa been fully tried, and ! drods who havo nscd it pprak in the most complinientaiy tertns of lts wondcrful cilect upon Human Flesh and the bruto crofttion, It te fast rtiiiiin popular! ty. Wherover ostid it 1b roccived with Hecfainntions of joy, and pro . nounccd to bo the sroatcst lirtm-dy for Acheá and i'uius everofltered to tho Public. lts msterly effecta over dlseasc, when apjtiicd, givea It a celebrlty unsurpassd by any external preparalion now In use. Thereforo wo can sayvith tho utmost confldoaoo, tliatthO LiabrocaU)v will Caro Rheumnttsm, Burn and Scalds, Weak nes of Joints M Swellinps and Tumors, Heinorrhoids or PUes, " Chllblalns, TooUiAchc and Chapped Uod% Embroeatloil will Care OU Bores and Crampc, u Itoilsand Corna, u Oontnoted Muucle. " Gallsofallkind, " Kinc Bonn and Poll KrtL H w Callous and Spavin, Linbrocatlóii will Cute Sweeny and Bitfast, a " Springbault and Kfntnl ftcrfttchcti or Grcasej ■ " Kxternal Foisons, Band Cracks, ' IaincncAs and StralnA, Smbrocfttlon wül Cure Koundorod Fet, " Maneo " Crackcd Tcatn, Gargot in Cowj, " ' Foot Kot Ín Sbeop. "" Aubvkn, iN. Y., Maroh 9, 180. Wc, tho nndorsignod, do oortify, tlmt wo have iif] M. W. Hawlet'b Celeiibati:d Kmikooation, for Inflnntiutory and Chronic Hlic-uniniUnt. nnd ehoerfully reoouiuiend H as tho bt reinedv wo have t9ttt nscd. J. M. Morris, M. D., Jame I-. Tlewton, L. W. Clemeiit, Orrln Hurd. Peter Fiero, 8. K. Oould. J B, Rolnnson, of ProphctstovD, UI., Pays; I .■(, -om It tho best Linimcnt I havi ovít known. It gives nBtfWml satisfaction, and I can U-stify to it eflïcacy from my owa zperienco. Mannfannwl bv M. W. HAWJ.KV. Auhnrn. N. Y. CL N. TUTTLfc, A aburo, N. V., Qo&otml Amt, to whoïii all orders Bboal:! ï-.- addressed. 8old by all Iíru;feu,u and MuichuutA tUrougbout tb lotintry. andby MAi'NAÍÍh, TTF.VX1V? fr WILPON', Anr ArbOT] Mlh , Scrofula, or King's Evil, isa conslitutionnl disense, a eorruption of the blood, by which tliis iluid becpmee vitiated, ■ve;.lt, and poor. Biinsj; in the circulation, it perrades the whole body, and nmy burst out in disease on any ]art of it. Xo organ is free from it.-; attacks, nor is there one which it may not drstroy. The serofulous taint is variously cd by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impura air, lililí and filtliy lmhils, the dêpfêsSÊng vices, and, above all, by the vrnrroal infeetion. Wliutöver bc its origin, it is hcreditary in the constitutioD, deacending " from parents to childxen unto tbc third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it secms to bc tbc rod of Ilim who says, " I wiB visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their cliildren." lis cilects commence by depoition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the liin:;-, hwr, and intcrnal organs, ís termed tuberclca ; in tlie gkmds, swellings ; and on the Mirfaee, cmptioiis or sores. This foul eorruption, wliicli genden in the blood, depresses the energies of life, go that serofulous constitutions not only suffer from .scrofulous compiaints, but thcy have far less pefwer to withstand the attucks of other discases; consequently va t numbers perisl by disordera Wlúcb, altbóugh nat serofulous in their nature, nre still rendered fatal by this taint in the syatem. Most of tlie consumption which decimatcs the human faniily bas its origin dirtctly in this ficrofulous contamination ; and many dcstfuctlVe diaeases of the liver, kidm-ys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are nggravated by the same causo. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; tiheil persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their bealth is undermined by it. To c'.canse it from tbc system we must renovate t!ie blood by an alíerativo medicine, and invigorate ie by hcalthy food oud exurcist). Such a medicine we supply in i AJEITS Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most cfïectual romedy Avhich the medical skill of our times can devise for this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combincd from the most active remedíala that havo been diacovered for tbc expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the