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]ew _-A.dvertisements Attention Company ! k ■fe rpiIE MKMBRB8 of tlm New .Military dtt Sr paOJ ju -t f(rmt?i3, ure rcquft-sted to moet Rn l'Jj aL liucL's li.itl, on Sulun!ay eveuing, Fob. 23, yS iJu By order of the Prosidcnt of tho Comimny. i!lü - i JPor Salo. 900 ACRE9 0F LAï te H more or loss, with onn vU bundred and fortj iniproved; a!so a good stnno house, iwrn, sheds, and welt of -.vator. This property ig bandsomly eitn&ted In the tewn of Scio, and about four and one-h.ilf miles Trom the City of Arm Arbor, and" joins Boyden'a plains, Their is alaoa good living spring, and a kcalthjul orchurd. JULIA MURRAY, Widow WM. MURRAT, Scio, Feb. 18,1861. Sw7S3 IN tlif porch of tho Kpiscopal Church, on Thursdar, theTth, inst., a pair of Gold-Bowed Speetacles, in a lcatlier case. Thoowner eau have tbe samo by callin ut the Poat oflïco, proving property, and pying for thm adverUsemont. Chancery Sale. THE CIRCUIT COCRT for the County of WaOitcnaw- In Chanoery. - Mat the w F. Gregorv, complainant, ts. Nelson Ifosher, and Gatharioé Moaher, defendants. In pursuance and by virtuc of a deerce in this causo, IjeA-inff date tho thtrteentti day of June, A. D. 18fi0, the underRined, Circuit Court LVmrnis.sioner for the County i -f V.; -■.:".■::. l.v: ;::; 1 9tat of Michigan, will sell at pnblic auction to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in tlm city of Anu Arbor, on Friil.ay, the fifth lay of April ncx.t, at ton o'clock iti the forenoon Ot that day. tho folloviog described real estáte, tf wit ; Alt that certain tract or parecí of land known and ■ '. n followa, to vit: Lot nomber six in block. two 3 op tb of líuron strect, range ten east, aceordfns to Hië recorded plat of 'Öie eastera addition of ihevilla.c - iiow city - ot Aan Arbor, in the County of W&shtoiUW Wd State of Michigan, or so uiuch tliercof as may be necessary losati-sfy the decree in this cause, with interest KD 1 coats, D. S. TWITCHELL, Circuit Court Commissioner Washtenaw Co-, Mich. Jamks B. Gorr, Soltoïtor for Comolaiuant. Pated, Februaiy!7th, 1861. ' 788td DO VOU WANT WHTSKERS? DO YOU WANT SVHÍSKERS? DO YOü WAXT A WUSTACHE? DO YOÜ WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S CKLEBRATED STIMULITING ONGUENT, For the Wüisksrs and Hair. Töe fubsoriberst&ke pleasnre in announcing to tïie :' Uxo l'uitüi! StatftS, that they have obtaincd the Agency ior, and are now onabled to offer to tlio i public, the above justly celébrate! and worldnnownad artiole. THE STIMULATING ONGÜENT is prpan-ii by i;:. C. I'. BSLUXOHA3C, .in eminent phjsiciíin of LJondon, and is warrauïcd to bring out a thich set of Whiskers or a Mustache in frorathree to táx weekt Thti article ts the only ono of tbe kind used by the Frenen, and in Loadon and Paris t is in universal uso. It isabeautiful, oconom:cal, soothing, yet síímulating compound actingas if by mtgic upon therootö, causing . v.l {rowtkb of luxuriant hair. If Applied to the scalp, it will cure EALDNBas, uu.l causo to spring up n the bald ftpoU a fia growth of aew hair. Applied accörding to directiuus, it will turn red or towy hair dakk, an-1 restore Kray balr to it original color, leaving t soft, sinoolb. and flexible The ''Ogubnt" is &D iiuiispensablö articlo in every gentleman';, toilet, ani after one weclcs uso they would not i;r anj cousideration be without