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great.greater oreatesj, barg&inb evee 01ill1l 1859. JLq1859' In tln3City,arenow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & 3"&-w elry StoieTHK Snbecriber wouhl sy to tlit? citizennot Ann Arbor. particular, and th rept of Wnhlcnw fnuniv in feneral, th hohasjuet ÏMPORI'ËU 1)1KKCTLY from KUKOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Wat ches! Ali of whit-h h! hinde himseïfto sell CHKAPER than can be bought weel of New York City, Open Fnce Cyliruier Wdtches Irom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to íil Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 3L do do Cyllnder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watohee from 20 to 150 I i un' Mm. tne CELEBRATED AMEIl'CAN WAT CHES,! which I wlll oen Irr $35. Kvcry Vv atch warrantbd to purfurm we 11, or the niom;y rctundcd. Olooki, Jewelry, Pmted Wnrn, Fancy Goode, Gold Pen, Musical Instruments and Striogê, Cutlery, &c, and in fact ft varitïty of ("vnry hiiii; uaually keptbyJewelers can be bnughtfortne next nlnety days at vfur OWN P RICES! Persona buying anything nt thia well known establishme ut can rly upon getting goods exttct'y as representad, or the monry re(undel. Oallenrly and bc cure the beat bargaius ever offered Ín thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We nrn preparod (o mnlct; any repairs onfine or common Wntches, evn tn makiniio er tae entire watch if neceeBory. Repniring of Clocbs and Jewclry hs igual. Also the manu facto ring of RINGS. BROOCHrf, or auything doaired, from California Gold on short notice. Ent'rnviniï in allits branchesexeented with neat WêB and diepatch. ' J C WTT8 Anu Ubor, Jan. 28th1859. 754w ïlORACE. WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadway, NewYork Publtshcr ol .11" Ie m1 Musli Kookt A.NIÍ D1UI.KK IX Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs ürgan Accordeon, Martin'e celebrated sndother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violiooelloe, Accordeons, Flutinae, Flutes, Files, Triangles, Clariinetts, Tuninpr Forks.Pipes andïlammers, Violiii Bows, best Italian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S la. O o t 3VE -u. S i es, From all the pubhshers in the U. S., Iïertini Huntin's, . mi Modern School, andall kiml of Instmctiim Bookrt for tlio above instruments; Church Musie Books; Mustc flegantly bound; Music papc-r, and uil kinds of Mu.sic Merchanilitie, Att toe L o west P rices. New Pianos, At $175t $200, $225, $250, and np to $800. Secoud Band Pianos fioin 825 op to SIGO; New Melodeons, $46, 00, $75, $100, anl up to VSOO; seeond Hand Melodeons from w to ïw; 'UexaodroOigans, with Qvestopa, $160, nine stops, $185 aml $226; thtrtMn .stops, $250, OT6 an.l $800; aftecn etopa, $320 and $375; A liberal disooaat to Clerpvrnen, Cliurchcs, Sabluitb Schools, Seminaries mi Teachers. The Trade tjupplicd at the usual traüt' dlsoonnts Testimoníala of the Hornee "Waters Planos ü ii cl Mt'Lodi'oti.s John Hewet, of Carthage, New York, who hw ïial one of the HoraccWaters l'inuos, vrlttsu fullmvs: - 'A friond of mine wishes roe to purchase a piano for her. She likes tbe one you sold me in December, 1856. My piano is beenming popular in this place, and I think 1 can Introduce one or fue more; they will be more popular than any other make.J "We havt twn of Waters' Pianos in use in ourScminary, one of wbicfa bas been severely tested for tliree wears. aml we can testify to their gooa inaliíy aud durability."- Wood k, Gregory, Motmt Carroll, III. "H, Watersj Btq. - BEAR Sik: Havinj? uaed one of your 'jüio l'orics for tivoyears past. I have fontiri it a very superior Instrument. Ai.oxzo Geat, Prhicipal Brooklyn ffeights Seminary. "The Piano I roceived froin you continúes to rive satsfaction. 1 regftrdH as one of the bet instruments intlie place." James L. Cukkk, Charleston, Va. "Tlie Melnih-nn ïias fift'lv arrived. I feel obïifreil to you fory OUT libera] ilicouat." Bev. J. M. MtCoRMiek, Yarq+eüUS, C. 