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MICHIGAN SOTTTHERH & K0KTH6RN INDIANA BAILROAD. 1860. WINTER ARRANííKMLNT. 1861. Ir.tins r.ow run on tliis roftd. fundara oxccpttd, as rnlMo or Chicago daily exeept Uondayftat 12.15 A , - :iï 1-2.40 '■ '! ,and vía X.r Lin tal 9 A. M. troit Cor . hTcago ai 10,20 A II. and 9,80 P. U. Arrjvi'ij in Chicago trota Toledo and Detroit at 10,ül A M. and 11,0a P. . ArrWe at )etroit from Toledo, a.t 8:15 A. M.,&(:00 P. U. Arrlrc in Detroit from Cbicaco al G.OO P. JI.,au13.15 P. U. - rrivo iu Toledo fruni Chicago 3,-lü P. lI.and4.30 A. M. I.eave Adrián for Jackiton af ■',!-"■ A. M. and 6,16 1'. M. ■ Jackttoo for Adrián at 5,30 A, M.t and 11,55 1'. AI. CONNECTÍONS. At Toledo- Wit h Clovel i Se Toledo Rail Road. wttb VaU7 Rail R At liíTR')n - Witta Grand Tnmk R:t[way, witli Oreat Westei ii Itailway, also, with tbe Detroit a mi tfilwauked Railmad at Ksw Alba n y Si Saí.km R. R. Ceossdíq- WithTraíní tor IafáyeUe, Now A Iban) and LoutevUle, at rncuo - Viíi Cbicaxo and Socb btland, Galena, .M InMiiico. ("Iiicafro, Burlington aml Qtiincy - Xorth West ftuilwfty - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Ceatráh&nd to nll l'oints West andSoatb. && Trailla are run by Chicago timo, which is 20 minutes - iwer Iban Toledo time. WoodruITa Patent Siooping Can nccomjmny thc Nighí Truioa on tbú Rotóte. Time aud Faro the same as by auy other Rail Road Routo. JO. D. CAHPBEIX, General Snnerlntendent life'iüvsurawge. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Accuniulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. W0ÍINSÜRELIVE8 fox anj amoant not exceeding S10,Ü"in foc the irhole term of Life urfur a term of vears, on thoiaost favorable tornis. N, íí I fia poroly mutual and thc policy holdera i?et all the Burplua owex the exact coat of hmhance It acconimlafos thc innre-l En the settlement of their prom'uiau ON LIFE POLICUES, if deaired, by takiog .i note fur oue half tho amouot, bearing interest at Bis per cent, per animui. JJir'uJvuh are Dedared Annualhj! and siuce tbcy nnw atnoont to nrrv per cent on tbe premium, cash and note, and are mcreasiug tbey may be . to caucel tbe notes. tLèr The rates f premiums areaa low as anj other re sponsible Compañy andtbelarge accumuliiled fund of $3,500,01)0 ia Becurely Inrested, as may be socn by refortie statement mado accordingto law, on filö in thc office of the County CIerK,a1 Ann Arbor.-fc. JAMES GOODWIX, Prt. GuyR, PnKUs)SecT. ForpartlcolardappVto .TAMKS C. WATSOK, T63yl Jgeut at Anu Arbor, Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumuluted Jan, 1860, 81,767,133,24 MORRIS "FRAXKTJX, PresiJcnf, J. C. KENDALL, Vir.e President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuanj $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptroHerof the Stoteof New York. Divideuje average 40 per ccat. auuually. A S S3 E T IS . Cash in Bank, Í 31,355.40 ii:-. . 1 iu securiüèSj creat1 mier tho lawsof thc State of ïork and of the V. 3. , 258,870,79 Real Estáte aaü Fixtuies, Nos. IV and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Bouds and SlortirnPB dx&wing 7 per et. interest 583,99S.39 wivett for w per.eent.of premiums on Ufe poltcie.9, beariog interest, 075,315.85 Quartf-rlv and Seml-annual premiums, due subsequcntt.i .lanuary 1, 1860 20,!S50.38 Interest aecruert up to Jan. 1, 18C0, SI..48S.77 RentsacccueduptoJan. 1, IotO, 1.70S.34 Preminmson bauds of Agents, 2G,44.ï.l9 $l,767,ia:i.i4 Drs WïLLSanil LlwiTT, Medical Esaminers. 743tf .1. I.1I.BKHT S.MITII, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS THE A6EXT iVir the following lirst clas cnmpanies: HOUB IVSII!A.CE COMPAW, bf Hen ïori City, -Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY I.'USK I.VSIRAVCB COMPANY, of Uartfunl.- CapiUl and Surplus, $400,000. CONTIJÏENTAIi IXSUHASC13 COJIPANÏ, of New York and Surplus, $100,000. Three qup.rters of the nett profits in thiB Company is divitled aniiually among its policy holders. MII.I.ENAnu Arbor, December 13, 18C0. Cm"78 Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capitnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,410 03 D. 0. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary, Preiident, DIRECTORS. J S.WïnTNEY, L. BOnMAN, W. EH.1OTT, AS.IHOHI.AND D r. McGILVHAV.E. D. MORGAM WAIT BEMRNT. JOÍ5IA ALI.1S. A. II BU' l-EN VV.H. DICKINSON, W. T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGERS. Ann Arbor RrfereucCF! Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMES. L. nOÜGF, ENOCII JAMES. OAPT. C.S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. The peokiaIíarine & fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - $500,000 one of the HEA VIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in the U. S. Inflaros on reasonable terms, and al A-ays }ay promptly. There is no better Fire Insuranc Compaiiy. Mo ney Wanted. Who wlll LendMoneyl IAM REQUE5TKI) BV SEVERAL l'EESONS to obtain money for them at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) For any one willtn}? to lond, I can at once inrost on ijood unencumbereri abundant RKAL FSTATE .security anj-Ruin ff money and sec that the titlo and security are all bight. ïhe borrower paying all exitpn.ef , includinp; recording. E. W. MOKGAN', Ann Arbor, Gct. 7,1859. 