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Important t o 3T e m i 1 e s . - Dr. CBEESEJIAN'á FIttliS. I'BKl'iUED l)ï I'OENKI.H S L. C"Ni:SHJIAX, JI. II., New York City. TtaeomMattlOBofingrediotttitn the rills ure the rcsult of a long nd extensivo praStice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in oorrnülng all reegnlarities, Painfnl Mensuration, removíng all ubutrnotions, whether from eold or otherwise, headach, pain In the Bid, palpatation of tlio hoart, whitea, all arYou affec(ons, hysterie, fati fue, pain ín thebaekandliinbs, o., dlsturbed sleep, aichris# lïom interruption o natura. TO lIARRIEDLADIEd, IV. Chteaemas'i MUa ave ovaluable. au they wil! bringon the mimthlv period -Ui tegulsnty. Ladios who luivé been diaapsointed n the use of i in place tbe ótmoat ooufidence In Dr. CbflMemAU! l'iïls doing all thuy nprnnttodo. .V O T I C K . Tkerr.isone conditwn oflhefcmale systcm in wliiclithf PUI rannot lm taken v'ilhuut producivg a PECI 'TJA V r amiition nftrrrd tot PRBQlfAaCz- thcresidt, MTSG ARRIAOS, fiwh is the imiUtoilë ttmdcne.y of íhc meilir.iae M restore the smial functUnn In a normal conditian, that even the reproductivc penner of nature canrwt reiisl il. Wnrrnnterl purcly vOReiablp, nd frl0 frnm anytllinf! tajuriottA, ExpKcitdirectlon, whicb. sliould be read,ac oompany eaon box, Sit by mail on snoloeing 1 to lm ( ouxkijisL. Cansnux, B"x 4 31, Post Offioe, New York City, J85" Sold by one Druggia! In every town n tho United Statu. S 11. B. HUTCHINGS, (1VXKIHI. AOBXT KOU TUK 1'MTEH pTATF.1, JVot14, Bretadiray, New Yvrk, ry" ïo wlioijj all Wholesale orders should bc addMMSol.lin Ann rbor, ly May.vard, SiüliiiliVS & WnüOK, and O, Suma, ?üüyl jj5 Tile Grcat Ueitcla-! or of hls Raee.-g3(l The Great Hc.aler of Mankind! Herrick's Suga Coaitá IHlls. u)hole World United! Sick Ptóplethink! Afler which act. You'd searen expect, at t bis late day, W'ith startling cures a book to fill ; Thisisthecase, themillion say, With thecurori of Herrlck 's l'ill TUey corae i'r"iu Ivist , and Xoi th, aml West, And witkulail ti.lingsthe papers fill, BMftuse thev are the cheapest, safest, hos A-nfl luperiorto othprs isllerrick's Pili From Bobti, and Plant, and Flower tliey're; Tbey always cure- they never kill ThoUBaada now in their praves wereiaid, (Tc it ao1 for ilfirick's Pilla. Kach Pili with sugar ir ooated o'or - A r.'ire (iiseovery of matehless sliill, Their liko w:s nevpr seenbefore, Uulit it appeareil In ïlcrrick's Pili. For jean he'a worksd to heal Iho sic'ï, Witb joy elate hls bosom mis: Por teoBofthousandanow rejoiee the magie Powerscjfllernck's Villfl. ■rKBRICK'SMATCHLKSSVEOETABLB FAMILY PILLS have Bnndated the worldwithtbeirpopularlty. )v-r five million ofboxeaarettsedannualy.givingemployineiit to eighty-üre men and fromento put them ap, Their enrosare numliereil by thousandfl - their pralsoa 'ii the tonffuos of all, Citizens of Waahteoav ( "-, and alMwher havo you ereriuad themVi'ut npin Engliah, Spanlsh} Oerroan, andFrenoh directions. Large famtly boxaa, 25 centsl FiTeboxe forti. Soldcvcrywhere. SeoiidTertisementon3ii ïia,c,ro THE 6ÜJÏAT Já-NGLISH BEMEDY. 