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Seward's Policy

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Wo finl thu following paragrapha in thü Washington uoirespondenue oí the Baltimoro American, and comtnênd tliein to tho oonsideraüon of thnso of our liepublioun friendu ho, iike tl-.o Irishinun, havo been "spilingf r u fight," and buggiog tomé one to liolil ihem. We cai not vouch for the entire correctness of thu st toinentn, but viewed in ;oniieuti()ii with othur move inonts, tliuro is roaaon to piuco some rulimiiie iipon "vhem. A fuw days will lust thuin: Söcretary Seward give3 the confulcnt assiiraiicj to ;ill wlm conversé with i in tliat in nii;u-ii]ies calcijlntod to load to bloodshed will be ittniid to. Hu BnyVi iliu Union iiiust lu save'd, und that ovary liing must ) uld lu thu dltainiiiöiit ol ilii ciid. l tind iho iáouthorn Ooinmissio ers ure to-ciay tj'iitu hopoi'ul as to the rosuk i.f iho misión hei e. They uro ovi doiuly in uj nurry to pruss mattorn ta tin is.sue, as it would ba most impolite just at üiis time, wltn iheie is miüIi au oüiide prosuro upon th l'rusidöiit. Action n iiv would bo defeatj luit relialilü iofunnutioii íi'ii.ii ihnée in a poiiiion to know would indiuuie that toiue ineuDs will Le ugi'tsed ujpon to avoiij ioli.a.oi] betwoeu iho Federal and ' St ito govorniuuiiU. Stsorutnry Sewurd feol.-i coiitident, if collisi -n is uvoided, iho Union neuiimo t willagnin urevail soonur ov hitur in tho soudtd átateü, and tlio Unimi will ba reatored to all its stegfitiy. Mr. Seward will, l undeiMtaod, lay before thu President and Cubinet e-irly mixt wuok hU pöac.e polioy, in aü its details. IIo, it it lid prep'ared a stitomunt, shovving i'ii praclicability of anv fort;o being sed for the colloclion ol' the ruvenur, r the enforctiiRMit of lile law-, and that it oi:l 1 i'equ're', aocrdingto Gen 8-n:t'.s estímalo tt least 3"),00 ) men di gurí non ail the Houtheru furw. He is ooutident ;fsoctiring for his peuuv) iilioy tl.u eanction of Lhu ad ninintrntioa. agf Tlio Senate ha. passod a bilí nppropriating 25,'tOO acres of Swainp Lands to a Gorman University - to bo located in Detroit. It is deaigned to couataraot the political effect of tho " five gallon law." ÍZLr Graob Gukknwcod, will Lecturu on Friilay Evming, Maich I5lh, in the MolhuJist CliDreh ui in


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