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Mckinney's Defalcation $81,641 20

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Ex Treasurer .McKinnkï and tlic Board of State Auditors eoncludod a suttlo munt 011 thu 8th instant. MoKinney ppoared iu porson, and by At torne) , wiih vouchers, buoks, papers, etc., and after a fall hearing and argument, tlio Board maile the íollowing award and cutcrcd it 0:1 their records. It provea MoKiünxy a defaultcr in tho smig little sum of $SI, Gil 20, demand fur vrhioh was forin.liy made and paymout refused. TI10 awurd g; " The uudersigned, coustituted by law the Biiard of Üute Auditors lor thu stntismODt betweeu thu Stutu Troasurur and the íState ot' Michigan, met, pursuant to notice giveu by the ocieiary of átate, at the office of tlio Statu Treasirur, 011 tlie 7tli day of Marcli, A. 1). 1861, í"r the ími'DOse of a settleiuont aml final itíut oí' the aeouunts 01 Hou Jolin , Ünttoy, Uto Sute Treasurer. Present, , jr Üe State, Hou. Qliarkw Upsop, , ey Geuenil, and the said Juini ey iu persou, aud Wilüaiu H. Chapinun, , u attomey Tliu liounl so eoiwtitlltadi i avin-r exaiuiíicd n the preser ce of aaid i olm McKiuuey all debite, eredits, claims nd dsnfuuda betwion tUe said Jolm íiimuy, late Mate Treasurer, autl the ( itaie ot Michigan, and the auoouuta of lie said John Mo&inuey presonted befare hem, and haviug beaid t lio tosiiiiiony in elation tu the said matter, and iu relaiou to claims of thu State agukst said fohn MeKmuey late Treasnrtr as aforeaid, wluelx do not appear charged against lim ou the books ut tlie State Treasurer, :iid duo deliberation haviug liad thereon, ind that, on th'i 31st day of December, . D. lb(JU, at which timo iiis term of ifiieo as rit.ite Treusurer expired, tile said loliu MeKini'ey, lato Treusurer as aforemid, w.ts indebted to tho Slate oí' I ran iu the s tui of $110,078 02 as shown y the boük of the State Treasurer; alio, in the lurtiier sum ot' 3-6 380 30 for noneya leetaved by liim as sucli Stato i i'reasurur wliieii do uot slai.d ehárged ; igainst him upou the books o( tiie íState ! l'reasurer at the date last aforesaid, makng a total suin of S136,458 90. '"And the said Board of Ándito; s also ind that, since the date last aforeaatd, the aid John McKinney has paid into tbc Trca.sury and had allowed to h'uu tlio sura ai $54,17 72 to apply on said indebtedness. leaviugiu tlie hands ot said John JMcKiiiuey the sum of $81,041 20, now due and owin to the State of Michigan, and that the said John MoKinney, late Slate Treasurcr. ís ndebtcd to the State of Michigan, on this 8th day of March, A D. 101, in the suin of Ssl.Oil 20. (Siguió "James n, roiti'EU. " Secretar y of S alo "LANÜFORU'3. BEK.KY, " Auilitor Oor.i'i'ftl " SAMUEL. S LACEY, " Commissioner of E&tHtC LaihI Uffico." " And the said Board, upon the finding of the aforesaid balance so due from the said John McKinney to tho State of Michigan, therenpon, on this 8th day of Match, A. D. Iböl, publicly announced to the said John McKinney their said fiíidinír, and t!io amuunt so found dne froiuhim to the said Stato, and dcuianded of him iminediate paymont of tho said amount, bnt said Jolm McKinney neglected to mako auv payment of thé sama (Signed) "JAüfc-SB PORTEK, ' Sccrciary o' Si.ivlo "LANGKOKDÏJ BlilUfY, " Auditor Oenefal " SAMUEL S LACKY. " CommiïMoni-r of Statu Íjiív,ú Otlicc." Tt is now the duty ef tlie authoritics to bring iminediate suit Bgáinst McKisneï's bail lor the recovury of this little balance against" as hoaast a ini as over üved." Two of bis bondsinon are Whitney Jones and Kissley S. Bi.sGnAM, both of whom tho public nro not. without reason to bo. lieve havo profited by thcir conncc.tion with tho lato Treasurer. Will tbe 6Ut be ?


Old News
Michigan Argus