'The was tluly receired. Iicame in excelieni condition, and i.s very mncb admired bymy niimcrous ffimily. Accept my tlianka for your promptuess." - KoitKKT Coorni IVérrenkam, Bradjoed Co. Pa, "Your piano picases us well. It is the best one in our county.",- Thomrü A. Latham, CampbdUon, Ga. "We are verv much obliged to you for liaving sent such a fine instrument for $260." - Dkaxk,IIkld & Co.f Bnffaio Demzwat. "The Horace Waters Pianos are known auamo)i{rthe very best We aVo enabled to speak of these instruments with contideuce, from perKonal knowledj of nelr excellent tone and durable quality."- N. Y. Evanstelist. 'Wc can speek of the merits of the Horace Watfrs pianos from personal knowledgQ] s baïng the very'finesl quality." - Christian Jnietligencrr. "The Horace Waters pianou are ouilt of the best and morft thoroughlv scasoned material. We liste no doubi thatbuverscan'do aBvcll,perhapa better, at tbisthu at any otíierhouse in the Union," - Advocate and Journal Water pianos and raelodcons challenge comjutrison with the fiaest made any whe-re in the country.'1 - Home Journal "Hnrace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and even tone, and poworful-JV. Y. Musical Rectne. "Our friendswill findatMr. Waters' store the verj best MSOrtmentof Music and of Pianos tobe found in ïiic United 8tates,&nd wb oie our soafbera and western Criends to gire htm a cali whenever they go to New York." - Öraham's Magazine. Warehou3e 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 issucd in ten Montbs. Thp unprecedentcd aio of thisbook has induced the pnblisher to add some 30 new tiUWBand hymos to its preseni il, without extra charge, except on the clicup editim- Among the many ln-autiful tonefl and hymiu alel may be found: - ul ought to love my motber;' "O I'll bfl ': KOOd (dllW,tndeod I wUl.-' These and eight others Irom tne Bell, were song at tbe Sondaj School AnniverMrry of the Church at the Academy of Music, with I pptfttue The liell coi;tains nearly 200 tunes and ii unís-, and is one of lbo betst collections ever issued. l'rice 18o; $10 per bundn-d, postage 4c F.legantly bound, embdned gilt, &O, $20 per 100 It bas been intryduced into manv f Ihe Pnbtte Scliools. The e in publifihed in small numbers entitled AnnivwMiry anil Sunday School Musio Boot, NOS. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to acconimodate the million; price Í2 & $3 per hondred No. 5 will soonbe issued - commencemt-nt of another book. Also, Ilevival Music Books, No, I & . price $1 & $2 per 100, postage le More thflii 300.0Ü0 copies of the abovo books have been issued the past eifjhteen months, and the demaad israpidly incieaiup Publitibed by UOHACK WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kind Words ejin neverdie;11 "The AnpeU 1nld me ao;" "Wilds. of the West;" "Thoughts of God;" 'Giva me back my Mountain Home;" "I)ay nreams;" "Handy Cock Robín;" "I'm with thee stilhPetnames;" "There's no darilng like mino;' ' "Saiah Jane I#e;""Ever of thee;" "I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel' aud 'Wake, lady, wakeK' price 25c each. 1 Ixstkvmk.vtai, - ' 'PiilftCG Garden, or Singing lïird Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schotiische;" "HUrabeJ Schottisch;" Thomas Baker's Schottische;" "Piccolomini I'olka, 35 cents each. The abovepieceshavebeautiful Vignotteo "Weimer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cryMaicii," the verv tart; "VftsBovjUmna Doniells Uamrsi "Rea-l: inff Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancers' Qua lrillt," 'Zbc eaoh. "The fimptreof Reich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. Many of these pieces are played by Baker's celebrated orchest ra with great applruse.4 Hailed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at half prico. Pianos, Dlelodeous and Organs The Horace Waters Pianos and tifafodoona, for depth, purity of tuno and durability, are unin "jiassed. Prices very low Seeond Hand Pianos and Melodeorifl from $25 to $150. Music aud Musical Inntructionfi of all kinds, atthe lowest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Broadway.X. Y. TnrnHOinAU; - "The Hor&ce Waters Pianos are known as among the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can speak Of thelr mt-rits frojii personal knowledgtt."