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Mrs. CHARLOTTE FOUTER, vriíe of Ificah Poetee, Esq., of tlie town of Sharon, Washtenaw Uounty, Michigan, February 16, 1861, in the 65t!i year of her age. ftlra. Poeter vras ft native of Boston , ïlassacliusotts. Suc madfi a profession of religión, and becamo o member of the First Preibyterian Churcli, ot Rome, Oneida Counly, N Y., in 1816, and removad to Rochoster, N. Y., in 1818, nnd in 1832 eho ciune to this State. - Dnring ';he long course of forty-fiveyeara Mrs. Portor bas maintained and adorned lier profession with a steady growth of grace aBd ia incrcased interest in the cause of her Kadoemer. Dnring lier lnst illness, ivhieh ■wn. somewhat protraeted, though at time olonds eeemed to come over her mind, yet her trust in the Savior was unshaken, and when ths 1 last conflict eamc, she wns prepared, and gently feil asleep n Jcsus, leaving the most indubitable evidence of a triumphftnt faith, and to her, that rest which remsineth for tha people of God the leaves the companion of her lifo - fiva childron, and a nutnerous cirole of relations and friend, deeply sïrieken, to moura her loss- [Comm.


Old News
Michigan Argus