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gH (7rc Coush, Ccld Hrfcnee, Itifiu SWIJV ez ■ " "' . ofihr f-$Lm$lm Th roa'; litlLve the Huck-ng (Jw.fh feÜHKnnft in C'iiu-umpttont BronehUU, As!k ? uUlLméMkÜm 7Iia "" ' ' '; " '" ' ' "' "'" MapJaÉBKy .'(''-. .sin niih t.o 'hevoicc of MmIÜp atid SIAGKAiS, . cof Uil ÍQptportuncepJ checkmg a Congh or "Comium LVrV iu u tir.i stag; tbat wbicb fn Ihe beyiBninsr would yleld toa mild rumed, ii oegleoted, goon attaoka th l.ola; -'Bro ljh Bronchtal Ti-oches," consainingiloinu'corit iurüdlLii'-.s aiiuji' I'ulmonary e.nd Bi-ncli!al IrritiLiiun. BKOWN'3 i-Ti)nt trouble ín my ThroAt, (ftw vrhicb the "Tiüchea" are a Kpcific) U& ring made _rir,TT_c, no uiten a mere whi.-i.-eror," TROCHES N. p. WII.IJ3. "T rocommend tlipiruse to rcBUcSrAKBROWN'S M." REV K, ÍÍ. CHAÍTN'. "Have jroved cxtrcmely sorviaeablö ior TROCHES ' KEvrnr.N-RY ward Bi-xcnER. "Aliunst EotiMtt relief ín tlic distrwMog TïfïOWN'S labor oí brea tliiug peculiar to Á9IBXA." iikv.a. c ku;i,e;ov. TDMPmjQ "Cnlaínno Opium oí anytiiing iiijuri TRUCHES ()U3#, de. a. a.havk.s, Chem!st, Boston. "RHOWN' "J fi'iTiT'Ie and pleasant combi uation IV r J U "' Dít. G. F. IJIöEtOW. BflUtOA TROCHES "Bcijcñoial in BaoNCtnns. UR. J. F.W. LAXE, TDfjOTKO BüjtOn. Dftu " "I havn proved thom excclkiit or Wnoorisa Cucüh." TROCHES EEV.II.W. WAKREN, Boften. EROWN'S "Benoficial whon conipollcd to spüak, suilurinií fruui Cold.' ' TROCHES i"V'P-J-P-AXD1RtS, "Etroctuol in romoving Hoarpeutsa and RROTJFN 'S ïiritation of the '1 'in-oai, s'j commua with .SPKAEEiis and Singues.1' Prul.M.STACYJOHN-SOfí TROCHES LaGr;ingtj,Ga. Teaober of Mufiic ír'outhera RUnWÍ'R Fcmale Oollejre, nu o ,Oroat tevcfrt qhea taken hffuro and aTter proachíuir, as they irevent UouraeTROCHES .,L.,3. From tiicrpastfCfcct,I think they v.iil be ol pcnnaníüjt advíiníneo to ine." BRf1W'S KEV.E. KOttTJiY, ,i M. D"u ' President of Alhena Crilem, Tnn. 3, Soldby all DruUtsat TWENÏYTROCHES flVüCENXS A B0X.-V) 77Cm6 LUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fishers Bíock Wvodward Ave Detroit} Dr. S. J. tARPRiM'Klï & RAIIVARO. DOCTORS gen. rally pretend that Oon3uinplion U ipuurablp, bec.tuso they cannot euro it Üiemselroaj but (hii uuus not malie it truu. lany mechanica willworks on a job all da y and ofter uoing Bothing but spoil tbe material they wül tall you it navt-r hd be lona in the way you wp.nt it. But by applyiBgto a better woikiuan - one who tlioroughly uftderstandfl bis business - yon wil] get jour werk acconiplished iu shape. In ibis respect tbere ís tLe arae diflbrenec" to ba founl in all tiurles and profe.s.sions. The b ungiera la CDecbaaissa,ixi tto arts, in btr, in theology, and in physic, will Baysuch tbinga canuot bo done. And it is true tlmt they could not M if 11 men weré likc themselves. But lurtunatuly there is anuthrr clasn of men, and thf!G. when thoy t&lïeyour case in band, do the job ti you wout it, or restore yoo to healtb, accorciug to deliro. We have only to remember tl ifl act to tyiderstand trhj om: pbysiciaa should prüncuuce tkat incurable wliich another can cure. Li meonaiiíca, wesometimea find tliat by a pos?ossion of i iiDorlov meang, by some new iuveutioii, of whfcb ho laí the sujo use, or by the creftter ingenity of hia mina, one person will raatü nr do wbat no (.tht-r can. Exaciiy it m;iy be 8O in physic. And tbis is tha very rtasQD wfay I have auch grpat succes over all othn in the ueatraent of Couaumptlon. By liaviog the Original genius, by posaeeÏBg tbe I.uug-SIeUjr, vhich oaablüH mo to claarly det tmaa tbe nature of iho dweaseaBd by having such remedies for Cousumpiion au n.) other J'liyician ever bad, raak bold tt sny tliat I havo, aad zm effect a ftuefi of this di-e'ihe beyond th reach of any man. To .rove thiS to hare been tlie caso, 1 ïriiglit frivo yon n,uTnberí upon numberí of certifícales from men and vromen given over to the grftv, who have been rescud and ro.toiod to healtii by ilie persererftig uo of roy -tmeüits for Consumption. But it h nol ni-cis-a'y for me to do so ij ore, for Ihe factof onemarf doing wlmt anothor cannot ennnot. ia evident to ah men ff oomraon senn. li Gousumptive u-iMies further pfoof tbnn tbis, I can only say, Ci mo i'.nl satis? yourrtlf by tr!l of my skill In t cure of your com plint Doctor