- Chrisüan Intclitgcncer. "Xothingat the Fair displayed grea ter excellence -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloüeons challenge comparison witli tne finest made anywheroin the couutry." - Home Journal. 719tf Irving's "Works - National Editiou rHIS Fine EdHion of the Works of Washington Ib vist; (ncluding the life of WashingttD wiübe pubis hcd for STJBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. HoaiitifuUy Printed on heavy superfine paper, of th verv best quality, and Hub.staiitially bound in heav bevelled boards. JTEacli Volume illustratcd with Vignettet on Steel and Wood. X3J Knickerbocker's New Yorkt Sketch Book, Cloth. Columbas, ' vols. liracebridge Hall, Astoria, Talos of a Traveler, Cray on Miscellauy, ('apt. Bontievillc, Olrrer Goldsmith, Mahomct. 3 vols. Grenada, Alhambra, Wolfert's Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. SaJmaffundt. Tbist'dition will be sold Kxnrsrvm.T to Snbscriher. anl will hu greatty BnperioT to any ever before isiurri,A vt-iy haadsome set of these univiTsally popular work. H thuf! rïaced within the rofmis of allÜ. P. PÏTTNAM, Ast .T'uWinhpr. ilb E4auftu Ötrevl, Nw York. ycBLjMj {Hfflirro xBBbX '""'"'Ilx ttf a "j J fflr.r.. t jimt ■ L"1 -iTT fc!r"lTir) jCmÊk. ' -'--."UT1 i RK.vo.v iji'r.MMi, DïrtikCT FBOM BUBIJBHER8 AXlt Manurjicturers, n Nw umi Complete sttck of LAW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Booke, Miscellaneous Bonk, Blank Boebs, dan STATIONERY! Wall and Vjnlow Paper, Drawing and M;ithemntical Instruments, fusie, JuvguIIc Libruriet, Euvolopes, Inks and Carda. [,h - .. , .- .-,.-.. i. ri_Mr" .■ , z- GOLD And all other Jiiyuls oj Pens and Pencifs Window Cornice, yhadea and Fixture, POCKET CUTLERY! Aod everything pertaining to the trade, and more to whichthey would invite the attention of the country. In conducting our bi'siiios, we shall V all that can he lone,so that no rcafionable man, woman or child shall , find any fault. lossyss facilities wbich wUl cnablo us to supply uur s'.iiinvrs ut the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose ir, sol! for KEAHY PAY, ata email advance. VT expecta profit on our goods, bul Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. WV hare engap;cl tlu' services ot JASIfS V. PI'ALDI.VG, liereforeare Jrepared to furnish Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards vyritten to order, wüh neatness and dispach, by mai' or otherwise. The 'fK_Mi'iRK Koon SïOBS ," is manned by agood 'crew,' nd thev will tinyB be foun! on the "quarter leck,r ready aim williug to atteml to all with pleasure, wUo will favor them with a cali. Kemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1880. 14$ THE CHÊAP CORNEËT SEEK NO F ARTIIER: New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Nev Block. "QURCHASF.f) rcccntly un'ler the most favorable circun _L -tunees, so mucli so that we féel cunfidtnt in sayia t all our oíd customerSj anü as many new oneB an ca crowd nto our New and Spacious Store Roon Corner of Main and Libeity Streets. That we are now pre'parod to sell you bctter Oo#ds lowcr prices tluin our usual low prices aud are now i daily receipt oicudlebs varietioB ot STAPLE AND FANOY X -Ft TT GOODS LADIES' & CHILDRENS' SIIOES HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LUOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GROCERIES, &c. of every variety Lots more of the same good 50 cent Tea, that others seli at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods are all of the best quality. EPOur Staple and Fancy Dry Goods purpass all previous stocks for beauty, vantty and excellence. E"Our Ladies Dress goods, Shawls, &c, were never before half so attractivt and cannot help but win smiles of approval from our fair friends. Bgk,Our Hats and Caps urpass all for