31 R JAMES CLARKE'S Celefornted Female Pilis. PROTECTED Qt L E T r E R F BY EOYAL .ifc'ijoSt PATENT Preparen from a prcKriAion of 8ir J. Ciarhe, M D., I'hytician Exiraordinaru te iu Queen. This invaltuble medic:nft inunfaüirg in the cure oral.' hoss painfiil and il.tngerouH dineasei to which tlM female ■jUHtituL')ii ia subject. It irftiicrates all Gzccss and r nova ali obitructioas, and a pwe.y curo vnxv bO rfelieá on. T IBAKUIE t.AlB9 ;t i rdtuliirly imitad. It wlU, ia m ihort tisns, b:Jjg ec nt. unUi!y period with rflgulJirity. Ech btittl, prioe On Dollsr, tr8 tb OoveraaiCB! ütenp ef Oreat Britain, to prevent oountorfeiOriins FJ!s tlttr''1 "' l'" y mím ixring tl FiK ST TKMMM UOZTUS of PriHcrf, & II" ■ -urt ;= fa-v Mscerriagl, ir' ai íity Wír í. In fti] c&ptb of Nerroufl and Sima! AGections, Tlt ir Le Back ud Iimb, Fttiyue on riigbt exertitin, PaifU Ion ut the lie.M-t, HjltlrfM, ml Waiis, thse PCI rtï Otoct a car wban aO otho? cieans Lnra fciied, aoL . K ptnrcrful r:i3dy, d4 not Cústain iroc, eaiAJO' üititncov, ot aöv tbiD Uurtfui te the cor.etitntiwi. {■all b-ectioDji icompiu'y ui pid-.tga. Solé Agnl for the Dcitüd StU; aod Ciaada, JOS MOSKS, (Ijit 1. 1'. HaidwiTi ftOo_ Eub.8ftttir, R. T $1,90 aad ö pïwtag 1amtfl enelosï to aoy au Agts wül irjare a bottí of tt PiÜJ fcy -car SiJ.! b 0EENV1LL ir FTUJCR Ara Arftor, and by Druggifits In vnwj town. DO YOÜ WANT WHISKKRS? DO TOU WANT WHISKERS? DO TOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELL.lNliHAM'S OSLXBBATES STIMUL4TING ONGUENT, For the WMskers and Hair. The eubscribors take lAeasure in nnounoing to thf Citizenftof tho Uüited Status, that thoy have obtained tho Agenoj lor, and ro now enabled to oflèr to tlie Amoricuu public, the abüTe justly celcbrated and worldreuowned irticle. THE STIMULATIlftf ONQÏÏENT U prepared by Ik. C. I'. Bblli.voium, au eminent pliysiciau oí lAnilon, and i.i warranted Vj bring out a thick ot f Whiskers or a Mustache in fronithrefl to six weeks. ThiK articlo ík the only ono of the kin'l used by the Fr&nch, and ia Iiondon and Fans ii i in uuiversïtl use. It isabyautiful,economical, soothing, ret stimulating oompound actiog as if by magie; opon the roots, oauding a beautifuL growth of luxuriant liair. If applicd to the scalp,itwül cureí, ml cause to up in plneeofthe bald spute a Üne growth of new huir. Applied according to directions, it will turn be or towy hair dabk, and restore gray hair to its original oolor, lfavicg it soft, sraooth. aod Uoxiblu The 'Unülevt' ia an indisponaablo article in every gentlerann'i. toilet, and after ono weeks use Ihey would not for auy cunsiderjitinn be without it. The subBgribers are the only Agcnts for the nr+icle in the Uiiïtoü ritait1, to whom all ordurs must be artdres.-ied. I'rice One ollar a box - tor sale by all Diuggistfi and Dealers; or a box ot' tho 'Ongueut" (warraBted to have the desirodeüect) wü bo .-uut to frnj who denin it, by mail (direot) , sccarely packed on receipt of price öü'i poHtagef 1.18. Appiy to ovir addross . . hobace l. hegeman stcq., BBUGGISTa, AC, T68m6 24 WiUiumritrect, New York. 0) n rt aCre of UAKD, be it moro or lesa, iriih one i U 1 hundred and forty ímprored; also a good stoae house, Dam, shfidfi, aul weli of wator . Thia property is handsuraly -situated iu the town of Seio, and about four ftöd oiM-balf miles Trom the City of Ann Arhor, and joins Boydon'i plrvins, Their i alaua good Hviog spring, aad a healthful orcUar. JÏTLU ML'RRAY, Widuw WM MURRAY. Scio,Feb. 18,18f.l