715tf General Land Agency. PERSONS wanting farms, or residonceEln ornfidï AnnArbor,can by callingonmeseleclfr oma list of over 1OO Farms For Salel Of various slzes irom 3, to 1300 acreïeach (lona ai goodaaany inthis Connty.) Morethan SO Dweling tlouses inthlsClty.froratwo hundrcd to fourthousan do araeach:and over 2OO BUILDING LOTS! Amongthefarma are the Bishopeiarru, ISOOacres, the Potter farm, in Green Oak; the Placcfarm , a j i 481 acre, theBlandonnnd Jenk farms, in Webster; the StubSs, Michael Clancy, Newton Beegan, and Fallahai farms, in Ann Arbor: J.Kini;sloy'4 farm, in the Hatch and Hiek farms In Lodi;the PatrickClayufarm in Freedom; W. S. DavUnn, li . G. Bakers and Buck'a farms inSylvan. MostM thnse and many otbers can bo dlvidedto suit PUrb"Crl E.W-MO.WAÍÍ. AnnArboJ, Jan lst. lftsfl 5S EVV. MORGAN, Agent for . Mutual i.ife Insurance Company, New York. Accumuleert Assets, - - - $0,350,000. the Icaflin-a: Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Enickaroocker Life Insurance Company, Xew York, - :i ftñrf clans stife (3o. - term reasoanble. Hiimbnlili Fire Insurance Company, New York. Capital, with alarge surplus, - - $200,000. l't-oria Marine .V Fin Insurance Co., Peoría IU. -rhrttt i. Xo. 1 i-'iru Insurance Co's. 7O7tf Capital, .... $500,000; DEFOREST, ARMSTRÜNG fe CO. DRY GOODS MBRCHAJVTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Waw York. TrrOUW NOTIFY TUF. TRAPE that tney are open! V Wi-L-kly, inntw and beautiful patterns,the pSMO THE A Now Priut, whicb excels evcry Print in tho Oountr fo iifrfcntion of cxecution and design in full Maddar Co ors. - Our Prints arC cboaper r'an any ia market am meeting wth oxíonsive sale. Orde proniiUy aLtcnded "f 732yl gsEYE and BMW 'T? l'Ii. F. A. CADWKLL, K'" OPERATOR ÜN THE IÏYE AND EAI For Deafncss. Rllmiiic-RS, nntl ut l clcrccts of Slght and Ilvni'ltig. DR. C. BEING A REGULAR Physicim, with TWKXT YEAU-í' exclusive ]raclice in the trcntmcnt of dia easca of the BIE ANU EAK, wil] be fuund qualifieil t ;t-f or cíTect a cure in any cuse within the reac of human ikill. No chrirgc for an cxamln&llon or an opinioi or ftir itnsucccssf tl services. De. C.'j Ti:i;.uise 0.1 THE Ese AXn Ear, of 300 pp contalnlng referoncew. Testimoniáis, DeícripUonof JW easeá, Cases, anl other important matter, Ilustran WHh C"lí, I" lic hailruii, by sending Ten Ctnts to M . Addresa Dr. ClSWIU, 93 liandolpli Strco i-.iri.'T IVaborn, Chicapo, III. Iy768 Livery Stable. B. GRICF.N, at lus Livery Stable, rear of Fm.iklln holda himsulf rcady to furnish the bent "turn out " gingleordouble.atshortnotice. Calland see lili Etonu anil Oanteg. Office second door west ot ffabiter'a Iiok Store. 1'. ?. A f!S ftd of CuttcrsforthoEC wli' deliglit in Uit siiüiipry ftcason. THE BANNER STO&E. SECOHÍD Alt RIVAL -OF- GOOD ö GOODS KROM AUCTIONi Facts for the Feopïe _,,..■ jj n ADJOTMNG COUNTIES ! And tlii'ir oütnOFOtlB questioiis ai!fvere3. Whi is Evinib.-tih trading at the "BANNER TORE? '-Btcuitse A. P. MILLS, ie Propnetoroi thnt Establishment haajust returned frotn tlie Eastero Cttieswnb the trgest, Ilandsomest, CAeapest, and Motst Attractive Stock of STAPLE AXDFANCY DRY GOODS! ■er brought to thia párt oí the Siate.J Why is Ecortjbodij plei$eU urith his Stock? ocauyo 1i-sfy!p; atc tiior1 beautiial, qualify botter, and iriccs luwci' tlian at anj wtUer ature in the cuuuty. Vhy has ke always Snmtthing New and Cheap to Show? eeauM ho hiwa frienti conneotcd with one of Ihe ly mi Di ■ ' ■■■■ ' H'iuíPís in N'evr York. who ia contiaualit liOBfUXG HOUXD" lor cheap bargtfinsund tlii noy ;i;.;ifnr ftOW tO tinu-. and itl tb Waj eps hii:i suppliftil ft'itii alefl, aoJ conaoq_aatí cusmer.s eanftiwfcyu fladsomethiugFresh EV CIlEAr.iul DESIRABLE Vhy does k seil so much Cheaper íhan the reit? ecftURC lio has ; buyer in the city all Uu1 time t tafa trantag of the continua I chango oT the mark ttaal w) buys his goöd much chcaper iban olhêïs in, ant ihcc he markí tíicm down to tlic Vhy does he se'l Ladies' and Chrldrrvs Skf8 90 much cheaper íhan was ever he.ard ofby the oldest hoemaktrs? ecnus" be bnys his stock in the laad i;f dioeank6rfl, el ... ifitcturers, fully 26 per cení clieftpor Iban thc ew Yo] [i Jobborí ll ihcm, and much beitor woi leygeneraUf ksek. Ibisooorae euabtes liba to sella ettoi Gaiter for 35 Cents. ínnotlierssrllat 50 cenifl.and a botter FOXED GATTEP ■ 50 cents, tliau DttXOrs ffl&U at 76 cents. Hízjí he any Hats and Caps? es, Ï hould think he baa fttakn of thera, eaiougfa to upply tho State, :it pnces lower thiu was ever Ucjuiiol oundthoso iinrls. Vhy is his Tea so much brttr fot thc pricc you pay íhan you get at other places? he takosgreat cara ín setocting it, and giveshis ustoiueis the boDefíi of a real góodTo cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It is a v;iy he has got. Yhere should you po to gel ynur CLOTHS ana have ihem Cut or Made? 'o tbo BAXXr.I! OTORF, wtaere thc rcople'ri Banner is Dfurlfidfor ihf i': !! syood. Soulh side of Public áquan-, a few doovs west of Cook'í otcl. A. P. MIKLS. scjt. i, I8co. weif ■ïo for the Mimrnoth Cabinet Warc Hooius. MABTIN & THOMPSON, JTAVE JUcT Orf;XKÜ IX THEIRnew and Eleaut W a r e-R ooms E.VST SIDÉOF MAIN STREET, &. xi. xl -- r or A COM PLETE SfiCK OF ROSEWOOD, M AHOGAD Y and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INGLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany R0SE-W00D, BLACK WALXÜT, Plain and Marble Topped OHKUTlllS TCilLtiO, EOSEWOOD.l MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, f ANCY and COTTAGE CIIAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &c. Ml-J Si - 9 Elegant M I It R O Ií S , Bureaus, Secretarles, B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES i I s I Ï i á & I) XT-itll- OF THE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Havo Everything W-M'-H W-H-I-O-H T-0 F-U-E-N-I-S-W PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING KOOM, ÜR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loHger go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT F U RI?Ï TbU R E MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T VERY LOW PRICES! Lel cvi-ry mnii 111.I liis ïrife or gomg to be wifo Cl ) M K ; S D SEÉ Tiioy liso burc 11 E ARS E CARRIAGE, And aro always remly to ati.-ml to the burial of tlw dein! n U10 Otynd.4joinlng country. Ware-Boom Ml Kúl" of Main StMit, U.l-vicn U'iinhiinslonanil LJberty C. B. THOMPBON GRËAT BARGA m - AT - Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. '. v, MIX REPIJünSHED OUR STORE W1TH 1 li.j wuit .