style and eheapnoss ever heard of in Aon Arbor, cali and see them. BguOur Ladies' and Childrens'Shoet combineelliganceandease with strength and durability. t3 Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings are all of the best quaüHes and styles of the French, English & American productions which we will sell at the same price that others ask for slop shop stuff. jy Our Groceries & Crockery are fresh, new and cheaper than ever. S@r Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to mention here, embracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a Customer should buy. t And now having purchased a much larger and better stock of goods than ever before; we confidently rely upon the appreciation of the public for aready Sale of the same, feeling confi dent that we cannot help but suit all ia prices quality and stylos. All kinds of Produce taken in Ex change lor goods as usual. C.MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Sncciiásors to Chapiii & Loomis,andChapiu, Tripp tk Loomis TlIIabovo firm of Loomis & Tripp baving purehasod the ontire interest of the former companies ill continue the businoKs at theold stunds, where they will ie ready, on the shortcRt notice, to Cll all orders in the iue ot Castingsand Machinery, n the most wtn-kmanlike manner, and on as liberal ;erms a any other shop in the State. Among the various articlesmauufactured by us, we would enumérate STEAMENGINKS of all Unds; MiU Omring and Fixturen, wrouRhtand cast; all the varioun casting for making and repairing Ilorse Powers & Thresliing Machines such M are ftt present, or have formcrly been in use m hls part of the Stnte, as wcll as all the various kinds of iuUMn and machine work callcd for by farmers ', mecha'nics inthis section of the coun'ry. of all the various patterns, up in aires and prices. will be Li'pt riinstaotly on haud, got the most modera and improTtd styles. HUBBARD'S WROÜGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWEKS. having commenced manufacturas tliis superiorMachine siiiRlu and corabined, the farmers are invited to cali and see a specimen machine now in onr ware room before purchasingelsewhere, beliovinS that thia maclime need only to beseen to convince thefarmer of ITS SUPERIORITY over thoReapern and Mowers in this market. Thankfnl for former patronage to the old firmB,ire would solicit a oontinuanco froin old friondfl,and a trial bv all wishintr forauythiüg in our lineof bu8ÍD6U ' LOOMIS k TBirP. Ami Arbor, May 18th, lSa. 897tf CLai.cery Sale. ITTIE CIRCÜTT COURT fui Connty of WashUnaw-. 1 in Chancerj - Isaac, L. IH nms, oomplalnant, vu Jjiun: BtgOftU, dl k-mialit. I ti paffuanoeand byvirtueof a decree in tU's cauno bearmg dat; the 17thl:iy of December, A I., eiftatoeq bund red and sixty, the aodenilgiiftd Circuit Court Coro, nmsiuner for tho CowoXy fld IVwhtUiAW and Stute of Michigan; wil) Bell at poWio auction to tbc bigbeet bid. der at the front door of the Court House in the city of Arm Arbor, OD 'IWsilay, thti slxteeuth djtjr Of April next, at ten o'clock, in the loreooonoftiial day, the following' (lcficribc'i reál-estate, to-wlta - All that ct-rmin tract or parecí f land known and deferí bed as follnw: Batog thewesi half ofthesoull) irent quarWtof section m. bcr twenty-three, (23);alo the wrt half ntf the nonli west quarter ofsr t 'n twentysix, (2'), in tlie townaolp of Samm, Coanty ofWntatantw and State of Michigan, containinf one humlml hik! fourneren of laúd, be the Minej n--r loss, orso mach therof as m} bc necessary tü satisfy the ik-cree in tfala cause wilb. Interest and costi. I) R.TWITCHELL, Ciretüi Court CommlnloBer for Wanhtenaw Co., Mich. BBáKBS fc Ar.Ki.. Snlicitur. ior C'ump'it. Dated, Feb. 26, 1861 78Std Ohancery Sale. THE CIKCUIT CUURT for the C'ounty of Wasitomtw- lo t'bíiin-fry , - Muttlitw F. (ifgory. coraplainant, n. NcImiu Mosher.and Catharine noMier, defvndant. In jiursiianoc and hy it a doeree in tliin causo, b.-aring di t tho thlrteenth daj of June, A. ï). 