lwT88 Por the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Semin Wcctkness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Ewissionit Ncrvous and General Dcbility, Imputence, and all Discases arising from Solitary Habits or Excessive Indulgence. rpHERE aro thouaands of YOüjïg Mbm, aa wll oa MlDDUB - Aged aad Old Men, who are auffcring to Bome exten from tho abnvo diioasea. Many, perhaps, are not .ware of their true condition, or wlien assistance is really needed, For tbc benefit of such, we herewith give a few of the moil I eommoa symptoms, víi; Wcaknes of the Jiack and Limba, Pain in the Jlcad and Side, Dimneae of Siglit, Dot and Web before the Eyes, Palpitatvm of tte Ucart, Dyspepsia, Lost of Metiwry, Confusión of bban, Depresión of Spirits, Aversión to Society, Distrust, Timidity, etr. For each and all of iho above symptuma these remodies will be found a " Bovtrign Balm1 These remedies embraco threo prescriptions : A box ftf Paítela, a box of Nercous Tonic Filis, and a box of Virilê Tonic Pilte, all of which have important offices to perform, and should be imed toethor in every caee. Their suporiority over otber modes of treatuieat may bo brieüy obated as followa, viz: jï" They diminish tho violonco of iexual excitemenfc. jjcy They Immedjatoly arrest ntioLurnal and diurnal emllaions. Tlie remove lowl wcalinnss, causing tlio organi to Metime thmr natural tone and vigor. ÜÉö1" They strengthen tho cooBtitutioii by OTerooming narToua döbility and funeral woakntsa. Thoy enliven tho spirits, which are nsually dopr58M, by expelling all exoitiut; causea froio tho eystem. JJS" üy their iuvigorating projiertiüg they restoro th patiënt to his nataral health and vigor of manliood. They cure whcu all other mcans have failed. JOS" They coutain no Mereurv, nu Opium, nor anjthing that can in any Ovent prove injurioua. j$y Thoy are easy and plauant to use, and will not intarftre with the patient'a nsnal business or pleaauro. j8=" They can bo uaed without euspicion, or Unowlodgo of ten a room-mate. That thoy mny cnme with in tho roach of all, we hayo flxoá the prico of tho Ptistelx at SI per box, and tho Pilis at JV oonts per box each. In ordering by mail, in addition to th priee, twolvo cents in stampa shonld bo inolosed for return IO5 Lv gw. LADIES in want of a safo and effectnal WrÍA raraudy fiw Irregnfaritie, Suppression of the KJl Sienten, or any diseaee peculiar to their ex, 9vW hould use Dn. Gates's Femai.e Montult ■M'mL -S= JftL Pims. Prico, by mail, $1 and one stamp. Caltion.- Theae íills should not be used 'fti during pregnancy, as misearriagc will be th W5Zl__fé(fi& conseniienee. "p KAUIES who, from ill-health, doformity, ftny other humane and rcanonable cause, deern it noceseary to avoid au incmaao of faraily, can do so without incurring danger to hoalth or onstitutlon by the use of M, La. Gravx'ë Frimch Preventiva Powders. Prico, by mail, $1 and two stampa. These Powdora can only bO obtained by addreialng th General Agenta, as below, 8ond for Dr. Oatbs's Private fedteal Treatue on Sxval Dwwi, Price Ten Cents, Addross, H. G. MILLER A CO., General Agenta. Louiaville, Ky, For b'-ale !y MAYNARD, STBBBIN8, & WILÖON. y788in Ann Arbor, Mich. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. L. F. RANDU, Dealer in PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music Sf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICIT. PliLItfO PORTES froro the manuractory of A. II. OALK & CO. of New ïork, for whm I am gt. 1 wil] warrant inferior to none, in tyle of finish quanttty "i qaality of tone and ptomptn$8 "i ftotion MELODEONS, manufacturad by PHKLP & CHAK, Sjracuw N. Y. h BSTEY & (iRF.KN', f Brattlebor Vt. I will warraO superior to any in UïO markei tn overy respect Umi pertaina tr tlie good qualitiesof fcMftlodeon. I hare on harul and ain coiiitftntlj reoairbig Crom tlic publlahera largo quantic-n of the must popular SHEET MXJSÍO whieh ï WÏB önd bymail tn anv part of the O'Hin'ry, on recoipt uf marken pricfs, A good atísortment of GTJITAttS, VIOLINS, TIANO Stools, Bows Stvings, Instructions Eork3 for (lll instrument':, CHURCH MUSIÓ BOOKS Glee Books Sp., Sfc., v. Tho niwl rtiscount to tho Profesión. Musical InHtrumtnts tunftd and repaireii anl satiafactton guiirantee tn ei 'Tv rttipect. lY7,7 L. F RAXDAIX. Important National Works, Tublished by D. AJTLETON & CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWA.T NEW YORK The fullowing works are sent to Subscrlbers in any par of the country, (upon recoipt of rctail prico,) b}' njivi ur exprMB. prepftid : THE iVliV AMEniAN CYCT.OPEDIA: A Popular Dictiimar.v of Genen! Knmvleilgo. tdltsd by Gki'. RrvT.EY and ('ii.Uïi-Ks .. ]ia.a, ftkleo. by a nunjerou select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Ar and Literature. ïhis vork U being published in abon 15 larce octavo volumes, eacli eontaining 750two-colum pagos. Vola. I., II., Hl., IV. V., VI., Vil., VIII., & IX are now ready, each cnniaimng nenr 2.600oriftn&] art clep. An adilitional volume will bo published onco in about thrco mnnths. Trice, in Cloth, Í3; Shefp, Í3.60; Ilalf Russia, 84. 60 ach. The Xew American Cyclopanlia is popular without boina superficial, leamed without befag pedaniio, eompnhensivt but Bufflcientiy dctailert, free from personal pique and party prejinlict', frsh anl vet accurate. It is a. complete statement of all that is kiioivu upon ererj Important topic within tho scope of human intelligeuce. - Evory important article fa it has been special!) ritten foi its pagea by men vrh are authorities upon the. topic on wbich they epeak. They are Te qnfred to bnng tha subject up to the present momont; to stal? junt how it itandfl nnw. All the statistical informution is from the latest reporta; the geograpbJcal accounts keep pace with tbo latest explonttons; historical mattera inclade iUe freshest jast views; the blogra] hical ootïcee sas uk not oti!v of the dead but aUo of the living. It is a library Of itSQlf AïtRlDGEMET OP THKDEBATES OP CO3íCíR,BSS iieing a Holitical Hf story of the 1 Stateö, from the orgauizatiun of the flrst Federal Cod rtom iu 1789 to 1856. Bditedand oompiled ly Hou. ïuo Hart Bxhton, from the Official Records of Cougrcss. The worfc wíll be ooicpieted in 15 rojal octava volumes of 700 pages eaoh, 1 1 of which "are now vea-iy. An additional volume will be publfáhed once in three montlis. Cloth,Q$3; Ïjiw Sheep, Half Mor., $4; HaU Calf, $4.50 each. VWY OFrilOCURTXGTÍIECTCLOPDTA ORPKBATKS Form a "-lub of four,and rciuit theprice of fnur Imukfl, nd Üve copio C'U bc sent at the remittw'.s axpexiftefor rriago; or for ten .ubscribers, ulvruii copies will b nt at óur Kpaaw for carriago. To Vgents. N nther -work will so HberaHy rewftrd the oxertf ygentn. An ÁJHMT WAXTBD Ín TUIS down Tcrms ade knou-n on application to the PublishcvH. Ann Arbov, M.'uch. 1859. 