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MICHIGAN 8OUTHEEN & KÓRTHERN INDIANA K.UI.ROAI). IS60. wistí.h ahiiam;kmi;xt. 1S61. Ir.iins now run un tuin roadj PuEdajs exceptcd, aR Followt: LMiveToli-do'orChicanodaily étcopl Morihiv-nt 13 ti A M.,and l-'.-iO I'. M ,und vía Air Liu ■ at 9 A. M. Lúa ve Detroit ftr Chicago at 10,20 V M. :md ,3o P. M Arriving in Chingo from Toledo and Datroit t 10,30 A M. aud 11,00 i'. SI. An-ive at Detroit from Toledo, at C:"i5 A. M. , i: 6:00 I'. II, Arrive in Detroit froin Chicazo at C.O0 I'. )1. ,and3. 15 1'. M. .trrivo iu Toledo from Chicago 3,40 T. II. aüd 4.2U A. SI Leave Adrián for .Innkion at ",15 A. M. and ,!! 1'. M. ' Jackiou for AOrln Rt S,ao A. M., hU'1 1 1 ,M V. 11. COXNKCTIOXS. AT Toiebo Wi1h Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Wabah Valle R1 Boad. AT DfrrK'HT - With (írand Tniuk Kailwny, with (íreat Western ií.iihvav, also, wiih the Ietroit aud Milwaukee. : Rallroiid At Nsw Albany & Saum K. K CRoanira - Yth Tratns for I af;Lvp'.t, Mew Albanjacd Loutorflle. at CaiCAQO - With Cbleftgo and fíock Island, Galena, Iflloankae, Chicano. BurUngtoo und Quioey- North v,-at Rallwa - Chieago, Altou and st. Louis, Illiuois Central, ind io all l'ointn West and Smith. ty Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 minutes slowt'r than Toledo timo. WoodruiT's Patent tflecping Cars accompaay the Xiírht Trains OH thisllouto. ft-y Time aud laro tho same as by anv other Ka; Road Route. JN'O. D. CAMPBELL. Oene-al Superintendent. LIFE ÍÑSURAJNCrc The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurauc3 Company. Aocuuiulated Capital, - $3,500,000. Wn.LINSÜRE L1V153 for any anioiinl niit exceeding $10,000 tor the whole term olLifo or for a term of rearSj on IheniOft favoiable terma. " S.B The ('omliany U purely mutual an'l the poUej holde ftct all the surplus over tlicexaot coat of insuranee It looomcaatea the inmred in the nettlemeol f their premlunu ON I.IFK POLIC1ES, rdeelred, by t&klrig a note one half the amount, buaring interest u six per ceut, per ann-Lim. Dividend) are Declared Annually! and fince thev turn amount to nFTY per cent on the premiüiu, eah ini! note, asd are mcreasiug they may be applied to cancel tlie notes. XJ The rates of pi-emiums areMlOV as any other re ■ ...;:-:■ .le ('].anr and tho Urge accumulated fund of $3,500,000 is securely invested, as may be seen by reference to the statomsn't ina.le aceordin;.' to l.nv, on filo in the office of the Couuty Am Arlior.-(L!S JAMES GOODWIN, Prest. GCTlï PorDarUeiüan&pplTiO JAME8 C. WATSON', 7tjyl Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,707,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vine President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptroHerof the ?tatp of New Vork. Divideudc avorago 40 per ceut. aunually. ASSBTS. Cash n Ba uk, 31,305,49 luvesu-d in securities . created under the lawBof the state of New York and of the U. S. , 268,870,79 Real Estáte and Fixtuies, Nos. 11Í and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Bonds and MortgagW drawing 7 per et. interest 5S3,998 .39 Ncts receivetl for 40 per cent. of premiums on lifc poholes, beariog interest, 675,315.85 Quartvrlv and .-N-ini-annuni premiums, dae subsequent"to January 1, 1860 20,550.38 Interest aoorued ap to Jan. 1, 18G0, 36.4S8.77 Rcnts accrued u p t o Jan . 1 , 1 ffiO, 1 ,708.34 Premiums on policios in hands of Agcntf, 26,445.19 $1,767,133.24 Drs Wells aud Lkwitt, Medical Examinara. 74;jtf J. GliBERT SNIITH, gent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS THE AGEXT for the following firfit class cotnpanies: HOME INSURAtfCE COMPAKY, of New Vork City, -Capital and Surplus, $1.500,000. CITY PIRE ISÍSURANCE COMPANY, of -Capital and Surplus, $400 000. CONTINENTAL IN8UBA&CV COMPANY, oí New York City. and Surplus, $100,000. Three-quarters of the nett profits in this Cumpany ifl dividod annually amoDg its policy holders. CH MILI.