Caraenter wíll viftft Ypsi1atf-i. and Ann Arbor, iuriOg l860-6t . Ann Arbflp, at Oook'A ïole. 8a na ifchof eaob mooth; HawkiDS lloon, Yj..Btl 6th and Rih of each montb. The remaindtr of the t niê, e wiil be foLind at hia L.ung Infirmaiy in Detroit Iy773 City Oheap Luinber Sash, Doors Blinde, Piaster Paris Grand Jïiver Piaster, Wattr Lime, NaiJs of all sizes, GlasK, Paint and PutD. BeForest, HAV1NG increasicd hU facüities for doitg basinebs 'iiifï ftnUrged itie Yard aud Stock, t propaicd the prvpent eaBon, wnh tl e beB Urgest ififi enea est sea&oneiistock oTprin A% mr(.t to ifttisty tne reaionftbl' dXíío-'tfitIonf )f all. Üui netto is not t" b' nodrpold 'fir cash on delivery I wil 1 not nndrrtakt'tü frightentiit1 pub i Je by iaylD that thrywii) ifftihuved It they uuy laewhere. for we prpíume' tbfit otherrwillsellaglowaBthey can tfford to. 11 kinds of Timmer, Joints, .nd Scantü&g, l'lnc, WMtswood, Basswood, Hem lr.k. Planed and M?.tched Pine,"WhiteTcood sh i' looring.PIaned ind rouffb Pineand Whitewood tiding, Fenc Posta, Ük nd Cednr Post and Picketa i all kind. fpini f ail), aiïb ïüljtttiuoob L. -n Ptnn, sli:uil Whitewood Shinglm, Barn Boai'ds aad Bain Fioor Plank, BlaokVa.ut,nd Ohrrry and t&in stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONG U ES, Hoxttnd BoJy Jumbcr,Mn]o log Tiraber, Ilickory, Gak, Ash, EIm, Beech, Of iH; lickneseos.widthr: andlongthï, Sec. &c.t Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. IKTiiXas f all eiïee, Ac, ato. SASH, DOORS, & BL1NDS, ■nadfi by hand to order flp low hs faetnry prlceB. on rhe hottestnotlce by the beet o f workmen. and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofal! dasjription In ':h nbove buildlug line ["irniehedonthfiiihirrstof notice. for We have Mills Cutting Regvlarly. ful' anda perluct asuortuiaot of the above am nthor kinds of liuilding Materials Uonstantlv on hand al tin iowestpossiblcratcs Cali and be Convinced. A few rods soutli from, R. R. Depot ot. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B -1 am now operating Extonsivel5 ín the Patent Cement Roofing, " D. L. WOÖDTCOT "3E3CarvQ Xk.oooi-cre5ci j&. stock of Seasonabie Goods ! FALL AND WINTER TRADE, of isoo: WÏÏICH THET WILL SELL CUE AP FOB CASH, OR READY PAY Cali and tce Beure Pvrchasivg Ehe e. D. L. WOOD, "W. G. FOSTEK 100 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale ütioap at GLlfERMANA CfS GO TO GUITERMAN & CO'S t'Oa GBSilï'S i'AI.SNT PAÍTE- ae-v i rt .I.-.-.!.; JP jiift fho tilng. Iljuy havu tiio Oiclujlvo . Abo for gin pate! Lr.-.?o SalitleT. 1861. 1881. OFP REDUCEDPmCES. jISLIX SCJLxslcIcb of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, oas'xr at REDUCE D PJOICES ! AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, ËXCHAInGE BLOCK. 782tf Ha'e Removed lo tlie STORE RECEN TLY OCCÜPIED BT 0. MACK, Phwnix Block.Eaat side of Main St., AND at HAVE In Store 4gSaHlffy A Large BOOTS SHOES Of every deseripton wliioh will ba SOIjB O -LX. J3 JO. 3F 3E3 TH THAN CAN BE BOUGH'J IA' Bil Oh, jjao a Urg Bortmint c' HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all liad marte In tha mt Fnsbionable Siyle BT 900D JÏC EXPEKIENOED WORKMEN, -oxmFRENCfl CALF BOOTS are NOT 8CIïpa5?Rd tlüs Mo of New York City, ud are warrant ed uut to kip. Üur TOGASAND KIPSs, rö made of the beet materíals Oár stock of Ivï O ir o G C O B O O t e G 3 for Lfi'lies Is the the best in town, with hoels or without We Make to QrtXejr, uiidupver miss of tl?e firsttime bo give uk a cali aiul we will show you nu r stock free of cliarve We have fAeurecl the torrloe of two Ki perieDccd Joumeymen who do ourmending in the EVcat est .Uaniier, and on eborteat notice. Uur motto is Quick Sales and Small Frofits Thankful'or pastfavors wo hopo bypay ing utrietattentitm to our buKinoss to merit a liberal .sharo of your patrona for the luture. ilemomber we are not to be nndersold. O}. MlK)RE & LO0MIS YVIMS &KNIGHT hare rcoeived thcir seeond purchase of WINTER GOODS, Wbieh vill bc sold at the Lowest Pcssible Piices, roa CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT Jfc JLA. ijLm We invite all to pall and be eatisfied thak our GOODS ARE AS GOOD A'D P R I C E S AS L O W as oan be founti in thocily. Nov. 10. 1800 tTStf


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Michigan Argus