6902ftmt "ö Bev. THoe. WBUBT, agent at Kinno Smithi ookStore, Tpsüamtl. MEAD QUARTERS. BH For all kinjs of 1 1 COAL OIL, & FLUID I LAMPS. JË PETR0L1ÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. Superior qunlity, nt priooa guorW antying satisftiction. Lampa p5 nltered to the above on short jfimJs notioo. WZK A. DoFOREST. - -Hiiiüj Nov. 10, 1860. 774tf Hifle F actor y! A. J. STJTHERjLAIVD HASreraovedhis Gun Shop tothe New BIocknn Uxton street, aouth of the Coui t H( use,otitlie eeconö oor, where he is preparcd to furnieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FJasks, Poehes Game Bags, and Ever} otber article in his Line. 'Jn tbc innat roasonable lermi!, ond to do all kinds of RHPAIRIWG n tbc öiiortost notie e, and in tb e beet mannei t tull agsortmemt alwayeitopt onïiund, oud made to orA,r. Ann Arbor Marble Workg. Bisele & Vandercook. ij aVK on hanü a fine assortment of Auioricau and 1 TA L IA N MA Ii B L E wblchthey aro prepnrod to manufacture nto UONUMENTS. USAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOl'S &c, fee fcc, &c, in all their varictios, and in a WUKKS1AXI.IKE miuinnr. llavini; Iih'1 considerable exiecionco in tbe banoa they tlfitter themselves that tliny will be able to jiloaso all who may fiivor them withtlieir oidsrf. Their iiricM L O W AS THE LOWEST rilóte wialnng any tlilng In thnlr inf ;irp ri'SjioctlUljr inited to cali. BISELE & VAN'UlillCUOK. lm Arhor. Sopt. 28, 18C0. 791yl MANHÖÖD How Lost and How Rcstored. Just PuMuhed in a Sealed Envtlope, LKCTÜRK OX THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL ( RE Oï SPERtfi VTORRHOEA, or Seminal i, Sexual Debílíty, NervouSBess and Involuntarv Emtseio&fl prodaciog hi!uteQcy GojuunpUos, afld Mental and Physical DebUitjr. BV ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. Author of the " Green Book," $. Thé frarM-renowned Mithor, ín Uila (fcdmirable Icdiro clearly provea firom hls vm i ia1 kh nwfnl erigen of lelfatnise 103 ir effectnally rerooTtd medicino and withoul dftngeroiu surgloal operatioiis, bougies, in'triiíTi''nt.-; , rings or cordials , poiiïting putatnoda or cure at once certain and effectual, hy whu'li overy sutfercr, 00 matter wl 1 n mny bc.iiny euro hteaf chr-npbj, jtrirntvly and raiïirally. - Thia Lecture wül prove a boon ta thous&nds and thoasande. Bent ander seal to any addwss, posi paid, on the rocelpt of two posi age stampa, bv addrenslsg Dr. CHJ .1. (". KLINNS, 480 Fint ivecuc, NW Tort ' Ponl Boï, 4,680. T85 EUY YüUR CLOTHIKG -A-t tlio Cleveland Clolhing House Wlicrf Hipy dow wil Winter Clothlng at grcatly HEDUCED PBICES, A few doora WeatofCook'i Hotel, ilurn Street, Aun Aruor. 782tf & C. LOEB. KKTIRF ! RELIEF RKL.1JEFÏ TRV Royce'p Cnivornal Rclloffor mtcrnal oompialntf, suchas Colic. 'Iwilcra M" 1 lm, Pain in the t"r pepcia, Fermer aad Ague, Cijügha1 CVilda,&c. Al-f forCutu, Frexh WoundnBurn ,-' Bhcujnattsm , Neuralgia . InBuenea, Chilblairu . Lsutr Baek or Bi '■, Tooi be ■ I e, Headache, ! Be ",P. :,:,,, ',i.i fi ROY" ■ HfiLIS? ■■.■■,; ,;.■■., I


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Michigan Argus