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1SG0. 6m778 Conway Fire Insurance Co,, Of CoDway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WHTITNEV. L. 30DMAN, W. EI.L1OTT, S HOWLIKI), D r. McGILVKAr, E.D. VOHGN WAIT riEMRNT, .1OSIAH ALI.IS. A.H BU' LEN W. H. niCKINáON, W T. CLAPP, D.C. ROGERS. Anti Arbor References! Dr. E. WEI.LS, L. JAMF.S L. DOPGE, BNOCH JAMES. CAPT. C.S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Airent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - 8500,000 om: of the 1IEAV1RST, SAKKST and BEST Insurance ''u's. n the ü. S. lusures on rensonable terrns, and al A'ays pay promptly. Tlicie is no botter Fire IiiHuranc Conipawy. Mo ney Wanted, W h o w i 1 1 LeudMoney'! IAM REQUKSTEI) BY SEVEKAL l'ERSON'S to obtaiu njouey for Ihi'in at Ten Per Cent I itere st, (OrMore.) For any one willinR to lcml, I can at once invest on good unenctimberwi abundant RKAL F-STATE security anj nunifi of inuiioy and see that the title and uecurity are all BIGHT. The borrower paying all expenses, including recording. E. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, (et. 7,1869. 716tf General Land AgencyPERSONS wanting f arm , or reaidencedn orneaf Ann Arbor, can by calllng on roe celectfroma iist ofovor 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvarloua slzestrom S, te 1300 acreseacb (lome ai goodaanyinthlConnty.) Morethan SO DweMiis Houses nthUClty.froratwo huudred to tourthousanddo'arseach:and over O O B.CML.DING LOTS! mongthefarms are the Blshopitarm, ISOOacre, che Potter farm, i n Green Oak; the Placefarm , a.i j 4i ) acre, the Blandón and Jenks farms, in VVebiter; tho Sturi, Michael Clancy, Newtnn Bneean, and Kallahai farmi. In Ann Arbor; J.Kicgtley'4 farm, in E'itufieid' the Haloh and Hick farm In Iodi;the PatrickClayufarm in Freedom; V. S. Darikun, B. G. Bakert and Buck's farms lnSylvan. Moto these and many others can be dlvidodto uil PUrOh"'Cr K.WM01GAN. AnnArboJ.Jan Ut.iBS M ST W.MOBÖAN, Agent lor Mutual Life Insurance Company, Kew Vork. AccurauUtedAsots, .... $5,350,000. the leadinfr Ufe Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker I.ife Insurance (.Vunpany, New York, - a lirs t clnss Knft Co. - tornis icasonable. Humboldi Fire Insurance Company, Kew York. Capital, with a lárice nurplus, $200,000. Peu ia Marine & Firo lniuranoe Co., Peoria 111. -hntt i No. 1 Firo Insurance Co's. 707tf Capital, .... $500;000; DE FOREST, AUMSTKONG A CO. DRY GOODS MERCHAIVTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Waw York. WOULD N0TI1 Y THE TRADE that tney are openin .kly, ín ntw and ticMiitifnI patterns,the MSO TUK A New Print, which excelw wery Print in the Country fo perfection of üxecution and design 111 fiill Madder Colore. - Our Print aro chéa[)er '"in any in markcttand meetuiif wth ftxtonsivi' -.ale. Oidei proinptly attendcil tt 732yl ;sEYE and EAR. flgf DR F. A.7ÍADWELL, ■"--" " ol'KKVTOB OM CHE EÏH iND ':.ii. For Ucafness. Bltndn- , and all ctcfects of Si-In and II t ti i Ihl;. DR. ('. IJKINt; A liKGULARPh'siciin,with TWKXTY 7EÁR4' exclusive fjr.-iciii:' in tl:1 ticulinent of discanes of the KYK AND BAR, will he found quAllfled to givo relií'f or effect a cure in any cuso within the ïeach of huraun nkill, jftS Ho charge for an czamln&tlon or an opinión, or for unsucfcsfiful services. bn. C.'s Thbatisb O tiib Kvk asd Kar, of 300 pp., coutalnlng references, Testimoniáis, Descriptionof Disea.M's, Pmon. and otlu-r Important mat(r. ilhistrated with Cutí, to bo harttfrafis, by seudinx Ten Ctnts to pay poatage. AddresH Dr. CÚWSU, 93 Randolph Stret't cnriMT Dc&born, Cliicago 111. Iy768 Livery Stable. B. REEN, at his Llverj Rtable, rear of F.iklin, hoMs himself ready to furnish the best ilUirn ont," single or doublé, at short notice. Calland sett in HoriM aníí Cnrriages Ofílce second door weet uf Wcbtcr's