-; Lcndid titocic of o o xs es 9 th'ii Was ever oflbrad in any one ostablfehmeixt ílthe Sta tv, lII 'f wliiuh wc offttr for O&O$] OG3 ÍP[OÍD!U)OI1 is ïOw m can ïx.' fouïul In the Union We want Money ! unl wfll make öreat Sacrifices o Anyiiiiiüi ■.vi hílve i) obtaio it, not exccpting OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUiS'TS We ccrdially inritfl ALL CASH CUSTOMERS 1 cxainine our Goods aad lrtccs. Wo alm ! ïvite our ; Prompt Paying Customers o eomfl ftnd buy thoir supplieR for tlio Winfcr. To tiiosf ; lasbfu) ones that aro aítuid to cali, wc sa y to thciu, taki ouragQ without longrr waitii g for higher pricos, cirae in, UI scores, and then ' t suoli pricea aa --% ■ ï 1 1 m ko np all Iomm H is hanllj 1 occc'iisuiy tu euuiueialt; our Goods, for We have Every thing ! A !;irge usortinont of CARPETING, CROtKERY - DRY GOODS, i MEDIEN ES, GEOEEIES, ! PAINTS, ] OILS, BATS CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &C, &C,, &C. ' 1 1 OAIL1L &5Ü] OIl[ilii)O2 i I (71510 MA7NARD, STEBBINS fc WILSO Stoves &. Hardware ! r] 2 : w H pBr pq ca W j RTSDON fe HENDERSON I i ■ iirw in títorca large as.-orlmcntoi fes jan es "W .33 pi 9 Hardware and House Furnishing All t. ui-k will bo sold asCHKAr as at any other Establishment iu Michigan, Thcy have sr.tthe Best Assoitment of Cooking P Alt LOR A N D VLA TE S! TOV L3 I3NT THIS STATE, And will sellthem Choaper than Til E CHE AP EST, Please cali and see. All kinds of tin ware kopt on ham!. Particular attentinn pak! to all kimls of WWch will be done irlth NEATNESS AND MSPATCII. Please cali and see their STOVK KOOM in 2d story of New i.'lock. RISPON & HEN'DERSON. Aim Arbor. Jan. 5, 1801. O . IO Xj I S JS Still in the Field! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS ín my liuc direct ftrom New York, Boston, .lm! the Manufacturers! 1 Juflt received a largo and wcU Kelc-ctcUassortmcnt CLOCKS, WATCUES, T E3 -P%T E Ii E. "Y. & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PEXS, And a great variety of Yankee Notions, te. I woiild cali particular attention to inj largo stock of SPECTACLES, of Gold, feilvor, Steel, and Plated, with PEK SCO riGLASS A superior article, and a great variety of articles in the ""CHEAP for CASU. Persone harsiíg diffeuft vratches tollo rith glasees, c;iii be Aoooxomod&tsd u my Bfiodt la lrt' nnl coiuplcto, ]' S, PortículCT atUTti'n i-rxiil to tliu of II kiadí uf Fino Watb, suoh aa Making & Setting New Jewels, l'l.MONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, also CLOCKS, AND JEWELliY, ííeatly Rejpalml and varranted. C. BLISS. August 28, 186P. Ï68U Ayer's Agüe Cure.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound romedy, designecl to be the most effectunl Alterativo that can be made. It ia a conccntrated extract of Pava Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substanees of stil] (freater alterative power as to afibrd an effectivo antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a temed; U wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will aecomplish tKeir cure must prove of immense service to this arge class of our afflicted fellowcitizens. IIow completely this rompound wil] do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to bï found of the folio wing complaints : ■ - ScilOFULA AND Sci!OFUT.OU3 CoMPLAIMTS, EltUl'TlONS AND KilCl'TlVE DlSEASBS,, Pimples, BtoicHBs, Tumobs, S.yi.t Rhbvm, Scai.d IIead, Sypiiilis and Syi'iiii.itic Afff.ctions, Mercurial Diseasb, Deopst, Neukai.gia oit Tic Doulourbus, Dbbility, Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Erystpelas, Hose on St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints uriaing from Impukity of thk Blood. This compound will bo found a great promoter of health, when taken in tlie spring, to expel tho foul humors which festei in the blood at that season of the yc-ar. By thetimely expulsión of (hem many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themsclvcs from the endurance of foul cruptions and ulccrous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if' not assisted to do this through the natural channela of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tha vitiatcd blood whenever you fmd its impuritica bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptionS, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in tho veins ; cloanse itwhenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even whereno particular disorder s feit, people enjoy bettei health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood health}', and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later somethin. must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is dUordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egvegiously deccived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, :ontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, ar any thing else. During late years the public havo been misled by large bottlcs, pretending to give a Quart Df Extract of Sarsaparilla for onc dollar. Most 3f these have been frauds upon the sick, for ihey not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often lio curativo proporties whatev;r. Hénce, bitter and painful disappointment has foüowed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which ilood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and lias become synonymous with imposition and eheat. Still ivo cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend ío supply such a remedy as shall rescue the ïiame from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think wc have ground for jelieving it lias virtucs which are irresistible jy the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend;d to cure. In order to secure their completo ïradication fvom the system, the remedy should se judiciously taken according to directions on ie bottle. FREPARED BY DB. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWKLL, MASS. Frico, $1 pcrUottle) Six Bottlcs for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ias won for itself such a renown for the cure nf jvcry varicty of Throat and Lung Complnint, that t is entircly unnccessary, for us to recount the :vidence of its virtucs, whcrever it has been cmïloyed. As it lias long been in constant use hroughout thia section, wc necd not dr more than issure the people its quality is kept up to the best t ever has been, and that it may bc relied on to lo for their relief all it lias ever been found to do, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, POK THE CXTHE OP Oosth-enesS) Jawulicc, Dtspepsia Indigesthyi Vysenterrj) Foul Séomuci, JCrysipelas, lleadache, VileSy Rheumatis?n, Emptions and Skin Di.scascs, Liver Complaint, Drop$yy Tetter, Tumors and $a! Ricum, Wormsy 6'o, Neumlgiay as a Vhmcr Pil!, and for Punfying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitivo can take them pleasantly, and they are the !est aperient ín the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prico 25 oenta per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Grcatnumbersof Clorgymcn, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their aames to certify the unparallclcd uscfulness of these remedies, but our space heve will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our Almanac in which they ore given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be folíowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprineipled dealers with ithcr preparations they niake more profit on. Demand Ayek'.s, and take no others. The sick irant the best aid thcre is for them, and they should have it. AH cur remedies are for sale by L MaYNakI) 8TEBBINS4 WILSON. and by ïll Druggists and Dealers arerywhere. ,T. BURRILL. Traveling Agent. An aperient Stomachic preparation ofïKON pariftfld in hcygen and i'm-hriii by combustión in Hy drogen. i c;ionefi by tho lilghefli Uedfcal AuthorHies, bolU in Ed opO :iud the United Statesf and prescribe in tlicïf piuc,icc Tho Oxperienoo of tbousands daily prove tlint no prepirationoi Iron can be compared with i. Imparítles f the btood, deprespLins ot vital encrgy. patp and otberprise sickly complexfbna ináicatos ils Heceasfty fn almost (■Vf-T_V COIlC(.-iV!Ü)]f CítSC. in all n;i!:t!it's ín which it lins íioon trícd, tías proved absolutelj curativein cücIi of tbc following Si mpl&mi B, vv : In ï:lili(y,i -rvons AíTertlons, Einní'iaf ín i pyspepslft, CÓnflUpAi Ion, I)Iaii'1irn, Oysentcry, iiuljilctii Coitsumpilon, Serofuloun Tu bêrcnlosu, $a!t Ithrmn, Mismetutruatúm, IVhitcs, ChÍaro$Í8, Complainta, Chronic Ifradnchcs, Uhcñmatism IntermiUent í"ever$t Pimples on the Face, tac. ln[cfto of GñnciÜL Pkbilitt, wheiher tbe result of acutn lisea B, or of the continúen! uimlnufTon of nervos and muscular rucry fr DO obJTOBic OOBOplltints, ono trial of thia restoratívo baS proved successl ui to an ex tent which no 'lescription Dortntltteo attestatlon would ronder credible. lavalids so long bed ridden as to have bocorac forrtton ín their own neighborhoods, liavcsuddeuly re-appeared in the busv world aslf just returned from protracted travel in a distani land, Some vory signal instnnces of this Lind axe ftttestêd oT fenale Bufferen, emaciatcl vtctima of apparevt marasinus, saaguineoaa dxhanstion, britica! changos, and that compUcal ion of oerrous and dyspeptic aversión to air and exerciae for whicli tho liliysician nas no name. Im N';. [Ti . - Affeciions of all kinds, and for reasona familinr to nacclical men, the opcration of tbis preparatfon of ron must ncn-i-nnlv be ilufary, for, unlike the oíd oxides, itis vigorousiy tonio witboui beins; excitiug and DTerheating; and gently, regalarly aperient, eyi the most obstinate caites of cosliveness without eveu beíng a gastrlepaivatlTe}OT tnflicticga dlaagraeablo wnsation. 11 te Uiïfl fatter property,among othera, which makes it Bo cmarkably cflfectual and pettnaneni a romody for Pilest vi pon which il alaop] e&ro to exert a ditinct and spocitic ïction b}' dlspersing tho local tendeney which forms them. In Dtspbfsia. Innumerable nsaieitsaausos, a single bos "f these Chalboate Pilla have often suffiodd for the most habitual cases, including the attendcot Costivencnn. In unchecked Piakuiioía, even when advanccd to Dysentcry mnürmod, emaciating and npp.irently maligoant, tfae e reet harto b - o [ually d ctslve and astoniuhing In the tooal pains, loss t' Flesh and etrength,debüitating ei ui trli, and renoitteni hectlc, which generalij indícate Incipimt Co}tftumption 1:1 sereral very gratifj ing and iti: tances. In Scrofulous Tuhercitolah, this medlcated Iron has had far more than the good uffocis of the most caotiously bfllnnoed preparar ions of iodinc, without any of ajDelr well knowa liabUitiesThe attention f {jemales oannoibetoooonAdenUy Inrtted to this, reine.dijM réitorative in the oases pe}Qliajy aJTectlog them. In itficumaiutm, both chmnic anl iniiammatory - m ihe letter, howevw. more deci lertly - it has been lnvaxiablj well réported, botli as :illeviating pain and redttofng the ijrellingWLnd Btiffhess of ttt5 joints and mast In Inicrmittent JfaMfitmaflt neoessarjly bc a great nm edy and enorgetie restor&tivfe, anti its progresa in the new settlementa of the West, wil] probably bc one of liigh renown ani.1 BBOfillneSS. No ramedy lias ever boo n disco vcroU in the wholebistory oí me Jicino, wliicb oxerte suclï prompt, happy, and tiilly rostorative eflects. Good appetite, complete diíí'slior., ri:j'l arquisitiim of strontb, with an unustL&l ;..n Pot active and cheerfül oxerciae, immodlfttely follow its use. I'nt up in oe&t flat metal boxea containing rjb0 piUa, price ro cents por in x : for salo hy flruggists and dealers. Will bc sent free to any a p1 of the prio6 Kil letters, orders, etc - to B.B. LOCKL,íiCo , General Agent. 