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Letter To The Detroit Tribune

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Axx Ai:bob Mni'ch 14ih lf 61. Ta tlio Bütor of the Detroit Tribus: ■" IR :- Tho attentioii of lh meiliral elnss hns becncalied tonn artirlo in your jotitnnl of Mnrch 7th, in wbjeh you indulge in some rotnnrks townrds tlie Professors and studcnts j of the Medical Department of the Universily not wnrrnntcd by the lacts. Bi'lieving that yon would not will nglv !e the mnans of circulntii:g crroncius i when proved to be so, wc .lesire lo state em phatioally, in buhalf of the trjembers of this ! Department, that no such mean of coer. j cion" ns you hnve todioatod wcre rcaort' d to ''' at any time, to precure signaturas lo the remonstrancu ngniiist the establishment of a Homccopnthic chnir. So far from this being Ihe case, it wns a free and opon declarntion in favor of n system of Medieine.en inly opposed toHmpOGopalhy, whieh the scientific woiid r ougnizes na i ; truc inductivo teianoe, and jhieh liasengaged the earnest utlcution of tho fiist minds of &I1 IíhhIs for ages. In regar j to " the insolent interferenoe" of the students in this respect it scems to us to b in strikin.' contrust with the questionnble methi.ds imployed by the friends of the bill to procure nn expressior. frem therw Homos, opa.hisls in this Instilution Not oontent willi inuustriously circulating in 'ecrotnmong its suppoi-ed friends, a p titiop. in fa vor of the bill, nnother document having Ut inceplian in Laming, and tmanating from the lame source, mnkts its ippearanoe for tlie purpose of obtaining signatures, nd to wliich v ames taire atlached without uthority and against the tcithe of the partie How far t'iis ' insolent interferL-nce' is atlributed to the members of the Class, we leave tho public to udge. With no intention tointerfcre, officiously, in any way willi the governnicnt of the Uni vcrsiiy or with any legislative aetion in refcrence to it, we feit cal led upon, in jusl ice to our Professors, to ourselves, ar.d to the profes, sion. tosíate to the Ligislature the fact that nn Institution, co:stitutcd as the bill provided, could not retaiD ihe confidence nnd upport of these most deeply interested ■ ihat a diploma from such a Öehocl would not be a passjiort to on honorable place in the profc-ssion. as a diploma oughttobe ; and that we deemed the destruction of the Medical Dipartment the ineviiable nsultofiu trodticing such a discordant element. of us have come fn m dislant States to attend the lectures of men ol ruro culture and fi'ifh professional attainmonts, not ouly ilie pride of your State, but the whole country The M.dical Diijiartment of the Universily of Michignn, ihrough tbeir energy has coni" to be without a rival in the United States ixcept in tlie Atlantic cities An alliance with Hiino3;pathy would leave no such prestige Under these circumstances wc saw fit to dele nd the welfare of our alma mater, as we do now her honor. In beiialf of the Medical Clats. E S UJiCWKR. 1 H. A CLELAND, A. M. ALLEN, i Committeo. E. P. HAINES, L. P. F1TCH, J Univkesitt of Michigan ) Ann Arbor, Mrch I4th, lStil. ) At a meeting of the Medicl Clas in the Lecture room of the Medical College this morning.the folliwingrenort was miul-by the oou.mittet' appointed at a previous meeting, to investígate certain chnigis of " cceicion'' put frrth by tho friends of Bill contenípiating the is ab ishmeni of H'nncBopalliy in ihis Instiiution as well as otber muiters per taining to the honor of the alMs in this ru speet REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. Your commitiee btg leave to report that a cari'ful ïnvrstigntion of the matter referred to ihcm, somtr new developmcn s for your considemtion It has been s:ertai ed from relinlile source, thnt eertnin individunls, Oiemberi of this class, hnve beonthercady tonls of the ene-mies of ibis Department at hansing ; tlüit nnnue have betn fomnrdcd without the consent of tbc persuns themsclvts; and that ct-rtain aspiring young entlemen wcre to clown their efforts for d' troying the colKge. by cstubliehing a Hnhnemnnnic Society here, of which one of them, for his eni: nent servioe in the oause, was to be President ! We hnve embodied some of these fact with other matters, in he foim of a letter to the " Detroit Tribuno," which is herewith sub mitted, together with tho following resolutions : Resolved. Thnt neaily the entire Mfjical Cluss strongly disappr ve cf ihe conduct of n vtry few of its m'-mbeis wlio have secretly orculated peutioix in favor of Homoeopa hy being tiiught in this college and par.icularly fol se: ding ñames to Lanaing (as wu have coelusive of their having done) without the consent of tho parties them avives. Hesolred, ThaL in doing this, they have commiucd a grave offence, ani are censurable in the highest dtfgre:. E S UUOSIER. 1 H A CLELAND, E P. HAINES, Committee. L P. KiTCH. A. M ALLEN, J On motion of J E. Barrett.tho report of tho cuiniuittee was unai.imously oonourred in. On motion of J. T. Jones. Resolved, That. the letter to the editor of the Del reit Tribune hu tent to that paper for, publicntion, and tlmt the papers of this ei ty and the Detroit Free l'retê be requssted to publish tho proceedings in full. The resiilvtion wns ndopted. On motion the meeting aljournid. EL. BlSSELE.Chairmrm. W. B. Smith, Secretary.


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