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w ui Dcpuoiisnea every Monaay morning, 2 Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For tue Michigan State Anti-Slavkrv So CIETÏ. TERMS. One Dollar a year, in advance: if not pait in ndvance, Two Dollars will be invariabl required. ILr Old subscribers can have thcir papers a Orte Doilar a year, by forwnrding that amount and payiiig arrearage?. All subscribers will be expected to pay withi the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For ench line of brevior, (the smallest type, tbr the firat nsertion, 3 cents. For each subsequent insortion, leent. For three mönths, 7 cenis. For 8ix months, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cenle. Orders by mail will be piomptly attended to. Legal Advertising by the folio. Ü Manufncturersj Booksellere, Machinists "Wholesale Merchnnts, and all others doing an ezUnsice business, who wi&fr to advertise, wil find the.Signal the best possible medium of cornmunicatton in the State. HF All Remittances and Communication ahould be addressed, Post paid, (CTStGNALOF Libkrtv; Ann Arbor, Mich.;


Signal of Liberty
Old News