477yl : ' Broadway,N. V. FurSnlo by ORKNVILLE & FULLER, Aun Arbor. Howard Association, Püiladelphia. A Benrvolmt Imtitttiion establishrd by special evdntfítnm fnr the relitfof thé SuA and Dtêtruseed, qffiicted with 'VtruUnï and EpiÓmic }tnca$rH, and sspecuiïfy for the C'irr of Disrastx of the Sseóol Orxnn, Dtfpcnsartj free tu p-uil is ! uil lartn of the. (Jnitfft Stales, VALUABLEBKPORTSoDftpermatorrhceajanilothcrDiseases oí the Sexual Qrganp, aodon ÖieNEW REMEDIES eBiyed, ent ty the affuctëd m sealed envelopes, fraa of harge, l'wo or three 9tainp8 for postage bo will be Cl$ff Addres%DR. .T, SKIIJ.1X HOUGHTQNCÜng Sur Heon Qovard Assooiatlon Ko 2(.south Niutli Stroei . Phü10O0 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Sale chuip at GUITEKMAN A Oo GREAT. GREATER GREATESJ, B A IíG &IN6 EVE R O 1 Ft LI 1) 1859. i In thisCity, are uow being offered at tlie CKEAr,CLOCK,WATCII, & J o-m eXry sstorO1MIK Subscribir wouMsny to thucitizonsof Ann Arbor, in particular, and the rest of Wnihtffnaw Cnuntv in Ronera], tlmt hnhasjuet ÏMPORI'ED DlUKiJTI.V trom KUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ah of which lm binds himselrto ei-11 CHE A PER thnn " ca,n be bongbi weetof New Voik i'ity. Open Face Cylirider Watches I rom 86 to 810 , ilr do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Caeo do do do 11 to 35 do do Cyllniior do do 9 to 26 1 Gold Watehce from 20 to 150 ' 1 have &Uo tne CELE BR ATE D AMERICAN WATCHES, which I wl!l sen ttr $35. EveryVvatch warranted to j! pcrlüim wc 11, or Üie uionoy reiunded. Clocfcs, Jewelry, Piatcd Vare, Fnncy Gooilu. Gold Pene, Musical Jiistrumcnts and .Stringg, Outtery, &c, : ind in fact n varicty of every-h Ing u nal! y kopt ïy Jewelftre can bi baugntfbrtne next ninety days at mc O W N PBIOÜSI i'erftous buying anything at this well lïnown cetabIstitno nï eau rely apon getting goods exnct'y as represented, orthemoncy refundcd. Oalieorly and secure the best bnrgains ever oft'ered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wc are prnparfid to makc any repairs onfinn or common WiitcfioG, f-vt'n to niikingo er the entfre watch, t noceeeary. liepjiiring of Clocke and Jnwelry as isunl. AIso the munufacturlng of RINGS, BROOCHS, ir uy'liing dcired, from California Gok! on short notlce. i;tifrraviic in allits branches exeented with neat ni'tío aiid dispatch, J C. WATTSAnti rbor, Jan. 28thl659. 7S4w HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadway, New York liiIiIïJicr ofMualc aix'l Music Books Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's cclebrated Büdother Guitars, Yiolins, Tenor Viol?, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flates, Fifee, TrianglesClari inetts, Taning Forks, Pipes andHammcrs, Violin Bowe, bestltalian Strings, 5ass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS Xx o o t 3VE xx S i o, frora all the publtsliers in the U. EL, lïyrtini's Huitttn's, rn School, and all kinds of Inatrnction IïooKr ;"nr the above instrument; Church Uusic Books: Ifosic ïlegantly boundj ilusic paper, and all kiuds of Music Merchandise, A t t hcLowest Prices. New Planos, At $175, $200, $'-25, $250, and up to $800. Secotid llitn-l Pianos from $5 up to $160: New Melodeons, $45,' . iloü, and up tt $-00; Sooond Hand Melodeona 'rom $30 to $80; AlexandreOrtriui-;, with fllye Btops, $160, nine stops, $186 and $225; thirteen stops, $250, $276 and S300; flfteen stops, $330 and $375; A liberal discount 0 ('U-i L'vini'ii, ('lm rel !■:■;, &ibbath Schools, Sominnrii's 1 :i T. ethers. The Trade supplied at the usual trade lïscouotfl Testliuonfals of the Hornee "Waters Planos niitl lUclocleons. John ITowr-tt, of Carthage,Now York, wlio has had ono of the tíoraceWaters Puños, writefeaa follows: - li A friend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for her. She likos the one you Yild me in December, 1856. iy piano ís bocoming popular in this placo, and I think I can introduce ene or two more; thoy wiü be more popular thao aoy other make.9' 'We have two of Waters' Pfanoa in uso !n oorSeminary, one of which bas been severely tested for three years. and we can testil'vto their good quality and durabflity." - Wooii b Gregory, Mount Carroll, III. "ÍI, Waters, Esq. - DKAB SiR: Haring ased one of your Plano Fortes for two yeais past. I have fonud it a vei-y superior Instrument. Ai.o.zo GrKAT, Principal Frooftlyn Hcigkts Sexainary. "The Piano I roceivci from you continúes to gïve satisfaction. 1 regard il aa one cf t Uo bestinatonmenli mtho fAMKS L. Clarke, Charleston, Va. "The llelodeon haa lafely acrlred. I fe-1 obligedto you fory om liberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCoamck, YarqwtviiloS, C 'Tbe piano was duly received. Itcame in excellent condition, and La vt-ry miiob admired bymy nuñaerons i'aniily. Accept rny thanks for your promntnesa." - ROBSBX CoOFKB, tVárrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. lYour j)iano pleases us well. It is the best ono ín our county."- TnoMas A. Latham, Campbelllon, Ga. "We ate very m'uch obliged to ym forhaving sent íach a fine instrument for $250. "- BranKjIIkld & Co., Buffalo Dumocral. "The Horace Waters rianoRarcknmvn as among the wrv best We are éniibledto speak of these [nstruments with confulencc, from personal knowledcje of their excellent tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We can speak of the merita of the Jlorace Watera pianos from personal koowledgê, asboiug the very fi nest doaJUty."- Christian Int eMg meer. l'liV Horaco Waters pianos are ouilt of the best and moSt thorougbly seásonflo material. We Iistp no doubt thatboyerscando aswcÖperbaps botter, at thtathan at any otherbouse in the L'nion. "-Advocate andjojintal. Waters' pianos and melodeona challenge oompariaon with tbe ftnest made anywhero in the country."