18t'O, the undcruigned, Circuit Court O mmissmner for tho County of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, wïll peil at pnblic auction to the hlghes4 bidder, at the front áúot of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the fifth day of April uext, at ten o'clock in the face nou ot that day. the foUoving dvtforibed rel estáte, lo wit ; All that ctrtain tract or parcel of luirl known ani di.cribed as follows, to wit: It number slx in block nunibflr tno south of Huren streot, rane ten c.istf according lo the recorded plat oí the easterD addition of i!m villaoe- 110 w city - of Ann Arbor in tlie County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or go much tbcnef as may be nectsKary tosatihfy the decree ia thi oauee, with interebt.sand costa. D H. TWITCHKIX, Circuit Court Commissioncr Washtenaw Co., Micb. James'IÏ. Uutt, Suhcitor for Cuxnpluinant. Uatod, Februaty 17tb, 1661. 788W SherifiTs Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. u.- O By virtue of a writof Fieri Pacias. iwsud out of and uiidor tho fieal ot the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw and Stato of Michigan. b-artng dnto Uw Slat d.ty ot'January, A. I. 18G1 , ana to me directd and deliV' fifil against thu goodft and c-.attfls, lands and tenementa of UansTbielifon.rhillip Kraemer and Pliillip D, Watt ; ren, defendants therein namec ; I did on the 31st day of ' Jnnnary, A. I). 1 1S01 } scize an'ï levy pon all ihe riprht, ti'lw and interest of the Raid Hans Th ie! son, l'biUïp Kraemerand rhillip D. and to the rollowiug describid landa and premiea to wit, the loilowing piects or parcelft of land lying and bei tig in thu Vitiuge (nov City) of Yp.silanti, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Miehigaii, known bouuded and described as followa vi?. : Lot two hundred aDd eighteen ('18), two j hun'dred ani ninetcen (219). two hundred and twenty i (220), two hundred and twenty-om (321), two hundred ;in i twi-nty two (-22), two hun 1 red and twent.v-thrfto (2'i3) two hundred anA tweoty-four (224), two hundred and twenty-üve ("-'Í5), two hundred and twonty-si ( 'i), two hundred and twenty eight ('S), two hundred and twenty-ninn (2:9). twq hundnd and thirty (23ü),two hundred and thirty-one (2ai), and two hundrd and thirty tlivee (238) ; according to the plat of sitid City; ;i!.-.i a piece or parce, of land known. b.unded and rlescribed a& íoUows: cororaencing at tijO intersection of Huron River aud River streel, and running along the west side of said street to the Muth cast corner of a lot nearly uppoaitc tolot uumbered two hundred and twentjone(221).and supposed to be owned by W. V IJarwowl, thenoe aloDj the Boutli line of said Harwood'g lot to thu nouth-woát corner of said lrt,and tliis line contiMued ín the mme diieotion until it ínterseets a line, bemc the oati boundary line of lands ownert by Follett Ross, and known eh the Hurón Mil property ; produced nortbward to Baid mteróection theooe a long said produced line and the Raid eaut line of eatd mili property to tu totorawttoa with th Huron River, thencc along said Rirer to the place of btfinning: also a ct-rtain other piec or parcel ol land in aaid City of Ypsilanti, bounded as follnwa, commencing ix rodfl west of the noHh-west corner of Village lot numbered on the plat or plan of tlie Village (now City) of ypsilatiti two hundred and twenty-one [221], running thence south four [4] roas1, thence west fifteen [15j rods,. ihence nortli foor f4] rodft, thence ast fifteeo [I&J rod to the place of beginning coatalniog sixty [60J square rods of londs; also the sin ets and sueys vacatel by an order of the Circuit Ctuirtrfortbe County of Washtenaw, fitting in Chaucery, made on the thirteentb day of June, A. 1)., 1857, which sid order is recorded in Ltber No. forty-two, page 260. whioh said strets and alleys are described as follows, being all thüt portfciD of River street, in the feoVD Of Ypsitanti, in siiid County of Wnshtenaw lying and extending south of the suuth lino of Vil lage lot number two hundred and seventeen [217] in saidi Village tothe Huron River; also all tliat porUon of South street in sa:d Villaje lying and extendingbetween River street an') Mili street, in said Vtflage; nd ulso, all tha alieys lying audextentiíDg between Village lots numbered 218, 21i, 220. 