Uuok Store. p. 8. A fine stck of Cutte-rforiLoi vb' 3ewgM m THE BANNER STORE. SECOS D ARIUVAL - OK- FALL Sc "WITEIR, E3r O O X S GOODS FROM AUCT1ON. Facts for the People -or■W-A.S HTB TST_A."W - .'Nn_ ADJOTNIiNG COUNTIES! And their nurcorous questions aniwercd. Why fa Evrryborly trading al the "BAKKER STOKET '-Becaute A. P. MBLLS, the Proprietóroi thnt Establishment has just returued from the Easteru Citieswnh tlië Largpst, Ilandsamwt, Clieapest, and Most Attractvoe Stock of SFAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to thispart of the Stat.] Why Ís Evarybody pleasea wüh hit Stock? Bí1 causo h 51(7103 aro inoro bwiuiitul, qualit.y botter, and prices lower tíiau at any other store ín the eouuty. Why has he abxays Sorruthing New and Cheap to Show? BccRiiichs haa frionii conncctcd witli onc of the ly gest DryGomts HouaMtaMev York, who is cntinuaUt " BOBBII9O ROUND" for cheap bnrcrain.sanil the lal c styles, as they appoar from time to time, and inthis Wftji kMjn hin supplicd with s'ylcs, and conscijuntlv custurners oanuwsjl fmü somcthingFresli, NEW CHEAPanJ DESIRABLE Why does he sell m much Ckeaper than the rettt Because hc hap a buyer iu tlie city all the time to tak advantage of the cnntimial change of the markfft, and in that way buyn his good much cheapcr thau otherft can, and thee he marku thera down to the XjO"WET FIG-URES. Why does he sefl Ladfcs and Ckildrens' Shots so mueh eheaper than was ever heard ofby the oldest Shoemakers? Becnuit4 he büyi Ma stock in the Ian3 of shoemakers, oí the manufacturera, fully 'Í5 pr ceut eheaper Ui a o the New York .TobberR aell them, and much botter work than tliey geniTuHy ItMp. Ibis course enables hira lo pflll a better Gaiter for 35 Cents. thnnothersspllat 50 centn?and a better FXED GATTEB at 50 vi'iiis, thaii othors soli at 75 coats. Has he any Hats and Cape? Yes. I fchould thiiik he has stacks of thera, enough to supply the State, at prices lower thau was everheardol rouudtheso paris. Why is hts Tea so much hetler for the price you pay than you get at other places? Recause hetakes;reat care in sclecting it, and gires his customeitj the benefit of a rjeal goud 75 cont TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It w a way hc bas got. Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? To the BAN'XER STOUK, wherc the Peuple's Banner j unfurledfor the IJeople:f;oud. ixtuih side of public afluiré. & fewdoors west of Cook's Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, 1860. HH . Ho for the Mmraoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. o MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JüST Ol'ENED IN THEIR new and Elegant Wai e-R ooms EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, ,a xx xx x" t or( A OOM PLETE STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAHOGAHY and SETS OF PARLOR PURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany EOSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped E0SEW00D,! MAIIOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, PANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &c. jm,. mé sm 9 Elegant MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretaries, (33 ce rrrv up li c 1 c B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofOF TEIE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fa et they Have Everything W-I-T-H WH.IC-H T-0 F-Ü-RN-I-S-B TARLOR, BOUDOTR, SITTING ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-Jx-l-S PURNITÜRE MUBT BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold : A-T VEEY LOW PRICES! $&■ M evcry man and his wife or going to be wife CUMK AND SEE. Theyalso Iihtb a MEA USE C'A lili IA GE, And ure alway ri-arty tn atteml to the burisl of ths dcad in the Cityaiid adjoining eountrjr. War-Rininet sido of Main Sti'oct, Iwtweou Washington and Liberty O. JVt, -x.-. v. -N. C, B. THOMPSON


Old News
Michigan Argus