resoné of the System from its destructivo eonsequonces. Ilencc it should be cmploycd for tbc cure of not only Scrofula, but also tbosc other affections whioh mse from it, nich as ElTOPTlVE and 'Skin D18EA8E8, St. Anthony's Fuik, Ilosr., or Erysipelaa, Pimples, Pustolbs, BlOTCHES, lil.AINsand BÓÍL8, TujtOKS, Tkttfr and Salt RjTEUM, Scai.d HeaB, Hingwokm, RiuïUMAtibm, Stphilitic and Mkuciiuai. Dis. DnopgY, Dvspepsia, Ueiiiuty, and, indeed, atx CompEAIWTS auisixo fuom Vitiatki on Imi'uiíf. Bi. ooi). The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilïa is to purii'y and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health is iuipossible in conttuninated constitutions. AYER'S Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPELDT CUPE OF Intormlltciit Kever, or Kever and, Rmitteitt Pevcr, C'Uill Pever, Dumb A,;ui', Periorticftl Hiiuliubc, or UUïous Headnche, and JllHous Fevcrs, indeed for the wh o) e duss of disenses originating ii liil ia vy iirr.ii'( nuiM . eaused by the Malaria of Miasmatlc Count vies. We ar1 enabled hero to offer tlio communitj a rcmedy whili, whilo it cnros tho ntove comiilalnta with ccrtai.'i' v. is still perfW'tly harmless iu any quaiility. Such a 1 ia invaluahle in ]itricts whero tlicse afilicting disorders pievail. Tiiis "Cure" exïels the miiismatic poiaon of Fkver asd Auue from the fiyetem, and pievonts the development of tho diaease, if taken on th9 lirst approach of itö premouitory syuiptoms. It is not only the best rcmedy evor yet discovered for this clasa of complaiutfl, hut also tho The largo qunntity we aupply for a dollar brioga it within the reach of every body; aud iu liiiions districta, where Fkyer axjï Agve provails. evrry body should have it aud use it fieely both for euro and protection. It Í8 hoped tbtB price will place it witliin thf reach of a!l - tito poor as well as tho rlch. A groat Bupcriority of tïiis renitdy over any other ever disccivcved the spcedy aud certain cure of Intennittontfl is. that it contiiins uo Quinino or niiiionil, conscquently it produces no quinism or other iujurioua eflects wbftterer upon the constitution. Those etired by it are left au hoallhy aa if they had never bad the discase. Fever and Ague is cot alone the cousequence of tho miasmatie poison. 'Agreat varíe ty of disorders arise from IU irritation, among which are Neuralgia. Jíticiimalism, (Zout) HèOdache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, (htarrh, AtthmOj Palpitation, Painitl Jffection of the Sj!cen, ZlystcricXj Vttitt in the Jïotrels, Colic, Paralysis, aud Derangement of the Slomach, all of which, whon originating in this cause, put on the inUrmdienl type, or become poriodical. Thia "Ccre" expt'ls the poison from the blood, and consequently cures t hem all aliko. It Isan InTaluablfl protection to iminigj'anta and persons travelling or temporarily residing in tho uialarious ditricts. If taken oocaiionrtlly or duily vhilo exposed to the infecÖon, thnt will be exrreted from the system, and canuot accumulato in suíncient quantity to ripen into disenso. Henee it is oven more valuuble for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Tntermittents if they avail theuiselvea of the protectiou this rtmedy añurds. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MA.YNARD STEBBINS& WILSON, and by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. J. BUKIULL, Traveling Agent. Ax nperiont Sfomfichin prcpiiriiiinn orTUOX purieöd in Oxygen and Carbon by oombufltton in Hydrogen. i ctionori by the fa .-;il Authoriuea, bothlnEu pope aud the United States, aud prescribcd In Uieir ]iractice The expnrioncef thousanés daüy provo that no preparationof Iron can be comparad wlth i, bnporltiefl et ilir bi i , ■'' !■■- ■ ..'ii;s ot" vitnl energy, jialp and mlH-r.wlse sicfely couaplcxioin Uidaofttos Is uyuos.ity iu almost every ooneiTblQ easo. [nfiOxloas ÍD ail liialatües in wliich fthftsboen t r ïr:il , has proved absnhttely cuialive In each of tlie followlng C'iinplaints, vi: I Deblllly , Xorvons Anvrtlons, Bmatfafton uyspepftlBi lonsUpnlIon, Diari-liu , Dysentc17, IiK-lptent Cunsuni])! Ion, Scmfiiluus Tu. lri-ulo.