221 . 222, 223, 224, and 225 in said Village. Which said p remises í shall espose for sale at public auction or vcinïue to the higlicst bidder at tb front door of the d"turt House in the City of Ann Arbor Waohtenaw County, and ftate of Michigan, on the 29th day of March, A. D., 18G1 , at ten o'clock in tlie tocenoon f said day, VM. IJ. PAlTOON, Sheriff. By Wm. A. ÍIatoí, Dept. Sheriff Johnson &, Att'ys for riaintiO". Dated, Feb.l. 1861. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT liaving been made in the payment of the sum of moncy ecured by a niortgage, cxecuted by Charles Bower and Joseph I-im.t', to Christopher Hauser, daied March the twenty-sixtb, A. I), 1859P which Mort gage was recorded in the office ot the Register of Deedsof Wasliteuaw County, in LiberNo. tweuty-five, ('h,) of Mortgages, page 556, at twelve olock, A. M.r on thel8th d;iv of &prÜ, A. D., 185G and assigned to Cbnsttan Sa ley on the liith day of October, A. D., 185 by decdof assignment recorded on the 25th day of Au g:st, A.D., 1S60, at 11 "o'clock, A. M., in Liber 2 oí Mortgiijres, on p:ijre HW, and whieh murtgage was asigned to Jame.sF. Feeley onthe4th duy "f üctober, A P. 1860, by deedof assignraent recorded on the 23d day ol October,Á. D. ISüO, at 12 o'clock, noon, in lit r 27 of Mortgages,onpage 312, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage bocamooperatïve.and no ftuitor proceedings having been instituted at la w to recover the debt m-eured thereby orany part thereof, and the sum of one hundred and sixteendollarsand'oixly-twc cents, being now clahned to be due thereoa - Notice is therefore hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortijage premises to wit: All that wrtain traci or piircfl.uf land known and described af follows, to-wit: Being lot X o. ele veo, (H) section numbci fourteon, (14) accordingto the recorded plat of the TilUigi; of Sjiline,or somc part thereof, at public vendue, at the front door of the Court House in the citv of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, on the 'lSth day of March, A.D., at one o'clock P. M. nf sjud dy. JAJUES F. SEEblY, AiBtgneé. Datcd , December 13th,1860. 779td A&T HER A AARKIVAL AT THE flN ff old AND RELIA BLE IWwM CLOTHIWC. EMPORFJM!! ftL-JLNro. s PHCEKTIX BLOCDC, MAIN STREET. Wm. "W-A.C3Hia"E3H, lutsjust rpturncd from the Kastern Cities, with lr and ücsirable tock of FALL AND WINTER 3r O O 3O SU which he is now olfering at unusually Among his Assortment may be found BKOADCLOTIÍS, CASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of alldescriptions, espfcially for FALL AND WIKTER WEAR ! which he is cutting and making to order, in thclatest an ucst stytes, togethcr with a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTEINGí TRUNKS CARPCT BAGS, USIBRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerous other arteles usually found ia similar establishment. As ANEMPOKIUM OFFASHIO the subscribor ftatiir himself, that 4iilong experieno and genera, success.wül enabie him to give the greatent s:itisfaction toall who may trust him in the way of manufaeturing garroents to order. 76ÍHf WM. WAGNER. Ilifle Factoryl A. J. STJTHERJLAND RASremoved hi Gun Shop tothe Nuw Blocknn rfti. tonatreet, south of the vourt House, oiitae second floor, wherebc is propared to furnish Guns, Pistols, Aminunition Flasks, Ponches Game Bags, and Everj other article in bis Line. On the moatreasonable terms. nd to do all klncU off n the ahortest notice, and in the best mannei , tuil asaortment alwayt iiept on hand, ond made to or. Aer. lÜYYOUR CLOÏHING. ■A-t tlio Cleveland Clothing House Whcre tbey now sell Winter Clothing at greatljr REDX7CED PBICBS, . AfewdooM WcstofCbok's Hotel, Huron Stroet, Ann Arbor. 'Mtf A; & C. LOEB.


Old News
Michigan Argus