- Home "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fuIT, rich and aven tone and powerful - N. Y. Musical Review. "Our friends will fnul at Waters' store the very best aasortment of Music and of Pianos U be found in tbe ('niied States. and we urge our southern and western frtonds to give liim a cali whenever they go to New Tork." - Grakam's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath School Bell, 100,000 issced In ten Months. The anpxecedentod sale or Ihis brok has Induoedtbo publishei to üiiï Bome 80 now tuncsaml lijmns to its prpsent size, without extra chano, ejwpt on thecbapediUon Among the manv bantiful tunes and hymnj niAV lic rmiinl: - "I tiiijtht tci lovc my mother;" "0 111 be a roo4 ciiilil, inileeil I will." These am eight others Trom the Bell, were rang jit the Simday School Anniver. iiirv of the M. K. Church at the Ao;ulcm.v nf Music, with greát appluuse. Tlie Bell oottaira neariy'ÍZOO tnnefl and iivin:i,:uid is one of the best colleettoñfl eTerisBoed, Prie 13c; I10porlinndredpostajre4c Klegantly bound, embosaed gilt 26o, Í20 per WO It lias beeu introduced into manv of the I'ublic Schools. The o. is puiilislu-ili in.ill numlxra cntitleil Anniversaiy and Sunilay Sclniol Moaio BookE, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4, n order to acconunodftte the raillion; price $2 & $3 per hundred Xo. 5 will soonbe tssnod - commencement of another book. Alsn, BsriTal Kuaic Books, No, 1 & 2, prlee SI k $2 i.c-r 100, postoge lc. Mme 300,000 copies of the above boots have been issoed the past eightoen months, aud the demacl is rapidly increa-sinPublished by HORACE WATERS, Agent. 333 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocnl "Kind Words ean nevordie;" "The Angels told mo bo;" "Wilds of the Wmtj"' "Thonghta of God;" "Giva me back my Monntain Home;" "Day DreamB;" "Dandy Cock Robin;" "I'm with thee Bttll;l7Petnanie8:" 'lThere"1a no darilng like mine;" "Saiab Jane Ie;" "Ever of thee;" ilIJm leavlnkthee in Sorrow;" uBinl of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel," and 'Wake, ladv, wake,,' price 25c each. ■ In-siiumkn-tai,- 'Talace Garden, or Pinging TOrd Polk,' 40c; "Swinffin? Schottisehe;" "Mirabel Pchottis!-h;;' 'Thomas Bakèr's Schottisehe;" "Piccolomini Polka, 86 cents each. The abovopicceshaveboautilnl Vignettee " Wehnf-r I'olka ;" "Arabian Wal cryfflArch," the very last; "Vassovianna Donieüs Hazurka; "Rea-1: inc; Polka;" "Crinoline Walt," and "Lanccrs' Qua drUlo,"26c each. "The Empire of Reich" Quadrille;" a new danee and "The Hlbernian Quadrille," 86ceach. Many of these pieoe are played by liaker's celebrated orch'est ra with grefti applruse.5' ilailed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at half price. Pianos, Meloileons and Organs. Tlie Ilorace Vaten Pianoj and Melodeons, Tor depth, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices very low deoond Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $2" to tl 50. Music and Musical lust niet ions of all kindtí, at the luwït i . HORACE WATERS, Agent, ... 838 liroadway.N. V. ThBUXORUZS; - "Tlie Tlornce Waters Piauos are kuown as among the very best.' - Kvanqclut. "MTe can s[H':ik of their meiitij fron personal knowledge." - Christian InicUigcncer. "Xotliingat IWiil displayed greater exccllenco -"- Ckurchman. Waters' Pianos and Melotleons challenge coraparison til . m m . i 9 - k_fll_ a - ll.A il i I ■■ ■ ? 1 ' J,b.pi - Wllll LUC UucSk U1.1UU illlj n JJUIU iii viiv wuuuj, jiv Journal. HWf Irving's "Works - National Edition mïITS Fine Ertition of the Works of WaSH&OVOH In 1 ii; (iuciudiug the life oí WaxhiDgUn), willbe pubiohed for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montliiy Volumes, Price $1.50 Payablc on Delivery. Iïeautifully Printed on heavy superfino paper, of 'the vory best quallty, and substiutially bouml in lieavj bevelicil boards. [CTEach Volume ÍHustrated with Vignetteí on Steel and Wood. L)] Kiiit-kor'oocker' New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. CfilumouH, 3 vols. Bracobridge Halt, A#toi ia, Tiili-scf ji Travolcr, Craron Micollnuy, Capt. Bonnevills, Olivcr Qoldsmlth, Ifabomet. 2 vols. Grenada, Allianibra, Wolfert'a Koost, Life of Washington, 5 vola. Salmagundl. Thta edltfon wtH bo sohl RxoirsrvELY to Subscribori and wiü bc, ffeétttl7 suiwrior to any wet before issued,A vmy handaone set of these univcr-iilly popular work. in thuB plaeod withln the mana of all. G. y. PUTNAM, Agt., I'ubüshe.r, llö NTatfiun Street, Nw Yoik. Hl Empire gg , iBPl BOOK STORE H jjj J. K. WEBSTER M J F 5. Oppositë the [ "["Tf mFrU"klÍ" f""80 j "] REKOW ÜPKNING, ■ [&& , 1 RDM PUBUSflKRS " AND Uanufactror a Non and Complete stock of LAVV & MEDICAL JLiOOKS, School Books, Miscellancam Books, Blank Boohs, dan STATIOWEHY! IValï and Windmv Paper, Drawlng and Mstlipmatfcjil Instruments. Misic, Juvcnile Librarlos, KuvtloiH'á, lijks anti Cards. ; ■ Lj . r- GrCtfUD And all other Jcinds of Pens and Penáis Window Corniee, Sli.iilos :lihï l-'ixture, POCKET CUÏLEKY! And everythinj? pertaicing to the trade, and more to whicMWy wuul3 invite the Utentiun of ïho cotmtry. In comluctiiif? our, wo shall dn all ihat can he done,so that no rcasonable man, woman or ehild shall find any fault. W possess faoUitieü whioh will enable us to supply our stomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. Wo prnposc tosell tor R3SA1 Y I'.W, ata small ad vanee. ' We expecta profit on out góodi, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. V.. l.nvc engaged the services ot JA3IES F. SPALDIKG, hterefore are prepared to fUKIlbdl Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards written to order, wilh neatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. The "EmpjrbIïookStorkMs manned by a prno'l 'crew.' n thfy will always be founj en the "quarter deck.' ' [i ■:'. il y ftnd wiJliDg tü atteud to all with plc-asarc, who wil] 7avor them with a cali. líemember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CoAnn Albor, May, 1800. Ut AN THEE . M A ARRIVAI, AT THE á r 0OLD AN D RELIA BLE w1l CLOTHINt EMPORIUMÜ Ir-Ei l3r O . S PHCENIX BLOCIS:, MAIN STREET. ms jnst roturned from the ICastern Cities, with a largf nú desirable stock of F ALL AND WINTER C3r O O 3 S I vvhicb le is DOV offcring at unusually Among his Assorimcnt may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES,DOESKINS, r VESTIG GS. of all descriptions, pppccial!