-i-i, $att Ilfcim, Mismenstruntion. White. Chlorofiiit, Livcr Coviplaints, Chronic Hratlacies, Rkcumtitism, Fnwff, Pimptêt on the Face, kc. hi of (JKNKKi.Iiiïitii.iTV, wliether Hieres 1 1 1 Of acute ■ or ft th6 continnod dimination of aorrous anl muscular energy from chronic complainte, one trial of tliis restorative has proveí aaccwsru) to an extetit which no dt'.ci iption norwritten atfrestatioa would render credtble. Invalíds so lonp bed rlddon as to h;ivo become furgotten iu their own neishborbpoda, baveaud(iciily ro-appeared iBthebtuy wórtd as if just returned f nmi protraetod fcravel in a dutaot land, somo vory signftl i ir lances Of fhifl kiml are attrs(elof foiniiU' BufTerers, emaciatcd victims of apparent marasmus, sanguiueous fiXbaustiOQ, crit k-al I.:l i: ■■.-, ;ini tlmi OOOiplIOatiofi of naiTous and dyspeptic aversión to air and exeixise for wiiich the physiciaa baa aonama. In Nkrvous Affsciioks of iill kinds, and fnr reasons faniiiiar to medical meo, the oporatioo of this .preparation of iron m.ust Deoetsai ilv be salutary. for, uölike tlio oíd "xíílrs, it is viiiriiusly tonic without being exciting aml orerheottng; aud geatly, regularly aperïent, even the most obstinate cases of rostivenoss withtmt even being a gafetrlc purgativo, or InflJotlng'a diMtgretable noaatton. It 1 nis latter propsrty, nnionct oihcrs, which mulu's it bo emarkably offeeiu&] and permaDenl ;i remedy for 'ca, n ju 'ij w hich it also appo&rfl í" -xi-rt a dist inri and specitic action by disper&tag the local teudency which forui.s Uiera. In DtSFCBSIA, Innumerable as aro ts cansos, a singlo boi of thtse Chnlybeate i'iüs have ofüm anffioed for tin.' uoal habitual cases, iacluding ihe attondenL Cotiveness. Iu uneherked DiARRnnïA, even whon advancod to Dytcnttry coniirined, emaciatinj; and apptrontty maUgaani, tbe elTects haviut; beio Miially ' ïml ast:. In the local ])ains,ljs--. ui' fk-sii and Btrength,debilitating conjth, and remittént bectio, whidi gc-ni'rnlly indícate Inr.ipitni Consumpiion, in soveral vt-ry gratifylng and inte:, ttag lofttances. In Sr.roflou8 Tuberaioteis, thts mc'linnicil Imn has }]ml i';ir more than good ■fit"'!-; of the mosl cautlously balancead preparatlons of ioJiue, without any of aoeir wel! knovn NabihtiOB. The attention "f fi" ciinnotbetooconridently invi-. ted to this remedy n( rciitorative ïa the caaes peeutbrly iiiiVi-timf tben). In llheutnaiiitm bothchronir aii'l inf!:iinmatory - in the l&tter, howevor. more deoldedly - it haa boen Inrariablj wi-ll reportod] botb af nllcvinLinp: pain anil ïnlucing tho awelllngmnd alifraosflof tbejoiota and museols. I ti Inumnittent Ferrm it must luT.cssarily be a proal remedy and onergétlc restoratlve . and t progteM In the aew BOtUements of fcbu West, will probably be one of high renown and osefutneas. tTo ï'iiu'ily has atar bewadtaoOTued in tho vbole hlsto ry of mellelne, whicb exortfl such prompt, happT, anfl f nüy rc-fti'iriitive Q0ect9. Qood appOtlte, cmiplcte digestión, n:p'l acfjuisitinn of stresgtb.] wlth ad aniiaual disposiilon for active and cheerful exercisc, immcd!ately ïoilonr it.-; ose. Pui np iu noaf fint raoial bnxfB oontalntog rM pIU, price "■() couta per box; fr Bate by druggists and dulers. WiU '-'iit to anj addresi " recoipt of the price. All lettorSj orders, etc., hould bead4reamd B. ii. LOCKER Co . General Agonal, ■i::yl 3:;o Rróadway,N. V. For Sale byGRENVILLE & FULLER, Anii Arbor. Howard Association, Fliiladelphia. A Bêttevoteni tn&Uution atíaiUéktd by apecial eadowmên for the reliffpf the StcU and Di-trntscct, njH'ictnl irith l'iru'tn' n-id Epidemie DLíí, and cppmttlty for the. Cnre of Distaafe nfttr SkcuoI Orgnn, Dispensary fret topqtiéna ín aUparttoftfit UniUft Stütêê, VALCAfeLEREPORTSonspormatorrhoca.unrt other Distlie Boxnal Ormns, and on üieNBW REMEDIES emyod, ent to tho fflicted in lealtfd envelopw, freo e. i'svo or throo Stamps for postago bo will be LdrMtDR.J, aKIIXTNHOÜGHTON,Aotlng Sur OBOD ll'i'.vaul Ahsüciatiun No 2, south NlnthStroot, PhiliODphlft., ■.■■.■! 1000 VestSj Shirts and Drawers Por Sale chetip at GÜITEKMAN b Co '


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