it. Tho. subscribers are the only Agenta for tho article n tho L Hit?' Staten, to whomall orders must be addretsed. l'ricc Ono i ollar a box - for sale by all Draggïsta and Dealers: or a bnx of tho 'Onguent" (warrantcd to haso [radeflect) will bo Bent to any who desiro tt, by mail (direct), eecurply packed on receipt of price an4 tjQátago $1.18. Applv to our address HORACE L. HEGEHAW fcOO., DBCOOISÏS, AC., 78Sni6 24 Wi'liam Street, New Vort. For the Specdy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wcakneas, Nocturnal and Diurna! Emissions, Nervotis and General Dcbility, hnpotence, and all Viseases orising f rom Soiitary Habits or Excessivc ïndtügcncc. rpHEHE are thoiisamls (if TOUMQ Men, jw well U MinDLK JL Aged and Old Men, who are snffcriug to somo extent from tho above diseases. Uáoy, perímps, are n(.t awaro of Ihuir trueconditiou, tr whflO MsUUnc is rc.illy needad. For thobonefttor ich, w herewith givafewof the mort oommoa iymptomi, vis: Wtakiu o the Hack and JLwU, Pain 't the Ucwi ftd Side, Dimntsê S)jh(, Dote and b$ beforo th Lu. Patoatation of tht Heart, jy)ysiaK Loss o Memont, Confusión tf JdtaM, Dcpreuton qt SpiriU, Awittm to Society SclZ-Di1"', TimidUv, etc. For each and all of tlio aboTe svmptoin tUwc rameiik-s will bo fouud a " So ver-r icn Ii'itiii These remodies mbrano tbrco rescriptions : A box f Fait'!, Ijox fi' Wsnw fbttte PUI", and a box of l'irim lê. a!l of trliiob havo im portátil oiftons to perfomi, and should bo used toguthcr in cvry MM. Tlicir superibrity. over other modes of treatmeut muy bo bnetty suitcd as fullowt, via : They dlmtaliTi i!e vlolenet of poxal excilyment. jr They iaimod;.ately arrest nocturnal aud (liurarimisions. Thev remnvp tooal VAakflMO, causing thö orgns to aas tuno tlioír natural tone and vigor. jfty They str!ngiuen tho ouuítitution by overt-oraing nervby oxpulllug all cxcillns Mow trom tl.o syiu-m. ' fi-Itv "huir Invlgoratloj proMtliM Hicy rcatoro til patíenl ú liis ui..:-J haUl r.u.l vlgót ..! ian:i.. d. jfl Thov ouro whc ;ill other tuuaus hT fallad. ■3Th07 oontiüo ■" Uercñry, no Opium, nor antliing tht can in iiy ovíiit pmvo Injnrioni. Tlior .iro eaiv ftinl pletsftnt to uso, anij will uot nitorfero with tlie patiüüt'jí usual buHincss ör plewurí. 0S" They oan be usc-1 Without nuptuon, or know Icjge oí eve ft ro'jiü-iiiat'í. Tlit thov may cnii! y:'iti t!i? rca.'h of all, wc i Sxti the price f tho Pcufeb .it $1 ior tx. Md 'l' ';"' M ont rer box oaoh. lu orüerinn ly iih1, ín a.ldninn to th pricc, twelvc cents in sUrai.s thcoU o íuoloscj lor ntun JLtew T-AïMFS in "'-int "f fl flfl ft"1 BlRietiMfl gáBSk 1-nvlr i'y fr ■'■ ■ ■ i f tllO flu?- f! i ■■'■ totheirw, 'ML + Lr i---. IVico, by inml, f.1 and cue t.imp. jffttT -jg CAotio!.- These rüls hmild not hi ne4 m&ï " 'i'ii-uiv'''" '"■■"';■ hs mïw irrioc i11 U -" ÏÏiJ&Ês who. frotn tll-htalth, dtformity, or anv othor humana and r:-..nablo causo, deeui t nww arv to avoict a 11 looreoM f fftiuily. cm do bo without incitrring dnnjior to hv ilib .ir oouátftutton by tlio nsc of Criío;'í íVi-rR-ft FrHnlH i'üioJcr. Trice, b mail, $1 and, i wo stampa. Thoso Povrdors ena nlj Ie ollahuA l )iddrCMis th General Ago.nts, as holnw. Scnd for Dr. GitES's Príraío JUMÍcal Treatirc on Sexual Disouscs, Frice Tek Ccre, AddrfiM, II. G. MILLKU ft. CO., General Apeni. For t'ale by MA7NAB0, STEBBINS, á WILSON. y?een Aun Arbor, Mich.


Old News
Michigan Argus