} for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! ffhlcb heia cutting and making toonr. in the Uiteet and best BtjleB) togethír with a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTIIIJSTG.' TRUXKS CARl'ET BAUS, 0MBKEÜLA8, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli numcrous othcr artxles usually found in BÍmÜaz estiibli.-hcients. Aa ANEMPOBIUM OFFASHIO, thesubscriberfláttershiniselfjtlát hislong experienoe anl gonerai success.wiü enable him to gi? the p-t'atest gfttisfaction to ;ill who may trost him in the waj of manufaeturmg garme&tB to order. 769tf WAGNUR. XÜE CAMPAIGOPEN. Campion's l3latforiii ! ITUV. subscribar has just returned fróm the i ast with L his Tall and "WTinter Gr O O X Which he 3 Determine d to Se 11 AT TUE LOSVEST PRICE FOR CASH 1 iit which. First Quality Goods can dc ahorded in this city. My cloths arc all of the FINEST QUALITY and as I manufacture them into clotlung myeelf, I ara enabled to WARRxVNT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to bc WELL MA.DE, wl.ich is a strong inducpment to cusbomers to patronize my store in ]ireference to placee wliero large quantitie3 of half mal goods are fcept for sale. - I have thc-LATicsT FA'HIOOT, and enn give you as Fine and tcc.'l Fitting Girmcnts as can bt bougU anywhere, I am bound to sell , CHEAPER AND BETTm?, QOODS ! thnn any other similar establishment in this city. Your custom is mest respectfully invitea. Jïï. CAMPION. AnnArbor, Nov. ÜrGO. 773yl LOOMIS &TRÏPPT Succc-inorn to Chapín A Loomis.andChapin, Tripp A Loomia THE aliove firm of Loomlfl k Tripp having purchappd the entire interest ot" the fovmer companies will continuo the bnalnwfl at 1lv old Btands, vrliero they will be ready, on the shortest notico, to fill all orders iu the line ot Castings and Machinery, in tbe most wnrkmanïiku mannor, and on a.- liberal terms as any other shop in the State.Among the vari ous articlesinanuiactureil bv us, we WOüïd enumérate STEAMENGINES of all klndi; Mili Gearfng nnd Fixtures, wrougutand oost; allthn various castings for inaking ;iud rapairtpg Ilorse Powers & Threshing Machines suco a are at present, or liavo forniily boen in viso ra thifl pari ■! th'SLMi.-, as welles all the various kinds of eastingfi and machine work wlleclforby farmcrd and mechanica inthls aection of the oounlry. of all the rarioas pattenia, up in Bizesandprloes, wiU bc kcptconstantly on hand, got the moht moilrrn and Unproved styU-s. 'HUBBARD'S WROUGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. Ii:iviiiff commvneed manvifacturinff thlfl BllperloTMachiiif, BlDffle ■mil i'uiabind, tho farnit-rs invitod to cjiU and see a specimen machine oow In our wan befon pucchagiíJigftlúwhere, boliOvïn3 tlmt this machino need on!y to bt' st'L'ii to convince thef:Lrnwr of irS SUPERIOKITY o-or the Kcapf rs and Mowers in lliis mitrkct. Tbankiul for fnrmcr patronafco o the old (lrms, wp woold sollcit a ooDtlmianee Trom olí) Mmú,nd atria] by all winhinK foranytlung nour lino of busmena. 1 L00JII3 k 1 Hl I-I'. AnnArbor,May lSth, 1859. 807tf BheriiTs Sale. STATE ÓPOfiCHIOAN, Countr ..f Wftihteaaw, „ By vi;ti:u ofa wni "f Kieri Farias, isu?l "utof a ander Ibu seal l xhc Circuit Cuirt for tin Cuulty (j Washtenaw .inl :.ï- of Mi. -h fflft, iK-arin ilute tb 31 i!.iy nf.Jamuiry, A. 1'. 1801 , ano to me Jirect.-il.irnl M1T. ered againat the ■ , lands and tcimen rhielson,PhUÍip Kraemer and Phiilip I). Weit, ren, defendanta therein name ; I 'i;i m the 31 t ilay of .l.ui.iary , A? D., 1861, ttefze an 1 levjr itpou all Ihe rihv tille and interest "i the sftid Hans Tfilebon. FbflUp K raemer and Phillip D. Wostren, in mul to the folio w ing de críbed la mis a&d premísen to wit, tlio lellowlng pifc oí i .-i i (i lamí lyiiii: an-l bclng tn the Vtttage (hov City) oí YpsüaDti, in ttN ( nunty of WashU-naw, and 8t&te of Michigan, knpwo bouuded uil Uescribed as U). lowa viz.: Lou two hundrêd asd efgnteea (218), tw id piueteen (IV), two hundred and Hheqtj (2'Q) , two liun Iru-'l and twfiity-nne (2J1), two hunirei ani twenty two (-"-2), two hun lred aud twenty-tbna (2JÜ) two liundred ana twcntyfour (:'24)ftwu hmxlrmi and tweniyüv1 f929), two bundred and twenty-aix (.-'■), two hundred and twentj uight (''28), two hundid and twenty nine (229), two hnndred and thlrty ("-'Ó0),nvo liKin.r'.d ii'irï thirty-one (381), and two buodred and thirty tbrec (-■■J) ; accordiDgtö the plat of sart ;: .iito nr iurcel ol land knuwn, b.,unded an4 described aa foUows: commencing at the intersection of HuroD Kiver and Rivcr street. and running alung the irest Rldepfsatdstreetto tfafa south-east corner of a lot nearlf opposité tolol aumbered tivohumlrcdand twentjone (221), and supposed ti be oirned by W. iV. ilarwo d, tluMice alon. the soulh line uf said Harwood's lot to the Bouth-we$t m rnpr of Baid lot, and thto lme contiaued in same dirfioUon until t ina-rsects a hn, 1 o nx tlie east bouiidary line of lands owned by FolleU Roas, and known as the Hurón Mil propcrty ; produced nrthvard to Raid intersection thence aiong sald prodaced lino and the naid eart line of said mili property to its intersection with tho UoronUlvertbeboealong saldBivrto the place ofbgmning;alto a ccrt&in other pioct r parcel oí land in lid City of Yjjsilanti, boundvd U follows, comraencing hix rodJ wis! of Itio no-th-west coriu-r ót Village lot numberod on the plat or plan of the Vlllago (cow City) of ' psUaÁtí two handred and twenty [221], ruuiiïng thpnce south tour [4] cods, thenco west ATteen [líi] rods, ihcucu noitli í uur [4J rods, theuceeast Hftoen [15] roéfl to the placo oi buginuiug containing sixtj [COJ squarorods of lands; also the si i lejï facated by an order of thí Circtiit Court fir tlie Countjr of Washtenaw, sitting in Chancery, made on thií tliirteenth day oí June, A. O,, 1S57, wliich saiJ order is recorded in Liber Ho. forty-two, page 29, wliich Baid sTMts and alkys ara described as fóuows, being all that portion of iliver street, in the towri of Ypeilanti, in said County of Wanhteuaw lying and extending soptb if the south line of Village lot namber two hundred and serenteen [217] in sata VUlage totlR' Hu ron RWer; ;lso all that porlion ofSnutb street in Baid Village lying and cxtcndingbetvreen Kivor streel and Mili s treft, in said Village; nd aïso, all th hIK-vs hing and extendiog between Village Iota numbered ÜlS, 2lyf 20. '1 . 