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The "peace Policy."

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" Occasional," the well inlormed and generally correct Washington : poodeot of Forncys Pres, says in a recent letter : ' I repeat, that if Mr. Linooln, and ! his fnends in tho Adiniiiistruion, vvill i pursue o peaoefal und ooncilïatory poloy, n few raontha only will have elapsed b"efoie,in every onè of the Cotton Stutes, except, possibly, Sotith Carolina, a hire Po'on iarty iil ho fonned, rbiofa will bo po powerfal aa to ooi pol the chieis now in deliberation at Montgomery, A'abama, either to go into retiroment in their respectivo, or else to Iomvc the soil they have disgra-ed, or i to ily fiom the people they have deoeived." fT Sam Ö008TOM has íofused to tako the oath of a'iogiapoa to the new , government prescribed by the Texas seceding crnveniion, and tho convention hnsaHsumed lo appoint a manto fill bis place. Old Sam is not to be deponed bo easily, and we look lor news of a collision. E5P Tho Missouri Oonvention on Wedneeday voted down a resol ution pledging Missouri to go with tho border States, in tho event of their Beceeion. by a vote of 22 to 68. C It is considere'! certain that an estra eession of Congress vill be called nt nn enrly dy.


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Michigan Argus