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England As It Is

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vve are occustomed to talk ol the vast power of Englanrl, and its great propeny. Let us eee vhere it lies. Englnnd, ScollantJ and Wales mve a pnpnlntionof abont twcnty-flmr millions. iivided into ihefollowing classes: Nohiliiy, Clergy, Bankers, rich 1 actijrers, Military and Naval Commanders and rihcipal Mercbantp. onc million. ILawyers, Physicians, Mercliants, laEeFarnvir?. and persons wüh ir.comes. tico mi'liftná'. Boss Tradesmei), Mechanic?, Nün-commisioned officers. Traders. onc mi'iiov. Laborera in manufaclories, mines 'and buüdnga, eight millions. i,sriculturisl3 and working Farmers. eirh( Hnlipns.Paupers, &c..f nr m'Uions. The iour millions of paupers are agramns. tolenibly woll irüormed, and alwnys renciy to jrey npon therich; discontonted with the governmeni md their own concJition. The eight millions of laboriers in manufactures, have a hard fare in the mines, or in close workshops, earning a sennty j subsistence. and alvvoys ready for any polifical change whicli will butiqr their condiiion. The nechnnics, tradesmen, oveiseers, pnd men in he micldling class, are mèn of aciiviiy nnd ( gy. and aio fots U the arisiocracy; so tliat the I one million porn'pösing tííe upper and fust class. ( aemally ru!c the' (wenty-ihree miilions of subecis in the idrec Kingdoms. and nioreover they control by legislativo aciion anú holriing the ■ rein8 of governrnent. Tico Ilundrcd MUIïms oí j subjectsarid skves, in India, and in every oihcr part of tho w.uld. This vast power is tlicrefore wielded jointl'y by a single nnlüon filling the ïigb places. Siippose nny accident should hefol ' his single milüon of prosperous I?ader6, lio l governs? llore we peiceive that Engiand h;tp twithin itself die elëments of her ow desiruution, f they can be bruught tobéar on the srreat rnensures of the government. Ino republic where all equally rule, ihose classes und diviáions cannbt exist.


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