222, 228, 224, and 225 in Baid Village. Which sftiil prcrnisf-s 1 li:tll expose for salo at public auction or vendue to the highct bidder at the front door of the Court in City of Ann Arbor, .. w County, and State of Michigan, on tbc 29 th day of March, A. U..1S61, at ten o'cloclt in the torenoon ef aatd djiy, IfM. H. PATTISON', Sheriff. By Wm. A. Hatcti, Dept. Sherit JnHHSON k ihc.BT, Att'ys for Plaintiff. Datod.Feb.l, 18ftl. Mortgage Sale. DKFACI.T having been made in the pajment of the sum of money seeured by a mortgage, cxecuted i.v Charlea Bower and JoMph I-'ing. to' Chrintopiiei Hanser, dated March the twenty sïxth, A. D, 1850, which Jlortgage was rccorled in the office ol the Register of Jecds of Washtenaw County, n Líber No. twenty-five, 26-) of Mortgages, pagre 556, at twelve o'clock, A. HT.a onthelSthday of April, A. D., 1856 and acsigned to Christian Saley on the 13th day of Üctober, A. D., 185J by deed of assignment recorded on tlif 25th day of August, A.D., 1860, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in I.iber 25 of Mortgages(onpare 556, and whicb murtgage wa a.signedto JaroeaF. Seetey onthe4tb day of October, A. I. 1860, bv dfedof assignment recordedon the 3d day of October, A. 1). 1860, at V2 o'clock, noon, in Lit r 27 of Mortgages,onpage12j by wbtch defanlt Uw power oí sale containeil in said mortgage bycameoperative,and no suitorproceedings haTÏng been Enstitutêd atlawtorecoverthedebt seeured thereby orany part thereof, and the sum of one hundred and pixteen dollars a ndjsïxty two conts, being noiv claimed to be duo thereon - Notice is thereforc hei-eby given, tbat said mortgage will be furoclosed by saleof the mortgage premisus tö wit: All that t-iTi.iiri iracv or parcel of lund known and described &ê follows, to-wit:Iïeing lot X o. eleven, (U) section numbef foorteen, (14) accordingto the recorded plat of the yUlageof Saline, or aome part thereof, at public vendue, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor.inthe County of WashtenWw,on the lSth day oí March, A.D., at one o'clock P. M. of saidday. JAMES F. SEELEY, A8i.ignee. Datcd, December 13th, 1860. 779td THE CHE AP C0RNEK. SE EK NO FARTIIERl New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Ney Block. T)URCBfASED récently under the most favorable circun i stanees, 80 much bo that we feel coniidfm in sayin tu all oqjc old cuötomers, and as maiiy new ones as ca crowd into our New aud Spaciöiis Store Koon Corner of Main aud Libe:ty Streets. That wc are now preparetl tn sell yo better Gois x lower pricea than our usual low prloea and are nyw i daily rvceipt ofenüless varktif.s of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. LADIES' & CHILDEENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, KIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LuOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WAKE, GEOCERIES, &c. of evory variety Lots more of the same good 50 cent Tea, that others sell at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods are all of the best quality. EP'Our Staple and Fancy Dry Gooda purpass uil previous stocks for beauty variety and excellence. [3F0ur Ladies Dressgoods, Shawls, &c, were never belore half so attractive and cannot help but tvin smiles of approval froni our fair friends. fi@,Our Uats and Caps tsurpass all for stvle and cheapness ever heard of n Ann Arbor, cali and see them. SS&Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shoee combine elligance and ease with strength and durability. f3tiF Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings are all of the best qualtties and styles of the French, English & American productious which we will sell at the same price that others ask for slop shop stuff. S3P" Our Groceries & Crockery arO fresh, new and cheaper than ever. S& Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to mention here, embracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a Customer should buy. t And now having purctiased a much larger and better stock of gooda than ever before; we confidently rely upon the appreciation oí the public for aroady Sale of the same, feeling confi-, dent that we cannot help but suit all in prices quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchango for goods as usual. C.MACK, 772 F. SCHMIDv Ann Arbor Marble Works. Bisele & Vandercook. Tj AVK on hand a fine assortment of American and 1TAL I AN MA B B L E which they aro prepared to manufacture nto ÜONUMENTS, HE AD STONE 'S, TOMB TABLES, TABLE T0P8 fec, Ac &e- tc- ín all thcir rérielle, and in a WORKMAN'LIKK manner. HaTlng lia considerable experience in the busmesl thev aütter themaelve that tbey will bo able to ploam all who may favor them with their ordere. Their pricK LOW AS THE L O WEST, DlOe wtahlng any thing In thoir :no are respoctfull iaitd to cali. BISELE & VANUKRC0OK. inn Arlmr. Scpt. 28,15f.O. ""Í1 Oval Picture Frames A 1.1. SEKS, BTYLES and TRICES Just receircd and for ile chviip :it CHOFF & MILLER'S. D. 25, 18607 '80f


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