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Legislative Apportionment Bills

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Both braucbes of the Legislature have passed Senate and House apprrtionmcnt bilis based upon tho recent census. Tho Senate is divided as hiiretoforo into thirty two district, the Constitution fortunately limiting that body to that m nber. Wayne County loses one ; Washtenaw retains two, the districts boing constituted as before ; and the one lost by Wayne is gaincd by the re-arrangemcntof the distriots coinprisiug thonewftr counties. The Stnate apportionment bill satisfies all but Wayne, and the loss of that County is charged upon the "census takers" and not upon the Legislature. In the House apportionmont bill the Legislature bas beon less fortunato. and we havo yet to learn that it satisfies any one - even many of those who voted for it duiüg so with ill-concealed disaatisfaction. It fixea the number of members at one hundred - and hero ïgain the Conititutioo said stop or we might have had a " council of five liundred." This number is entirely too large, it will pedo legmlation without bettcriug it in the least, and involve a largo inoreaso of expense. The inerease was olamorcd for )y the new couuties, and tho less popuous of the old counties coinbincd witli them iu ordor tü increase their representatiun. In tliis fiection of tho State Lenawee gains ono, and Wayno., Jaokson aud Onklaud rctain their present number Wc are confident that the interest of tho State wuuld Irve been ïnuoh betier subeerved by limiting the House to eighty membeiü. S3ST 'J'he Adcetis'-r thinkit that when tho Suprema Court shall have " propnrly" deoided the personal liheify law of this State unconstitutional th#y shoul'l be repealed ; and ays : " The Lêgwtnttire has consulted its dignity by not medrlürijr witli them boforo." '" Dignity J" én I Onr coiamporary had much butler havo BRÍd okstinacy, as that mulish trait would ir.oro cleiirlj' ohar torize the aotion of ttnso legishitors, who rufiiKo to do rightfor fearoi'beng charged with "bucbing down." Forty if tho foty-ne liepublicnn members who vntoi.1 to indafinitely post pone the repe;iling bill in tho Hmipe are jnst as weil convinced of the uuconstitntionality of the personal liberty laws of this Stilte as they would be were a decisión of tho Supremo Court tnado in all due forrn of law LgL" On Monday, the Manie Benate. by a vote of 17 to 10, passed a bilí to repeal the Personal Lib;rty Law of that State. On Friday evening lait, the Michigan House, by n vote of 41 to 23, indofintely pont poned a bill repealing thu imconstitulional Beotiona uJ tho Persona) Liberty Law of this Stato. Michigan Ja more ultra than Mttine, that is if tho aboliiionists of the Legislatura correctly represeiits the State; which we do net believe. G" Tho Demoorutio Stato Convention rrawontbled nt Detroit on the 7th inst., and iinanimoiisly nomina ted Iïon. Charles I. Walker, oí Detroit, as the candidato for Judgo of the Supteme Court. Mr. Walker is one of the ablent lawyers in the State nnd wonld mnke un excellent Judge. We are sorrv to hoar, however, that he has de clined tho nomination. For his reasons see hit lotter in nnother oolumn. L" A very dustructivefire occurred at Sandusky, O., on the 8th icst. The loiscs are estiraated to excecd 850,000.


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Michigan Argus